
ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Cold Rain [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2016 at 15:37:31

Title: Cold Rain
Source: 東方Project
Tags: REDALiCE Ayumi Nomiya 野宮あゆみ のみや Dream Battle STILL LOVE Hakurei Reimu Onicorn Touhou 少女綺想曲 Dream Battle 東方永夜抄 Imperishable Night Maiden's Capriccio Stage 4 Uncanny Boss Theme
BPM: 170
Filesize: 5442kb
Play Time: 02:31
Difficulties Available:
  1. Corn's Oni (4.37 stars, 910 notes)
  2. Futsuu (2.07 stars, 369 notes)
  3. Kantan (1.46 stars, 193 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (2.59 stars, 531 notes)
  5. Oni (3.49 stars, 716 notes)
Download: ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Cold Rain
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Check out Yauxo's Mapset of this song for osu!Standard!
Special Thanks <3
Thanks to Onicorn for the Oni Guest Diff.
Thanks to Dolphin for help with the offset.
Thanks to gadrin for help with the timing.
Thanks to Yauxo and Ringating for providing a better mp3 and background.
Thanks to all modders
Fear Kubrick
Checked the offset. Its 136. Apply this to all difficulties and make sure to resnap the inherited points and notes!


00:28:371 = Extend kiai to 00:52:371
01:20:606 = ^ same to 01:44:606
02:07:194 = ^ ^ ... Same to 02:31:194



02:29:606 (19) = Replace with spinner until 02:31:194

00:28:371 / 00:39:665 / 01:20:606 / 01:31:900 / 02:07:194 / 02:28:448 = unnecessary velocity changes



00:26:253 = Delete

00:28:371 / 00:39:665 / 01:20:606 / 01:31:900 / 02:07:194 / 02:28:448 = Change to 1.10x

with 1/4 - 02:29:518 - Add spinner to 02:31:194



00:28:371 / 00:39:665 / 01:20:606 / 01:31:900 / 02:07:194 / 02:28:448 = Change to 1.10x

also your diff seems more than anything like a taiko insane 7/10 stars XD


Onicorn (?) ---- Custom names are not permitted by ranking criteria D:

AR=8 (?)

00:28:371 / 01:20:606 / 02:07:194 = Change to 1.10x

00:39:665 / 01:31:900 / 02:18:448 = change to 1.20 or 1.30x

00:52:371 = Change to 0.80x
00:58:018 = Change to 0.90x
01:09:312 = Change to 1.00x


My mod not good but I try
Hey, quick mod is here, as requested.

This might be just me and my settings, but you probably wanna use grid size large :oops:

Extend the Kiai to the entire chorus, please :3


Looks kind of bare in general. I think you could still add a few notes without making it much harder :P


Looks good, no gripes here :D


Three SV changes seems like too much to me, I would keep it to 2, just my opinion >.>

Edit: If you change it to 2, I think you should keep the 2 faster SV's, and only get rid of the slowest- extend the second-slowest one to the whole verse and use the fast SV for the chorus.

00:22:371 (56) - change to katsu
00:26:253 (76) - maybe change to katsu? try it, maybe not
00:37:547 (117) - katsu and 00:37:900 (119) - don sounds and plays better to me :3
00:40:547 (130) - change this quad to the one you used here 00:27:841 (81) - maybe? again, maybe not, but i think it is more interesting :P
00:48:312 - definitely want to put a don here
00:48:841 (163) - maybe change this pattern to the katsu don don katsu katsu don don i recommended above? maybe not
00:51:135 - maybe put a triple don here, to match the music
01:11:782 (239) - change to don so you aren't doing the same thing 3 times in a row :X
01:14:606 (251) - same as above, recommend changing to katsu don don katsu katsu don don
01:18:488 (271) - same as above, maybe change to katsu maybe not
01:21:488 (281) - change to 'don katsu don katsu, don' ( more interesting and more variety imo :3
01:32:783 (326) - katsu don don don maybe? not sure... try it and see if it is better.
01:33:665 (330) - make this a katsu if you go with the above
01:35:430 (336) - i would change to katsu don don don katsu
01:41:253 (359) - change to katsu
01:43:371 (369) - triple don, as above
02:10:724 (444) - katsu don katsu don katsu- i know you already used it in the second verse, but it works so well i think you should use it again ^w^
02:16:017 (464) - don katsu katsu don don katsu katsu again :P
02:19:371 (479,480,481,482) - invert to katsu don don katsu! it sounds and plays cool
02:23:606 (496) - maybe katsu here
02:27:312 (509) - keep this as it is actually, dont change to pattern i keep suggesting- i think it works well as a way to end the song
02:29:077 (520) - katsu
02:29:430 - don here >:3

