
Suneohair - slow dance (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, December 14, 2014 at 1:08:40 PM

Artist: Suneohair
Title: slow dance (TV Size)
Source: Suki-tte Ii na yo.
Tags: say i love you ending 好きっていいなよ。
BPM: 165
Filesize: 2669kb
Play Time: 01:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.55 stars, 91 notes)
  2. Hard (3.21 stars, 213 notes)
  3. Insane (4.03 stars, 276 notes)
  4. Normal (1.96 stars, 131 notes)
Download: Suneohair - slow dance (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
The ending for Say "I love you".
Hi moway~

00:57:759 (4,5) - straight slider will be better ( as 01:09:395 (6,7,1) )
01:02:850 (3) -

00:19:395 (5) - 391||181
00:28:669 (7) - for flow, overlap at 00:27:941 (5) and 00:28:850 (8) ->251||274'
00:32:123 (8) - 256||134 ^
00:44:486 (2,3) - try this
01:09:759 (9,10) - seperate them

00:58:032 - add circle here
01:02:486 (1) - NC
01:21:850 - 01:24:668 how about putting spinner here?

nice map have a star :>

Good luck!
Topic Starter

[ Sana ] wrote:

Hi moway~

00:57:759 (4,5) - straight slider will be better ( as 01:09:395 (6,7,1) ) i like the rotation here
01:02:850 (3) -

00:19:395 (5) - 391||181 adjusted
00:28:669 (7) - for flow, overlap at 00:27:941 (5) and 00:28:850 (8) ->251||274' I think the flow here works alright
00:32:123 (8) - 256||134 ^ sure to this one
00:44:486 (2,3) - try this
sure, fixed
01:09:759 (9,10) - seperate them kind of like this stack, but am open to suggestion later

00:58:032 - add circle here don't really hear a strong noise here, so I think I'll leave it.
01:02:486 (1) - NC sure
01:21:850 - 01:24:668 how about putting spinner here? no spinner at the end. The way the end music works with the score screen load in in is really cool imo, so I like to leave it that way.

nice map have a star :>

Good luck!
Thanks sana~
Mod4Mod from your Queue o3o/

  1. remove the widescreen and letterbox since you didn't use them on your map

  1. 00:04:668 (3) - I can hear a whistle sound on the music on the head of the slider, so you might want to add want
  2. 00:22:850 (3) - umm whistle on the end of this slider seems too soft for this part, maybe switch it with finish instead o.o

Nothing to say good Normal diff o.o/

  1. 00:12:850 (3,7) - umm the overlap between those sliders looks a bit bad imo, how about stucking the (7) above the (3) it'll look much cleaner, just saying =w=
  2. 00:42:486 (5) - ^ but move this slider 2 grids up so it'll stuck above the (7)
  3. 01:08:304 (4) - how about ctrl+G with this slider so it'll be more fun to play owo
  4. 01:08:668 (5) - the combo here went a bit too long so how about adding the nc here so it'll short them up

  1. 00:33:759 (6) - move this slider 1 grid to the left so it'll stuck above the (1)
  2. 00:53:395 (3) - it'll be nice if you stuck this note on the 00:51:759 (2) - so it'll nicer imo
  3. 01:19:577 (3) - move this slider to x:200 y:308 so the end will stuck on the other slider

That's all i found, nice song and it's great mapset =w=/ good luck with it <3
Hello :) For M4M.


Maybe you could add custom overlay hitsounds using your clap sound during sliders. Maybe just for the times the instrumentation calls for it like here 00:10:486 (3) -

01:19:577 (2) - Whistle on slider head

00:23:577 - Finish here like you did for Normal.

This is just personal preference, but I'd like to enter kiai time with a little more enthusiasm. 00:56:304 (2) - Finish here with 60% volume. 00:57:032 (3) - Finish on slider head. 50% volume. 00:57:759 (4) - Finish on both slider head and end, but 40% volume. Just an idea you might want to play around with. Same concept for the other diffs.

Normal and Hard are great! They look aesthetically appealing and flow wonderfully. I can't find anything wrong at all.

Insane seemed like a 2nd hard to me. The only difference in difficulty (besides settings) are a few jumps that I guess could be tricky. Besides that it's just the same ol 1/2 beat. But that's okay, we need more easier insanes.

01:08:668 - through 01:09:759 - there's this thing with the vocals and guitar that sound like it's 1/4 instead of 1/2. Like this: Which would make it so much more interesting!

