
DJ Poochies - The Landing

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 19 сентября 2014 г. at 7:52:14

Artist: DJ Poochies
Title: The Landing
Source: Final Fantasy VIII
Tags: remix 植松伸夫 Nobuo Uematsu 8 ff8 ffviii orchestra violin ost instrumental square enix digicube ファイナルファンタジーVIII
BPM: 222
Filesize: 5941kb
Play Time: 01:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2,11 stars, 169 notes)
  2. Hard (3,65 stars, 344 notes)
  3. Insane (5,17 stars, 508 notes)
  4. Normal (1,63 stars, 123 notes)
Download: DJ Poochies - The Landing
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
перетаймил, потестировал руками Элвиса, вроде не спешит. советую заменить, потому что там не только замедление поменялось, а вообще всё
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спасибо (:
lol can i made hard diff?
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sure (:
from my queue:

Initially I thought your bg was near perfect minus the slightly bad looking text (there are lines of darker pixels lining the lighter letters for some reason), so I went and searched for a better image just to correct the text. I found this, which improves in detail in the wings on the girl as well as the text and (arguably) the overall color scheme. I then made 4 slightly different versions based off that. Here they are:

also all the images are jpg instead of png, because this particular image didn't lose hardly any noticeable detail from max quality jpg instead of png, yet saves ~1 mb (more for the non-smoothed images, less for the smoothed) when using jpg instead of png.

also, the smoothed versions lose the detail on the wings, similar to your original version, so that is something to bear in mind when choosing.

no kudosu
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thanks Ringating
unfortunately quality is still far from good, i guess i should just find another bg... :o
как заказывал с:
  1. Почему бы не обрезать конец мп3? Там как минимум 10 секунд без музыки. Не так уж, вроде бы, важно, но все-таки обрежь конец.
  • Помимо проблемы со сложностью этой диффы, есть несколько предложений
  1. 00:07:735 (1,1) - Спиннер заканчивается слишком близко к слайдеру + его начало далеко от середины. Начни слайдер ближе к центру.
  2. 00:19:272 (2,1) - Лично мне не нравятся такие слайдеры, я бы раздвинула якоря немного:
  3. 00:32:272 (1,2) - Бланкет может быть немного лучше.
  4. 00:33:415 (2,1) - ^
  5. 00:37:415 (3,1) - Легчайшая это диффа или нет, это запутает игрока. ДС позволяет отодвинуть (1) на должное расстояние. Знаю, придется переставлять объекты, но для таких дифф, как изи и нормал, подобные паттерны лучше не использовать
  6. 00:47:415 (3,2) - Поправь оверлап немного, хотя это уже нази.
  7. 00:53:408 (3,1) - Бланкет.
  8. 01:08:830 (3,4) - ^
  9. 01:21:684 (2) - Предлагаю повернуть:
    Настаиваю на Изике!
  1. 00:18:558 (1,2,3,4) - Тут флоу сбивается. может удалишь (3), поставишь реверс на (2)?
  2. 00:56:835 (1,4) - Обводку можно немного подправить.
  3. 01:29:469 (1,1) - Как и в нормале, мало времени и слишком далеко от середины. Закончи спиннер хотя бы 01:31:398 - тут
  4. 01:33:684 (6,1,3) - Ну.. попробуй что-то с бланкетом сделать.
НК-мод, ибо я нуб в инсах :<
  1. 00:39:129 (7) - НК
  2. 00:45:986 (8) - ^
  3. 00:49:415 (1) - ^
  4. 01:00:976 (8) - ^
Не очень удачный выбор композиции на мой взгляд, трудно это мапать :с Но все равно удачи! с:
Topic Starter

AlexaBM wrote:

как заказывал с:

  1. Почему бы не обрезать конец мп3? Там как минимум 10 секунд без музыки. Не так уж, вроде бы, важно, но все-таки обрежь конец.
    там фейд аут, да пусть будет, не страшно

  • Помимо проблемы со сложностью этой диффы, есть несколько предложений
  1. 00:07:735 (1,1) - Спиннер заканчивается слишком близко к слайдеру + его начало далеко от середины. Начни слайдер ближе к центру.
    подумаю куда двинуть, что-то с ходу не придумал
  2. 00:19:272 (2,1) - Лично мне не нравятся такие слайдеры, я бы раздвинула якоря немного:
    подвинул немного
  3. 00:32:272 (1,2) - Бланкет может быть немного лучше.
  4. 00:33:415 (2,1) - ^
  5. 00:37:415 (3,1) - Легчайшая это диффа или нет, это запутает игрока. ДС позволяет отодвинуть (1) на должное расстояние. Знаю, придется переставлять объекты, но для таких дифф, как изи и нормал, подобные паттерны лучше не использовать
    да уж, отовиднуть не то слово (:
    пока оставлю как есть, если еще будут комментарии по поводу будем думать
  6. 00:47:415 (3,2) - Поправь оверлап немного, хотя это уже нази.
  7. 00:53:408 (3,1) - Бланкет.
  8. 01:08:830 (3,4) - ^
  9. 01:21:684 (2) - Предлагаю повернуть:
    можно и повернуть

    Настаиваю на Изике!
    ох.... не взлетит же
  1. 00:18:558 (1,2,3,4) - Тут флоу сбивается. может удалишь (3), поставишь реверс на (2)?
    не знаю...
  2. 00:56:835 (1,4) - Обводку можно немного подправить.
  3. 01:29:469 (1,1) - Как и в нормале, мало времени и слишком далеко от середины. Закончи спиннер хотя бы 01:31:398 - тут
    уменьшил спиннер
  4. 01:33:684 (6,1,3) - Ну.. попробуй что-то с бланкетом сделать.
    он там не особо нужен имо
НК-мод, ибо я нуб в инсах :<
  1. 00:39:129 (7) - НК
  2. 00:45:986 (8) - ^
  3. 00:49:415 (1) - ^
  4. 01:00:976 (8) - ^
    а я не особо люблю когда мои нк трогают, лол, энивей вроде ничего особо страшного
Не очень удачный выбор композиции на мой взгляд, трудно это мапать :с Но все равно удачи! с:
спасибо (:
As requsted. Will mod in Sieg's native language :)

  1. 8 в тэгах вообще ни к месту. Для поиска не сработает, и выглядит не очень в тему. Убери пожалуйста, хорошо?
  2. У тебя нет широкоформатной сториборды, выключи поддержку вайдскрина.
  1. 00:05:540 (3) - у тебя тут поменялся тайминг и еще и секция сдвинута, хотя бы поэтому имеет смысл поставить НК. + Предыдущие комбы были короче, так что НК тут сделет твой комбоинг чуть ровнее.
  2. 00:13:490 (1) - незначительно - такая форма слайдеров выглядит не совсем аккуратно. Лично я бы предпочел что-то более классическое, как например вот это. Суть не меняется, выглядит несколько спокойнее и аккуратнее.
    Важно: если меняешь этот, остальные такие же тоже надо менять. Но дело твое, я не настаиваю, т.к. это просто пожелание. :)
  3. 00:23:701 (1,1) - незначительно - оверлап слегка заметен во время теста. Если выключить Snaking Sliders, то будет не очень красиво, если оставить включенными, то просто слегка заметно. Может изменить изгиб (1), чтоб избежать этого оверлапа?
  4. 00:50:410 - вот тут бы круто вписался серкл с НК. Ты так уже делал с предыдущими паттернами, так что хотя бы для согласованности ритма имеет смысл ставить серкл.
    Важно: если поставишь там серкл с НК, не забудь убрать НК с 00:50:838 (1) - просто напоминаю.
  5. 00:51:409 (2,1) - уж очень близко хвост этого слайдера. Новички могут запутаться, сглупить и нажать на хвост. На тайко скорости и БПМ лучше делать паттерны интуитивно понятными, чтоб избежать проблем. (Я сомневаюсь, что новички понимают, что такое флоу, так что он им не поможет)
    Важно: 00:53:408 (3,1,2) - аналогично вот тут. Но тут сложно еще и потому, что (2) тоже стоит на пути и вылезает слишком рано.
  6. 00:57:978 (2,3) - не самый хороший переход, ну да ладно. Хотя бы НК сюда поставь, тогда этот не совсем аккуратный переход будет логичен и сыграется не так плохо + НК хорошо впишется по музыке и паттерну.
  7. 01:10:543 (1,2) - такие штуки более характерны хардам-инсам и в нормале ну совсем не смотрится/играется. Может быть, ты найдешь что-то более примитивное и приемлемое для самой легкой дифы мапсета?
    Важно: 01:20:255 (2) - что-то подобное, что бы новичок или просто неопытный игрок, мог подхватить объект.
  8. 01:13:970 (3) - я не совсем уверен, но он звучит лучше, если закончить на (01:14:398 - красном тике). Следующий слайдер начинается на белом и особых проблем с играбельностью тут не возникнет.
  9. 01:15:684 (5,1) - попробуй свапнуть НК или поставить НК на 5. Там сзвучит очень мощный бит и выделить его имеет смысл.
  10. 01:35:112 (1) - одинокий и грустный, может имеет смысл заменить его спиннером? Вроде вписывается + явно будет более ровный в плане ритма.

