
yukizakurasou - Natsukage ~Ano Hikoukigumo wo Koeta, Sono Sa

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Gloria Guard
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013년 8월 9일 금요일 at 오후 1:06:59

Artist: yukizakurasou
Title: Natsukage ~Ano Hikoukigumo wo Koeta, Sono Saki e~
Source: Air
Tags: Yuki maeda jun Kyoto Animation 京都アニメーション Key
BPM: 71
Filesize: 13906kb
Play Time: 05:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Natsukage (4.74 stars, 736 notes)
Download: yukizakurasou - Natsukage ~Ano Hikoukigumo wo Koeta, Sono Saki e~
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
For Approved map

100% Modding ready :D

SB : (Setsurei) Thank you XD
S e e U
AR을 8~9로 올렸으면 합니다 :D
01:43:386 (1)
05:26:113 (7) - 스냅 확인이요 ㅎㅎ
01:35:492 (5,6,7,8,9) - 이런패턴들을 약간 난이도 높게 잡으시려면 점프처리 해주는것도 좋을거같네요 예를들어 별모양이라던지 별모양이라던지...
01:41:808 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^
02:22:861 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
03:32:334 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^

쓰고보니 난이도를 올리는쪽의 모딩이 되어버렸네요
힛사는 제가 모딩경험이 적어서 못건드리겠네요 ;ㅅ;
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

S e e U wrote:

AR을 8~9로 올렸으면 합니다 :D
01:43:386 (1)
05:26:113 (7) - 스냅 확인이요 ㅎㅎ
01:35:492 (5,6,7,8,9) - 이런패턴들을 약간 난이도 높게 잡으시려면 점프처리 해주는것도 좋을거같네요 예를들어 별모양이라던지 별모양이라던지...
01:41:808 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^
02:22:861 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
03:32:334 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^

쓰고보니 난이도를 올리는쪽의 모딩이 되어버렸네요
힛사는 제가 모딩경험이 적어서 못건드리겠네요 ;ㅅ;

모딩 고마워요.~
Hi GG :)


  1. Why "Fresh"? Can you name it something that hints towards the sky, or something more abstract?

  2. 00:03:395 (1) - What is that slider supposed to be? o.o It looks weird and doesn't fit the curve of the 00:04:451 (2,3). ;_;

  3. 00:23:690 (1) - The end of this slider is the only thing in the section that doesn't hit perfectly with the vocals, so it felt a bit strange to me. I would have this slider end at 00:24:544 instead to keep consistent with the rest of the section.

  4. 01:26:413 (5) - Sounds much nicer with the music if you remove the first two whistles. So you'd only have a whistle on the last repeat and the end.

  5. 01:43:386 (1) - Apparently this is unsnapped.

  6. 02:11:019 (7,8,9) - Do you want to use .8 spacing for this stream like the others around it?

  7. 02:23:650 (9,10,11) - Would fit music nicer if we had a jump to the 9 since the music changes there. It feels weak when it just continues in the previous stream. Maybe make the 9 a slider and have a placement like at 04:36:282 (10,11).

  8. 02:25:032 (2,3) - This plays nicer imo if you ctrl+G these like so:

  9. 02:56:216 (6) - Most players will miss here because you break the pattern. For the whole section, you have a pause after the 1st and 3rd beats, but here you have an object right after beat 1. Players will expect the slider to start 1/4 later, so I suggest moving the 02:56:216 (6) to 02:56:413.

    You could also just have a circle at 02:56:413 instead of the slider, which might be better.

  10. 03:27:598 - I don't like how you change the pattern here. It's confusing to not hit the slider on beat 1 like we have, instead we hit another circle so it's like we're continuing the stream but the stream has stopping in the song. So I suggest use a more simple rhythm maybe:

  11. 03:30:361 - I guess you stop the whistle pattern here on purpose?

  12. 03:36:084 - How about adding some notes to make a nice 1/8 triplet here? I think it plays nicely with the music.

  13. 03:38:650 - I didn't really like the rhythm here. I felt that a triplet at 03:39:045 would feel great, and since the new melody starts at 03:39:834 it felt weak because it was in the middle of a stream, there was no change in pattern. Just a suggestion rhythm:

    And just sample placement:

  14. 04:23:650 (8,9) - How about a jump to the 8 to fit the music better? Just like at 04:25:229 (3,4). Like this maybe:

  15. 05:01:294 (1) - I don't like how this spinner keeps going after 05:02:861 when the music completely stops. There is no sound at all but we are playing a spinner. I think you can have a nicer effect if you end the spinner at 05:02:861 and just have nothing. So this rhythm:

    That long pause is soooooooooo epic. It really fits.

  16. 05:09:000 (4) - It might be better to end this slider at 05:09:634 instead like the others in the sections such as 05:10:690 (2) and 05:15:761 (6) etc etc.
    It is a bit surprising when it ends early and we have to hit the 05:09:634 (5).
Brilliant map. Really fits my tastes.
S e e U
' ~' 시간나실때 제꺼 모딩좀 부탁드려도 될까요?



+ 별박고 갑니당 히히
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

UnitedWeSin wrote:

Hi GG :)


  1. Why "Fresh"? Can you name it something that hints towards the sky, or something more abstract?

  2. 00:03:395 (1) - What is that slider supposed to be? o.o It looks weird and doesn't fit the curve of the 00:04:451 (2,3). ;_; This does not affect play.
  3. 00:23:690 (1) - The end of this slider is the only thing in the section that doesn't hit perfectly with the vocals, so it felt a bit strange to me. I would have this slider end at 00:24:544 instead to keep consistent with the rest of the section. Current beat is better

  4. 01:26:413 (5) - Sounds much nicer with the music if you remove the first two whistles. So you'd only have a whistle on the last repeat and the end. ok fix

  5. 01:43:386 (1) - Apparently this is unsnapped. ok fix

  6. 02:11:019 (7,8,9) - Do you want to use .8 spacing for this stream like the others around it? No it's kiai time power stream

  7. 02:23:650 (9,10,11) - Would fit music nicer if we had a jump to the 9 since the music changes there. It feels weak when it just continues in the previous stream. Maybe make the 9 a slider and have a placement like at 04:36:282 (10,11). No

  8. 02:25:032 (2,3) - This plays nicer imo if you ctrl+G these like so: ok fix

  9. 02:56:216 (6) - Most players will miss here because you break the pattern. For the whole section, you have a pause after the 1st and 3rd beats, but here you have an object right after beat 1. Players will expect the slider to start 1/4 later, so I suggest moving the 02:56:216 (6) to 02:56:413. why? it's play not problem.

    You could also just have a circle at 02:56:413 instead of the slider, which might be better.

  10. 03:27:598 - I don't like how you change the pattern here. It's confusing to not hit the slider on beat 1 like we have, instead we hit another circle so it's like we're continuing the stream but the stream has stopping in the song. So I suggest use a more simple rhythm maybe: ok fix

  11. 03:30:361 - I guess you stop the whistle pattern here on purpose? What..? it's drum sound here..

  12. 03:36:084 - How about adding some notes to make a nice 1/8 triplet here? I think it plays nicely with the music. No

  13. 03:38:650 - I didn't really like the rhythm here. I felt that a triplet at 03:39:045 would feel great, and since the new melody starts at 03:39:834 it felt weak because it was in the middle of a stream, there was no change in pattern. Just a suggestion rhythm: No

    And just sample placement:

  14. 04:23:650 (8,9) - How about a jump to the 8 to fit the music better? Just like at 04:25:229 (3,4). Like this maybe: ok fix

  15. 05:01:294 (1) - I don't like how this spinner keeps going after 05:02:861 when the music completely stops. There is no sound at all but we are playing a spinner. I think you can have a nicer effect if you end the spinner at 05:02:861 and just have nothing. So this rhythm: Because more and more quiet atmosphere

    That long pause is soooooooooo epic. It really fits.

  16. 05:09:000 (4) - It might be better to end this slider at 05:09:634 instead like the others in the sections such as 05:10:690 (2) and 05:15:761 (6) etc etc.
    It is a bit surprising when it ends early and we have to hit the 05:09:634 (5).
ok fix

Brilliant map. Really fits my tastes.