Muzu looks really good so far imo! I hope this helps make it even better <3


I'm not good enough at taiko yet to play this, I'm sorry :(
I can say that you definitely should get Onicorn to clean up the composing, put them all in the middle like other diffs; it won't affect gameplay but it will make it a lot cleaner.
Topic Starter
Thanks to xtrem3x and binaryfruit for the modding work ^^

-SV changes applied for all difficulties
-kiai time fixed for all difficulties
-few notes added to kantan
-last note in futsuu replaced with spinner
-patterns fixed and changed in muzukashii overall

Ready for further modding ^^
I'm beginner moder



00:29:430 (87) - change d
00:42:312 (139) - change k
01:21:665 (18) - change d
01:22:018 (20) - change k
01:22:371 (21) - change d
01:33:135 (64) - change k
01:33:312 (65) - change d
01:34:723 (70) - change d
02:29:789 - 02:31:202 - add spiner

Completeness is very high

go go ranked!
Topic Starter
Thank you Charlotte for the modding work ^^

All changes adapted except for the change to d at 01:22:371 (21) (imo it should stay a k since i use this pattern throughout the map).
Patterns are more fun now thanks to the variety you suggested. Thanks again :3
Additional fix: decreased hitsound volume to 80% across all difficulties.

Charlotte wrote:

Completeness is very high

go go ranked!
Ok,but I guess I need a few more mods first ^^
Cold Rain
original song:少女綺想曲 ~ Dream Battle
You should add REDALICE Ayumi Nomiya Dream Battle STILL LOVE Hakurei Reimu to TAG
Topic Starter
Thank you sjoy for the mod ^^
-updated tags

Additional fix: changed some dons to kats on futsuu.
Fear Kubrick_old
I try m4m?

sv -> 1.2?
00:38:253 (18) - k?
01:09:312 (1) - d? k sounds weird.
01:23:429 (6,7) - d k? follow voice.

00:57:311 (9) - k also?

Muzukashii and Oni I think is okay.
sorry, first time modding.
A little mod from me:

-00:18:841 - k
-00:20:253 - d
-00:21:665 - k
-00:23:077 - d
-00:26:783 (14) - move to: 00:26:959
-00:38:783 (19) - move to: 00:38:606 and add k: 00:38:959
-00:50:783 (20,21) - maybe remove them and add spinner 00:50:606 - 00:52:018
-01:31:018 (1) - move to: 01:30:841 and add d: 01:31:194
-01:43:018 (21) - move to: 01:42:841 and add k: 01:43:194
-02:06:312 (9) - move to: 02:06:488
-02:17:606 (19) - move to: 02:17:430 and add d: 02:17:783
-02:29:430 - d
02:29:606 (20) - move to: 02:29:783

-00:50:606 - d
-00:50:783 (27) - move to: 00:50:959
-00:51:488 (28) - move to: 00:51:312
-00:51:665 - d
-01:42:841 - k
-01:43:018 (27) - move to: 01:43:194
-01:53:077 (16) - slider? I suggest to change this into spinner, sliders are good, but short in Taiko.

-00:17:606 (37) - d instead of k
-01:53:077 (129) - change into spinner


Nice for me

My mod will probably point the same as previous mods, follow what you think fits better for you.

Consider removing the speed change in your diffs, as Oni doesn't have any, it's a bit weird lower diffs have them.
The gap Muzukashii - Oni is quite big, as this Oni is quite dense with very few 1/1 spacings and complex 1/4 patterns compared with the Muzukashii which has very few 1/4 triples, you should either tone it down or rename it Inner/Ura Oni and make an easier Oni.

Use at least 1.2 for SV, 1.0 is too low.
I noticed you use similar patterns in the diff, so the suggestions here are also for the next similar points in the music.
00:17:077 - 00:21:312 - This section could play better if you put notes in the 2nd beat of the stanza instead of the 4th beat, it'd help the notes feel stronger, like this, you can change a bit if to fit better your style.

00:26:253 - A note here wouldn't feel bad to follow both vocals and instrumental.
00:29:077 (3) - You could move this to 00:29:430 to follow vocals better, which I think it's your intention here.
00:36:135 (14) - Maybe remove this note, for the same reason as in the previous suggestion, adding that a tiny break would fit nicely here.
00:37:547 (17) - Maybe remove it too, or move it to 00:37:900, for the same purpose as above.
From this point, I'll be pointing the similar points in the music with simpler sentences, as patterns are very similar.
00:40:371 (3) - Move it to 00:40:724.
00:47:430 (14) - Remove.
00:49:900 (18) - You could remove this too if you want to emphasize better the vocals.
00:51:488 (21) - A big kat would fit better here, as it's the same intensity as in the previous note.
01:34:724 (7,8,9,10,11) - Shouldn't this be like a d d kkk pattern? to be consistent with other similar spots in the music.
01:39:312 (15) - This note could be deleted to emphasize vocals better.