    Несколько грубовато и тяжело для самой легкой дифы, но учитывая БПМ, это очень даже неплохо. Хотя было бы замечательно поднабрать побольше модов/мнений.
  1. 00:05:540 (3,4) - сюда или сюда комбу. Было бы круто, т.к. предыдущие паттерны были короче, да и вообще, НК дают больше ХП, что может буквально спасти игроков с плохой (как у бакари) аккуратностью.
  2. 00:12:942 (5) - незначительно - то же, что и в нормале. Но тут уж совсем не обязательно, т.к. ту это уж точно не смутит игроков. :)
  3. 00:18:986 (2,3) - вохможно я туплю, или переход действительно не играется. Ну не движется курсор туда, неестественно это выглядит. К несчастью, ничего лучше в голову не лезет, так что оставляю это на тебя, прости.
  4. 00:34:844 (4) - вместо прямой, было бы лучше продолжить флоу и сместить этот серкл по диагонали. Что-то типа этого.
  5. 00:37:129 (5,1) - после 1/2 джампа игроки получают разгон и внезапный 1/1 стак полностью останавливает флоу. Этот контраст не совсем вписывается в песню и играется не совсем приятно. Попробуй анстакнуть, чтоб дать ровное-плавное замедление.
  6. 00:38:844 (4,8) - т.к. звучат эти слайдеры иначе, можно придать им какую-нибудь особенную форму. Ну, ты понял.
  7. 00:55:979 (3) - я понимаю, что слайдер до конца не надо доводить, но джамп все равно лишний и слишком большой. Попробуй инвертировать его или еще как-то уменьшить ДС, сделать плавнее.
  8. 01:33:112 (4) - значительно меняется музыка и паттерн, я бы поставил НК или хотя бы слегка отдалил от предыдущих слайдеров.
  9. 01:37:112 (4) - опять же, НК, по ощущениям, ну прям очень нужно тут. Я даже не знаю, как объяснить, просто затести с НК, а потом без НК. Играется значительно лучше в первом случае, на мой взгляд.

    Неплохая дифка, в основном мне не очень понравился комбоинг. По ритму сложновато, но без этого никак, да и ОД низкий, так что все должно быть нормально.
  1. Снизь ОД хотя бы на 0,5. У тебя стримы на 210 БПМ с таким ОД, что это больше похоже на экстру. :(
  2. 00:05:540 (3,4) - ты и сам уже догадался, что я опять про комбоинг.
  3. 00:36:844 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - звучит несколько овермапнуто. Вообще, советую присмотреться ко всем стримам в этой части, овермапать все же не стоит. :(
  4. 00:48:129 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - а вот это очень жестоко. Не говорю, что плохо, а именно жестоко. Поспрашивай игроков, может сильно выбиваться из общей сложности дифы, но мне нравится.
  5. 01:01:262 (11) - цепочка комбо слишком длинная получается и ХП дрейн напрягает. НК тут поднимет ХП и впишется в паттерн.
  6. 01:29:469 (1,1) - чувак, это слишком быстро, даже для инса. 210 БПМ, игрокам нужно время, чоб довести курсор до слайдера. Хотя бы 1/1 пробел оставь, пожалуйста.

    Неплохая дифа. Мне все нравится, но я бы еще немного поискал модов, чтоб было вообще хорошо.
Как обычно, Нормал можно допилить, хард и инс более-менее хороши. Изи конечно не помешал бы, но тут его не замапать, да и нормал упростить не получится больше, так что в этом плане все номально.


Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

As requsted. Will mod in Sieg's native language :)

  1. 8 в тэгах вообще ни к месту. Для поиска не сработает, и выглядит не очень в тему. Убери пожалуйста, хорошо?
    для поиска в самой осу работает
  2. У тебя нет широкоформатной сториборды, выключи поддержку вайдскрина.
  1. 00:05:540 (3) - у тебя тут поменялся тайминг и еще и секция сдвинута, хотя бы поэтому имеет смысл поставить НК. + Предыдущие комбы были короче, так что НК тут сделет твой комбоинг чуть ровнее.
  2. 00:13:490 (1) - незначительно - такая форма слайдеров выглядит не совсем аккуратно. Лично я бы предпочел что-то более классическое, как например вот это. Суть не меняется, выглядит несколько спокойнее и аккуратнее.
    Важно: если меняешь этот, остальные такие же тоже надо менять. Но дело твое, я не настаиваю, т.к. это просто пожелание. :)
    не все но к
  3. 00:23:701 (1,1) - незначительно - оверлап слегка заметен во время теста. Если выключить Snaking Sliders, то будет не очень красиво, если оставить включенными, то просто слегка заметно. Может изменить изгиб (1), чтоб избежать этого оверлапа?
    он там должен быть
  4. 00:50:410 - вот тут бы круто вписался серкл с НК. Ты так уже делал с предыдущими паттернами, так что хотя бы для согласованности ритма имеет смысл ставить серкл.
    Важно: если поставишь там серкл с НК, не забудь убрать НК с 00:50:838 (1) - просто напоминаю.
  5. 00:51:409 (2,1) - уж очень близко хвост этого слайдера. Новички могут запутаться, сглупить и нажать на хвост. На тайко скорости и БПМ лучше делать паттерны интуитивно понятными, чтоб избежать проблем. (Я сомневаюсь, что новички понимают, что такое флоу, так что он им не поможет)
    Важно: 00:53:408 (3,1,2) - аналогично вот тут. Но тут сложно еще и потому, что (2) тоже стоит на пути и вылезает слишком рано.
    так задумано
  6. 00:57:978 (2,3) - не самый хороший переход, ну да ладно. Хотя бы НК сюда поставь, тогда этот не совсем аккуратный переход будет логичен и сыграется не так плохо + НК хорошо впишется по музыке и паттерну.
  7. 01:10:543 (1,2) - такие штуки более характерны хардам-инсам и в нормале ну совсем не смотрится/играется. Может быть, ты найдешь что-то более примитивное и приемлемое для самой легкой дифы мапсета?
    Важно: 01:20:255 (2) - что-то подобное, что бы новичок или просто неопытный игрок, мог подхватить объект.
    подумаю, пока оставлю, мне нравится
  8. 01:13:970 (3) - я не совсем уверен, но он звучит лучше, если закончить на (01:14:398 - красном тике). Следующий слайдер начинается на белом и особых проблем с играбельностью тут не возникнет.
    как-то упустил этот момент
  9. 01:15:684 (5,1) - попробуй свапнуть НК или поставить НК на 5. Там сзвучит очень мощный бит и выделить его имеет смысл.
    добавил там кружок
  10. 01:35:112 (1) - одинокий и грустный, может имеет смысл заменить его спиннером? Вроде вписывается + явно будет более ровный в плане ритма.
    а по-моему круто