Thanks for modding ^^
yeaa want to mod this and hi GG XD

The thing that i will say is blanket and move a little for a better pattern 0.0
00:42:598 (6) - 1 grid down
00:46:545 (1) - move center to 268|96 and move tail to 320|136
00:52:269 (7) - remake this slider. its not a perfect stack. oh and after u remake, move center 272|92 and move tail to 264|156 for better blanket too
01:06:084 (2) - move center to 320|168 and move tail to 252|188
01:06:874 (4) - what about make it stack with 01:05:492 (1) 's tail? move it to 164|143
01:12:400 (2) - move head point to 404|120
01:18:124 (1) - move center to 224|136 and move tail to 148|160
01:21:282 (1) - 1 grid right and move tail up 2 grid
01:45:361 (5) - try to move 2 grid right. maybe better
02:07:466 (5) - move tail to 92|256. then move (6) to 184|124 and move tail to 256|108
02:08:650 (1) - move center 1 grid left and move center of (2) up 1 grid
02:15:953 (3) - 2 grid left
02:31:940 (3) - 2 grid down
02:36:084 (6) - perfect stack with 02:34:505 (2) for clean
02:48:124 (7) - what about make it stack with (5)'s tail (114|236)
03:04:308 (6) - 1 grid up
03:17:334 (5) - move to 156|103 for perfect stack.
03:22:071 (3,4) - move both 2 grid left
03:43:387 (1) - move center down 2 grid and move (2) 1 grid left
03:51:282 (4) - maybe ctrl+g? for distance
03:55:229 (7) - move tail left 1 grid and move tail of 03:56:019 (1) up 2 grid and move (2) to 248|48 and dont forget to move (4) to stack with 2 if you follow this
04:12:400 (2) - left 1 grid down 1 grid
04:13:190 (4) - move tail 4 grid left
04:41:611 (4) - 1 grid down
04:43:387 (1) - move center and tail both 1 grid down
04:56:019 (1) - 1 grid right

Good Luck GG :D
oh and
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

P A N wrote:

yeaa want to mod this and hi GG XD

The thing that i will say is blanket and move a little for a better pattern 0.0
00:42:598 (6) - 1 grid down
00:46:545 (1) - move center to 268|96 and move tail to 320|136
00:52:269 (7) - remake this slider. its not a perfect stack. oh and after u remake, move center 272|92 and move tail to 264|156 for better blanket too
01:06:084 (2) - move center to 320|168 and move tail to 252|188
01:06:874 (4) - what about make it stack with 01:05:492 (1) 's tail? move it to 164|143
01:12:400 (2) - move head point to 404|120
01:18:124 (1) - move center to 224|136 and move tail to 148|160
01:21:282 (1) - 1 grid right and move tail up 2 grid
01:45:361 (5) - try to move 2 grid right. maybe better
02:07:466 (5) - move tail to 92|256. then move (6) to 184|124 and move tail to 256|108
02:08:650 (1) - move center 1 grid left and move center of (2) up 1 grid
02:15:953 (3) - 2 grid left
02:31:940 (3) - 2 grid down
02:36:084 (6) - perfect stack with 02:34:505 (2) for clean
02:48:124 (7) - what about make it stack with (5)'s tail (114|236)
03:04:308 (6) - 1 grid up
03:17:334 (5) - move to 156|103 for perfect stack.
03:22:071 (3,4) - move both 2 grid left
03:43:387 (1) - move center down 2 grid and move (2) 1 grid left
03:51:282 (4) - maybe ctrl+g? for distance
03:55:229 (7) - move tail left 1 grid and move tail of 03:56:019 (1) up 2 grid and move (2) to 248|48 and dont forget to move (4) to stack with 2 if you follow this
04:12:400 (2) - left 1 grid down 1 grid
04:13:190 (4) - move tail 4 grid left
04:41:611 (4) - 1 grid down
04:43:387 (1) - move center and tail both 1 grid down
04:56:019 (1) - 1 grid right

Good Luck GG :D
oh and

Thank you =w= blanket and pattern suggest fix
some object's end is not snapped open aimod check?
Rhythm Change
It have some strange about the rhythm
do you like this?
00:18:606 (4) - the end in00:19:240
00:19:451 - add cricle

00:20:296 (1) - the end in00:20:930
00:21:141 - add circle

00:21:986 (5) - the end in00:22:620
00:22:831 - add circle
01:30:755 (1) - add finish it have a strong sound
01:56:216 (1) - add clap
02:17:532 (8) - add whistle?
02:33:519 (7,1) - It have little overlapping
02:54:045 (2) - It shoule be 45" tilt about flow x208 y144
03:33:913 (1) - x216 y144
Rhy thm Change
03:48:913 (7) - the end in 03:49:111
03:49:308 - add circle
04:46:150 (7,1) - It have little overlapping
04:53:848 (3,4) - ^
05:01:294 (1) - add finish
05:05:577 - The voice lower in 5%
05:51:256 (2,3,4) - 2 and 4 isn't balance
Good luck for rank
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

bokito wrote:

some object's end is not snapped open aimod check?
Rhythm Change
It have some strange about the rhythm
do you like this?
00:18:606 (4) - the end in00:19:240
00:19:451 - add cricle

00:20:296 (1) - the end in00:20:930
00:21:141 - add circle

00:21:986 (5) - the end in00:22:620
00:22:831 - add circle
01:30:755 (1) - add finish it have a strong sound
01:56:216 (1) - add clap
02:17:532 (8) - add whistle?
02:33:519 (7,1) - It have little overlapping
02:54:045 (2) - It shoule be 45" tilt about flow x208 y144
03:33:913 (1) - x216 y144
Rhy thm Change
03:48:913 (7) - the end in 03:49:111
03:49:308 - add circle
04:46:150 (7,1) - It have little overlapping
04:53:848 (3,4) - ^
05:01:294 (1) - add finish
05:05:577 - The voice lower in 5%
05:51:256 (2,3,4) - 2 and 4 isn't balance
Good luck for rank

Thank you helpful modding ^^/


*어떻게 맵 업데이트하고 볼때마다 AI모드에 언스냅노트가 보이는거죠? 확인해주세요 :)
*첫번째 키아이 (01:59:177 - 여기서부터 02:49:703 - 여기에 끝나는) Soft S:C1 '휘슬' missing 인거같은데 힛사 넣어주세요

00:27:162 (1) - 스핀 언스냅
02:21:282 (1) - 슬라이더 머리에 피니시 (볼륨 40~50%정도면 좋을꺼같네요.)
02:48:124 (7) - 피니시 (Soft S:C2)
03:26:019 (5) - 1grid down
03:39:637 (4,5) - Sampleset : Normal 로 하는게 좋을지도?..
04:33:913 (1) - 슬라이더 머리에 피니시 (Soft S:C2 볼륨 40~50%정도면 좋을꺼같네요.)
04:46:545 (1) - 슬라이더 멀리에 휘슬
04:59:318 (1) - 스핀 언스냅
05:01:294 (1) - 스핀 언스냅
05:06:463 (1) - 슬라이더 언스냅

맵이너무 좋아서 잡을게없네요. 이런맵을 모딩하라니 말도안되는...

Good luck :)
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

koreapenguin wrote:



*어떻게 맵 업데이트하고 볼때마다 AI모드에 언스냅노트가 보이는거죠? 확인해주세요 :)
*첫번째 키아이 (01:59:177 - 여기서부터 02:49:703 - 여기에 끝나는) Soft S:C1 '휘슬' missing 인거같은데 힛사 넣어주세요

00:27:162 (1) - 스핀 언스냅
02:21:282 (1) - 슬라이더 머리에 피니시 (볼륨 40~50%정도면 좋을꺼같네요.)
02:48:124 (7) - 피니시 (Soft S:C2)
03:26:019 (5) - 1grid down
03:39:637 (4,5) - Sampleset : Normal 로 하는게 좋을지도?..
04:33:913 (1) - 슬라이더 머리에 피니시 (Soft S:C2 볼륨 40~50%정도면 좋을꺼같네요.)
04:46:545 (1) - 슬라이더 멀리에 휘슬
04:59:318 (1) - 스핀 언스냅
05:01:294 (1) - 스핀 언스냅
05:06:463 (1) - 슬라이더 언스냅

맵이너무 좋아서 잡을게없네요. 이런맵을 모딩하라니 말도안되는...

Good luck :)

all fix thank you :D
baka =3=

  1. 00:36:677 (7)- : put this on x16 y112 or stack this with circle 5 ? o3o
  2. 02:02:334 (1)- : put this to x208 y304 to make better jump ? :3
  3. 02:05:295 (8)- : add whistle? 'w'
  4. 02:08:453 (7)- : ^
  5. 02:19:703 (4)- : 2 grid down to make same height as 02:18:124 (1) slider o3o)b
  6. 02:21:479 (1)- : add additions Drum Clap ? it'll follow music :3
  7. 02:21:677 (2)- : ^
  8. 02:33:716 (7)- : add whistle?
  9. 02:48:124 (7)- : perhaps put this on x228 y264? o.o
  10. 03:25:624 (4)- : last slider point move to x-8 y152 to make better jump? o3o
  11. 03:51:479 (4)- : add whistle?
  12. 03:58:782 (6)- : ^
  13. 04:01:940 (10,1)- : New combo should be at circle 10 =3=
  14. 04:27:400 (8)- : add whistle?
  15. 04:34:111 (1)- : add addition Drum Clap? 'w'
  16. 04:34:308 (2)- : ^
  17. 04:36:677 (11)- : add addition Drum Clap for head and slider's tail? owo or whistle, they both work well ><
  18. 04:40:032 (9)- : add whistle?
  19. 04:43:190 (8)- : ^
  20. 04:57:628 (4)- : too nazi aa last slider point 1 grid down? :3
  21. 05:06:887 (1)- : remove whistle o3o
  22. 05:07:310 (2)- : remove whistle, add whistle 05:07:521 here would be better~
  23. 05:08:577 (3)- : remove whistle
  24. 05:10:268 (1)- : ^
  25. 05:11:958 (3)- : ^
  26. 05:12:803 (4)- : ^
good luck <3
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

