I'm not a baka (crying, and I didn't find any tags problem ?!;w;BCI wrote:
check tags again baka :/
oh i find!! changed :3~
I'm not a baka (crying, and I didn't find any tags problem ?!;w;BCI wrote:
check tags again baka :/
謝謝L_P醬的modding和star~L_P wrote:
得空的話做一套combo burst的skin吧 那樣子lunatic會比較美觀咱不會..(淚奔
00:00:424 (1) - 前面有點太冗了不如slider到這裡00:01:608 - 結束
00:02:002 - 開始 00:03:187 - 結束
00:03:581 - 開始 00:04:766 - 結束
00:05:160 - 這裡一樣
00:17:595 (4) - 為何不要像前面一樣做個小跳?
00:09:798 (x) - 加note吧?
00:41:871 (2) - 尾巴clap
00:44:437 (7,1) - 建議這倆換NC吧 覺得這樣看比較清楚哦咱在看看有沒有人說~
01:31:409 (5) - 不如少一repeat 然後放note在01:31:211 (3) - 上重疊?改了~不過不像L_P醬說的~
01:40:685 (1) - 少個repeat放短slider01:41:080 (2) - 開始不懂的說~
kiai方面個人是覺得02:00:421 (1) - 這邊才是正kiai,其他的不算叻這個咱會考慮的~
03:23:117 (3) - finish是不是放錯了...?有點怪沒有放錯~:3
03:29:532 (3) - 這邊也是覺得怪怪的
沒什麼好吐槽的 這是我最大限度了 但是覺得某些stream可以換成0108slider跳,增加可玩性,
比如00:12:266 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - 之類的 還有 03:23:709 (1,2,3,4) - 之類的 (隨便挑的,要的話可以自己弄吧呵呵
謝謝a32醬的modding和star~!a3272509123 wrote:
Hi~From in-game~~(Sorry for the long delay ;_;
- 01:31:211 - 这个clap貌似是多余的?ww
- 03:01:210 (2) - Ctrl+J?
- 01:09:107 (2) - 这里节奏变得比较大,建议加NC做提醒~(否则容易miss orz
- 01:40:685 (4,1,2,3,4) - 这个五边形不够好看ww
- 03:29:532 (3) - 这个finish有点违和 建议删掉...
- 话说一开始的那一段貌似应该是5连打?
似乎是 不過咱想簡化
- 00:18:779 - delete clap?
- 00:44:042 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - 这里读图略困难orz 试试把NC改下 在一個人說就改!!~?
- 00:57:167 (7) - 觉得可以加个note?
- 01:31:211 - 去掉clap然后在01:31:902加个带clap的note?
- 01:50:685 - finish?
射颗星 祝好运ww
Thank you for modding and 4 stars !!! SonnycSonnyc wrote:
Hello~~ kinda late m4m,,
00:17:002 (2) - Well, consider placing somewhere down, the touch of the HP is too many
02:14:632 (3) - Finish at the start?
02:37:527 (1) - Well, deleting seems better for me
02:52:527 (1) - ctrl+G and place (2) somewhere else. I think this way will make the flow better
03:29:433 (5) - Start at 03:29:630. I think the current rhythm is quite made-upI think it's okay~
00:14:634 (1) - 1 Grid Right will make distance with (3,4) the same
00:51:739 (3) - 1 Grid up
01:26:672 (4) - Though it hurts the distance to the next note, ctrl+G will make a better flow with before
02:06:638 (4) - 1 Grid down
02:50:553 (1) - Delete the NC, I think this is in the same music pattern
03:36:045, 03:36:144, 03:36:440, 03:36:538 - Add notes to follow the music?
00:18:976 (1,4) - A long spacing unlike the stream looked a bit strange
00:25:292 (1,4) - ^ If you're not fixing, at least set it to 1.40 with (4,1)
00:33:976 (2) - Blanket the end of (1)no, i want to keep its flow~
00:44:239 (6,7) - I believe this is really hard to read.
00:47:002 (3) - Blanket (2) perfectly?
02:04:369 (5,6,7) - Make spacing consistently. Jump(?) doesn't feel nice here
02:15:816 (6) - Blanket the end of (5)no >~<
02:41:079 (6) - ^^
Very nice map~ I liked the flow and blankets of your map
謝謝阿三醬的modding~spboxer3 wrote:
寒假mod project※ Notice
red is unrankable issue.
blue is recommended to fix.
Black is just suggestion.
(For the setting/general issue.)
- BPM必須統一。
- 既然三個難度都是你做的 那kiai應該要做成一致
- previewtime: 不如設在這 01:58:842 - 你現在設的位置比較不激情 聽預覽時應該是把歌曲最精華的地方展現出來不是 :<?