    Несколько грубовато и тяжело для самой легкой дифы, но учитывая БПМ, это очень даже неплохо. Хотя было бы замечательно поднабрать побольше модов/мнений.
    да, надо еще будет почистить
  1. 00:05:540 (3,4) - сюда или сюда комбу. Было бы круто, т.к. предыдущие паттерны были короче, да и вообще, НК дают больше ХП, что может буквально спасти игроков с плохой (как у бакари) аккуратностью.
    тут лишее уже имо
  2. 00:12:942 (5) - незначительно - то же, что и в нормале. Но тут уж совсем не обязательно, т.к. ту это уж точно не смутит игроков. :)
  3. 00:18:986 (2,3) - вохможно я туплю, или переход действительно не играется. Ну не движется курсор туда, неестественно это выглядит. К несчастью, ничего лучше в голову не лезет, так что оставляю это на тебя, прости.
    буду думать
  4. 00:34:844 (4) - вместо прямой, было бы лучше продолжить флоу и сместить этот серкл по диагонали. Что-то типа этого.
  5. 00:37:129 (5,1) - после 1/2 джампа игроки получают разгон и внезапный 1/1 стак полностью останавливает флоу. Этот контраст не совсем вписывается в песню и играется не совсем приятно. Попробуй анстакнуть, чтоб дать ровное-плавное замедление.
    так и задумано
  6. 00:38:844 (4,8) - т.к. звучат эти слайдеры иначе, можно придать им какую-нибудь особенную форму. Ну, ты понял.
    ох ноу, слишком для меня
  7. 00:55:979 (3) - я понимаю, что слайдер до конца не надо доводить, но джамп все равно лишний и слишком большой. Попробуй инвертировать его или еще как-то уменьшить ДС, сделать плавнее.
  8. 01:33:112 (4) - значительно меняется музыка и паттерн, я бы поставил НК или хотя бы слегка отдалил от предыдущих слайдеров.
    бланкет ;_;
  9. 01:37:112 (4) - опять же, НК, по ощущениям, ну прям очень нужно тут. Я даже не знаю, как объяснить, просто затести с НК, а потом без НК. Играется значительно лучше в первом случае, на мой взгляд.

    Неплохая дифка, в основном мне не очень понравился комбоинг. По ритму сложновато, но без этого никак, да и ОД низкий, так что все должно быть нормально.
  1. Снизь ОД хотя бы на 0,5. У тебя стримы на 210 БПМ с таким ОД, что это больше похоже на экстру. :(
    повышу на 0.5 лучше
  2. 00:05:540 (3,4) - ты и сам уже догадался, что я опять про комбоинг.
    да, но тут тоже я предпочту оставить
  3. 00:36:844 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - звучит несколько овермапнуто. Вообще, советую присмотреться ко всем стримам в этой части, овермапать все же не стоит. :(
    да вовсе же нет
  4. 00:48:129 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - а вот это очень жестоко. Не говорю, что плохо, а именно жестоко. Поспрашивай игроков, может сильно выбиваться из общей сложности дифы, но мне нравится.
    крутой паттерн, не очень сложный на самом деле
  5. 01:01:262 (11) - цепочка комбо слишком длинная получается и ХП дрейн напрягает. НК тут поднимет ХП и впишется в паттерн.
    на 8 тогда уж
  6. 01:29:469 (1,1) - чувак, это слишком быстро, даже для инса. 210 БПМ, игрокам нужно время, чоб довести курсор до слайдера. Хотя бы 1/1 пробел оставь, пожалуйста.
    надо бросить крутить на половине и получить меньше очков или крутить до конца и быстрее двигать мышью но с меньшим кол-вом очков/ fair deal

    Неплохая дифа. Мне все нравится, но я бы еще немного поискал модов, чтоб было вообще хорошо.
Как обычно, Нормал можно допилить, хард и инс более-менее хороши. Изи конечно не помешал бы, но тут его не замапать, да и нормал упростить не получится больше, так что в этом плане все номально.


Hi, as requested from my queue.

01:14:827 (4) - I'm not sure about this slider. Seems "off" the flow imo. Maybe flip horizontally?
Everything else seems fine to me.

00:11:296 (3) - I know it's a hard diff, but the placement between (2) and this is too big. Put them little bit closer to each other.
00:28:272 (5,6) - Same ^^
Everything else seems fine to me.

Good song, good mapping skills, so don't get mad about this little mod. You don't have to take it seriously. It's just suggestions.
Hope that'll helps
if not, then sorry.

Good Luck!
Topic Starter
thanks Pjecoo (:
Can I do a M4M? will do it as soon as possible
Topic Starter

wuzzat wrote:

Can I do a M4M? will do it as soon as possible
for sure
I don't know if my mod helps,but i'll do my best

placing a spinner at 01:52:255 seems more convenient imo.a circle with a finish hitsound like yours is okay too.
This timing 01:15:684,can applied with 3/4 metronome.but i guess not LOL
and the metronome ticks here 01:36:255 doesn't seem right,you can add a new timing here 01:36:255 with 210 BPM and 4/4 metronome.

OD 8,5 with many streams here is pretty hard,suggesting to use OD 8 or 7
01:00:262 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - a stream here doesn't fit the map imo,try to map this part like 00:51:695 (11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) instead ?

00:36:129 (2,4) - This pattern is good enough,but can you make their spacing similar like 00:35:701 (1,3) ? seems like a big jump now
00:44:272 (7) - stack this note with (6)'s tail?
01:04:546 (4) - place where 01:03:118 (3) starts?

And Normal diff seems fine to me.
feel free to skip the mod if you think you don't need some
Overall this mapset is great ^^ so much epic with the massive bell hitsound at 01:15:684 makes the map more live.
nothing much to say,good luck sieg.

It's okay to mod my map just 1 diff >~< b
Topic Starter

wuzzat wrote:

I don't know if my mod helps,but i'll do my best

placing a spinner at 01:52:255 seems more convenient imo.a circle with a finish hitsound like yours is okay too.
but this is the very end, circle is fine also, yes

This timing 01:15:684,can applied with 3/4 metronome.but i guess not LOL
yeah, but this is 6/4 (:

and the metronome ticks here 01:36:255 doesn't seem right,you can add a new timing here 01:36:255 with 210 BPM and 4/4 metronome.
seems legit

OD 8,5 with many streams here is pretty hard,suggesting to use OD 8 or 7
i guess, back 8 can work

01:00:262 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - a stream here doesn't fit the map imo,try to map this part like 00:51:695 (11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) instead ?
uh, i'll get more opinions on this before changing

00:36:129 (2,4) - This pattern is good enough,but can you make their spacing similar like 00:35:701 (1,3) ? seems like a big jump now
spacing a bit reduced but i think suck round flow patterns are not so hard

00:44:272 (7) - stack this note with (6)'s tail?
it's better for 1\4 to not

01:04:546 (4) - place where 01:03:118 (3) starts?

And Normal diff seems fine to me.
feel free to skip the mod if you think you don't need some
Overall this mapset is great ^^ so much epic with the massive bell hitsound at 01:15:684 makes the map more live.
nothing much to say,good luck sieg.

It's okay to mod my map just 1 diff >~< b
thanks (:
Я точно не помню насчёт стар рейтинга, но по-моему нужен изи с < 1.5
Мп3 с обрезанным концом и в конце затухание. Думаю там можно звук убавлять на объектах и получится отлично с: ( )

Normal - Perfect. (По крайней мере я не нашёл изъянов, только тут немного флоу не понравился 00:38:272 (1,2,1,2,3) - Мог бы закруглить побольше флоу, чтобы играть так, как шло ранее.
Но это мои придирки.
00:02:843 (2,3) - Звучит лучше имхо
00:50:981 - Этот и 00:51:267 этот тик не имеют звуков, может на круги заменить как нибудь?
01:10:543 (1,2,3,4) - Почему бы не сделать 2 одинаковых паттерна? ( 01:12:257 (1,2,3,4,5) )
01:15:397 (5,6,7) - Попробуй заменить на 1\1 слайдер, звучит лучше
Больше не вижу ничего. Сделано отлично.
Testplay (Фк с 1 раза, поэтому все паттерны читаемы, за исключением некоторых стримов) Mod
00:02:569 (1,2) - Немного растерялся, когда понял, что там пауза перед стримом, может подогнать под спейсинг, чтобы легче читалось?
00:17:986 (5,6,7,8) - Не услышал ритма.
00:16:536 (6,7,8,9,10) - Довольно неожиданный стрим
00:23:129 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Разве в музыке есть ритм под стримы?
00:29:986 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ^ (overmapping)
00:50:410 (1) - Я бы перетащил бы её на стак с тройкой 00:50:695 (2,3,4)
01:33:112 (4,5,6) - Не знаю как, но тут я выбил все сотки.
На этом мой скромный мод закончился. Извини за размер мода, но всё очень хорошо сделано! :)
Удачи в ранке!!!
Topic Starter

PeaseMaker wrote:

Я точно не помню насчёт стар рейтинга, но по-моему нужен изи с < 1.5
c < 2

Мп3 с обрезанным концом и в конце затухание. Думаю там можно звук убавлять на объектах и получится отлично с: ( )
меня текущий устраивает, но спасибо за старания (:

Normal - Perfect. (По крайней мере я не нашёл изъянов, только тут немного флоу не понравился 00:38:272 (1,2,1,2,3) - Мог бы закруглить побольше флоу, чтобы играть так, как шло ранее.
Но это мои придирки.