As in Kantan, this suggestions apply for later spots in the music.
00:21:665 (11,12) - Maybe remove these two notes to emphasize vocals?
00:47:430 (19) - Try deleting this note to emphasize the vocals better.
00:48:841 (22) - You could move this to 00:49:194 for the same reason as above.
00:49:900 (25) - You could move this to 00:50:606 and maybe change it to a kat for a similar reason.
00:57:311 (9) - Maybe remove this note to separate these two sections in the music, it'd be nicer imo.
02:29:518 (1) - This spinner should begin in 02:29:606 -


As in previous diffs, I'll be pointing just stuff for the first part, as you use very similar patterns in the second and third part.
00:21:312 - 00:25:547 - This is certainly a long 1/2 pattern for a Muzukashii considering your spread, you should consider removing some notes, maybe like this? Or maybe for something that fits your style.

00:25:900 (74) - This note would fit better as kat as it has the same intensity as the previous.
00:29:430 (86) - A kat would fit better here too as vocals are very similar as in the previous pattern.
00:32:959 (100,101) - k D would fit better the song here imo.
00:35:606 (110) - This big note feels very random, it'd be better if you remove it.
00:37:371 (117,118) - Another long 1/2 pattern, you could remove these notes.
00:44:253 (146,147) - k D
00:46:900 (156) - Same as the previous big note.
00:48:665 (162,163) - Remove them.
00:50:606 - I feel like a note is missing here either a don or kat would fit.
00:51:135 (174,175,176,177) - ddd k would fit better here imo, and it'd form a nice pattern with the next d k.
02:29:606 - It'd make more sense if you begin the spinner here, so the player begins to play it along with he hold in the vocals.

00:25:194 - A don would fit nicely and make a nice play
00:26:959 (119) - Remove this note, this would emphasize better 00:27:135 (119,120), which also would be nicer if these two were big notes.
00:38:341 (201) - This would fit better as kat, imo.
00:40:812 (218) - This note would fit better in 00:40:635 along with vocals.
00:43:635 (240) - Move it to 00:43:459, for the same reason as above.
01:17:423 - Add a don.
01:19:194 (156) - Remove this note.
01:19:547 (158) - Maybe make it a big note.
01:23:871 (25) - Move it to 01:23:694.
01:27:753 (53) - Move it to 01:27:577.
01:35:870 (115) - Move it to 01:36:047.
01:39:841 (149) - A don would fit better here imo.
01:40:106 (151) - Move it to 01:40:283 and change it to a don.
02:29:606 - It'd make more sense if you begin the spinner here, so the player begins to play it along with he hold in the vocals.

That'd be all from my part, good luck~
Topic Starter
Thanks to Fear Kubrick, streeteelf and DakeDekanne for the modding work!Fixing in progress. Complete as of 23.09.2014. Ready for further modding ^^

Fear Kubrick wrote:

I try m4m?

sv -> 1.2? fixed
00:38:253 (18) - k? I'd rather keep this a d as of now since there are 3 kats before.
01:09:312 (1) - d? k sounds weird. fixed
01:23:429 (6,7) - d k? follow voice. fixed
sorry, first time modding. As I said, all help is appreciated. Thanks for the mod ^^
Streeteelf and Dake Dekaane mods: Most things fixed, made the kantan simpler as well by using more monotonous patterns and increased some spacings.
Fear Kubrick Mod, Streeteelf Mod and DakeDekaane Mod: Fixes applied.
DakeDekaane Mod: All fixes applied.
Additional fix: removed circles during slower parts of the song, remapped some kiai patterns.
Corn's Oni
All fixes applied by Onicorn
Heya o/

Little does he know, but I originally stole your mp3, which turned out to be a bad file. After some modding q action, Ringating got be a better mp3, which you also might want (better quality, less loss etc)

You want dis:
Offset is 10 (just move all timing sections -126)

No KD, since Ringating did all the work
Topic Starter

Yauxo wrote:

Heya o/

Little does he know, but I originally stole your mp3, which turned out to be a bad file. After some modding q action, Ringating got be a better mp3, which you also might want (better quality, less loss etc)

You want dis:
Offset is 10 (just move all timing sections -126)

No KD, since Ringating did all the work
Thanks for that ^^ Better mp3 applied.
Hi M4M~nice song~
00:30:009 (5) - k
01:22:245 (5) - ^
02:08:833 (5) - ^
00:07:774 (5) - 00:13:421 (14) - k
00:21:186 (45,46) - dk?
00:22:421 (71) - k
00:23:833 (78) - ^
00:35:039 - d
00:43:686 - ^
01:21:804 - ^
01:38:921 - ^
02:25:686 - ^
Corn's Oni
good luck~ :)
Topic Starter
Thanks to -S o r a- for the mod ^^

-S o r a- wrote:

Hi M4M~nice song~
00:30:009 (5) - k
01:22:245 (5) - ^
02:08:833 (5) - ^

All fixed.
Additional fix: changed last kiai hitsounds to match the others.
00:07:774 (5) - 00:13:421 (14) - k