Your entire mapset is lovely and I'm confident it will get ranked!
From my queue~

  1. Title: "slow dance (TV Size)"
  1. 00:35:213 (1,2,3) - how about symmetric position?


  • Good!
  1. 00:17:759 (1,2) - curve more, and you can blanket correctly

  2. 00:18:850 (3,4,5,6) - I prefer to uniform DS
  3. 01:08:304 (4) - I prefer Ctrl+G
  1. 00:34:850 (2,3) - I prefer to stack
almost good!
very nice song and mapping~☆
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

Sekai-nyan wrote:

Mod4Mod from your Queue o3o/

  1. remove the widescreen and letterbox since you didn't use them on your map fixed

  1. 00:04:668 (3) - I can hear a whistle sound on the music on the head of the slider, so you might want to add want fixed
  2. 00:22:850 (3) - umm whistle on the end of this slider seems too soft for this part, maybe switch it with finish instead o.o sure I'll do it for this diff

Nothing to say good Normal diff o.o/ thanks \o/

  1. 00:12:850 (3,7) - umm the overlap between those sliders looks a bit bad imo, how about stucking the (7) above the (3) it'll look much cleaner, just saying =w= sure I guess, you can't really tell during gameplay but I don't see a reason not to
  2. 00:42:486 (5) - ^ but move this slider 2 grids up so it'll stuck above the (7) mis click I think~
  3. 01:08:304 (4) - how about ctrl+G with this slider so it'll be more fun to play owo sure
  4. 01:08:668 (5) - the combo here went a bit too long so how about adding the nc here so it'll short them up leaving this for consistency, the combo is the same beatcount as the others

  1. 00:33:759 (6) - move this slider 1 grid to the left so it'll stuck above the (1) fixed
  2. 00:53:395 (3) - it'll be nice if you stuck this note on the 00:51:759 (2) - so it'll nicer imo not this one for flow purposes
  3. 01:19:577 (3) - move this slider to x:200 y:308 so the end will stuck on the other slider changed this in a different way, the stack would have been too far of a jump for me, but it looks weird without so I changed up the spacing.

That's all i found, nice song and it's great mapset =w=/ good luck with it <3

ichivictus wrote:

Hello :) For M4M.


Maybe you could add custom overlay hitsounds using your clap sound during sliders. Maybe just for the times the instrumentation calls for it like here 00:10:486 (3) - for now I'll say no, I usually do that for easies that don't have enough places for me to hitsound, but this one is a bit harder of an easy so there's more things to hitsound

01:19:577 (2) - Whistle on slider head sure

00:23:577 - Finish here like you did for Normal. fixed

This is just personal preference, but I'd like to enter kiai time with a little more enthusiasm. 00:56:304 (2) - Finish here with 60% volume. 00:57:032 (3) - Finish on slider head. 50% volume. 00:57:759 (4) - Finish on both slider head and end, but 40% volume. Just an idea you might want to play around with. Same concept for the other diffs. we'll see

Normal and Hard are great! They look aesthetically appealing and flow wonderfully. I can't find anything wrong at all.

Insane seemed like a 2nd hard to me. The only difference in difficulty (besides settings) are a few jumps that I guess could be tricky. Besides that it's just the same ol 1/2 beat. But that's okay, we need more easier insanes. I'm not one to try to force too much 1/4, so this is what I heard. Object count is pretty different too I think.

01:08:668 - through 01:09:759 - there's this thing with the vocals and guitar that sound like it's 1/4 instead of 1/2. Like this: Which would make it so much more interesting! for here I prefer to stick to those really strong drum parts, so I'm leaving this

Your entire mapset is lovely and I'm confident it will get ranked!

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~

  1. Title: "slow dance (TV Size)" don't think so, the listing on things that I have seen have these capitalized. Will change if I find more evidence supporting this.
  1. 00:35:213 (1,2,3) - how about symmetric position? sure~


  • Good!
  1. 00:17:759 (1,2) - curve more, and you can blanket correctly fixed

  2. 00:18:850 (3,4,5,6) - I prefer to uniform DS i'll try, we'll see how others think because objects have to overlap a bit
  3. 01:08:304 (4) - I prefer Ctrl+G fixed
  1. 00:34:850 (2,3) - I prefer to stack i kinda agree, but I like this pattern. Will see on this.
almost good!
very nice song and mapping~☆
~Good Luck~
Thanks everyone!
Hi,Moway.Random mod req.(Bad English)

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.




No problem!


00:02:123 (4) - I think move to (422|231),be a arc shape.
01:03:941 (4) - I think remove whistle ,beacuse continuous whistle feel a bit noise.
01:15:577 (4) - ^


00:07:941 (5) - Add whistle? Look,00:02:123 (5) - the same rhythm, you have add the whistle.
00:19:395 (5) - Slider end too close the gap,move to (392|164)? (I feel move here is better flow.)
00:21:759 (3) - I recommened stack 00:22:486 (6) slider head , is better flow. Try it: 00:25:213 (5) - Whistle?
00:27:941 (5) - ^
00:32:123 (8) - Stack 00:31:395 (6) slider end?
00:57:213 (4,6) - Ctrl+g? (Feel can make a bit jump)
01:08:850 (6) - Stack 01:08:668 (5) ? Select (5)(6),move to (168|56).
(Because 01:09:759 (9,10) is the same stack, I think this part(1~10) can keep the overall.)

01:20:850 (5) - Move to (364|224) be a pentagon? Imo.


00:06:850 (3) - Whistle?
00:29:032 (9) - Try move to (400|60)? Make a good pattern.
00:29:395 (1) - Finish?
00:39:213 (5) - Ctrl +g,better flow.
00:43:395 (8) - (368|108).
00:45:032 (5,6) - Ctrl+g? (If use,notice change the hitsound.)
00:57:395 (1,2) - Recommened ctrl+g.
01:21:577 (2) - (340|348).
01:21:759 (3) - (432|212).