00:02:843 (2,3) - Звучит лучше имхо
может быть, но для консистенси лучше оставить как есть

00:50:981 - Этот и 00:51:267 этот тик не имеют звуков, может на круги заменить как нибудь?
ну как же, там "заканчивается" скрипка

01:10:543 (1,2,3,4) - Почему бы не сделать 2 одинаковых паттерна? ( 01:12:257 (1,2,3,4,5) )
да, точно

01:15:397 (5,6,7) - Попробуй заменить на 1\1 слайдер, звучит лучше
Больше не вижу ничего. Сделано отлично.

Testplay (Фк с 1 раза, поэтому все паттерны читаемы, за исключением некоторых стримов) Mod
00:02:569 (1,2) - Немного растерялся, когда понял, что там пауза перед стримом, может подогнать под спейсинг, чтобы легче читалось?
побольше, да

00:17:986 (5,6,7,8) - Не услышал ритма.
00:16:536 (6,7,8,9,10) - Довольно неожиданный стрим
00:23:129 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Разве в музыке есть ритм под стримы?
00:29:986 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ^ (overmapping)
есть немного овермапа, но вообще эти части отлично должны заходить под стримы :o

00:50:410 (1) - Я бы перетащил бы её на стак с тройкой 00:50:695 (2,3,4)
мне бльше по центру нравится

01:33:112 (4,5,6) - Не знаю как, но тут я выбил все сотки.
На этом мой скромный мод закончился. Извини за размер мода, но всё очень хорошо сделано! :)
Удачи в ранке!!!
спасибо (:
Hi, from my queue.

  • Insane
  1. 00:05:540 (3) - Intentionally left out a Finish on the slider's head? There is a cymbal sound there
  2. 00:06:350 (4) - ^
  3. 00:23:415 (9) - Whistle for that distinctive sound similar to 00:23:129 (5) - ?
  4. 00:30:272 (9) - ^
  5. 00:37:129 (9) - ^
  6. 00:21:558 (6,8) - Have these two swap places? Personally like this kind of flow path then zig zag but you can ignore this suggestion if you want
  7. 00:25:415 (1) - Not really blanketed and stacked at the end as well so if you want, I provided you the code down below:
    Picture and Code

  8. 00:55:122 (7) - Not really stacked where circle note 2 is which is x: 179 y: 316
  9. 01:16:398 (2) - Not stacked completely with the slider's head or was it intentional?
  10. 01:12:971 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - How about having this part doing crosses like this? Feel bit more fitting like this:
  11. 01:41:398 (5) - Flows better if you Ctrl+ G this. This will lead into the stream more smoothly than before.
  12. 01:43:112 (5,6,7,8) - Consider finding a better mini jump here?
  13. 01:46:540 (5,6,7,8,1) - Wasn't really forming a perfect pentagon so fixed it up and also blanketed slider 1 with circle note 6 for you. Circle note five is still has the same spot as the original.
    Picture and Code


  • Hard
  1. 00:03:391 (4) - Missing Finish here? There is a cymbal sound here and you also added Finish here in your Insane Difficulty.
  2. 00:05:540 (3) - Intentionally left out a Finish on the slider's head? There is a cymbal sound there
  3. 00:06:350 (4) - ^
  4. 00:10:611 (1) - Blanket a bit better here?
  5. 00:13:490 (1) - ^
  6. 00:19:272 (3) - Re-position this to x: 344 y: 287 so the previous distance snap will be 1.60x and your next distance snap will be 1.10x which is the common distance snap you're using yes? or is it 1.20x since you also use that commonly later on
  7. 01:18:541 (5) - Blanket this bit better?

  • Normal
  1. 00:05:540 (1) - Intentionally left out a Finish on the slider's head? There is a cymbal sound there
  2. 00:06:350 (2) - ^
  3. 00:17:558 (1) - Remove NC
  4. 00:18:558 (1) - Consider trying out this kind of flow path, I can say it's much smoother.
    Picture and Code

  5. 00:21:986 (1) - The distance snap between this slider and the previous is 1.33x so I fixed it up along with blanketing so here how it looks like and the code:
    Picture and Code

  6. 00:53:408 (3) - Blanket this a bit better?
  7. 01:29:398 (5) - Missing a Finish here?
  8. 01:43:683 (1) - Distance snap here to slider 2 is 1.15x so I fixed it up for you along with blanketing it. Here's the code:
    Picture and Code


If you have any complaints, questions, comments, etc. or found any errors in my work, in-game or on the osu website!

Good luck to you for ranking this Sieg!
Topic Starter

AllStar12 wrote:

Hi, from my queue.

  • Insane
  1. 00:05:540 (3) - Intentionally left out a Finish on the slider's head? There is a cymbal sound there
  2. 00:06:350 (4) - ^
    yeah because it's kind of more consistent to 00:04:213 (1,2) -
  3. 00:23:415 (9) - Whistle for that distinctive sound similar to 00:23:129 (5) - ?
  4. 00:30:272 (9) - ^
  5. 00:37:129 (9) - ^
  6. 00:21:558 (6,8) - Have these two swap places? Personally like this kind of flow path then zig zag but you can ignore this suggestion if you want
    some kind of variations is a must
  7. 00:25:415 (1) - Not really blanketed and stacked at the end as well so if you want, I provided you the code down below:
    Picture and Code

  8. 00:55:122 (7) - Not really stacked where circle note 2 is which is x: 179 y: 316
    but not really noticeable already on play
  9. 01:16:398 (2) - Not stacked completely with the slider's head or was it intentional?
  10. 01:12:971 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - How about having this part doing crosses like this? Feel bit more fitting like this:
    nice but too complicated compared with rest of patterns
  11. 01:41:398 (5) - Flows better if you Ctrl+ G this. This will lead into the stream more smoothly than before.
  12. 01:43:112 (5,6,7,8) - Consider finding a better mini jump here?
    not really sure
  13. 01:46:540 (5,6,7,8,1) - Wasn't really forming a perfect pentagon so fixed it up and also blanketed slider 1 with circle note 6 for you. Circle note five is still has the same spot as the original.
    Picture and Code

    kind of, thanks

  • Hard
  1. 00:03:391 (4) - Missing Finish here? There is a cymbal sound here and you also added Finish here in your Insane Difficulty.
  2. 00:05:540 (3) - Intentionally left out a Finish on the slider's head? There is a cymbal sound there
  3. 00:06:350 (4) - ^
    same as on insane
  4. 00:10:611 (1) - Blanket a bit better here?
  5. 00:13:490 (1) - ^
  6. 00:19:272 (3) - Re-position this to x: 344 y: 287 so the previous distance snap will be 1.60x and your next distance snap will be 1.10x which is the common distance snap you're using yes? or is it 1.20x since you also use that commonly later on
    imo, not really a big deal
  7. 01:18:541 (5) - Blanket this bit better?

  • Normal
  1. 00:05:540 (1) - Intentionally left out a Finish on the slider's head? There is a cymbal sound there
  2. 00:06:350 (2) - ^
    as for insane
  3. 00:17:558 (1) - Remove NC
    oh my
  4. 00:18:558 (1) - Consider trying out this kind of flow path, I can say it's much smoother.
    Picture and Code

    like current way more
  5. 00:21:986 (1) - The distance snap between this slider and the previous is 1.33x so I fixed it up along with blanketing so here how it looks like and the code:
    Picture and Code

    uh, how did i missed that, thanks
  6. 00:53:408 (3) - Blanket this a bit better?
  7. 01:29:398 (5) - Missing a Finish here?
  8. 01:43:683 (1) - Distance snap here to slider 2 is 1.15x so I fixed it up for you along with blanketing it. Here's the code:
    Picture and Code

many thanks
If you have any complaints, questions, comments, etc. or found any errors in my work, in-game or on the osu website!

