
[resolved] Show profile ingame

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +20
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Hi everyone i wanna share my idea to make osu! better, ok let's go to the topic like the subject said i wanna our profile show ingame instead using browser who eat huge size of RAM to open our profile when osu! still running

As you can see in here i wanna the button "View Profile" go away and change to this one
And this is what i mean about profile in game so you no need to open browser again to see your profile
- This will be help some ppl with slow pc or low end pc wich have 1gb RAM to save our RAM size
- Change tab browser to osu! and osu! to browser is so annoying and very wasteful time so this feature can save our time to change the tab :D

So how do you think guys???
This might be a good idea, but...

[cocoa] wrote:

- This will be help some ppl with slow pc or low end pc wich have 1gb RAM to save our RAM size
actually, It will consume a lot of Memory in osu! (also Bandwidth too, like the Beatmap Thumbnail)
This looks nice, provided that it doesn't make osu taking up more resources/time to load.
Topic Starter

satriobp wrote:

It will consume a lot of Memory in osu!
But this will be less than when you open browser and osu! ;)
This was actually tried a little while ago. It was attempted with the leftbar of the profile but it didn't turn out well.

I really, really like that design though.
It lagged the hell out of me when it was there. The first time it takes my browser to load up it takes at least a minute. It took at least 5 seconds to load the information. It would be much better to get pieces from the web and display them rather than loading a chunk of the profile page in game.
Impledemented properly this wouldnt take more bandwith/RAM than loading a single webpage.
Its the otherway around actually since the game would only need to fetch strings (text, numbers) of data and no images (website background, header etc). All other needed images (the frames, mode tabs) are stored locally.

Overall it should go smoother, provided its been made properly and bug free...
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