- t e n n y a - wrote:

baka =3=

  1. 00:36:677 (7)- : put this on x16 y112 or stack this with circle 5 ? o3o
  2. 02:02:334 (1)- : put this to x208 y304 to make better jump ? :3
  3. 02:05:295 (8)- : add whistle? 'w'
  4. 02:08:453 (7)- : ^
  5. 02:19:703 (4)- : 2 grid down to make same height as 02:18:124 (1) slider o3o)b
  6. 02:21:479 (1)- : add additions Drum Clap ? it'll follow music :3
  7. 02:21:677 (2)- : ^
  8. 02:33:716 (7)- : add whistle?
  9. 02:48:124 (7)- : perhaps put this on x228 y264? o.o
  10. 03:25:624 (4)- : last slider point move to x-8 y152 to make better jump? o3o
  11. 03:51:479 (4)- : add whistle?
  12. 03:58:782 (6)- : ^
  13. 04:01:940 (10,1)- : New combo should be at circle 10 =3=
  14. 04:27:400 (8)- : add whistle?
  15. 04:34:111 (1)- : add addition Drum Clap? 'w'
  16. 04:34:308 (2)- : ^
  17. 04:36:677 (11)- : add addition Drum Clap for head and slider's tail? owo or whistle, they both work well ><
  18. 04:40:032 (9)- : add whistle?
  19. 04:43:190 (8)- : ^
  20. 04:57:628 (4)- : too nazi aa last slider point 1 grid down? :3
  21. 05:06:887 (1)- : remove whistle o3o
  22. 05:07:310 (2)- : remove whistle, add whistle 05:07:521 here would be better~
  23. 05:08:577 (3)- : remove whistle
  24. 05:10:268 (1)- : ^
  25. 05:11:958 (3)- : ^
  26. 05:12:803 (4)- : ^
good luck <3

arigatou 10nya <3
oh this song~ mp3 by me \o/

I can recommend more yukizakurasou's to you (if you want to map them, tell me if you need the mp3)

GentleJena ~光の記憶、宙の生まれる場所~

planetarian ~ちいさなほしのうた~

My Soul,Your Beats!!
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

kanpakyin wrote:

oh this song~ mp3 by me \o/

I can recommend more yukizakurasou's to you (if you want to map them, tell me if you need the mp3)

GentleJena ~光の記憶、宙の生まれる場所~

planetarian ~ちいさなほしのうた~

My Soul,Your Beats!!

haha thank you:D
모딩 왔어요 ㅇㅅㅇ...
좋은 노래네요 ㅎㅎ

00:58:782 (6) - 점프 넣어 주는게 좋다고 생각합니다.

01:17:137 (5,6) - 띄워 주시거나 0.8x 디스턴스로 배치하는게 좋다고 생각합니다.

01:18:716 (2) - 01:19:505 (4) - 이 노트하고 겹치게 하세요. 한칸 내리는게 좋을 것 같네요.

02:10:427 (5,6) - 띄워 주시거나 0.8x 디스턴스로 배치하는게 좋다고 생각합니다.

02:33:124 (6) - 띄워 주세요.

04:23:255 (6) - 한개만 가까이 붙히니까 뭔가 부자연스럽네요. 띄워 주시는게 좋다고 생각합니다.

이런 맵을 모딩하라니 ㅠ;

잘 만드셨네요, 빠른 어프 되시길 ㅋ;
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

W h i t e wrote:

모딩 왔어요 ㅇㅅㅇ...
좋은 노래네요 ㅎㅎ

00:58:782 (6) - 점프 넣어 주는게 좋다고 생각합니다.

01:17:137 (5,6) - 띄워 주시거나 0.8x 디스턴스로 배치하는게 좋다고 생각합니다.

01:18:716 (2) - 01:19:505 (4) - 이 노트하고 겹치게 하세요. 한칸 내리는게 좋을 것 같네요.

02:10:427 (5,6) - 띄워 주시거나 0.8x 디스턴스로 배치하는게 좋다고 생각합니다.

02:33:124 (6) - 띄워 주세요.

04:23:255 (6) - 한개만 가까이 붙히니까 뭔가 부자연스럽네요. 띄워 주시는게 좋다고 생각합니다.

이런 맵을 모딩하라니 ㅠ;

잘 만드셨네요, 빠른 어프 되시길 ㅋ;

모딩 고맙습니다 :3 거의 수정했어요~

-This isn't official song. I think you need to add "arrange"(or arrangement), "c83", "kisaragi akihiro"(Lyrics,Arrangement) to Tags.
-Please delete "bg2". It isn't use in SB. And it is same as BG.
-There is some mistake in SB.

  1. l_0_9 遠い日の夏の陽炎お探し求めて -> 遠い日の夏の陽炎を探し求めて
  2. l_2_1 両手お広げて風お感じて -> 両手を広げて風を感じて
  3. l_2_3 遠い日の夏の悲しみ悲しみに 別れお告げて -> 遠い日の夏の悲しみ悲しみに 別れを告げて
  4. l_3_1 飛行機雲越えた その先え -> 飛行機雲越えた その先へ
  5. l_3_3 その全てお 包んでゆれる夏影 -> その全てを 包んでゆれる夏影
"お"<->"を","え"<->"へ","わ"<->"は". (There was no misuse for "は")
There are cases of the same pronunciations.
Since these are particle, it is correct to use a latter.

  1. l_0_1 そう 越えていく 夏の終わり -> そう 越えてゆく 夏の終わり
I can't say definitely that this is a mistake.
Generally "いく"("Iku") is spoken language, also represent the motions.
"ゆく"("Yuku") is written language, also represent the passage of time and the like.
This lyrics mean change of the season, And I think that she has pronounced "Yuku".

  1. l_1_4 錦色に光る空 -> 金色に光る空
"金色"=Gold \o/

  1. l_2_6, l_2_7 "そら" or "空"
I think it should be consistant.

  1. l_3_5 さよなら 風の中で -> さようなら 風の中で
This is also, I can't say definitely that this is a mistake.
But I think that she has pronounced "Sayounara". (Generally, "さようなら" is correct Japanese.)

00:27:162 (1) - add whistle?
01:31:545 (3) - I think bad flow.
02:50:492 (1) - Is this intended that you didn't use new combo?
03:16:545 (4,5) - It may be difficult for players.(I don't know this map was made for how much rank of players...maybe this diff is Insane. If so, please ignore~)
03:19:703 (5) - When played, this is a little uncomfortable.
As the below, how about change 03:19:308 (3,4) - 's angle, 03:19:703 (5) - 's shape?
03:21:479 (2,3,4) - Change to more beautiful blanket.
04:11:413 (1,2,1) - Same as 03:19:703 (5) -.
04:40:229 (1) - Ctrl+G or move. big jump and kinda bad flow.
05:58:863 (2) - Coupled with the low-speed slider and small volume, players may be confused.
I recommend unstack or remove circle.
If you remove circle, don't forget adjust length of spinner.

Some jumps are very big, but it's probably acceptable.
Good luck~

MerryGate wrote:

-There is some mistake in SB.

  1. l_0_9 遠い日の夏の陽炎お探し求めて -> 遠い日の夏の陽炎を探し求めて
  2. l_2_1 両手お広げて風お感じて -> 両手を広げて風を感じて
  3. l_2_3 遠い日の夏の悲しみ悲しみに 別れお告げて -> 遠い日の夏の悲しみ悲しみに 別れを告げて
  4. l_3_1 飛行機雲越えた その先え -> 飛行機雲越えた その先へ
  5. l_3_3 その全てお 包んでゆれる夏影 -> その全てを 包んでゆれる夏影
"お"<->"を","え"<->"へ","わ"<->"は". (There was no misuse for "は")
There are cases of the same pronunciations.
Since these are particle, it is correct to use a latter.

  1. l_0_1 そう 越えていく 夏の終わり -> そう 越えてゆく 夏の終わり
I can't say definitely that this is a mistake.
Generally "いく"("Iku") is spoken language, also represent the motions.
"ゆく"("Yuku") is written language, also represent the passage of time and the like.
This lyrics mean change of the season, And I think that she has pronounced "Yuku".

  1. l_1_4 錦色に光る空 -> 金色に光る空
"金色"=Gold \o/

  1. l_2_6, l_2_7 "そら" or "空"
I think it should be consistant.

  1. l_3_5 さよなら 風の中で -> さようなら 風の中で
This is also, I can't say definitely that this is a mistake.
But I think that she has pronounced "Sayounara". (Generally, "さようなら" is correct Japanese.)
fixed, thanks for SB mod :D

@ Gloria Guard: lyrics files
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

MerryGate wrote:


-This isn't official song. I think you need to add "arrange"(or arrangement), "c83", "kisaragi akihiro"(Lyrics,Arrangement) to Tags.
-Please delete "bg2". It isn't use in SB. And it is same as BG.
-There is some mistake in SB.

  1. l_0_9 遠い日の夏の陽炎お探し求めて -> 遠い日の夏の陽炎を探し求めて
  2. l_2_1 両手お広げて風お感じて -> 両手を広げて風を感じて
  3. l_2_3 遠い日の夏の悲しみ悲しみに 別れお告げて -> 遠い日の夏の悲しみ悲しみに 別れを告げて
  4. l_3_1 飛行機雲越えた その先え -> 飛行機雲越えた その先へ
  5. l_3_3 その全てお 包んでゆれる夏影 -> その全てを 包んでゆれる夏影
"お"<->"を","え"<->"へ","わ"<->"は". (There was no misuse for "は")
There are cases of the same pronunciations.
Since these are particle, it is correct to use a latter.