Good luck to you for ranking this Sieg!
thanks AllStar12, great mod (:
Kaguya Hourain
Let's do this!

I enjoy Final Fantasy very very much.
Everything seems to be ok except the combo colours. Add some more for variety :3

What up with the weird CS :/
OD +1
00:20:272 (1) - Looks a bit ugly, space the red points more.
00:30:272 (3,2) - Stack properly.
01:20:255 (2) - Make this point a little bit more to the right. Flows better.
01:41:969 (1) - Same level of ugliness as the other slider.

AR -1
OD -1
00:20:272 (1) - Whyyyyy :D
00:27:129 (1,2) - This blanket can be improved a little bit. Just move (2) a tad bit to the right.
Nicely done!

00:23:129 (5,2) - Stack properly.
00:25:844 (2,5) - Stack properly.
00:27:844 (3,7) - ^
00:39:915 (9,11) - ^
00:43:272 (4,6) - ^!!!
01:26:684 (3,6) - ^
01:44:398 (3,5) - ^ Jesus Christ man!

I like it. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Kaguya Hourain wrote:

Let's do this!

I enjoy Final Fantasy very very much.
Everything seems to be ok except the combo colours. Add some more for variety :3
uh.. i'll think about this

What up with the weird CS :/
OD +1
3 if fine for easiest diff, considering rhythm
00:20:272 (1) - Looks a bit ugly, space the red points more.
00:30:272 (3,2) - Stack properly.
01:20:255 (2) - Make this point a little bit more to the right. Flows better.
01:41:969 (1) - Same level of ugliness as the other slider.

AR -1
OD -1
00:20:272 (1) - Whyyyyy :D
lol, i like them
00:27:129 (1,2) - This blanket can be improved a little bit. Just move (2) a tad bit to the right.
Nicely done!

00:23:129 (5,2) - Stack properly.
00:25:844 (2,5) - Stack properly.
00:27:844 (3,7) - ^
00:39:915 (9,11) - ^
00:43:272 (4,6) - ^!!!
01:26:684 (3,6) - ^
01:44:398 (3,5) - ^ Jesus Christ man!
all done

I like it. Good luck!
Hello Sieg, you requested in my queue. so I'll try my best

There is particularly a reason why I do not accept any mapper that has at least one ranked map, but nevermind that for now.


00:19:272 (2,1) - The part where there are two anchors make the slider look a bit ugly. You can keep it, but I suggest to space the two red anchors.

00:45:701 (3) - It's blanket over the previous seems a bit off.

00:56:835 (1) - The slider could be ctrl+j and be placed at the same spot as I see the movement of the cursor being somewhat "better" when moving into 00:57:978 (2) -

Suggestion of AR7 or 7.5

00:05:540 (3,4) - Probably a (this might be just me) jump from the previous beat such as this might be too big even for a hard. You could just have slider 3 start from the bottom instead, at [384,328]

00:34:844 (4) - What about this trying to be parallel to 00:34:415 (2) - ?

00:36:129 (2) - You might want to space this a bit away from one because from the editor it looks like the gape between slider 1 and 00:36:415 (3) - is larger than the gap between circle 3 and slider 2.

01:10:543 (1) - Suggestion to have it look like this
Reason? Flow of the cursor seems better if it heads staight into the next slider without having to turn or anything.

01:14:826 (3) - Move it by just a bit away from 01:13:970 (1) - (I just considered this overlap?)

01:25:969 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Move this thing down so that slider 2 can be stacked under 01:25:398 (5) -

01:37:755 (4) - Sounds kind of weird if you start at that blue tick.

That star rating makes me feel like there is too much a jump in difficulty here.

00:28:272 (5,6,7,8) - Not sure, but this isn't a perfectly nice-looking square.

00:48:129 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - There should be a new combo in here somewhere

01:07:545 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Why would this be a stream and 01:09:258 (2,3,4,5) - not a stream, because in my ears the song sounds almost exactly the same here.

01:18:541 (7) - Blanket it under the previous slider well, not around 01:17:112 (5) - (How did I even.)

01:50:969 (2) - Move it to [320,128]. You might think I'm saying "because it has a minor overlap with 01:50:398 (8) - ". Well you can say that.

...Some of the hitsounds sound quite off from the song, or is that just me?
Topic Starter

N1ghtRabb1T wrote:

Hello Sieg, you requested in my queue. so I'll try my best

There is particularly a reason why I do not accept any mapper that has at least one ranked map, but nevermind that for now.


00:19:272 (2,1) - The part where there are two anchors make the slider look a bit ugly. You can keep it, but I suggest to space the two red anchors.
i prefer to keep
00:45:701 (3) - It's blanket over the previous seems a bit off.
not actually a blanket, but anyway.. moved a bit
00:56:835 (1) - The slider could be ctrl+j and be placed at the same spot as I see the movement of the cursor being somewhat "better" when moving into 00:57:978 (2) -
makes sense

Suggestion of AR7 or 7.5
prefer to keep 8
00:05:540 (3,4) - Probably a (this might be just me) jump from the previous beat such as this might be too big even for a hard. You could just have slider 3 start from the bottom instead, at [384,328]
actually this is 2/1 to play, so i don't even see a reason to treat this as a jump
00:34:844 (4) - What about this trying to be parallel to 00:34:415 (2) - ?
00:36:129 (2) - You might want to space this a bit away from one because from the editor it looks like the gape between slider 1 and 00:36:415 (3) - is larger than the gap between circle 3 and slider 2.
01:10:543 (1) - Suggestion to have it look like this
Reason? Flow of the cursor seems better if it heads staight into the next slider without having to turn or anything.
nice variant but i prefer current way
01:14:826 (3) - Move it by just a bit away from 01:13:970 (1) - (I just considered this overlap?)
01:25:969 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Move this thing down so that slider 2 can be stacked under 01:25:398 (5) -
current placement is fine, its not really noticable
01:37:755 (4) - Sounds kind of weird if you start at that blue tick.
good catch

That star rating makes me feel like there is too much a jump in difficulty here.
not at all (:
00:28:272 (5,6,7,8) - Not sure, but this isn't a perfectly nice-looking square.
guess it was not supposed to be, moved
00:48:129 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - There should be a new combo in here somewhere
not really
01:07:545 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Why would this be a stream and 01:09:258 (2,3,4,5) - not a stream, because in my ears the song sounds almost exactly the same here.
because it's not, consistent with 00:57:264 (2) -
01:18:541 (7) - Blanket it under the previous slider well, not around 01:17:112 (5) - (How did I even.)
lol, whatever, not noticeable on play
01:50:969 (2) - Move it to [320,128]. You might think I'm saying "because it has a minor overlap with 01:50:398 (8) - ". Well you can say that.