I'd rather keep it a don here to keep the intro simple.
00:21:186 (45,46) - dk?
00:22:421 (71) - k
00:23:833 (78) - ^

I'd rather keep the dons here instead of kats.
00:35:039 - d added
00:43:686 - ^
01:21:804 - ^
01:38:921 - ^
02:25:686 - ^

I didn't take most of the other additions, but made some in other parts of the kiai similar to your suggestions.
Corn's Oni
good luck~ :)
Thanks again for your mod :3 I'll mod your map in return as soon as you update it. M4M done.
Hi :) from my request

00:25:774 (10) - move to 00:26:127
01:18:009 (11) - move to 01:18:362
01:21:892 (4,5) - ctrl+g
01:30:362 - Add note
01:33:186 (5) - d
02:08:481 (4,5) - ctrl+g
02:16:951 - Add note
02:19:774 (4) - d
02:28:951 - Add note
02:29:480 (17) - change to Spinner end at 02:31:068

00:07:774 (5) - k
00:13:421 (14) - ^
00:29:657 (4,5) - ctrl+g
00:55:774 (7) - k
01:21:892 (4,5) - ctrl+g

00:17:657 to 00:19:774 - I think should chenge note >>>
01:09:539 to 01:12:009 - same ^
02:22:068 (82,83) - ctrl+g
02:26:657 (98,99) - ^

I think it good >W<

[Corn's Oni]
01:04:421 (70,71) - ctrl+g
01:04:774 (72) - k
01:04:951 (73) - move to 01:05:127
02:07:245 - move Green line to 02:07:068
02:29:480 (1) - Spinner end at 02:31:068

Good luck :)
Topic Starter
Thanks rew0825 for the mod ^^
so fast

rew0825 wrote:

Hi :) from my request

00:25:774 (10) - move to 00:26:127 fix
01:18:009 (11) - move to 01:18:362 fix
01:21:892 (4,5) - ctrl+g
01:30:362 - Add note fix
01:33:186 (5) - d
02:08:481 (4,5) - ctrl+g
02:16:951 - Add note fix
02:19:774 (4) - d
02:28:951 - Add note fix
02:29:480 (17) - change to Spinner end at 02:31:068 fix

00:07:774 (5) - k fix. so many ppl suggesting this. lol
00:13:421 (14) - ^ fix
00:29:657 (4,5) - ctrl+g
00:55:774 (7) - k fix
01:21:892 (4,5) - ctrl+g

00:17:657 to 00:19:774 - I think should chenge note >>> fix
01:09:539 to 01:12:009 - same ^ fix
02:22:068 (82,83) - ctrl+g fix
02:26:657 (98,99) - ^ fix

I think it good >W< Thanks :3

[Corn's Oni]
01:04:421 (70,71) - ctrl+g fix
01:04:774 (72) - k
01:04:951 (73) - move to 01:05:127
02:07:245 - move Green line to 02:07:068 fix
02:29:480 (1) - Spinner end at 02:31:068 fix

Good luck :)
Thanks again for the mod ^^
A wild mod appears!

  1. >Not following correctly the drums
  2. Offset 2~4
  3. Same OD for Futsuu, Muzukashii and Oni...?
  4. Audio preview point is different on Futsuu (not snapped)
  5. 00:00:010 - Unused inherited point.
  6. It would be better if every diff had the same volume. Also 90~100% would be better, the music is loud. Except from 00:52:245 - to 00:57:892 - .
  7. 01:52:951 (1) - Make the spinner end at 01:55:421 - or 01:55:598 - and place a big note at 01:55:774 - or it feels like the map miss something.
  8. I don't know what happened but slider velocity is messed up. Fix it in the .osu
  9. Open .osu files and replace the last 0 of this line by 125 (or something between 0 and 125) if you want to fix the BG's position in taiko mode.
    //Background and Video events
  1. 00:54:362 (3,4) - k k ? Fits better with the drums here.
  1. I don't think you should put big notes with 1/2 on Futsuu. It doesn't even really fit the music anyway.
  1. 00:16:951 (33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72) - Feels weird to play and off. You really should try following the drums instead of the vocals for this part.
  2. 01:09:186 (218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Same here.
  1. Meh, you're following the vocals and making a lot of inconsistency in the flow of the map because of this. I don't have the right to change your style so I'll just show what bothers me the most.
  2. 00:46:774 (208) - k ? Fits better with the flow of the map imo.
  3. 01:13:421 (314) - Should be a d. 01:12:715 (312) - is d, 01:12:009 (309) - is d and suddenly you break the flow with a random k. And it doesn't fit the music either. 01:14:480 (322) - And this one should be a k.
[Corn's Oni]
  1. 02:07:068 - Kiai should start here.
  2. 00:44:480 (247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255) - ddkkddkkd ? Fits better with the ddk's and kkd before and ddkkdkkkd seems unnecessarily hard.
  3. 01:54:362 (228,230,232) - I don't think there should be big notes here. especially 230 and 232.
Topic Starter
Thanks to Kurosanyan for the modding work ^^

Finally being active again and revived this map. Added Cup and Yauxo's Salad CTB diffs.
Fixing in Progress. Fixing complete. All suggestions applied from Kurosanyan's mod, thinking about changing parts of the kiai times in the oni diff.