So soft rhythm's good song~!

1.If you have any mod above problems, you can PM or in-game to me.
2.Hope to you ranked.
3.Hope my mod is useful to you.

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~

  1. Title: "slow dance (TV Size)"

Proof :

Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

Hi,Moway.Random mod req.(Bad English)

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.




No problem!


00:02:123 (4) - I think move to (422|231),be a arc shape. sure
01:03:941 (4) - I think remove whistle ,beacuse continuous whistle feel a bit noise. I think it fits here, and I do it for the rest of the diffs also
01:15:577 (4) - ^ same on this one~


00:07:941 (5) - Add whistle? Look,00:02:123 (5) - the same rhythm, you have add the whistle. i changed both of these because the piano actually happens a bit later
00:19:395 (5) - Slider end too close the gap,move to (392|164)? (I feel move here is better flow.) keeping here for now because of spacing, we'll see though
00:21:759 (3) - I recommened stack 00:22:486 (6) slider head , is better flow. Try it:
again here, spacing is an issue with that so I like the way I have it now.
00:25:213 (5) - Whistle? fixed
00:27:941 (5) - ^ this one doesn't fit as well to me though
00:32:123 (8) - Stack 00:31:395 (6) slider end? iprefer the formation i have now
00:57:213 (4,6) - Ctrl+g? (Feel can make a bit jump) i prefer to have the jumps happen in the circles that are after this, and I think the constant movement provides enough build up into the kiai
01:08:850 (6) - Stack 01:08:668 (5) ? Select (5)(6),move to (168|56).
(Because 01:09:759 (9,10) is the same stack, I think this part(1~10) can keep the overall.) the stack there is for the drum hits, whereas there aren't any at this part

01:20:850 (5) - Move to (364|224) be a pentagon? Imo. redid this part


00:06:850 (3) - Whistle? whistles here are to try to accent the piano notes
00:29:032 (9) - Try move to (400|60)? Make a good pattern. I like the pattern I have here formed by (7,8,9). That slight v dip with the jump across looks pretty good to me
00:29:395 (1) - Finish? don't hear it in the music here
00:39:213 (5) - Ctrl +g,better flow. I think it flows better the way it is
00:43:395 (8) - (368|108). moved it some, not that far though
00:45:032 (5,6) - Ctrl+g? (If use,notice change the hitsound.) way it is now has a jump to accentuate the drums
00:57:395 (1,2) - Recommened ctrl+g. not the pattern I was going for here
01:21:577 (2) - (340|348).
01:21:759 (3) - (432|212). fixed these ones

So soft rhythm's good song~!

1.If you have any mod above problems, you can PM or in-game to me.
2.Hope to you ranked.
3.Hope my mod is useful to you.
Thanks a bunch!

Momochikun wrote:

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~

  1. Title: "slow dance (TV Size)"

Proof :

Good Luck ~
That's proof enough for me, fixed.
Let's go :3

  1. Add audio lead-in maybe ? 1500 would be nice. Current seems too sudden for me.

  1. Hmm. i didn't really understand how did you arrange your whistle pattern here. But it would be nicer if you can add some whistle to emphasize the guitar sound, I feel that current hitsound seems a bit plain on the intro. You can try to add whistle to this slider 00:01:577 (6,7,3,6) - Or in the other similiar part of the song to give more fun and enjoyable feel to players.
  2. 00:02:304 (8) - Move it to something like 373 249 so it'll blanket correctly with (7)
  3. 00:18:668 (4,5) - This jump plays awkwardly. The smoothly cursor move from before jump was suddenly break because of such an odd flow. I suggest to ctrl + G this slider 00:18:668 (4) - . The jump will make more sense i think
  4. 00:11:759 (2) - I hear that double drum sound on the music. Add clap here will emphasize it perfectly.
  5. 00:11:395 (2,1,2,1) - This jump was a bit too much imo. When i played this, i often missclicked 00:11:759 (2) - because i think that would be the next note according to the flow of your jump pattern. Try to Ctrl + G 00:11:577 (1,2) - to make it more readable ?
  6. 00:19:941 (8) - Eh,, just my personal opinion here. Try to move this note to 153 63 ? This note will perfectly sit around the sliderbody of 00:20:668 (1) - that give nice view on the editor near the gameplay.
  7. 00:22:304 (6) - This slider look a bit messy. Why not use same shape (arc) with the symmetrical slider before (00:21:395 (3,4) - ) with some rotate ? The pattern would be more neat imo
  8. 00:23:577 (1) - You can hear a cymbal crash here that pretty similiar with 00:23:213 - , But in this time it was a bit louder. So add a finish to emphasize it ? You can lower the finish volume of 00:23:213 - to point the different between them. Nice sound though
  9. 00:27:941 (5) - You can bend this slider a bit slightly to give the sense of U shape mirror between them 00:27:577 (4,5) -
  10. 00:32:304 (1,2,3,4,5) - Um.. current spacing seems random for me. What pattern did you use just now ? I suggest to make the pattern cooler like a star formation, play nicely imo
  11. 00:38:850 (3) - Move this a bit up to blanket more correctly
  12. 00:40:486 (9,10) - Pretty nice jump pattern. But the shape curve of slider (10) was bother me a bit. It didn't look nice imo. How about try this pattern ?
  13. 00:44:304 (2) - This cyclone pattern didn't arranged nicely imo, current is a bit messy. Try moving it to 126 228 ? It will fix the spacing issue and make it even prettier
  14. 00:46:486 (10) - Nice ranbow pattern idea you got there. But maybe you can adjust the head point of this slider a bit down to make it blanket correctly ><
  15. 00:46:850 (1) - Same said as 00:23:577 (1) - Anyway, if you reject my suggestion about finish like this before. Didn't you missed a whistle here ?
  16. 00:52:668 (1) - ^
  17. 01:02:123 (1,2,3,4) - If i, i would make same pattern as 01:01:395 (1,2,3) - ><
  18. 01:05:395 (4) - Such a high beat vocal here. Maybe add whistle to emphasize it ?
  19. 01:06:123 (6,8) - I don't think if it was intentional. But i didn't see any reason to skip the clap hitsound here since the drum still go on. Add it instead ?
  20. 01:08:668 (1) - Add clap maybe o3o ? It sounds nice imo
  21. 01:16:668 (3) - Bend this slider more slightly then move it a bit down would blanket more nicely
  22. Wait.. there're no any clap sound here 01:20:668 - , You should replace the clap to 01:20:486 - Because the drum was hitting there o.o