  1. l_0_1 そう 越えていく 夏の終わり -> そう 越えてゆく 夏の終わり
I can't say definitely that this is a mistake.
Generally "いく"("Iku") is spoken language, also represent the motions.
"ゆく"("Yuku") is written language, also represent the passage of time and the like.
This lyrics mean change of the season, And I think that she has pronounced "Yuku".

  1. l_1_4 錦色に光る空 -> 金色に光る空
"金色"=Gold \o/

  1. l_2_6, l_2_7 "そら" or "空"
I think it should be consistant.

  1. l_3_5 さよなら 風の中で -> さようなら 風の中で
This is also, I can't say definitely that this is a mistake.
But I think that she has pronounced "Sayounara". (Generally, "さようなら" is correct Japanese.)

00:27:162 (1) - add whistle? ok fix
01:31:545 (3) - I think bad flow.No it's jump pattern
02:50:492 (1) - Is this intended that you didn't use new combo? oops.. fix
03:16:545 (4,5) - It may be difficult for players.(I don't know this map was made for how much rank of players...maybe this diff is Insane. If so, please ignore~) sorry no change
03:19:703 (5) - When played, this is a little uncomfortable.
As the below, how about change 03:19:308 (3,4) - 's angle, 03:19:703 (5) - 's shape? fix but different pattern change
03:21:479 (2,3,4) - Change to more beautiful blanket. ok fix
04:11:413 (1,2,1) - Same as 03:19:703 (5) -. It maintains one more this pattern change say.. i will change this
04:40:229 (1) - Ctrl+G or move. big jump and kinda bad flow. No it's jump
05:58:863 (2) - Coupled with the low-speed slider and small volume, players may be confused.
I recommend unstack or remove circle. No this is part end lryics sound hear
If you remove circle, don't forget adjust length of spinner.

Some jumps are very big, but it's probably acceptable.
Good luck~

Thanks for modding :D
hi, for M4M


  1. artistUnicode: 雪桜草

  1. 00:35:492 (4) - i suggest ; this distance (4-5) plays weird to me
  2. 00:40:229 (1) - (slider is ok..
  3. 01:52:071 (6) - i feel too close too.. suggest
  4. 02:11:216 (8) - i think vocal is clear here, so i think for 1 note + 1 slider
  5. 02:12:795 (3) -
  6. 03:14:177 (3) - i suggest adding a reverse, and change volume to 60% here ww
  7. 03:37:861 (2) - or use slider, sliders have judgement leniency..
  8. 04:02:532 (3) - move 1 grid left..
  9. 04:55:229 (6) - y offset is 1 pixel off
  10. personally i don't like the last part mapped even though voice is so small, i would make the last spinner longer and change volume inside.. it would break 5:59 though, so sad
also, your lyrics feel like low quality in flashplayer, it got zigzags on the edges, i don't know how to fix storyboard though

Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

hi, for M4M


  1. artistUnicode: 雪桜草
ok fix~


  1. 00:35:492 (4) - i suggest ; this distance (4-5) plays weird to me ok fix~
  2. 00:40:229 (1) - (slider is ok.. No change o3o
  3. 01:52:071 (6) - i feel too close too.. suggest ok fix~
  4. 02:11:216 (8) - i think vocal is clear here, so i think for 1 note + 1 slider ok fix~
  5. 02:12:795 (3) - ok fix~
  6. 03:14:177 (3) - i suggest adding a reverse, and change volume to 60% here ww ok fix~
  7. 03:37:861 (2) - or use slider, sliders have judgement leniency.. ok fix~
  8. 04:02:532 (3) - move 1 grid left.. ok fix~
  9. 04:55:229 (6) - y offset is 1 pixel off No change o3o because it's fine beat and this is pattern beat by vocal :3
  10. personally i don't like the last part mapped even though voice is so small, i would make the last spinner longer and change volume inside.. it would break 5:59 though, so sad
also, your lyrics feel like low quality in flashplayer, it got zigzags on the edges, i don't know how to fix storyboard though


hehe XD Thanks for modding :3

  1. I guess you can add more tags like Kyoto Animation 京都アニメーション (studio). it'll help us to find your map faster!
  2. Uncapitalize "Y' in Yukizakurasou because real artist's name is yukizakurasou
  3. According to AiBat bg2.jpg is unused. Are you sure that you've removed/SBed it?
  4. Consider using slider tick rate 2 because it fits with music much better.
  5. Ask someone to move this beatmap out of WiP section! It's finished and eady for mods.
  6. BGs are quite dark, bright colours may hurt players eye and become hardly-readable on bright parts of SB. :<
    try these colours!

    Combo1 : 208,147,147
    Combo2 : 102,112,196
    Combo3 : 151,196,177
  7. No breaks? Why? This is the long song, think about players and add some breaks IF it is possible!
  1. Song is quite long and relaxing. There's no need to keep OD/HP 8, I'd reduce them to 7.
  2. 00:31:940 - 00:33:519 - why do you ignore lud beats and start sliders on quite ones. Consider replacing 00:31:742 (3,7) - with repeated 1/4 sliders, so you'll follow music closer. Same happens a lot, and since this map is going for approval it's ok to map these beats and make diff harder!
    Note: Without hitsounds at 00:31:940 - 00:33:519 - 00:37:269 - 00:38:256 - 00:44:571 - 00:50:887 - 00:52:466 - 00:54:045 - and so on. You really should listen to music with 25% playaback rate. They you'll hear that you have TONS of ignored beats :<
  3. 00:33:913 (1) - jump here is kinda random. It's too hard for calm and relaxing part of the music. It's just confusing and impossible to understand. Yes, I agree that jump here will fit, but not THAT HUGE jump, something little like x1.8 DS will fit here much, much better!
    Note: same happens A LOT: 00:35:492 (4) - 00:37:071 (1) - 00:38:650 (4) - 00:39:834 (6) - 00:44:966 (4) - and many-many-many other patterns. This is CALM and RELAXING song, there's no need to place jump every single beat!
  4. 00:55:624 (7) - consider placing here a whistle? It will fit with background music.
  5. 00:58:387 - oh c'mon, that LOUD clap is clearly hearable here. What's the point of ignoring it? I don't understand, why do you ignore them? Even if you follow vocals, you shouldn't ignore background music! If you mix background music and vocals, ypu get VERY, BERY interesting hitsounding and rhythm. Once again, do NOT skip beats or claps when they're clearly hearable, I'm begging you!
    Note: same happens to 00:59:769 (2) - and so on
  6. 01:14:177 (6) - here we are agian. Kinda hard jump. But it will confuse players because there's nothing jumpy in music. i understand that this is a map for approval, but you really shouldn't make jumps if hey don't fit with music. It happens a lot there, so if you agree with me - just check the whole map and respace all these unreasonable jumps! Not ALL jumps, but all UNREASONABLE jumps.
    Feel free to contact me for help if you need help with it.
  7. 01:26:413 (5) - noramally you don't use sliders like this one. Second reverse here is hardly readable and may confuse players + it doesn't flows so good, right? :) there's a way to follow music and to make this slider more interesting and enjoyable, just make a 1/1 slider and curve it! try something like that.
    Note: every red dot = beat in music. So, slider will change it's direction to music.
  8. 02:10:032 (4,5,6) - nazi - I'd recommend you to stack these notes under slider's tail or unstack them all to keep this triplet consistent. It's a bit confusing to have one unstacked note and two stacked.
  9. 02:50:492 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - just the same as 0:31:940 - 00:33:519. And the same solution. Simply make sliders shorter and place a circle at blu tick. Then, sstart slider from the white tick. this
  10. 03:40:229 - you could place a kiai fountain here. It will fit with that loud piano that begins here. Just try it, it'll look awesome!
  11. 05:01:294 (1) - to point out timing changes and to follow music and vocals better, I'd finish that spinner at 05:03:757 .
I really think that you should work on your rhythm much more, but maybe it's just me.
Good luck!
add key to tag please
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

-Bakari- wrote:


  1. I guess you can add more tags like Kyoto Animation 京都アニメーション (studio). it'll help us to find your map faster!
  2. Uncapitalize "Y' in Yukizakurasou because real artist's name is yukizakurasou
  3. According to AiBat bg2.jpg is unused. Are you sure that you've removed/SBed it?
  4. Consider using slider tick rate 2 because it fits with music much better.
  5. Ask someone to move this beatmap out of WiP section! It's finished and eady for mods.
  6. BGs are quite dark, bright colours may hurt players eye and become hardly-readable on bright parts of SB. :<
    try these colours!