Ready for further modding ^^
My side of the m4m o/

d = don
D = finisher don
k = kat
K = finisher kat
I'll try to explain the changes i recommend as best as I can
my opinion i.e. something that isn't totally necessary but makes the map easier and/or more fun
something that should probably get fixed

toggle widescreen support

00:29:304 (3) - a k here sounds a bit better
01:05:657 - add a k; section feels a bit odd without it, but that might just be me
01:21:539 (3) - change to k; same reason as above
02:08:127 (3) - change to k; ^

00:08:480 (6,7,8,9) - ctrl+g; sounds a bit better
00:29:304 (3) - change to k; I feel like this pattern fits a lot better
00:56:480 (8) - change to D; fits the music a little better
01:01:421 (7,8) - ctrl+g and add a d at 01:01:774 - ; sounds and plays better
01:25:245 (12) - change to k; 1/2 kK is a touch too hard
01:49:069 (9) - move to 01:49:245 - ; fits better

00:39:009 (116,117,118,119,120) - change to dkkd k; sounds and plays better
00:52:951 (171) - change to K; fits music better
01:39:186 (86) - change to k; sounds better
02:13:069 (48) - change to k; sounds better

00:52:951 (237) - change to K; fits better
01:58:598 (9) - change to d; fits better

Corn's Oni
00:16:068 (55) - change to k; sounds better
00:52:951 (14) - change to K; fits better
Topic Starter

phatweasul wrote:

My side of the m4m o/

toggle widescreen support
No, this would only be necessary if I had a storyboard. Since I do not use one, I can leave this unchecked.

00:29:304 (3) - a k here sounds a bit better
01:05:657 - add a k; section feels a bit odd without it, but that might just be me
01:21:539 (3) - change to k; same reason as above
02:08:127 (3) - change to k; ^

Added the k at 01:05:657. I'd rather stick to ddk in the other cases to keep things simpler in my opinion.

00:08:480 (6,7,8,9) - ctrl+g; sounds a bit better
00:29:304 (3) - change to k; I feel like this pattern fits a lot better
00:56:480 (8) - change to D; fits the music a little better
01:01:421 (7,8) - ctrl+g and add a d at 01:01:774 - ; sounds and plays better
01:25:245 (12) - change to k; 1/2 kK is a touch too hard
01:49:069 (9) - move to 01:49:245 - ; fits better
All fixed.
00:39:009 (116,117,118,119,120) - change to dkkd k; sounds and plays better
00:52:951 (171) - change to K; fits music better
01:39:186 (86) - change to k; sounds better
02:13:069 (48) - change to k; sounds better
All fixed.

00:52:951 (237) - change to K; fits better
01:58:598 (9) - change to d; fits better
All fixed.

Corn's Oni
00:16:068 (55) - change to k; sounds better
00:52:951 (14) - change to K; fits better
No changes.
Thanks for the mod ^^
Topic Starter
Remap in Progress

Taiko - all diffs complete

Cup - complete
Cold Rain - spacing fix in progress
Platter - accepting guest diff or I will map it myself
I'm from somewhere in the world//runs
Edit:add more modding
BG is too small (i recommand 1240x720 or 1336x768)
Add some HS please ;w;
00:27:186 (4) x304
01:20:833 (7) NC
01:30:362 (7) NC
01:34:245 (7) NC
02:12:362 (8) Clap
00:25:509 (1) i think end of slider at 00:26:657 and place note at 00:27:009 and 00:27:186
01:17:745 (1) same at 00:25:509
01:20:480 (1) remove NC
[Cold Rain]
Add some HS please
*NC is so bad
00:53:480 (27) x336
01:30:627 (5,6,1) (5) x304 (6) x54 (1) x128 because i can't pass this jump it's impossible jump (i'm not sure XD)
I wait for platter :v
I'll mod again at evening :D Sorry for bad english
Topic Starter
Thanks to bank for the mod ^^

bank78952 wrote:

I'm from somewhere in the world//runs
Edit:add more modding
BG is too small (i recommand 1240x720 or 1336x768)