  1. 00:19:032 (4,5) - The blanket didn't really look well for me. The sliderbody was too close and the shape just didn't make it. Why not make a tiny jump instead ? A bit jump before a high vocal is such a comfortable thing to play imo
  2. 00:25:213 (5,6) - Just my personal opinion here. But if i, i would like to make (6) parallel to (5) to make the pattern would look more neater. Like this
  3. 00:26:123 (7,3) - Wouldn't be bother if you stack it perfectly.. right ?
  4. 00:43:941 (1) - I would suggest to bend this slider more slightly to create prettier slider shape and nicer flow to the next note. Something like this will work nicely imo
  5. 01:05:759 (5,8) - Same as Insane
  6. 01:08:304 (4,5,6) - This jump was really weird to play imo. The flow from (4) to (5) and the linear line as the note just make the pattern feel a bit plain.
    I would like to suggest bend the symmetrical straight slider before and create some triangle pattern that more comfortable to play. Like this
  7. 01:12:304 (6) - Changing this into a simple 1/1 slider or a 1/2 slider with note would emphasize the vocal in a better way imo. since i feel a bit weird when hitting the reverse point in this slider since the vocal were still hold it
  8. 01:18:486 (8) - Ctrl H and blanket this slider would make more sense imo
  9. 01:20:304 (4) - The reverse point has same issue like i said on Insane

  1. 00:11:577 (6) - I guess you missed a clap at slider's end ? the drum were provided doubled sound here
  2. 00:13:759 (4) - What's wrong with the spacing here ? I wouldn't recommend any jump on the normal diff since this 1/2 rhytm were really hard to read. That i almost assume that the jump to 00:13:941 (5) - was 1/4
  3. 00:53:395 (2,3) - It would be nicer if you can make this slider symmetrical that uses same shape. The pattern will be pretty neater
  4. Honestly, imo this diff was overusing 1/2 reverse slider. Some 1/1 slider in red line has a weird spacing even if it followed the vocal properly, I suggest to change some of them to a easier pattern for beginners to read. ..And you make the rhytm before kiai a bit too complex for a normal diff.
    Well, it's your choice about rhytm, but the other things look fine enough for me.

  1. 00:09:032 (1,2,3) - Uhm. Maybe try to use same diagonal line for the 1/2 slider and use blanket to the 00:10:486 (3) - ? Current pattern were a bit messy to follow.
  2. 00:22:123 (2,3) - Some like a bear pattern for me. Blanket them in a proper way and make such a U shape would be neater though
  3. 00:36:304 (2) - Just some nazi spacing here. Try to move this note to 111 250 So it will placed correctly between the two symmetrical sliders
  4. 00:40:304 (3) - Disable grid snap and adjust this slider's end point a bit down will make the blanket more correctly
  5. 00:46:850 (1,3) - Honestly.. this slider shape was a bit weird for me ><
  6. 01:11:213 (2) - Nice rainbow pattern as usual. But please blanket it more correctly. Slightly move the end point to 153 344 would make it better

Good Luck :3 ~
Topic Starter

Momochikun wrote:

Let's go :3

  1. Add audio lead-in maybe ? 1500 would be nice. Current seems too sudden for me.

  1. Hmm. i didn't really understand how did you arrange your whistle pattern here. But it would be nicer if you can add some whistle to emphasize the guitar sound, I feel that current hitsound seems a bit plain on the intro. You can try to add whistle to this slider 00:01:577 (6,7,3,6) - Or in the other similiar part of the song to give more fun and enjoyable feel to players. fixed this up
  2. 00:02:304 (8) - Move it to something like 373 249 so it'll blanket correctly with (7) fixed
  3. 00:18:668 (4,5) - This jump plays awkwardly. The smoothly cursor move from before jump was suddenly break because of such an odd flow. I suggest to ctrl + G this slider 00:18:668 (4) - . The jump will make more sense i think The other way played fine I think, but this is better.
  4. 00:11:759 (2) - I hear that double drum sound on the music. Add clap here will emphasize it perfectly. fixed
  5. 00:11:395 (2,1,2,1) - This jump was a bit too much imo. When i played this, i often missclicked 00:11:759 (2) - because i think that would be the next note according to the flow of your jump pattern. Try to Ctrl + G 00:11:577 (1,2) - to make it more readable ? I think this plays and looks fine to me
  6. 00:19:941 (8) - Eh,, just my personal opinion here. Try to move this note to 153 63 ? This note will perfectly sit around the sliderbody of 00:20:668 (1) - that give nice view on the editor near the gameplay. makes it too low for the way I wanted it to play
  7. 00:22:304 (6) - This slider look a bit messy. Why not use same shape (arc) with the symmetrical slider before (00:21:395 (3,4) - ) with some rotate ? The pattern would be more neat imo I think this looks fine, and the flow is better this way with the curve
  8. 00:23:577 (1) - You can hear a cymbal crash here that pretty similiar with 00:23:213 - , But in this time it was a bit louder. So add a finish to emphasize it ? You can lower the finish volume of 00:23:213 - to point the different between them. Nice sound though sure, fixed
  9. 00:27:941 (5) - You can bend this slider a bit slightly to give the sense of U shape mirror between them 00:27:577 (4,5) - not sure what you quite mean here
  10. 00:32:304 (1,2,3,4,5) - Um.. current spacing seems random for me. What pattern did you use just now ? I suggest to make the pattern cooler like a star formation, play nicely imo it's basically a star formation with a bit of an alteration at the end. Spacing just has a slight jump for the drum part so I think it makes sense
  11. 00:38:850 (3) - Move this a bit up to blanket more correctly fixed
  12. 00:40:486 (9,10) - Pretty nice jump pattern. But the shape curve of slider (10) was bother me a bit. It didn't look nice imo. How about try this pattern ? the shape here is for better flow and a little blanket.
  13. 00:44:304 (2) - This cyclone pattern didn't arranged nicely imo, current is a bit messy. Try moving it to 126 228 ? It will fix the spacing issue and make it even prettier kind of messes up the idea I had with the star pattern after ward, and the spacing change is for some vocal emphasis
  14. 00:46:486 (10) - Nice ranbow pattern idea you got there. But maybe you can adjust the head point of this slider a bit down to make it blanket correctly >< fixed
  15. 00:46:850 (1) - Same said as 00:23:577 (1) - Anyway, if you reject my suggestion about finish like this before. Didn't you missed a whistle here ?
  16. 00:52:668 (1) - ^ fixed both
  17. 01:02:123 (1,2,3,4) - If i, i would make same pattern as 01:01:395 (1,2,3) - >< yeah i never liked this square
  18. 01:05:395 (4) - Such a high beat vocal here. Maybe add whistle to emphasize it ? sure
  19. 01:06:123 (6,8) - I don't think if it was intentional. But i didn't see any reason to skip the clap hitsound here since the drum still go on. Add it instead ? yeah not intentinoal
  20. 01:08:668 (1) - Add clap maybe o3o ? It sounds nice imo eh for here I don't like it that much
  21. 01:16:668 (3) - Bend this slider more slightly then move it a bit down would blanket more nicely moved this up actually to fix the blanket
  22. Wait.. there're no any clap sound here 01:20:668 - , You should replace the clap to 01:20:486 - Because the drum was hitting there o.o oops

  1. 00:19:032 (4,5) - The blanket didn't really look well for me. The sliderbody was too close and the shape just didn't make it. Why not make a tiny jump instead ? A bit jump before a high vocal is such a comfortable thing to play imo yeah, suggested multiple times so I will fix
  2. 00:25:213 (5,6) - Just my personal opinion here. But if i, i would like to make (6) parallel to (5) to make the pattern would look more neater. Like this
    I like the curve after the straight lines here
  3. 00:26:123 (7,3) - Wouldn't be bother if you stack it perfectly.. right ? misclick i guess
  4. 00:43:941 (1) - I would suggest to bend this slider more slightly to create prettier slider shape and nicer flow to the next note. Something like this will work nicely imo I think this one is alright
  5. 01:05:759 (5,8) - Same as Insane fixed
  6. 01:08:304 (4,5,6) - This jump was really weird to play imo. The flow from (4) to (5) and the linear line as the note just make the pattern feel a bit plain. I'll move it down, but I think the pattern is alright itself
    I would like to suggest bend the symmetrical straight slider before and create some triangle pattern that more comfortable to play. Like this
  7. 01:12:304 (6) - Changing this into a simple 1/1 slider or a 1/2 slider with note would emphasize the vocal in a better way imo. since i feel a bit weird when hitting the reverse point in this slider since the vocal were still hold it I actually think this matches the pitch change pretty well, and the drums so I like it this way
  8. 01:18:486 (8) - Ctrl H and blanket this slider would make more sense imo altered the blanket here but that was all
  9. 01:20:304 (4) - The reverse point has same issue like i said on Insane fixed