    Combo1 : 208,147,147
    Combo2 : 102,112,196
    Combo3 : 151,196,177
  7. No breaks? Why? This is the long song, think about players and add some breaks IF it is possible!
All fix

  1. Song is quite long and relaxing. There's no need to keep OD/HP 8, I'd reduce them to 7. ok
  2. 00:31:940 - 00:33:519 - why do you ignore lud beats and start sliders on quite ones. Consider replacing 00:31:742 (3,7) - with repeated 1/4 sliders, so you'll follow music closer. Same happens a lot, and since this map is going for approval it's ok to map these beats and make diff harder!
    Note: Without hitsounds at 00:31:940 - 00:33:519 - 00:37:269 - 00:38:256 - 00:44:571 - 00:50:887 - 00:52:466 - 00:54:045 - and so on. You really should listen to music with 25% playaback rate. They you'll hear that you have TONS of ignored beats :< I'll think again.
  3. 00:33:913 (1) - jump here is kinda random. It's too hard for calm and relaxing part of the music. It's just confusing and impossible to understand. Yes, I agree that jump here will fit, but not THAT HUGE jump, something little like x1.8 DS will fit here much, much better!]
    Note: same happens A LOT: 00:35:492 (4) - 00:37:071 (1) - 00:38:650 (4) - 00:39:834 (6) - 00:44:966 (4) - and many-many-many other patterns. This is CALM and RELAXING song, there's no need to place jump every single beat! no change. I'm this pattern top player test request and testplay after not problem and not confuse
  4. 00:55:624 (7) - consider placing here a whistle? It will fit with background music. ok
  5. 00:58:387 - oh c'mon, that LOUD clap is clearly hearable here. What's the point of ignoring it? I don't understand, why do you ignore them? Even if you follow vocals, you shouldn't ignore background music! If you mix background music and vocals, ypu get VERY, BERY interesting hitsounding and rhythm. Once again, do NOT skip beats or claps when they're clearly hearable, I'm begging you!
    Note: same happens to 00:59:769 (2) - and so on ok but different pattern this
  6. 01:14:177 (6) - here we are agian. Kinda hard jump. But it will confuse players because there's nothing jumpy in music. i understand that this is a map for approval, but you really shouldn't make jumps if hey don't fit with music. It happens a lot there, so if you agree with me - just check the whole map and respace all these unreasonable jumps! Not ALL jumps, but all UNREASONABLE jumps.
    Feel free to contact me for help if you need help with it.
    No change people play not confuse.
  7. 01:26:413 (5) - noramally you don't use sliders like this one. Second reverse here is hardly readable and may confuse players + it doesn't flows so good, right? :) there's a way to follow music and to make this slider more interesting and enjoyable, just make a 1/1 slider and curve it! try something like that.
    Note: every red dot = beat in music. So, slider will change it's direction to music. This is piano sound hear no change
  8. 02:10:032 (4,5,6) - nazi - I'd recommend you to stack these notes under slider's tail or unstack them all to keep this triplet consistent. It's a bit confusing to have one unstacked note and two stacked. No change
  9. 02:50:492 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - just the same as 0:31:940 - 00:33:519. And the same solution. Simply make sliders shorter and place a circle at blu tick. Then, sstart slider from the white tick. this i don't this pattern not confuse imo. because bpm is slow and really everyone people player read this part no change.
  10. 03:40:229 - you could place a kiai fountain here. It will fit with that loud piano that begins here. Just try it, it'll look awesome! No it's not kiai time here
  11. 05:01:294 (1) - to point out timing changes and to follow music and vocals better, I'd finish that spinner at 05:03:757 .No
I really think that you should work on your rhythm much more, but maybe it's just me.
Good luck!

Thanks for modding
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

kanpakyin wrote:

add key to tag please

oh thank you i'm add tag o3o
For M4M ;)
  1. Try use AR8 to avoid some low spacing problems? But don't do it if You want to keep really calm and relaxing map.
  2. 00:36:677 (7) - This slider looks placed a bit randomly imo. Maybe make regular triangle with previous circles?
  3. 00:39:440 (5) - Change spacing to ~1.0 or add note at 00:39:242 to follow melody.
  4. 00:41:808 (5) - Try to improve blanket.
  5. 00:42:400 - Same as above.
  6. 01:51:282 (5) - Move it down to make pattern like this?
  7. 02:04:703 (7) - Same as 00:36:677 (7).
  8. 02:25:821 (4) - Reverse and move white point in middle up to improve flow? (and if possible, try to make blanket with 02:25:032 (2).
  9. 02:31:940 (3) - Move it to ~(60,92)? It should flow better.
  10. 02:33:124 (6) - Increase the distance for a better look? Like this:
  11. 02:33:519 (7) - Reverse it and move right to ~(396,344) - can flow better with neighboring notes.
  12. 03:46:545 (1) - Try to make regular triangle.
  13. 03:48:124 (3,4,5,6,7) - I would like to see this pattern more smooth. Maybe make something with slider like this: (remember to move 03:49:505 (8))
  14. 03:56:019 (1) - Reverse and move 03:55:821 (8) to new slider head (You can also delete this circle).
  15. 04:02:729 (4) - Move point in slider body to ~(420,204) to improve flow. And move whole slider left to improve shape with 04:02:334 (2,3).
  16. 04:11:413 (1,2) - These circles look a bit random. What about something like this:
  17. 05:19:353 (6) - Remove 2nd red point, this shape doesn't fit rhythm. Like that:
Nice map :)
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

wa_ wrote:

For M4M ;)
  1. Try use AR8 to avoid some low spacing problems? But don't do it if You want to keep really calm and relaxing map.
  2. 00:36:677 (7) - This slider looks placed a bit randomly imo. Maybe make regular triangle with previous circles? already different fix
  3. 00:39:440 (5) - Change spacing to ~1.0 or add note at 00:39:242 to follow melody. ^ too
  4. 00:41:808 (5) - Try to improve blanket. ok
  5. 00:42:400 - Same as above. ok
  6. 01:51:282 (5) - Move it down to make pattern like this? No change i don't like it
  7. 02:04:703 (7) - Same as 00:36:677 (7). ^
  8. 02:25:821 (4) - Reverse and move white point in middle up to improve flow? (and if possible, try to make blanket with 02:25:032 (2). no change
  9. 02:31:940 (3) - Move it to ~(60,92)? It should flow better.
  10. 02:33:124 (6) - Increase the distance for a better look? Like this:
  11. 02:33:519 (7) - Reverse it and move right to ~(396,344) - can flow better with neighboring notes.
  12. 03:46:545 (1) - Try to make regular triangle. No change
  13. 03:48:124 (3,4,5,6,7) - I would like to see this pattern more smooth. Maybe make something with slider like this: (remember to move 03:49:505 (8))
  14. 03:56:019 (1) - Reverse and move 03:55:821 (8) to new slider head (You can also delete this circle).
  15. 04:02:729 (4) - Move point in slider body to ~(420,204) to improve flow. And move whole slider left to improve shape with 04:02:334 (2,3).
  16. 04:11:413 (1,2) - These circles look a bit random. What about something like this:
  17. 05:19:353 (6) - Remove 2nd red point, this shape doesn't fit rhythm. Like that:
Nice map :)

Thanks for modding ~
as requested :3
love this song *w*

  1. waktu sekitaran 03:40:229 - , hmmm cari gambar lain? actually itu gambarnya d scale jd kualitasnya buruk Q_Q

  1. personally, i prefer AR 8 due it's aprrove map. also better spread if AR8 HP7 OD7 o.o
  2. 00:55:229 (5,6,7) - ctrl+G this?
  3. 00:58:782 (6) - ctrl+G?
  4. 01:04:308 (5,6,7) - move it more down? touched time bar and accuracy Q_Q
  5. 01:06:084 (2) - ctrl+G?
  6. 01:21:282 (1) - finish? i can hear with clear
  7. 01:48:716 (8) - ctrl+G for better flow
  8. 01:50:098 (2) - whistle in head?
  9. 02:17:334 (7) - this jump so far imo, place in 176,192 with 02:16:940 (5,6) - ctrl+G?
  10. 02:28:979 (4,5) - move it down? touched time bar
  11. 04:07:071 (4) - ctrl+G?
  12. 04:11:808 (3) - NC for consistency
  13. 04:53:848 (3) - ctrl+G?
  14. 05:09:000 (4) - spacing 1,15x in here.. personally i prefer use 1,2 due normal spacing
  15. 05:09:845 (1) - spacing 0,98x in here, use 0,8 please same as 05:11:535 (3,2,3,4) -
  16. 05:59:074 (1) - use whistle?

if you have time, please reply, i want to know improve at my modding skill in approve map :3
Good Luck ~ and Starrrrrrrrrr <3

Xinely wrote:

  1. waktu sekitaran 03:40:229 - , hmmm cari gambar lain? actually itu gambarnya d scale jd kualitasnya buruk Q_Q
smaller scale, new osb
//Background and Video events
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples

Thanks Xinely
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Xinely wrote:

as requested :3
love this song *w*

  1. waktu sekitaran 03:40:229 - , hmmm cari gambar lain? actually itu gambarnya d scale jd kualitasnya buruk Q_Q