It said "Background images must be at a maximum of 1024x768 pixels for 4:3, 1366x768 pixels for 16:9. Although 1366x768 (16:9) is recommended, most background ratios that are 4:3 or 16:9 should also work reasonably well (for example, 800x600 or 852x480).", on the wiki so I went with a smaller bg. Gonna think about getting another one though.
Add some HS please ;w;
00:27:186 (4) x304
01:20:833 (7) NC
01:30:362 (7) NC
01:34:245 (7) NC Gonna fix nc and hitsounds on next update. Thanks for reminding me ^^
02:12:362 (8) Clap
00:25:509 (1) i think end of slider at 00:26:657 and place note at 00:27:009 and 00:27:186
01:17:745 (1) same at 00:25:509
01:20:480 (1) remove NC
[Cold Rain]
Add some HS please
*NC is so bad I know, because it's not finished XD
00:53:480 (27) x336
01:30:627 (5,6,1) (5) x304 (6) x54 (1) x128 because i can't pass this jump it's impossible jump (i'm not sure XD)
I wait for platter :v Gonna either map it myself or ask for another guest diff, should be added on next update.
I'll mod again at evening :D Sorry for bad english
This diff is still work in progress. Combos and placement of notes not final. CTB is the reason this mapset is still in w.i.p/help and not in pending.
Thanks again for the mod ^^
I will fix the diffs on next update.
hi, Taiko Mod request from my queue.

tooooooooooooooooooo late sorry(:_;)

  1. d=Don
  2. D=Big Don
  3. k=Katsu
  4. K=Big Katsu
no problem~

  1. 00:56:480 - change to D. this idea is subjective.
  1. 00:46:245 - change to k. I think that this one is desirable when I think about the interval of the vocal.
  2. 01:38:480 - ^
  3. 02:25:068 - ^

[Lite Oni]
All seems fine~

[Corn's Oni]
  1. 00:19:157 - remove.with the chorus thought that should reduce a sound here to modulate it.
[Futsuu & Muzukashii & Lite Oni]

  1. 00:56:480 ~ 00:57:892 - I think that you should use the D or K effectively a little more here.

that's all. Bad English sorry(:_;) good luck~
Topic Starter

SKSalt wrote:

hi, Taiko Mod request from my queue.

tooooooooooooooooooo late sorry(:_;) Don't worry, Thank you for modding my map ^^

  1. d=Don
  2. D=Big Don
  3. k=Katsu
  4. K=Big Katsu
no problem~

  1. 00:56:480 - change to D. this idea is subjective.

  1. 00:46:245 - change to k. I think that this one is desirable when I think about the interval of the vocal.
  2. 01:38:480 - ^
  3. 02:25:068 - ^


[Lite Oni]
All seems fine~

[Corn's Oni]
  1. 00:19:157 - remove.with the chorus thought that should reduce a sound here to modulate it.
[Futsuu & Muzukashii & Lite Oni]

  1. 00:56:480 ~ 00:57:892 - I think that you should use the D or K effectively a little more here.
Changed some things around.

that's all. Bad English sorry(:_;) good luck~
Thanks for the mod ^^

Alright, I'd better hurry up and finish mapping the CTB diffs.........
Slight metadata thing.

Change the source to 東方Project as that's technically the correct way of stating the series' name.

Move Touhou to tags after you're done with that.

don't give me kd, this is just a small thing that you might as well change 'cause it's only going to be requested later on down the road.
Topic Starter

Dainesl wrote:

Slight metadata thing.

Change the source to 東方Project as that's technically the correct way of stating the series' name.

Move Touhou to tags after you're done with that.

don't give me kd, this is just a small thing that you might as well change 'cause it's only going to be requested later on down the road.
Thanks for that ^^

Will fix tags and source on next update along with CTB diffs.

Updated, fixed source and tags. R.I.P CTB diffs.

Edit 29.06.2015: Minor fixes in Kantan and Lite Oni.
Hi. from my queue.
[ Lite Oni]
  1. 00:52:245 SEVol is so small. i recommend to change to 70~80%.
  2. 00:57:009 (16) - D is better imo. it's so fit similar as 00:56:480 (13) - .
  3. 01:07:420 (28) - k ?
  4. 01:44:480 (158) - D. i think it'll be so good accent.
  5. 02:03:892 put k here, and move spinner start point to 02:04:245. try this. i think it's better.
  6. 02:07:068 (5) - change to D. see above.
[ Corn's Oni]
  1. 00:16:068 (55) - Remove Finish. it's bit noisy for me.
  2. SEVol is so small. i recommend to change to 70~80%.
  3. 01:44:480 (181) - Finsih? if you don't like it, ignore this :3
  4. OD can be +1.0
nice diffs lol
good luck! :)
Topic Starter
Thanks tasuke912 for the mod and star!

tasuke912 wrote:

Hi. from my queue.
[ Lite Oni]
  1. 00:52:245 SEVol is so small. i recommend to change to 70~80%.
  2. 00:57:009 (16) - D is better imo. it's so fit similar as 00:56:480 (13) - .
  3. 01:07:420 (28) - k ?
  4. 01:44:480 (158) - D. i think it'll be so good accent.
  5. 02:03:892 put k here, and move spinner start point to 02:04:245. try this. i think it's better.
  6. 02:07:068 (5) - change to D. see above.
[ Corn's Oni]
  1. 00:16:068 (55) - Remove Finish. it's bit noisy for me.
  2. SEVol is so small. i recommend to change to 70~80%.
  3. 01:44:480 (181) - Finsih? if you don't like it, ignore this :3
  4. OD can be +1.0
All changes applied for both diffs.

nice diffs lol Yay ^^
good luck! :)
Thanks again ^^

Finish changes applied to other diffs as well.

straight from here

[ General]

  1. Everything looks fine, buuuuuuuuuuuut I suggest adding an inherit at 01:55:686 - and reducing volume to 70-80%, I think that part should have less volume
[ Kantan]

  1. The difficulty is consistent and well patterned, great job. Buuuuuuuuuut HP3 is way too low. Consider HP5 or higher. To understand why I suggest this, check this post
[ Futsuu]

  1. Same than Kantan, higher HP would be a better idea. That's all. The consistency of this difficulty made me almost cry*
*tears of joy, that is :^)

Great job.

[ Muzukashii]

  1. 00:33:715 (96,97) - Only got the suggestion to swap these 2 and turn 00:34:245 (98) - into a k, for all kiais.
  2. 00:41:657 (130) - Aaaaand maybe move this one to 00:41:833 - to maintain the consistency of the rhythm (even if this is a kiai). Apply to all kiais in case you accepted
Not much more to add, consistent difficulty again and well patterned. Congratulations

[ Lite Oni]

  1. 00:38:921 (152) - I think this sounds rather as a d, since pitch doesn't start to go up until 00:39:009 (153) - , so I suggest ddkkd - if accepted, apply to all kiais
  2. 00:51:009 (223,224,225,226,227) - Try ddkkd here too and tell me what do you think
These are the only I can think of, good job for the #19081974148 time

[ Corn's Oni]

  1. 01:36:803 (123) - Shouldn't this be a d instead?
  2. 02:07:862 (287) - Try a d instead here
That's pretty much it. The mod is short but this is all I could find. Good look on the rank, ask BNs for a check, I think it is really close to a bubble

Gogo╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:


straight from here

[ General]

  1. Everything looks fine, buuuuuuuuuuuut I suggest adding an inherit at 01:55:686 - and reducing volume to 70-80%, I think that part should have less volume
Added a section with 80% Vol.

[ Kantan]

  1. The difficulty is consistent and well patterned, great job. Buuuuuuuuuut HP3 is way too low. Consider HP5 or higher. To understand why I suggest this, check this post
I'm not sure I agree with this, gonna leave it for now, will change if further mods insist on this. Applies to futsuu as well.Increased hp drain on Kantan.

[ Futsuu]

  1. Same than Kantan, higher HP would be a better idea. That's all. The consistency of this difficulty made me almost cry*
*tears of joy, that is :^)

Great job.

[ Muzukashii]

  1. 00:33:715 (96,97) - Only got the suggestion to swap these 2 and turn 00:34:245 (98) - into a k, for all kiais.
  2. 00:41:657 (130) - Aaaaand maybe move this one to 00:41:833 - to maintain the consistency of the rhythm (even if this is a kiai). Apply to all kiais in case you accepted
No changes here. I think the first works well to the build up in the music at 00:38:127 (115) and ddd d k plays simpler in my opinion.
Second, I prefer to end the pattern on the white ticks here for the instruments.

Not much more to add, consistent difficulty again and well patterned. Congratulations

[ Lite Oni]

  1. 00:38:921 (152) - I think this sounds rather as a d, since pitch doesn't start to go up until 00:39:009 (153) - , so I suggest ddkkd - if accepted, apply to all kiais
  2. 00:51:009 (223,224,225,226,227) - Try ddkkd here too and tell me what do you think
Changed to kkkkd instead for the first suggestion, no changes for the second. This is because the lite oni contains mainly monotonous or ddddk 5-note 1/4 patters, so I think kkkkd fits better for the overall appearance of the map.

These are the only I can think of, good job for the #19081974148 time

[ Corn's Oni]

  1. 01:36:803 (123) - Shouldn't this be a d instead?
  2. 02:07:862 (287) - Try a d instead here
Changed the second one + additional fixes to last kiai by Onicorn.

That's pretty much it. The mod is short but this is all I could find. Good look on the rank, ask BNs for a check, I think it is really close to a bubble

Gogo╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Thanks a lot for your mod!

Update as of 26.12.2015: Further adjusted HP Drain and OD across all difficulties.

in Tags added "Comiket85 野宮あゆみ Stage 4 uncanny boss theme 少女綺想曲 Shōjo Kisōkyoku Maiden's Capriccio 東方永夜抄 Eiyashou Eternal Night Vignette Imperishable Night"

no kudosu
Topic Starter

LigerZero wrote:

in Tags added "Comiket85 野宮あゆみ Stage 4 uncanny boss theme 少女綺想曲 Shōjo Kisōkyoku Maiden's Capriccio 東方永夜抄 Eiyashou Eternal Night Vignette Imperishable Night"

no kudosu
Thank You!