...Some of the hitsounds sound quite off from the song, or is that just me?
just you maybe or your sound settings, no one mentioned before -_-'
thanks N1ghtRabb1T
Это медленникчемныйый я тут!
00:25:129 (7,8) - попробуй двинуть как-то так (играться будет приятнее и веселее) :
00:31:701 (5,6,7,8) - я не знаю может это я конечно такое днище, но на этом бпм они играются через жопу, попробуй подумать над ними, может поменять где-то
00:49:982 (15) - не знаю почему, но мне кажется что стоит поставить нк тут
01:11:828 (5,6) - вообще если говорить про флоу то тут их надо поменять местами, но оно не очень хорошо оверлапит со слайдером так что не знаю
01:16:398 (2,3) - я пока такого стака еще у тебя не замечал o:, это специально или ты поправишь?
01:43:112 (5,6,7,8) - не нравится как выглядит да и если говорить про направление слайдера то паттерн должен развиваться несколько иначе, можно сделать что-то такое:

Мне нравится, только мне кажется что раз под конец надо увеличить спейсинги на джампах, в последнем киае, музыка располагает к этому

00:36:558 (4) - я бы кнтрл джи сделал
01:14:541 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - мне не очень нравится что он как-то резко заканчивается, но это придирка и мне все равно нечего предложить

Нормал впорядке
Topic Starter

EvilElvis wrote:

Это медленникчемныйый я тут!
00:25:129 (7,8) - попробуй двинуть как-то так (играться будет приятнее и веселее) :
00:31:701 (5,6,7,8) - я не знаю может это я конечно такое днище, но на этом бпм они играются через жопу, попробуй подумать над ними, может поменять где-то
хмхм, подумаю
00:49:982 (15) - не знаю почему, но мне кажется что стоит поставить нк тут
еслиб он был не паттерне, а где-нибудь в центре или еще где, неохота вобщем
01:11:828 (5,6) - вообще если говорить про флоу то тут их надо поменять местами, но оно не очень хорошо оверлапит со слайдером так что не знаю
что-нибудь придумаю
01:16:398 (2,3) - я пока такого стака еще у тебя не замечал o:, это специально или ты поправишь?
блять, да я же правил это, вот точно помню
01:43:112 (5,6,7,8) - не нравится как выглядит да и если говорить про направление слайдера то паттерн должен развиваться несколько иначе, можно сделать что-то такое:

Мне нравится, только мне кажется что раз под конец надо увеличить спейсинги на джампах, в последнем киае, музыка располагает к этому

00:36:558 (4) - я бы кнтрл джи сделал
интересно получается
01:14:541 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - мне не очень нравится что он как-то резко заканчивается, но это придирка и мне все равно нечего предложить

Нормал впорядке
спасибо за мод (:


  1. You are using an MP3 with a very long silent part. I suggest cutting it to reduce the size of the map and there's not a reason to not do it.
  2. I don't really think that "Violin" is a necessary tag, you already put "Instrumental" which is enough.
  3. In my opinion you should add at least another combo colour. It's quite repetitive to have only two colours throughout the entire map (It's just an opinion!)


  4. 01:31:826 (1) - This slider is technically unrankable. When you complete a spinner,usually you get 1000,2000 or more points for spinning fast, right? Well, those numbers are directly under this slider, making it a little confusing for the player to read it. I suggest replacing it where it's not overlapping with those score numbers.
    Nothing else in this diff. Well mapped.


  5. 00:10:611 (1) - Much like to the normal,this slider is overlapped with the "Clear" pop-up after the spinner, and just like the normal, this is technically unrankable.
  6. 00:11:571 (4) - If I am not wrong, this slider end is silent. According to the ranking criteria, a slider end can be silent only if it makes sense to have it that way. In this case I think a beat instead of the slider is way better. Your own choice on this, but I would highly suggest changing this. If I missed other sliders like this one, consider changing them aswell, because there is no reason to use a beat instead..


  7. 00:31:701 (5,6,7,8) - I don't really like how the beats overlap in this pattern, it's differend from any other jump in the diff. I suggest doing something like 01:05:688 (1,2,3,4) - this. 

    I really liked this insane, well done. I'll look at it again maybe, to point out stuff I didn't mention in this mod. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Chyo-Kun wrote:


  1. You are using an MP3 with a very long silent part. I suggest cutting it to reduce the size of the map and there's not a reason to not do it.
    actually it's a fade-out, best way i can do
  2. I don't really think that "Violin" is a necessary tag, you already put "Instrumental" which is enough.
    it is, very useful
  3. In my opinion you should add at least another combo colour. It's quite repetitive to have only two colours throughout the entire map (It's just an opinion!)
    uh... I'll consider


  4. 01:31:826 (1) - This slider is technically unrankable. When you complete a spinner,usually you get 1000,2000 or more points for spinning fast, right? Well, those numbers are directly under this slider, making it a little confusing for the player to read it. I suggest replacing it where it's not overlapping with those score numbers.
    actually numbers appears under slider -_-'
    Nothing else in this diff. Well mapped.


  5. 00:10:611 (1) - Much like to the normal,this slider is overlapped with the "Clear" pop-up after the spinner, and just like the normal, this is technically unrankable.
    screenshot would be nice, cus I don't really see a problem
  6. 00:11:571 (4) - If I am not wrong, this slider end is silent. According to the ranking criteria, a slider end can be silent only if it makes sense to have it that way. In this case I think a beat instead of the slider is way better. Your own choice on this, but I would highly suggest changing this. If I missed other sliders like this one, consider changing them aswell, because there is no reason to use a beat instead..
    it's not, there is soft hitnormal, whistlelike sound


  7. 00:31:701 (5,6,7,8) - I don't really like how the beats overlap in this pattern, it's differend from any other jump in the diff. I suggest doing something like 01:05:688 (1,2,3,4) - this. 
    I'll consider on changing this but seems ok for me (:

    I really liked this insane, well done. I'll look at it again maybe, to point out stuff I didn't mention in this mod. Good luck!
Thank you Chyo-Kun
The only thing I can say to do in this mapset is... to make an easier difficulty than the Normal. Like really... I think you should make an easy with 0.60SV because Normal is a Hard diff IMO. o_o And just make those two notes 00:46:772 (10,12) - stacked properly in the Insane difficulty because they are doing it ulgy.

I don't think I can help you in any way, your diffs are too pwofesheonel. Sorry! :<
Topic Starter

Krfawy wrote:

The only thing I can say to do in this mapset is... to make an easier difficulty than the Normal. Like really... I think you should make an easy with 0.60SV because Normal is a Hard diff IMO. o_o And just make those two notes 00:46:772 (10,12) - stacked properly in the Insane difficulty because they are doing it ulgy.

I don't think I can help you in any way, your diffs are too pwofesheonel. Sorry! :<
thanks Krfawy
I know about easy but rhythm is kinda too leaping for a good easy and bpm is relatively high. Also i did receive several testplays\opinions from beginner players and I guess current way of things is fine.
чтобы те, кто предлагают изменить mp3, успокоились, попроси их ретаймнуть, потому что после правок, даже после смены битрейта, любой тайминг плывёт
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да... и это тоже, спасибо за напоминание Тик

  • General
  1. The diffs themselves are fine mostly, but there is one really huge problem with this set: The Difficulty Gap between Hard and Insane is enormous. Insane includes some fairly long 210-BPM streams, while Hard doesn't include any 1/4-tapping at all. Hard doesn't even contain a lot of 1/2-tapping, as most 1/2-patterns consistent of mainly sliders. You cannot make the Hard more difficult though, since the gap to Normal would be too high then. In my opinion, it is essential for this mapset to create a difficulty between Hard and Insane, which contains some 1/4-Triplets and maybe some 5-long streams, as well as more 1/2-tapping than the Hard. Btw, you can also tell the gap is too huge from the star rating: 3,16 -> 5,22 - Over 2 stars of difference o: I won't explain this further now, we can talk about this ingame again if you want.
  2. You could set the HP-settings for the Normal to HP 2, because you know that the Normal is a bit too difficult and it will atleast prevent some newbies from failing.

  • Normal
  1. 00:05:035 (2,1) - I don't think a jump is a good idea for a Normal diff.
  2. 00:33:986 (1) - Why the sudden spacing change o: Is it on purpose? I don't really see a reason for this here.
  3. 01:29:112 (4,5) - I'm unsure if this stack reads good for newbies, and also it makes more sense unstacked because 01:29:398 (5) is very emphasized beat.
  4. 01:52:255 (4) - NC for consistency with Hard.
  5. I don't like some of your rhythm choices. For example 00:12:530 (2) - I know you choose this rhythm because it follows the strings, but 00:12:530 is only a build-up to 00:12:668, which is the louder and higher-pitched (and therefore more emphasized) sound. So in my opinion, this sound should have been mapped instead of the one where your slider actually starts. In the kiai, you continued this rhythm, although the new high-pitched strings make my version even more obvious. Then, at 00:20:272 (1,2), you suddenly started to use the "correct" rhythm. So, it is also really inconsistent.
  6. Some of your placement is also really questionable. You know that the rhythm is pretty complex here, but I'd have expected you try to make the placement as clean / smooth as possible, to avoid even more confusion. But patterns like this 00:38:272 (1,2,1,2) don't play really smooth and together with the red tick rhythms here they could confuse players. All of these could easily be avoided, for example with this one 00:39:986 (2) could be placed more to the right so that it doesn't overlap with previous sliders and is just more clean. I mean something like this: Another example are patterns like this 00:53:408 (3,1) - When the player is done with (3), the tail of (1) is much more close to his current cursor position, so he might mistake head and tail or even click earlier because the distance between the objects seems low to him.
  7. Otherwise the Normal is pretty nice for what the song offers.