  1. personally, i prefer AR 8 due it's aprrove map. also better spread if AR8 HP7 OD7 o.o hmm.. i don't use ar8 because bpm slow but ar8 increase after player ask me fast ar8 imo it sorry.
  2. 00:55:229 (5,6,7) - ctrl+G this? it's fine no change
  3. 00:58:782 (6) - ctrl+G? why? i don't understand o3o
  4. 01:04:308 (5,6,7) - move it more down? touched time bar and accuracy Q_Q umm..? i saw not touched time bar o3o'
  5. 01:06:084 (2) - ctrl+G? no it's fine
  6. 01:21:282 (1) - finish? i can hear with clear ok fix~
  7. 01:48:716 (8) - ctrl+G for better flow it's intended sorry
  8. 01:50:098 (2) - whistle in head? yes ~
  9. 02:17:334 (7) - this jump so far imo, place in 176,192 with 02:16:940 (5,6) - ctrl+G? This is intended sorry ;w;
  10. 02:28:979 (4,5) - move it down? touched time bar umm? i saw not touched o3o
  11. 04:07:071 (4) - ctrl+G? No
  12. 04:11:808 (3) - NC for consistency Good job
  13. 04:53:848 (3) - ctrl+G? No change
  14. 05:09:000 (4) - spacing 1,15x in here.. personally i prefer use 1,2 due normal spacing ok~
  15. 05:09:845 (1) - spacing 0,98x in here, use 0,8 please same as 05:11:535 (3,2,3,4) - ^
  16. 05:59:074 (1) - use whistle? ok~

if you have time, please reply, i want to know improve at my modding skill in approve map :3
Good Luck ~ and Starrrrrrrrrr <3

Thanks for modding nely chan XD~
Hi G.G. cutie~


00:27:162 (5) - Add a circle under 00:26:280 (4) - (stacked) then the slider begins at 00:27:389

01:29:966 (7) - This should be changed to a slider so the flow is better

01:31:348 (2) - position is too far from 01:30:755 (1) - perhaps change the grid to X:252 Y:56

02:06:677 (3) - does not fit well into the rhythm. what can be done is this

by doing this, the sliders can all connect to each other and maintain flow

03:17:137 (5) - Add this circle at the same location as 03:17:532 (7) - (stacked on top)

04:01:348 (8,9) - You dont have to change this, but I recommend using only one slider (location: X:240 Y:200)

05:19:353 (6) - Consider changing shape of this slider

04:58:675 (6) - Extend slider, to end at 04:59:318

otherwise, pretty good map! i like the use of patterns and shapes, good job :)
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Thanks for modding :)
That last image always elicits a tear or two, gah. Good map though - look forward to seeing this move forward!
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Thank you Garven san !
00:03:395 (1) - 이 이후로 쓰이는 소프트 휘슬들을 좀 자제하는게 좋을것 같아요. 고요한 음악에서 쓰이는 종 소리처럼 큰 하얀틱 과 세번째 하얀틱마다 넣으시는게 어떨까 싶네요.
00:30:756 (1) - 이 이후로 소프트 휘슬을 넣어도 괜찮을것 같은데 커스텀 휘슬을 박수로 옮기시는게 어떨까요?
00:59:769 (2) - 1/4 로 돌아오는 슬라이더로 만들어주세요. 이렇게 하시면 기존의 1/2 슬라이더의 플레이와 놓치셨던 히트사운드도 넣으실수 있을겁니다.
01:00:953 (x) - 노트 추가 (노말 히트사운드 포함)
01:01:545 (5) - 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:04:505 (6) - 1/4 로 돌아오는 슬라이더로 만들어주세요. 이유는 같습니다.
01:06:084 (2,3) - 1/4 슬라이더 2개로 만드시는게 어떨까 싶네요.
01:06:874 (4) - 슬라이더 끝에 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:07:861 (6,7) - 각각 슬라이더 시작에 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:12:400 (2) - 아시죠?
01:13:190 (4) - 슬라이더 끝에 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:14:177 (6) - 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:14:374 (7) - 돌아오는 지점에 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:18:716 (2) - 아실듯
01:30:755 (1) - 아주 조금만 밑으로 끝이 향하도록 만들어주세요 (적어도 다음 노트와 이어진다는 뉘앙스 정도로)
01:34:703 (2,3,4) - 1/4 돌아오는 슬라이더로 만들어주세요. 바로 이전 파트랑 느낌이 비슷하니 플레이도 비슷하게 가주는게 좋을것 같아요.
01:47:137 (3) - 다음 노트 방향과는 무관한 방향으로 끝을 옮겨주세요. 점프인줄 알고 조금 헷갈렸네요;
02:06:084 (2) - 아시잖아요
02:09:242 (2) - 네
02:10:427 (5) - 노말 히트사운드 추가
02:13:979 (5) - ㅇ
02:31:348 (2) -
02:35:295 (4) - 슬라이더 끝에 노말 히트사운드 추가
02:35:887 (5) - 휘슬 추가
02:50:492 (1) - 이 이후로 소프트 휘슬이 들어갈만한 곳에 안넣으시더라구요. 역시 커스텀 휘슬을 박수로 옮겨야겠습니다.
04:22:663 (5) - 슬라이더 끝에 노말 히트사운드 추가
04:23:255 (6) - 휘슬 추가
04:43:979 (2) - ㅎ
04:47:927 (4) - 슬라이더 끝에 노말 히트사운드 추가
04:48:519 (5) - 슬라이더 시작에 휘슬 추가
05:06:465 (1) - 도입부와 똑같습니다. 소프트 휘슬을 조금 자제해주세요 (도입부에 적어드린 방법도 통합니다)
05:59:074 (1) - 휘슬이 없는것도 좋은 방법입니다.

개인적으로 하이라이트 부분도 그렇고 소프트 휘슬이 좀 더 활용될수 있는 곳이 많았는데 없었던게 조금 아쉬운것 같아요. 커스텀 히트사운드를 박수로 옮기시면서 조금 실험해보셔도 좋으리라 생각해요.
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

bmin11 wrote:

00:03:395 (1) - 이 이후로 쓰이는 소프트 휘슬들을 좀 자제하는게 좋을것 같아요. 고요한 음악에서 쓰이는 종 소리처럼 큰 하얀틱 과 세번째 하얀틱마다 넣으시는게 어떨까 싶네요.
00:30:756 (1) - 이 이후로 소프트 휘슬을 넣어도 괜찮을것 같은데 커스텀 휘슬을 박수로 옮기시는게 어떨까요?
00:59:769 (2) - 1/4 로 돌아오는 슬라이더로 만들어주세요. 이렇게 하시면 기존의 1/2 슬라이더의 플레이와 놓치셨던 히트사운드도 넣으실수 있을겁니다.
01:00:953 (x) - 노트 추가 (노말 히트사운드 포함)
01:01:545 (5) - 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:04:505 (6) - 1/4 로 돌아오는 슬라이더로 만들어주세요. 이유는 같습니다.
01:06:084 (2,3) - 1/4 슬라이더 2개로 만드시는게 어떨까 싶네요.
01:06:874 (4) - 슬라이더 끝에 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:07:861 (6,7) - 각각 슬라이더 시작에 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:12:400 (2) - 아시죠?
01:13:190 (4) - 슬라이더 끝에 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:14:177 (6) - 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:14:374 (7) - 돌아오는 지점에 노말 히트사운드 추가
01:18:716 (2) - 아실듯
01:30:755 (1) - 아주 조금만 밑으로 끝이 향하도록 만들어주세요 (적어도 다음 노트와 이어진다는 뉘앙스 정도로)
01:34:703 (2,3,4) - 1/4 돌아오는 슬라이더로 만들어주세요. 바로 이전 파트랑 느낌이 비슷하니 플레이도 비슷하게 가주는게 좋을것 같아요.
01:47:137 (3) - 다음 노트 방향과는 무관한 방향으로 끝을 옮겨주세요. 점프인줄 알고 조금 헷갈렸네요;
02:06:084 (2) - 아시잖아요
02:09:242 (2) - 네
02:10:427 (5) - 노말 히트사운드 추가
02:13:979 (5) - ㅇ
02:31:348 (2) -
02:35:295 (4) - 슬라이더 끝에 노말 히트사운드 추가
02:35:887 (5) - 휘슬 추가
02:50:492 (1) - 이 이후로 소프트 휘슬이 들어갈만한 곳에 안넣으시더라구요. 역시 커스텀 휘슬을 박수로 옮겨야겠습니다.
04:22:663 (5) - 슬라이더 끝에 노말 히트사운드 추가
04:23:255 (6) - 휘슬 추가
04:43:979 (2) - ㅎ
04:47:927 (4) - 슬라이더 끝에 노말 히트사운드 추가
04:48:519 (5) - 슬라이더 시작에 휘슬 추가
05:06:465 (1) - 도입부와 똑같습니다. 소프트 휘슬을 조금 자제해주세요 (도입부에 적어드린 방법도 통합니다)
05:59:074 (1) - 휘슬이 없는것도 좋은 방법입니다.

개인적으로 하이라이트 부분도 그렇고 소프트 휘슬이 좀 더 활용될수 있는 곳이 많았는데 없었던게 조금 아쉬운것 같아요. 커스텀 히트사운드를 박수로 옮기시면서 조금 실험해보셔도 좋으리라 생각해요.

힛사 모딩이 필요했는데 거의다 고쳤습니다, 그리고 도입부분이랑 맨끝부분은 피아노소리에 휘슬을 넣은것인데.. 다른사람들 의견을 더들어보고 판단할게요~
You took this mp3 from my approved map, so you must add credits about that.

This way, it's like stealing mp3 from my map without saying anything, which is sad.
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Andrea wrote:

You took this mp3 from my approved map, so you must add credits about that.

This way, it's like stealing mp3 from my map without saying anything, which is sad.

