
Construction lines for the editor(/easy blanketing)

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +203
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Couldn't find any similar threads, used keywords like "easy blanketing", "blanket guideline" etc.

Hi, the idea behind this is to make doing perfect blankets easier and faster for the mappers, since it seems like a relatively simple way to improve on that.

Simply add a function to draw a circle around a hitobject, such as a hitcircle, by shift+clicking(replace with whatever hotkey works) on the circle to create a center point, then another click to define the radius of the circle(maybe it could jump to distance snap if active, and if you clicked on another visible hitobject, the radius point would be snapped to that). Of course, it'd need another way to remove that circle, maybe shift-click the center object again

This circle could be used as a static reference for blanketing stuff around for the object in the center. I had imagined you could also snap sliderpoints and circles to it, so it'd be even easier to place objects accurately.
A quick mockup for reference(red line to show the points the blanketing circle would be defined by):

I think this would be beneficial to mappers, and would also save some time for modders. What's your opinion on this?
hmm seems like an interesting feature but imo approach circles do the job already
drum drum
It seems like a good idea, even though I don't mod or map Standard.
Also, something like this wouldn't have to be limited to blanketing assistance. It could be used in more than one way. Circles are very useful geometric tools, ya.
Yes please. owo

Kibbleru wrote:

hmm seems like an interesting feature but imo approach circles do the job already
basically this. The editor is already filled with a lot of hotkeys too. I don't think we really need this.
This should be expandedto include a line from a set of points created from by going a set distance tangental from a slider (slider blanket), and/or a way to automatically draw the blanketing slider.
May I suggest the term "Construction Lines" for the title? It's a commonly used terms in CAD/drawing apps for non-object drawing guides.

"Guideline" sounds kind of confusing as in "regulations."
Topic Starter

Oinari-sama wrote:

May I suggest the term "Construction Lines" for the title? It's a commonly used terms in CAD/drawing apps for non-object drawing guides.

"Guideline" sounds kind of confusing as in "regulations."
Yeah, sounds better to me too.

winber1 wrote:

Kibbleru wrote:

hmm seems like an interesting feature but imo approach circles do the job already
basically this. The editor is already filled with a lot of hotkeys too. I don't think we really need this.
Part of the idea was to make objects snap to the placed lines so that it'd be as easy and fast as possible to create blanketing objects(or anything with a set distance from an object not placed directly before or after the object).

Also, i see nothing inherently wrong with adding a new function to the editor, as far as I can tell, anyway!
damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is super interesting
I totally agree the idea of construction lines, it's like an extended customizable "approachcircle". Reason why this is going to be handy is because sometimes one's approach circle is too big, too faded out, and too snapped to timeline. With adjustable size and visible appearance, the construction lines will surely help with any kind of blankets you want.

About snapping tho, it's a totally different thing and it's gonna be hella difficult to implement.
Sliderbody shaping is basically determined by the way slidernodes are placed and they did not have any coordinates programmed on them at all (only sliderheads have coordinates, which explains why you can snap and stack notes on sliderheads but you can't on sliderbodies or slidertails) which means you can't really control the way sliderbodies are shaped unless by just relying on the slidernodes, not to mention how to snap or stack on it.

tl;dr sliderbodies are programmed just to be "floating" above the playfield and you can't really control the way it's going to snap to anything.

Though nothing is impossible, I can't really see how this is going to be simple to implement and might not even worth the result (not all people use like, blankets, and circular slider algorithm had already helped a lot with blanket shaping)

Still, worth a try. Nice idea.
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As far as the snapping goes i had no further thoughts than being able to snap the sliderpoints to it, which would go well with the perfect arc three-point sliders we currently have. I know the bodies themselves would be hard to manipulate in other ways than that. :P
That vote spam XD

Anyways, This would be unbelievably helpful. Take a star.
ahh good idea, I hate to correct blankets every time, it would help a lot.
Kaguya Hourain
Bumped because amazing idea!
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bump because people want this i think
This would make my life so much easier if I continue to map and mod. We need this.
This would be extremely helpful for both mapping and modding. I was inspired by a recent mod post of someone pointing out blanket mistakes, yet having blanket mistakes in his map. This shows making blankets is taxing and tedious and leads to plenty of wasted time getting exact points. I support this feature so much, I made code for it in Java. My programming skills are not that good, but I will learn how to and make an application for you to download that does this. I know some C++, so if you would like I can translate it to that language. Here are some tests I made with the output from the code:

Assumptions about input:
You must hit CTRL + G twice on your slider before you can use it. This sets its endpoint and mid-slider point to the correct places.
This only works for sliders with exactly three points, a head, a middle, and a tail.

distance = sv*distSnap*# of beats*100

With the new version, you just have to give the timestamp from the editor, and select your .osu file from a file chooser.

Distance spacing = 1
Slider velocity = 1
# of beats = 1

Slider objects:

Output (shown in pictures below):

292, 192
328, 155
154, 241
333, 199
355, 167
124, 92

Update 1: I have made some classes and whatnot so now the input is only the timestamp of a slider that you can copy/paste from the editor, and the .osu filename/location. My two problems are that I don't know how to path the program to know the filename/location of your .osu file, and I need to make this into an application, which I will go learn how to do after lunch.

Update 2: I have working code and GUI for everything. Input is only a timestamp and the location of your .osu file, which can be selected in a pop-up once, then stay on that beatmap until you want to change it. The GUI is horrendous however, so I'm gonna polish it up for the next few hours before making a JAR file and hence making an application to download.
Expected problems are that you can only have # of beats as 1, I will fix this soon. -- kind of solved, you can change the dist spacing, so hopefully you can find a blanket you like
If your slider is a circle, this will not blanket the note inside the circle, it will blanket it away from the circle, but clever manipulations of CTRL + H and CTRL + J might let you blanket it anyway (have not tested).
If your distance snap is too small for a blanket to exist, the output will be 0,0.

Update 3: I have a .jar file that works for me here. I will find out how to upload it, hopefully I can upload to osu forum somewhere. Would definitely appreciate the help. The GUI is still very poor, but it works, so there's that. I can continue working on this, but this will be paused until I have more time/interest to expand the program, which if the feedback is good may be soon.

Made it's own thread here: p/3457873/
I hope this idea get's through peppy's eyes!
Personally, I don't feel the need, but Im 100% sure there are many mappers that need this.
The best thing about this is probably that the standard of beatmaps will increase alot --> makes Osu! even more fun ;D
Or, that I don't have to mod blankets anymore!

Good luck with this.

Dolphin wrote:

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