Easy00:07:725 (1,1) - These sliders are not the same shape. Here is what they look like overlaid. (1,2) - Looks out of place. I suggest curving 1 in the other direction, so that the end is pointing towards 2 instead of under it.
00:52:089 (1) - Doesn't have enough of a curve. Use four points if you need to.
00:59:352 (1) - This curve looks too arched compared to 00:57:164 (1) - slider.
01:09:155 (2) - Fix this blanket by setting the second point to x 82 y 275 Last point to x 44 y 216.
Normal00:09:170 (2,3,4,1) - Transition can be improved. It's a bit misshapen. <Much cleaner.
00:23:552 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - The curves in this just bothers me. I came up with this i'll leave you to line up the notes like the one in the screenshot, but here is the slider I used as a template for both sliders. First point x 305 y 102 Second point x 320 y 172 Third point 368 y 231. Second slider starts at x 276 y 328
01:23:700 (3) - This slider breaks pattern in a bad way.
Hard00:01:174 (3,4) - This blanket can be better. Move the middle point of 4 to x 168 y 232
00:04:092 (4,5,6) - Slider curves don't really match that well. This is probably fine. you should add a bit more curve to 00:05:002 (6) - though. (1,2,3,4) - Such a bland sequence. I highly suggest changing this pattern to something better. Softer curves fit better.
01:15:346 (3,4) - Looks like the blanket could be centered.
01:16:984 (4) - I think this could be better with four points.
01:23:151 (4,5) - Perhaps could be slightly more centered.
I have to go I will finish at a later time.
Ixxm's InsaneThis difficulty is a lot better.
00:00:445 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern looks much different than the overall styling in the song. I think it would look better if you just used 1.5 spacing like the parts after and choose a pattern that complements the lower spacing of course.
00:15:528 (4,5,6,7,8) - I like how this plays. ^_^
00:17:898 (11) - This looks strange curving inward towards the stream. Curving outward away from the stream looks better IMO.
00:18:628 (2,3,4,5,6) - Confusing to read. I think it would be nice to have 00:18:628 (2) - shaped more like 00:17:898 (11) - (outward with symmetry) since it's essentially the same pattern in the music. This would allow people to better prepare for the stack.
00:20:816 (4,5) - How about moving 5 to x 380 y 202? It looks better to me. You would need to adjust the spacings after though.
00:31:725 (1,2,3) - I don't think this is the most fantastic transition, but it works.
00:34:634 (1,2,3) - ^ I don't expect you to change these, but they are flawed transitions.
00:36:627 (2,3) - Use a blanket? I think 3 looks better lower as compared to 00:37:534 (1) - anyways, so a blanket makes more sense.
00:38:984 (5,1,2,3,4) - <3 Nice!
00:43:334 (2) - Bad placement. If it's going to curve towards the right, you should try to blanket with 00:43:334 (2) - . you may want to experiment with curving away from 4. Either seem like fine options.
00:50:811 (5,6,7) - Plays and looks a bit off. The blanket here 00:50:446 (4,5) - seems a bit imperfect and 00:51:358 (6,7) - has weird flow. I think a 1/1 slider on the white tick would play better. At the moment the red tick starting slider feels too slow when I play it.
01:04:798 (4) - Move a bit higher to follow the previous slider curve better. x 329 y 76 should do.
01:08:791 (4) - I think that a slight reduction in this curve would look better. I know that it's the same shape as the previous slider, but the two sliders aren't lined up. What do you think?
01:19:712 (7,8) - This seems to be placed like this for flow reasons. It doesn't look that good though. It seems to be better without affecting flow if 8 was a bit further away in the pattern, but I'm not sure if it's worth changing the spacing.
InsaneI like how the guest mapper mapped his Insane more than this difficulty now. o.o There is quite a few patterns that need to be tweaked and shifted before this is ready to be ranked IMO.
00:00:809 (2,2) - I feel these sliders need to be at nearly the same angle. (1,2,3) - The angles don't look right. I liked the guest difficulty Insane because it avoided things like this. Personally I would have the single note be the bridge between the two sliders instead of having it look like a chain of objects. I would show a screenshot, but my opinion here might conflict with how you wanted the song to be mapped. I'll let you figure out if and how you would change this.
00:11:158 (3,4) - Transition looks slightly unusual. I'm not entirely sure though. It might be better if 3 looked more similar to 4. Change if you only believe it looks better.
00:13:521 (1,3) - It would look cleaner if 1 was the same shape as 3. I suggest copying 3 and flipping it into 1's position.
00:25:895 (1,2,3) - I think I slightly prefer this being a single solid curve. (5) - I think this pattern would be a lot better if this slider was rotated so that the right side was wider than the left. (1,2,3) - angles look slightly off here. < Changed the note in the middle and rotated 3 slightly clockwise. 3,4,1 then can be given consistent spacing.
00:35:359 (3) - This should be lower and more under 2 IMO. Try to draw the curve you are trying to make and place the notes along that line you make.
00:43:334 - The slowdowns are a bit distracting IMO. It's not a real issue though. The linearity of this part is a drastic change from the previous mapping. Linear mapping isn't as interesting to me, but again that's my opinion.
00:48:987 (1,2,3) - This sudden angle change looks bad IMO. I think a more subtle angle shift would fit better for a linear map. I have 00:48:987 (1) - at x 245 y 163, 00:49:078 (2) - at x 210 y 161 and 00:49:169 (3) - at x 180 y 159 (163->161->159)
00:56:435 (1,2,3,4) - Not polished. 1,4 appear to be at slightly different angles but I think that the two objects being so far away from each other on the screen is making the pattern worse. A slight shift of the notes and a rotation adjustment and I got. (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - First impressions of this is that it looked lumpy. I think it would be better if the angle didn't change half way through this sequence. Example (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Random triangle flow x.x
01:10:612 (6,7,1) - This angle >.<It doesn't seem like it should look like this, but i'm not exactly sure what needs to be done to fix it.
01:16:439 (5,6) - Sudden and awkward spacing change.
ConclusionI gave a much more thorough mod for your maps this time around. I am much happier with this attempt to mod your map.