Getting Ranked/Apped doesn't mean that you get copyright of the song Unless the music is made by YOU like SB and drawing BG and making Seriously there's no need to mention it because it's not YOURS.
You stole the mp3 from the artist anyway. Why do you care about this?
Sorry, I stated in my queue that I won't mod WIP maps. So no mod from me ^^")7
Hollow Wings
hi, I'm a newbie modder here giving some noob suggestion, most of them are given as a player :3

Generally ur map is in good style, hard to seek more problem, so i'll just give some precision suggestion, feel free to ignore these.


this diff has so many ds problem as detail, i can even distinguish the differences of them without checking the actual ds number, so maybe u should arrange them a little for a better map:
(i know u did a ds snap, but 0.78x and 0.83x are really different ds, really... maybe u can forbidden the grid snap)

00:21:352 (2) -
01:01:545 (4,5,6,1) -
01:29:177 (3,4,5,6,7) -
01:35:492 (3,4,5,6,7) -
03:26:808 (6,7,8,9,1) -
03:32:334 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - these are obvious...
03:41:808 (5,6,7,8,9) - same here...
03:54:440 (3,4,5,6,7) -
05:29:283 (5,6,7) -
maybe u can arrange others as well

other suggestions (just suggestion):

01:48:519 (7,8) - make (8)'s end further from (7)? maybe they're too close
03:13:387 (1) - finish hitsound feel a bit weird here at this slider's head, remove?

well done, i like this song, too
good luck
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
thanks modding I'll check later ~
I know the song relax and calm, but I suppose AR8 for the map better because of some jumps. and another reasone this map aims to APP.
00:40:032(7,1) this stack seems bored, you can separete these notes better. like this? maybe it follows your jumping pattern with next.
01:28:387(2) move like this? this consistence makes the flow more natural
01:31:348(2) the jump looks too huge, it's ok to make a large jump but this is not the timing to make since current is weak instrumental. I suppose the jump looks nice if you do it next (3). so like this? maybe it will be nice flow!
02:39:242(5) Ctrl+G looks nice to make a effective jump.
03:41:038(5,6,7,8,9) make a symmetrical blanket on center.
04:22:071(3) Ctrl+G better since in this KIAI you made huge jumps so much.
04:38:058(4) nazi, chamge the direction a bit with curved. it would be more playable.
01:04:308(5,6,7) something wrong maybe... pick up the sound at 01:04:703 better
01:56:019(1) the spinner should start here.
Hit Sonud
00:07:620(2) add whistle at end to follow the piano.
01:40:229(1) add soft-finish at head instead whistle

overall fine I suppose. good luck with star.

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts a.k.a. things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
♥ → Greetings
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
* No General issues to point.

OD -1
HP -1
* No complains here. Combos are in their place, hitsounds OK, rhythms & flow fits well the difficulty.

That's it...

Since your map is perfect, I'll give a !

And GO GO for Rank!

Or Approval. Note that Slow BPM queue rules say 'No Approval', but according to Ranking Criteria, the Approval Category is for maps with Draining Time > 6 min., your song has 5:55 (: that's fine ^^

For BATs: why not check this map -- and, maybe, a Bubble?

Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Hollow Wings wrote:

hi, I'm a newbie modder here giving some noob suggestion, most of them are given as a player :3

Generally ur map is in good style, hard to seek more problem, so i'll just give some precision suggestion, feel free to ignore these.


this diff has so many ds problem as detail, i can even distinguish the differences of them without checking the actual ds number, so maybe u should arrange them a little for a better map:
(i know u did a ds snap, but 0.78x and 0.83x are really different ds, really... maybe u can forbidden the grid snap)

00:21:352 (2) -
01:01:545 (4,5,6,1) -
01:29:177 (3,4,5,6,7) -
01:35:492 (3,4,5,6,7) -
03:26:808 (6,7,8,9,1) -
03:32:334 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - these are obvious...
03:41:808 (5,6,7,8,9) - same here...
03:54:440 (3,4,5,6,7) -
05:29:283 (5,6,7) -
maybe u can arrange others as well

well.. you suggest this spacing modding. i think fine so all no change sorry ._.

other suggestions (just suggestion):

01:48:519 (7,8) - make (8)'s end further from (7)? maybe they're too close yes~!
03:13:387 (1) - finish hitsound feel a bit weird here at this slider's head, remove? ok~

well done, i like this song, too
good luck

Thanks for modding :3
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Gloria Guard wrote:

kajiyatta wrote:

I know the song relax and calm, but I suppose AR8 for the map better because of some jumps. and another reasone this map aims to APP.
00:40:032(7,1) this stack seems bored, you can separete these notes better. like this? maybe it follows your jumping pattern with next. Good job
01:28:387(2) move like this? this consistence makes the flow more natural I don't like this flow and.. it's fine flow imo sorry ._.
01:31:348(2) the jump looks too huge, it's ok to make a large jump but this is not the timing to make since current is weak instrumental. I suppose the jump looks nice if you do it next (3). so like this? maybe it will be nice flow! hmm this jump pattern is instread no change
02:39:242(5) Ctrl+G looks nice to make a effective jump. Good
03:41:038(5,6,7,8,9) make a symmetrical blanket on center. oh nice !
04:22:071(3) Ctrl+G better since in this KIAI you made huge jumps so much. yes~
04:38:058(4) nazi, chamge the direction a bit with curved. it would be more playable. hmm well.. it's fine no change.
01:04:308(5,6,7) something wrong maybe... pick up the sound at 01:04:703 better No
01:56:019(1) the spinner should start here. ok~
Hit Sonud
00:07:620(2) add whistle at end to follow the piano. yes~
01:40:229(1) add soft-finish at head instead whistle nice !
03:52:861(1)^ ^

overall fine I suppose. good luck with star.

Thanks for modding :D
Sakuya Minagami
I like this music so begin to mod this map
Following is my modding and please consider it :

00:50:690 Slider 3 can end at 00:50:887 and add circle 4 at 00:51:084

01:04:505 Slider 6 can end at 01:04:703 and please consider whether to add circle 7 at 01:04:900 or not

01:06:874 Slider 4 can end at 01:07:071 and add circle 4 at 01: 07: 269

01:09:242 add circle 2

02:10:821 add circle 7

02:29:769 add circle 6

03:14:966 please consider whether to add one more return of slider 1 or not

04:52:269 please consider whether to remove circle 6 or not

04:59:318 spinner 1 end at 05:00:622 and add circle 1 at 05:00:846, then spinner 1 begin at 05:01:070 and end at 05:03:309

Above is my personal opinion
Nice Mucie, Nice Map, Good Luck!
Shohei Ohtani
"Drain Time 5:55"

inb4 "u cant aprov thiz"

00:03:395 (1) - What is this slider supposed to be? Like the curve is so shallow that it looks wrong ;A;
01:01:545 (4) - Add normal hitsound
01:14:177 (6) - ^
04:01:348 (8) - AAH WHY like I've been lenient about jumps in this map but this jump is just too big.
05:01:294 (1) - Add whistle


BUT THE MAP doesn't have that many problems. Like, I could go off a bit more on the jumps but it's one of those things to where a lot of them can make sense in the music so like uguu.

Starring a poopton since this was such a bad mod like omg
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Sakuya Minagami wrote:

I like this music so begin to mod this map
Following is my modding and please consider it :

00:50:690 Slider 3 can end at 00:50:887 and add circle 4 at 00:51:084

01:04:505 Slider 6 can end at 01:04:703 and please consider whether to add circle 7 at 01:04:900 or not

01:06:874 Slider 4 can end at 01:07:071 and add circle 4 at 01: 07: 269

01:09:242 add circle 2

02:10:821 add circle 7

02:29:769 add circle 6

03:14:966 please consider whether to add one more return of slider 1 or not

04:52:269 please consider whether to remove circle 6 or not

04:59:318 spinner 1 end at 05:00:622 and add circle 1 at 05:00:846, then spinner 1 begin at 05:01:070 and end at 05:03:309

Above is my personal opinion
Nice Mucie, Nice Map, Good Luck!

haha well... i think your modding just..already fine.. imo :3
anyways! thanks for modding !
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

CDFA wrote:

"Drain Time 5:55"

inb4 "u cant aprov thiz"

00:03:395 (1) - What is this slider supposed to be? Like the curve is so shallow that it looks wrong ;A; umm? it's instead slider XD!!
you don't like this slider pattern?.. but i think this slider playtest only fine say this

01:01:545 (4) - Add normal hitsound well.. different hear this part sound.. but it's sound small volume
01:14:177 (6) - ^ ^
04:01:348 (8) - AAH WHY like I've been lenient about jumps in this map but this jump is just too big. ahhhh ok ;w; i decrease this jump spacing..
05:01:294 (1) - Add whistle hmm why? i'm not hear this whistle sound.


BUT THE MAP doesn't have that many problems. Like, I could go off a bit more on the jumps but it's one of those things to where a lot of them can make sense in the music so like uguu.