  • Hard
  1. 00:05:540 (3) - I'd add a NC here. At the moment, this combo covers a really big time. It would also be consistent with Normal.
  2. 01:00:262 (5) - Same.
  3. 01:29:469 (1) - End it at 01:31:541, because the violin stops playing there?
  4. The Hard itself is really good. I would have prefered to see a consistent spacing for 1/1-gaps, atleast in a single pattern, for example 00:35:130 (5,6,1) could be equal spacing, just to make it look more tidy and less random. But otherwise, no problems.

  • Insane
  1. 00:05:540 (3) - Same as Hard.
  2. 01:29:469 (1) - Same as Hard. Or atleast make it consistent with Hard.
  3. Really good Insane! :)

Well. I don't know what to think of this mapset. Of course, the Insane is perfect and really fun to play! The Hard is also quite good. I don't really like the Normal, for reasons stated above. What is really worrysome is the diff spread though, I don't think it is rankable like it currently is.
Good luck :) I hope this helped you a little bit.
Topic Starter
Thanks Desperate-kun (:

The Difficulty Gap is supposed to allow players of all levels of experience are able to enjoy maps of the songs they love. So what kind of players did I miss? Gap is pretty equal between Insane->Hard and Hard->Normal, yes it's big but what would you expect for 210 bpm song.
Other things are changed.

I don't like some of your rhythm choices. For example 00:12:530 (2) - I know you choose this rhythm because it follows the strings, but 00:12:530 is only a build-up to 00:12:668
yes but i don't use 1\2 on this diff and variable timing is really prevents any repeat sliders like in 00:21:986 (1) -
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Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:


Requested by Forum PM. Nice song but what the hell happened to the Set o3o Modded the version uploaded as a duplicate

  1. Unrankable Issue/Highly Suggested
  2. Comment/Minor

  1. Put 植松伸夫 as the Unicode-Artist and Nobuo Uematsu as the romanized one.
  2. You might want to add Square Enix and DigiCube to the Tags as they are the Produceers of the Game and its Soundtrack. (Adding ファイナルファンタジーVIII as the Japanese Title of FF8 would be nice too but is optional I guess)
  3. The Spinner at 00:08:008 (1) - seems to be snapped to the previous timing section but doesn't the finish land on the new one since the sound is there?
  4. Difficulty Spread
    The Diff-Spread feels very uneven due to the very hard Insane which is spammed with partly not even existant 210 BPM Streams and the rather easy Hard without having any 1/4. As you've posted after Desperate's mod you're asking now which player group you don't cover with this: Players that are Insane players but still not as good enough to play such high BPM long streams which are partly even pretty high spaced. The diff has over 5,22 Stars and according to the current version of the Ranking Criteria an Extra starts at 5,25 stars. So summarized: You've got a Hard that is in the mid-range of Hard diffuclties and an Insane that is almost considered as an Extra which is a very big gap I consider as unrankable. Therefore either remove some of the Stream in the Insane + add some 1/4 in the Hard or get a "Light Insane" with not too much but not too less 1/4 to fill the gap.

  1. Rhythm like 00:12:530 (2) - for instance feel very weird since the white tick at 00:12:668 - is the important note here instead of 00:12:530 - but is completely ignored. I mean you even skip a timing section with that although the beat there changes the music in terms of speed. Also later in the Map (in the Kiais) you actually start mapping this important note (e.g. 00:20:272 (1) - , 01:45:398 (1) - ) which feels inconsistent. So therefore please change it for the ones ignoring this beat by just simply repeating the first 3/2 Slider + adding an object 1/1 later.
  2. 00:37:415 (3,1) - It would be much better if you'd switch the NCs here as the Music changes drastically at 00:37:415 - due to the begin of a new section. This would also let the HP drain rise a bit and make the 3/1 gap more friendly in these terms.
  3. 00:53:408 (3,1) - Having 1's tail so near to 3's head can be very confusing and I'm not sure if newbie players will be able to read this and mistake 1's tail for it's head due to a misread. Something like this is better in order to avoid confusion.
  4. Well, it's hard to map such a song as a Normal but except these rhythms the Normal seems very clean. Even though I don't agree with some of your flow (which is my personal preference I guess) it's a solid diff.

  1. It would feel much better if you'd give the Slidertails at patterns like 00:50:838 (2,3) - , 00:52:552 (1,2) - , 01:01:119 (2,3,4) - etc. the Soft Sampleset as you've done for 00:55:979 (3,4) - and 01:06:259 (3,4) - since the sound is so quiet there.
  2. 00:18:986 (2,3) - Meh, this dioesn't play well due to the movement over 3 into 4 feeling unintuitive. This might be a result of 2's Direction. My suggestions are either something like this for a nice zigzag movement combined with 2 building a circular shape with 2 or this to give the player a kind of ovalish movement. I'd go for the latter one I guess :V
  3. 01:10:543 (1,2) - This jump feels kinda overdone and like a difficulty spike here. It's also inconsistent with the rather low spaced map and 01:12:257 (1,2) - which is very similiar in terms of the music. Please consider to simplify that jump a bit for better and more intuitive playability.
  4. 01:33:969 (1) - Maybe I just simply don't understand your intention of the rhythm here but it feels unfitting and off to me which gives me a weird feeling while playing this. The main issue here seems to be that there is basically nothing on the downbeat the repeat is on. I'd rather follow the violin somehow like this here :/
  5. Overall pretty nice but I dislike stuff like 00:39:129 (5,6) - and 00:52:552 (1,2,3) - since the ends just simply need the Soft Sample Set for not to feel weird ingame :/ The flow as well as the rhythm is pretty cool for most parts though.

  1. I guess it's intentional but some of your streams feel overdone (e.g. 00:36:844 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - , 01:44:826 (5,6,7,8) - etc.) which can feel unintuitive (I'm really not sure what to think about this lol). Simplifying some of them could also adjust the Spread :/ Also the triplets in the calm section at 00:37:844 - like 00:39:558 (8,9,10) - feel a bit overdone and it would sound much better without them imo.
  2. 00:00:660 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - That might be a personal preference of mine but it would be nice not to start off with such a long high BPM stream since it kicks the player off as s/he isn't really into the song yet. It would be much nicer and player-friendly if you'd start off similiar as in the Hard or by using 1/4 Repeat Sliders.
  3. 00:37:415 (13,1) - As I've already said in Normal it would be better to place the NC here since that's the actual start of the new section and with that a drastical change within the music that should be indicated by a NC.
  4. 01:33:969 (1) - Same as I've said in the Hard about this Slider. It just simply feels off ingame :/
  5. 01:37:112 (4,5,1) - Switching from tapping the 1/2 Stack back to the fast stream here feels very uncomfortable to play and made me misstream (every note 50/100) the whole stream every time I've playtested it. I'm not sure if it's the fault of the stack or the fact that the loudest instrument here lands on different ticks than 01:37:112 - which makes the notes being placed there feel weird. It's hard to find a solution here though. My idea is either to change up the rhythm by ]letting the stream start later where the drums play these 1/4 sound louder or to do this which would play more intuitive in my eyes. Well, the biggest problem here is rhythm here which seems pretty hard to change though :/
  6. 01:52:255 (13) - I don't know if you like NCs ont he end of streams but adding one for consistency with the other diffs would be nice.
  7. I dislike some of the overmapped streams but they seem to be intuitive and don't play too bad. Overall a well done diff. Good job!