Updated metadata. Inlcuded the stuff that's also on the wiki.
and i have in computer album still love i'm have 41 albums (size 3.6 GB) alice's emotion in computer (original album and touhou)
M4M for t/434477

Requested difficulty: Oni

00:13:157 (38,39) I would remove those two notes to bring this part a little more in line with 00:07:421 (9) and accentuate this one beat a little more. But if you want to build up the difficulty quickly leaving it as is would be okay as well
00:23:921 add a k
00:52:951 How about making this a finisher? Would fit the sound perfectly
01:16:157 Add a k
01:44:480 (181) I would make this one a k finisher (personal taste to fit the mapped sound better)
01:49:068 (202) d

General suggestion: move the preview point up to 00:27:539 to prevent it from constantly looping over the last refrain when you are idle over the song (it would be the same preview but it would idle loop over most of the song instead)

It is well mapped overall and holds togetherl even after multiple plays. I think this one would be fine to march onwards toward ranking

I wish you the best of luck with your map =)
Topic Starter

5urface wrote:

M4M for t/434477

Requested difficulty: Oni

00:13:157 (38,39) I would remove those two notes to bring this part a little more in line with 00:07:421 (9) and accentuate this one beat a little more. But if you want to build up the difficulty quickly leaving it as is would be okay as well
00:23:921 add a k
00:52:951 How about making this a finisher? Would fit the sound perfectly
01:16:157 Add a k
01:44:480 (181) I would make this one a k finisher (personal taste to fit the mapped sound better)
01:49:068 (202) d

General suggestion: move the preview point up to 00:27:539 to prevent it from constantly looping over the last refrain when you are idle over the song (it would be the same preview but it would idle loop over most of the song instead)

It is well mapped overall and holds togetherl even after multiple plays. I think this one would be fine to march onwards toward ranking

I wish you the best of luck with your map =)
Everything fixed except for the last two suggestions by Onicorn. Thanks for the mod!

-8ms ~ -16ms to all offset


00:16:245 (16) - remove and add a kat at 00:17:657
00:22:951 (6) - move to 00:23:304
00:24:362 (8) - move to 00:24:715
00:27:892 (11) - remove.
00:36:715 (16,17,18,19) - k _ d d k
00:39:186 (20) - remove.
01:08:480 (16) - remove and add a kat at 01:09:892
01:15:186 (6) - move to 01:15:539
01:16:597 (8) - move to 01:16:951
01:28:950 (16,17,18,1) - k _ d d k
02:15:539 (16,17,18,19) - k _ d d k
02:28:951 - add a kat


00:56:480 (9) - add Finish
00:56:833 (10) - remove Finish
00:57:892 (1) - add Finish
02:21:185 (10,11,12,13,14) - k k ddd k


00:13:421 (20,21,22) - k d _ _ k
00:57:892 (1) - add Finish
01:05:656 (20,21,22) - k d _ _ k
02:00:362 (14,15) - d k (1/2)
02:10:774 - add a kat
02:22:068 - add a kat


00:57:892 (1) - add Finish

[Inner Oni]

01:18:892 (157) - add Finish
Topic Starter
Thanks to Nyan for the mod!

Nyan wrote:


-8ms ~ -16ms to all offset Changed offset to 3.


00:16:245 (16) - remove and add a kat at 00:17:657 I think this is fine as it is for instruments.
00:22:951 (6) - move to 00:23:304
00:24:362 (8) - move to 00:24:715
00:27:892 (11) - remove.
00:36:715 (16,17,18,19) - k _ d d k I want to keep this pattern for the instruments
00:39:186 (20) - remove.
01:08:480 (16) - remove and add a kat at 01:09:892
01:15:186 (6) - move to 01:15:539
01:16:597 (8) - move to 01:16:951
01:28:950 (16,17,18,1) - k _ d d k see above
02:15:539 (16,17,18,19) - k _ d d k ^
02:28:951 - add a kat


00:56:480 (9) - add Finish
00:56:833 (10) - remove Finish
00:57:892 (1) - add Finish
02:21:185 (10,11,12,13,14) - k k ddd k


00:13:421 (20,21,22) - k d _ _ k I think the current pattern is better for emphasis of the instruments.
00:57:892 (1) - add Finish
01:05:656 (20,21,22) - k d _ _ k see above
02:00:362 (14,15) - d k (1/2)
02:10:774 - add a kat
02:22:068 - add a kat


00:57:892 (1) - add Finish

[Inner Oni]

01:18:892 (157) - add Finish
No reply = fixed.

I'll come.

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