  1. 00:11:577 (6) - I guess you missed a clap at slider's end ? the drum were provided doubled sound here fixed
  2. 00:13:759 (4) - What's wrong with the spacing here ? I wouldn't recommend any jump on the normal diff since this 1/2 rhytm were really hard to read. That i almost assume that the jump to 00:13:941 (5) - was 1/4 there isn't any jump here o.o
  3. 00:53:395 (2,3) - It would be nicer if you can make this slider symmetrical that uses same shape. The pattern will be pretty neater sure
  4. Honestly, imo this diff was overusing 1/2 reverse slider. Some 1/1 slider in red line has a weird spacing even if it followed the vocal properly, I suggest to change some of them to a easier pattern for beginners to read. ..And you make the rhytm before kiai a bit too complex for a normal diff.
    Well, it's your choice about rhytm, but the other things look fine enough for me. yeah, it is more for a normal, but I felt with the way I was constructing the spread it worked well for me. I mapped the Easy diff before any other diff, then worked up from there, so I think the way this is mapped should fit my spread well. Beginners have the Easy to play if this one is too hard.

  1. 00:09:032 (1,2,3) - Uhm. Maybe try to use same diagonal line for the 1/2 slider and use blanket to the 00:10:486 (3) - ? Current pattern were a bit messy to follow. not sure what is different here with what I have
  2. 00:22:123 (2,3) - Some like a bear pattern for me. Blanket them in a proper way and make such a U shape would be neater though fixed up the blankets here
  3. 00:36:304 (2) - Just some nazi spacing here. Try to move this note to 111 250 So it will placed correctly between the two symmetrical sliders fixed up spacing here
  4. 00:40:304 (3) - Disable grid snap and adjust this slider's end point a bit down will make the blanket more correctly fixed in a different way
  5. 00:46:850 (1,3) - Honestly.. this slider shape was a bit weird for me >< just made normal shapes
  6. 01:11:213 (2) - Nice rainbow pattern as usual. But please blanket it more correctly. Slightly move the end point to 153 344 would make it better fixed

Good Luck :3 ~
Thanks a lot!
Hi Moway, this is an attempt at a M4M. Hopefully I can help you in any way possible as my modding ability is kind of sad really.

These are all suggestions,
feel free to use any~

01:21:759 - Consider adding a spinner to the end of each difficulty for variation in the scores. It can play until either 01:23:213 as you can hear a sustained vocal up until this point, or the nice sound heard on 01:24:668

00:26:486 (1) - Whistle on the head here? This would be consistent with 00:14:850 (1) which plays to a similar sounding vocal tone. You could also remove the whistle on 00:14:850 (1) as another option.
01:12:668 (4,1) - These two can fit together a little more nicely :)
Looks perfect to me.

00:03:759 (2,4) - Not perfectly stacked
00:14:486 (7,1) - Maybe if you shift (7) up a bit you will be able to blanket these two more nicely while keeping (1) on the grid.
00:17:577 (7) - Perhaps you could make this object more in line with the adjacent notes to flow better, the little nudge to the right feels awkward.
00:26:486 (1) - Same whistle suggestion as in Easy
00:29:032 (9,1) - Can blanket more nicely if you move (1) to x:472 y:344
01:16:668 (3,4) - You can adjust these sliders a bit to create a triangle shape while maintaining the blanket. Something like this:
Very nice hard difficulty!


Just a preference of mine, but I found this difficulty easier to read and play with AR9 as it compliments the spacing and overall it felt less cluttered when I tried it out. Something to think about ;)

00:05:759 (1,2) - Perhaps swap the position of these two and see how it feels. The movement between 00:05:577 (2,1,2) feels quite stiff and unnatural in terms of flow.
00:16:304 (6,7,8,9) - You can create a nice triangle shape by moving 00:16:304 (6) to x:349 y:192 and 00:17:213 (8,9) to x:248 y:285
00:18:668 (4) - This patterning is felt very strange to me because of how you use a sharp motion between 00:18:123 (2,3) causing the player to greatly increase the speed of the of their cursor and then suddenly halt it to hit this slider and break flow. Consider this placement or doing something similar to this:
collapsed text

Here's the code if you want to try it out:


00:22:123 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Seems like these objects could be organized in some fashion whether it be spacing or placement because the current formation looks odd.
00:26:486 (1) - Same whistle suggestion as in Easy and Hard.
00:32:304 (1,2,3,4,5) - You can adjust the positions of (2), (4), and (5) to create a nice star pattern while having the other 2 notes remain in their stacked positions.
00:33:395 (5) - Could blanket slightly better with (3)~
00:42:486 (5) - I'm not a huge fan of the curve on this slider and it how continues in the downward motion coming out of the jump between 00:42:304 (4,5). Perhaps you can re-position this slider to articulate some nice angled jumps to make the play here more interesting.
01:11:213 - I think this rhythm would be more fitting since I can hear a sustained vocal starting here and a 1/1 slider would fit nicely. Also because you did a similar thing at 01:17:032 (4):
collapsed text

Anything similar would probably work too as long as that 1/1 slider is in there.
01:16:304 (1,2,3) - Seems like an accident occurred here. I'm probably correct in saying that 01:16:304 (1) should have started back on the strong white tick.