The Spread needs some more work. However, the difficulties themselves look pretty polished. This is going to turn out as very nice set once that problem is solved. Good luck! :p
Topic Starter
Not mentioned fixed

Mao wrote:

[*]The Spinner at 00:08:008 (1) - seems to be snapped to the previous timing section but doesn't the finish land on the new one since the sound is there?
nope, its' not. spinner snapped properly (:

  1. Rhythm like 00:12:530 (2) - for instance feel very weird since the white tick at 00:12:668 - is the important note here instead of 00:12:530 - but is completely ignored. I mean you even skip a timing section with that although the beat there changes the music in terms of speed. Also later in the Map (in the Kiais) you actually start mapping this important note (e.g. 00:20:272 (1) - , 01:45:398 (1) - ) which feels inconsistent. So therefore please change it for the ones ignoring this beat by just simply repeating the first 3/2 Slider + adding an object 1/1 later.
    well, kind of... tricky
    if i replace all the 00:11:845 (1,2) - in start and kiai with repeat and object\slider after it will be just repeatslider-slider-repeatslider-slider-repeatslider-slider-etc or repeatslider-2circle-repeatslider-slider-repeatslider-2circle-etc rhythm for a 25 seconds witch is extreme bad for play
    I understand idea that 00:12:668 () a bit supreme to 00:12:530 () but since 00:12:530 () is the very pre start of 00:12:668 () I guess it's just ok to start from 00:12:530 () and cover 00:12:668 () in sake of better gameplay

  2. 00:37:415 (3,1) - It would be much better if you'd switch the NCs here as the Music changes drastically at 00:37:415 - due to the begin of a new section. This would also let the HP drain rise a bit and make the 3/1 gap more friendly in these terms.
    NC on 00:38:272 (1) - indicates pause better imo, also there is no NCs on downbeats later in that part
  3. 00:53:408 (3,1) - Having 1's tail so near to 3's head can be very confusing and I'm not sure if newbie players will be able to read this and mistake 1's tail for it's head due to a misread. Something like this is better in order to avoid confusion.
    uh, you underrate players for the diff that have almost 2 star rating, i'll consider changing this tho

  1. 01:33:969 (1) - Maybe I just simply don't understand your intention of the rhythm here but it feels unfitting and off to me which gives me a weird feeling while playing this. The main issue here seems to be that there is basically nothing on the downbeat the repeat is on. I'd rather follow the violin somehow like this here :/
    I'll consider this for insane too. Don't want to change atm.
  2. Overall pretty nice but I dislike stuff like 00:39:129 (5,6) - and 00:52:552 (1,2,3) - since the ends just simply need the Soft Sample Set for not to feel weird ingame :/ The flow as well as the rhythm is pretty cool for most parts though.
    But there's drumroll. I don't feel like it needs soft end.


[*]I guess it's intentional but some of your streams feel overdone (e.g. 00:36:844 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - , 01:44:826 (5,6,7,8) - etc.) which can feel unintuitive (I'm really not sure what to think about this lol). Simplifying some of them could also adjust the Spread :/ Also the triplets in the calm section at 00:37:844 - like 00:39:558 (8,9,10) - feel a bit overdone and it would sound much better without them imo.
yeah, but great spots for drumrolls tho

[*]00:00:660 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - That might be a personal preference of mine but it would be nice not to start off with such a long high BPM stream since it kicks the player off as s/he isn't really into the song yet. It would be much nicer and player-friendly if you'd start off similiar as in the Hard or by using 1/4 Repeat Sliders.
prefer to keep here

[*]01:52:255 (13) - I don't know if you like NCs ont he end of streams but adding one for consistency with the other diffs would be nice.
i really don't :\

The Spread needs some more work. However, the difficulties themselves look pretty polished. This is going to turn out as very nice set once that problem is solved. Good luck! :p
Guess you right, guys. I'll work on adjusting spread. Many thanks.
Topic Starter
should be fine now
From my Moddinq queue~

- Fix this :

  1. 00:16:536 (4,1) - The distances seems inconsistance for me. You should fix it with distance snapping.
  2. 00:39:986 (2) - This blanket could be improved. Move the tail to the x:128 , y:288 to make a good blanket.
  3. 01:52:255 (4) - I suggest to add spinner after this circle since there's a violin's sound at here.

  1. The SV seems to fast for me. Maybe you could change it into 1.20 ?
  2. 01:17:684 (2) - CTRL + G , i prefer this one. since it'll give better flow for me.
  3. 01:52:255 (8) - Same like normal. I suggest to add spinner after this cirlce.

  1. 01:52:255 (13) - Same like normal and Hard. I suggest to add spinner.

That's all for me, Hope this help. And good luck!
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Thanks Shurelia applied most of the stuff
naoe dami
sorry for late mod

I suggest try the medium or small grid snap, cuz it's easy to move the object

00:12:530 (2) move to x:320 y:352
00:12:668 (3) ^ and

00:13:216 (4) move to x:128 y:288
00:14:564 (2) maybe like this?

00:19:415 (3) ^

00:25:415 (1) ^

01:04:546 (1) ^

01:31:826 (1) just mirror like this

01:48:255 (2) try to make the curve slider
01:49:683 (3) ^

00:05:540 (1,2) ctrl + G (it's just my opinion for variation :3)
00:11:571 (4) curve it
00:33:986 (1) Q
00:34:415 (7) ^
00:52:123 (8) ^
00:52:409 (1) ^
01:09:686 (4) better to curve it
01:16:112 (1) ^
01:25:398 (5) ^
01:34:398 (2) ^

00:24:844 (5) move to x:256 y:352
00:25:129 (7) ^ X:128 y:352
00:25:272 (8) ^ x:304 y:224
00:26:272 (4) curve it

just that, and sorry if my mod is not good for you
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thanks (:
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VeeLaHee104 wrote:

hi :3 form queue :)


  1. 00:41:558 (2) - i think that rhythm is too weird for me.
  2. 00:52:837 (2) - curve?
  1. 00:49:415 (5) - add NC? the change of rhythm is easy to understand :)
  2. 01:01:119 (4) - a little curve? Why don't you let along to 01:00:262 (1)
  3. 01:36:255 (5,1) - Swap NC
  1. 00:19:272 (3) - move to x52,y11? flow will be better ;)
  2. 00:48:701 (6,11) - add NC? I think that you should put NC without in this position.
  3. 01:36:255 (5,1) - same opinion on hard diff.
good luck :D
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thanks ShiraKai (:
  1. 00:17:986 (6,7) - Drag to (176,112) for spacing?
  2. 01:36:255 (5) - Are you sure for the combo here? Leaving this not NC'ed doesn't looks that nice for me since a new stanza starts, and a new violin sound appears..
  1. 01:36:255 (5) - Same thing to think about as [Hard].
Map is good so there wasn't much to point out!
But I would personally recommend an [Easy] difficulty since [Normal] feels a little fast and a little hard as an easiest difficulty for your mapset, despite 1.99 star difficulty. No complains on the current spread though, so it will be fine as it is too.

Starred, and good luck~
Topic Starter
thanks Sonnyc all applied (:

00:26:701 (5) - I would rather see this moved left, closer to 00:26:129 (3) . It makes going into the stream much easier.
00:28:701 (8) - Move this left, I'm sure you can guess why a square pattern would be awkward to hit (hint, it's a square pattern).
00:28:558 (7,8,1) - This is a straight line coming out of a square, do you hate us all? It'd be cool if you changed at lest 1 part (make it not a square or not a straight line, preferably both).
00:47:701 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - I suppose this is meant to be the make or break part of the map for the player but I feel that it's awkward to play (jumps are very straight and it's quite a fast map). I think my biggest dislike of this section is the fact that it overlaps so much, it makes it hard to see approach circles and judge speed which is key to a more awkward pattern. Change it if you want, or not, depends how mean you are.
00:50:838 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Every single one of these patters are so straight, I'd imagine they'd be very awkward for people who struggle with this speed. I personally have no issues with them but I feel like it'll annoy some lower ranked players who want to fc this map.
00:52:552 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
00:58:834 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:01:119 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
01:02:833 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
01:13:113 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
01:14:398 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^ (this one especially)
01:49:969 (5,6,7,8) - I spoke earlier about squares, this one is just as awkward ignoring the straight line, move this left please.
01:51:683 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - I would appreciate if this stream didn't curve down so much and ended moving horizontally rather than downward/horizontally. I don't want to move my cursor down, that requires concentration and effort.
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