Starring a poopton since this was such a bad mod like omg

haha :3 it's good modding don't worry i really helpful you modding !
Some suggestions


00:31:348 - I do hear guitar here, maybe you might want to add a note if it isn't too excessive
00:32:532 - ^
00:39:242 - ^
00:42:400 - ^
00:43:979 - ^
00:47:137 - ^
00:55:032 - ^
03:14:177 (3) - maybe don't let it repeat and instead have 2 circles at the end

Good luck~
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

no change :3 it's not good rhythm imo
Uhhh, more to pending and I'll bubble, this is great.
no kd for this post if you don't fix anything from it. It's a random mod because I like this song :>

03:18:124 (1,2) - I would say this spacing is a bit unexpected. There are many places like this though, however it's only this because it might be because of the same combo set.
05:49:566 (4) - extremely minor issue but still, 25% to 15% is kind of massive change on quiet part like this. I would use 20% at this point instead and use 15% at 05:57:172 (1) -

Just suggestions, This map is great as is :D
Good luck~
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Frostmourne wrote:

no kd for this post if you don't fix anything from it. It's a random mod because I like this song :>

03:18:124 (1,2) - I would say this spacing is a bit unexpected. There are many places like this though, however it's only this because it might be because of the same combo set. Good, my mistake :)
05:49:566 (4) - extremely minor issue but still, 25% to 15% is kind of massive change on quiet part like this. I would use 20% at this point instead and use 15% at 05:57:172 (1) - Okay :3

Just suggestions, This map is great as is :D
Good luck~

Good job lol thanks Frosty ></
Moved to Pending
This map is good and the song... Ah the song is... AWESOME (: Calmer and dancer moments :) I love it ♥

Maybe I map it for Ranked someday (: Normal and Hard diffs. This song deserves to going be Ranked, not just Approved.

In this case, maybe I take the .mp3 ?
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Alarido wrote:

This map is good and the song... Ah the song is... AWESOME (: Calmer and dancer moments :) I love it ♥

Maybe I map it for Ranked someday (: Normal and Hard diffs. This song deserves to going be Ranked, not just Approved.

In this case, maybe I take the .mp3 ?

Sure :3
Go! Go! Glogu-chan :D
not yet bubbled?

Did you ask MMzz for a recheck? If you did and he didn't respond, I would give the first bubble for this one.
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Frostmourne wrote:

not yet bubbled?

Did you ask MMzz for a recheck? If you did and he didn't respond, I would give the first bubble for this one.

I said to him But he ignored my PM​​, so I continued and waited

Gloria Guard wrote:

Frostmourne wrote:

not yet bubbled?

Did you ask MMzz for a recheck? If you did and he didn't respond, I would give the first bubble for this one.

I said to him But he ignored my PM​​, so I continued and waited

No, I feel he didn't ignored you. In truth, he feels busy a veras :o you could try with LunarSakuya and Gabe too ~.~
All BATs are too busy, in fact, we need more 5 or 6 of them.

Gloria Guard wrote:

Frostmourne wrote:

not yet bubbled?

Did you ask MMzz for a recheck? If you did and he didn't respond, I would give the first bubble for this one.

I said to him But he ignored my PM​​, so I continued and waited
k , 1st bubble
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Alarido wrote:

No, I feel he didn't ignored you. In truth, he feels busy a veras :o you could try with LunarSakuya and Gabe too ~.~
All BATs are too busy, in fact, we need more 5 or 6 of them.

oh i see but i'm waiting 3weeks. anyway, i'm understand

thank you frost and Alarido ^^
Go! Go! First approved ^^
Go GO :3
  1. Really, I am quite disappointed on hitsound, I think you can make good use of default whistle in order to make this map more beautiful and comfortable. Many places can fill with default whistle with good effect.
  2. 01:01:545 - ~ 01:05:295 - It's weird that you reduce the spacing here suddenly. I know what you want to do, you can do this at 01:01:545 - but please back to 1.6x at 01:03:716 -
  3. 01:09:834 (3,4,5) - ^Same
  4. 01:17:137 (5,6) - ^
  5. 01:19:308 (3,4,5) - You can make the spacing looks more consistent by adjusting the spacing like this:
  6. 01:21:282 (1) - Finish doesn't fit the music. Please change it back to C1 whistle. Finish sounds too strong here.
  7. 01:39:834 - Add a green line here and chnage the hitsound back to default hitsound?
  8. 01:56:019 - I would suggest adding a note here on the central (x:256 y:192) and start the spinner at 01:56:117 - (1/8) in order to fit the vocal better
    . After doing it, add a finish at 01:56:117 -
  9. 02:03:716 (4,5) - The rhythm can be placed more better. I don't see any reason to negliect this sound: 02:03:913 - , so I would suggest removing this slider:02:03:716 (4) - and then adding a note at 02:03:716 - , after it, add a 1/4 slider at 02:03:913 -
  10. 02:06:874 (4) - ^
  11. 03:14:177 (3) - You definitely need to remove a reverse here because it's clear that there is no any instrument appears at 03:14:769 - , so I don't see any point to have a reverse there.
  12. 03:21:479 (2,3,4) - Frankly speak, this arrangement looks really ugly since the slider end of (4)- overlapped the slider's end of (2)- . I would put it like this if I were you:
  13. 03:52:466 (6,7) - Default whistle can be used here.
  14. 04:05:492 - ~ 04:08:650 - ^
  15. 04:11:808 - ~ the end of the song - ^Same
  16. 04:33:913 (1,2,3,4) - Try this?
  17. 05:57:172 (1,2) - Because the vocal is being too soft here, so I don't suggest following the vocal here. I would just remove this slider and note and then place a note at 05:57:172 - and start the spinner at 05:57:384 - if I were you.

I think the arrangement could still be polished/refined more as it's way too 'rough' at this moment. Next time, try to improve the slider shape and then about how it can fit the notes and the coherence between notes and sliders.
I.e.: this map is a bit harder than it should be to the song's feelings... & Higlander Jumps will don't fit this song imho.

Someday I'll map this song for Rank, with a break at middle. Normal and Collab.
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

kanpakyin wrote:

  1. Really, I am quite disappointed on hitsound, I think you can make good use of default whistle in order to make this map more beautiful and comfortable. Many places can fill with default whistle with good effect.
  2. 01:01:545 - ~ 01:05:295 - It's weird that you reduce the spacing here suddenly. I know what you want to do, you can do this at 01:01:545 - but please back to 1.6x at 01:03:716 -
  3. 01:09:834 (3,4,5) - ^Same
  4. 01:17:137 (5,6) - ^
  5. 01:19:308 (3,4,5) - You can make the spacing looks more consistent by adjusting the spacing like this:
  6. 01:21:282 (1) - Finish doesn't fit the music. Please change it back to C1 whistle. Finish sounds too strong here.
  7. 01:39:834 - Add a green line here and chnage the hitsound back to default hitsound?
  8. 01:56:019 - I would suggest adding a note here on the central (x:256 y:192) and start the spinner at 01:56:117 - (1/8) in order to fit the vocal better
    . After doing it, add a finish at 01:56:117 -
  9. 02:03:716 (4,5) - The rhythm can be placed more better. I don't see any reason to negliect this sound: 02:03:913 - , so I would suggest removing this slider:02:03:716 (4) - and then adding a note at 02:03:716 - , after it, add a 1/4 slider at 02:03:913 -
  10. 02:06:874 (4) - ^
  11. 03:14:177 (3) - You definitely need to remove a reverse here because it's clear that there is no any instrument appears at 03:14:769 - , so I don't see any point to have a reverse there.
  12. 03:21:479 (2,3,4) - Frankly speak, this arrangement looks really ugly since the slider end of (4)- overlapped the slider's end of (2)- . I would put it like this if I were you:
  13. 03:52:466 (6,7) - Default whistle can be used here.
  14. 04:05:492 - ~ 04:08:650 - ^
  15. 04:11:808 - ~ the end of the song - ^Same
  16. 04:33:913 (1,2,3,4) - Try this? This is jump pattern intended to give more effective.
  17. 05:57:172 (1,2) - Because the vocal is being too soft here, so I don't suggest following the vocal here. I would just remove this slider and note and then place a note at 05:57:172 - and start the spinner at 05:57:384 - if I were you.

I think the arrangement could still be polished/refined more as it's way too 'rough' at this moment. Next time, try to improve the slider shape and then about how it can fit the notes and the coherence between notes and sliders.

All fixed.
03:14:177 - seems you misunderstand something, I mean you should remove a reverse arrow on slider (3)- , not to remove the slider at 03:15:361 -
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

kanpakyin wrote:

03:14:177 - seems you misunderstand something, I mean you should remove a reverse arrow on slider (3)- , not to remove the slider at 03:15:361 -

okay fixed.
Since we have changed quite a lot on this map, so I would like to let more bats to take a look on this map.

Rebubbled. #1

Outstanding map! I'd just like to recommend one thing. Why not HP6? It'd appeal to a bit more lower skilled players due to the fact that this map doesn't really have any breaks for 6 minutes straight, even if it's as easy as it is (it still has jumps!).

Please let me know what you think!
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

dkun wrote:

Outstanding map! I'd just like to recommend one thing. Why not HP6? It'd appeal to a bit more lower skilled players due to the fact that this map doesn't really have any breaks for 6 minutes straight, even if it's as easy as it is (it still has jumps!).

Please let me know what you think!

HP -6 okay.
okay! bubble #2. :o
Kawayi Rika
Amazing SB and great map ~

Here you go <3

Shohei Ohtani
hurrrrr 5:59 not long enough

CDFA wrote:

hurrrrr 5:59 not long enough
lol xD btw congratz
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