That's all I can bring up. The set and song are both nice and I wish the best of luck on this! Sorry if this wasn't very helpful. Hopefully you are able to take a few things away from this mod. I'll send you a PM regarding M4M if you're interested!
Topic Starter

Trust wrote:

Hi Moway, this is an attempt at a M4M. Hopefully I can help you in any way possible as my modding ability is kind of sad really.

These are all suggestions,
feel free to use any~

01:21:759 - Consider adding a spinner to the end of each difficulty for variation in the scores. It can play until either 01:23:213 as you can hear a sustained vocal up until this point, or the nice sound heard on 01:24:668 I'll see. I know it's weird that I don't have a spinner on any of the diffs, but to me I couldn't really find a place that I liked a spinner. The end maybe, but I kind of like it without one. I can add this if this is a problem.

00:26:486 (1) - Whistle on the head here? This would be consistent with 00:14:850 (1) which plays to a similar sounding vocal tone. You could also remove the whistle on 00:14:850 (1) as another option. added
01:12:668 (4,1) - These two can fit together a little more nicely :) appears so, fixed this up a bit
Looks perfect to me.

00:03:759 (2,4) - Not perfectly stacked oops lolz
00:14:486 (7,1) - Maybe if you shift (7) up a bit you will be able to blanket these two more nicely while keeping (1) on the grid. sure
00:17:577 (7) - Perhaps you could make this object more in line with the adjacent notes to flow better, the little nudge to the right feels awkward. I"ll move it over a bit, don't want it over too much though, since i do want a bit of that rightward zig zag, but just slightly
00:26:486 (1) - Same whistle suggestion as in Easy fixed
00:29:032 (9,1) - Can blanket more nicely if you move (1) to x:472 y:344 fixed
01:16:668 (3,4) - You can adjust these sliders a bit to create a triangle shape while maintaining the blanket. Something like this: cool stuff
Very nice hard difficulty!


Just a preference of mine, but I found this difficulty easier to read and play with AR9 as it compliments the spacing and overall it felt less cluttered when I tried it out. Something to think about ;) on the fence here, so leaving it for now. I will gather opinions on it and see how it goes, but so far the general opinion is that ar8 works fine.

00:05:759 (1,2) - Perhaps swap the position of these two and see how it feels. The movement between 00:05:577 (2,1,2) feels quite stiff and unnatural in terms of flow. not really sure here. I'll keep what I have now, I think it plays alright, but we'll see.
00:16:304 (6,7,8,9) - You can create a nice triangle shape by moving 00:16:304 (6) to x:349 y:192 and 00:17:213 (8,9) to x:248 y:285 for me on this one, it kind of messes with the flow that I want to have here
00:18:668 (4) - This patterning is felt very strange to me because of how you use a sharp motion between 00:18:123 (2,3) causing the player to greatly increase the speed of the of their cursor and then suddenly halt it to hit this slider and break flow. Consider this placement or doing something similar to this: I'll try to think of something here. The idea here was to have exactly what you pointed out to happen. The slider leniencies of (3,4) serve as pseudo stops for those vocal lines and flow downward into (5), but if I get another opinion that this doesn't play well, then I can change it.
collapsed text

Here's the code if you want to try it out:


00:22:123 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Seems like these objects could be organized in some fashion whether it be spacing or placement because the current formation looks odd. jumps here all correspond with musical ideas, and the patterns are fairly common so I think they're alright.
00:26:486 (1) - Same whistle suggestion as in Easy and Hard. fixed
00:32:304 (1,2,3,4,5) - You can adjust the positions of (2), (4), and (5) to create a nice star pattern while having the other 2 notes remain in their stacked positions. sure thing
00:33:395 (5) - Could blanket slightly better with (3)~ also adjusted
00:42:486 (5) - I'm not a huge fan of the curve on this slider and it how continues in the downward motion coming out of the jump between 00:42:304 (4,5). Perhaps you can re-position this slider to articulate some nice angled jumps to make the play here more interesting. I'll try to come up with something here. I think this plays fine and will work if I can't find something better though.
01:11:213 - I think this rhythm would be more fitting since I can hear a sustained vocal starting here and a 1/1 slider would fit nicely. Also because you did a similar thing at 01:17:032 (4): the idea here is that there is a vocal slide that is mapped by the 1/2 and 1/1 slider. I do this twice in the kiai, so we have some consistency there. The one at 01:17:032 is done differently in order to map the guitar line that follows which I think is important to do.
collapsed text

Anything similar would probably work too as long as that 1/1 slider is in there.
01:16:304 (1,2,3) - Seems like an accident occurred here. I'm probably correct in saying that 01:16:304 (1) should have started back on the strong white tick. yeah got this covered

That's all I can bring up. The set and song are both nice and I wish the best of luck on this! Sorry if this wasn't very helpful. Hopefully you are able to take a few things away from this mod. I'll send you a PM regarding M4M if you're interested!
Thanks for the mod!
Hi from my modding queue
00:41:032(1) - slider start - add finish
00:46:850(1) - slider start - add finish
00:57:032(3) - slider start - add finish
00:57:759(4) - slider start - add finish
01:07:213(1) - Add finish
01:17:404(1) - slider end - add finish
01:18:854(1) - slider start - add finish

00:06:123(1) - slider start - add finish
00:11:577(6) - slider start - add finish
00:34:850(5) - slider start - add finish
00:41:032(1)- slider start - add finish
00:57:032(3),(4),(5) - sliders start - add finish
01:09:759(7) - slider start - add finish
01:15:941(1) - slider start - add finish
01:18:850(1) - add finish

00:06:123(1) - slider start - add finish
00:11:577(3) - add finish
00:17:759(1) - slider start - add finish
00:29:032(9),(1) - sliders start - add finish
00:34:850(7) - add finish
00:41:032(1) - slider start - add finish
00:57:032(3) - add finish
00:57:759(7) - slider start - add finish
01:04:304(1) - slider start - add finish
01:07:213(1) - slider start - add finish
01:21:395(3) - add finish

00:06:123(1) - slider start - add finish
00:11:590(1) - add finish
00:17:759(1) - slider start - add finish
00:29:395(1) - slider start - add finish
00:34:850(2) - add finish
00:41:032(1) - slider start - add finish
00:57:032(1) - add finish
00:57:395(1) - add finish
00:57:759(3) - slider start - add finish
00:58:123(1) - add finish
01:04:304(1) - slider start - add finish
01:05:748(4) - slider end - add finish
01:07:213(1) - slider start - add finish
01:09:759(1) - add finish
01:15:941(1) - slider start - add finish
01:17:395(4) - slider end - add finish
01:18:850(1) - slider start - add finish
01:21:395(1) - add finish

I think this is the longest mod i ever made
Good luck mapping :)
Hi Moway, few suggestions :)

  1. Fix Letterbox conflicts
  2. I would prefer Preview Point at 00:55:577 -
  1. is rated as a normal
  2. 00:06:123 (1,2) - this is confusing for an easy, people would tend to hit the wrong side, maybe change 00:06:123 (1) - 's curve ?
  3. 00:11:941 (1,2,3,4) - vocals are quite strong on red ticks, could be confusing, dunno how it could be fixed. :/
  4. 00:17:759 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  5. 00:19:941 (4,1) - same as 00:06:850 - , they often got tricked by this, especially if it s a reverse, maybe change 00:20:668 (1) - 's position.
  6. 00:22:123 (2,3) - ^same, maybe move 00:22:850 (3) - down a bit.
  1. nothing to say, i love the kiai
  1. 00:09:759 (3,4) - flow is a bit weird there, maybe change 00:09:759 (3) - 's curve
  2. 01:21:759 (5) - hmm i really would prefer a 'z' shape with 01:21:032 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  1. I really love this diff, that's why i decided to mod your map a bit. <3
Hope it can help you. Good luck getting this ranked, cause its really great ! Nice job
Topic Starter

Jethh wrote:

Hi Moway, few suggestions :)

  1. Fix Letterbox conflicts shouldn't be any
  2. I would prefer Preview Point at 00:55:577 - going to leave this, I think it's fine where it is.
  1. is rated as a normal uguu
  2. 00:06:123 (1,2) - this is confusing for an easy, people would tend to hit the wrong side, maybe change 00:06:123 (1) - 's curve ? I don't think so here, the approach circle makes it pretty clear
  3. 00:11:941 (1,2,3,4) - vocals are quite strong on red ticks, could be confusing, dunno how it could be fixed. :/ Yeah, I'd like to change but there doesn't seem to be a great way to do it without making it confusing with the drum beat
  4. 00:17:759 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  5. 00:19:941 (4,1) - same as 00:06:850 - , they often got tricked by this, especially if it s a reverse, maybe change 00:20:668 (1) - 's position. fixed this one
  6. 00:22:123 (2,3) - ^same, maybe move 00:22:850 (3) - down a bit. think this one is fine
  1. nothing to say, i love the kiai
  1. 00:09:759 (3,4) - flow is a bit weird there, maybe change 00:09:759 (3) - 's curve adjusted the positioning some
  2. 01:21:759 (5) - hmm i really would prefer a 'z' shape with 01:21:032 (1,2,3,4,5) - tried out something
  1. I really love this diff, that's why i decided to mod your map a bit. <3
Hope it can help you. Good luck getting this ranked, cause its really great ! Nice job
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