- SB:
在43055及43845處 是讓文字進入的時候但是效果明顯不夠好 應該是重音時剛好到定點才對
57266,58845世界兩個字的進入時間不一樣 世應該要早些移出 讓界早點進來,而重音點必須是減速的 可是你的界跑掉了。
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)mapping
- 00:13:845 (2) - slider結尾加上whistle使音效平衡
- 00:17:002 (2) - ^
- 00:24:897 (5) - 使結尾用Normal的sampleset可以讓音效聽起來更有層次感 這地方只用soft不夠力
- 01:02:791 (2) - 為什麼是finish? 這地方下finish不和諧也沒有混合的感覺 改成clap會好得多
- 01:05:423 - 同樣給人不適合的感覺 finish多了有種吵雜的感覺
- 01:08:317 - ^建議改到01:08:844 -
- 02:14:632 - & 02:20:948 - 不感覺太過空曠? 用的whistle根本聽不到? 用sempleset: Normal, Additions: Soft吧 這樣這個重音不會太輕 又不會和finish重複 給人膩的感覺.
- 02:46:211 (4) - ^
- 03:38:315 (1) - 這三個點用drum音效會比soft更好些
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
- 02:09:895 (1) - 恩...nazi 轉3∘使02:08:316 (3,1) - 有完整的blanket不論slider頭還是尾
- 02:55:683 (1) - 這個我覺得應該與02:54:894 (2) - slider尾做出個完整的弧度(移動到x479,y196) 如果改了後頭的pattern全部都要移動
- 03:08:315 (1,2) - blanket歪了 需要自己校正
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
- 01:00:423 - 到01:09:896 - 與Easy的建議一致
音效部分說一下吧 簡單來說finish太過了 大部分跟著vocal 不是說不好 但是太吵了, 如果一句句子給了好多逗點在中間 而那些逗點卻沒有在該斷句的地方 這樣感覺起來會讓人很不舒服, 你現在這段給人有這種感覺... 後頭當然也有 但是你自己聽一下吧
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
- 00:57:266 (1) - 這個slider給人有種不夠持久的感覺 可以發現到這個slider是源由vocal的拖拍 可是slider卻這麼短 味道略顯不足
- 01:09:107 (1,2,3,4,5) - 直接連打了吧...這樣實在蛋疼阿節奏該慢不慢的而且間距過短, 這地方給人速度逐漸增加的感覺 所以若不用連打 至少間距也該加大 現在這樣太憋曲了 一點都不爽=。=...
- 02:06:737 (1,4) - nazi 這地方的stack沒有做好 為了譜面整潔 建議你把stack擺好
(For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)Hitsound
- 03:03:577 - kiai沒對準節奏 需snap
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)mapping
- 02:24:796 - 給人有種爆發點的位置錯誤的感覺 可以使用whistle+finish (vol 60%)試試看 感覺會好些
- 03:05:683 (3,1,2,3) - 全部降低音量吧 至少要50%以下 不然太吵感覺會有違和感
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
- 00:01:904 - ,00:03:483 - ,00:05:062 - ,00:06:641 - 需要個節奏 這地方明顯是5-plat的節奏而且又是最高難度...
- 00:44:437 (1,2,3) - 建議至少下拉1grid 連打不像slider 很容易就掉了
- 01:07:528 (1) - slider結尾沒有snap
謝謝小貓醬的SB modding 和 Star :3Rotte wrote:
IRC16:19 Rotte: 00:21:443 -
16:19 Rotte: 这里就可以加个circle嘛
16:20 Loneight: 噢 .
16:20 Loneight: 其實
16:20 Rotte: 00:27:167 - 又比如这里
16:20 Loneight: 前一個lunatic就是這麼做 233
16:20 Rotte: 诶?怎么
16:20 Loneight: 這是re後的lunatic
16:20 Rotte: 、...
16:20 Loneight: 前一個Lunatic這麼做知後
16:20 Loneight: 發現整個不順暢 ..
16:20 Rotte: 图的质量急需提升
16:20 Rotte: sb质量有了
16:20 Loneight: lol
16:21 Rotte: 事实嘛
16:21 Rotte: 作为L难度
16:21 Rotte: 尽可能不要丢掉节奏
16:21 Rotte: 排列是为了节奏诞生的
16:22 Rotte: ww
16:22 Loneight: lol
16:22 Rotte: 00:40:687 (3) - 这个挡住了血条
16:22 Loneight: 嘎!!?
16:22 Rotte: 整体图还算不错
16:23 Rotte: 注意节奏别缺失
16:23 Loneight: 感覺在家note 整體的排列又會re掉了 OTZ
16:24 Rotte: 所以说嘛
16:24 Rotte: 排列是为了节奏而存在的
16:25 Loneight: 應該說 lol
16:25 Loneight: 變成之前的lunatic (逃
16:25 Rotte: 00:40:687 (3) - 28-3 sb
16:25 Loneight: 話說之前的lunatic咱好像也沒保留 OTZ
16:25 Rotte: 建议变速
16:25 Rotte: 3过来之后可以考虑加速
16:26 Rotte: 时间是128495
16:26 Rotte: 时间是1:28:495
16:26 Rotte: 时间是1:28:495 -
16:27 Rotte: 92939 32-2
16:27 Rotte: 时间点稍微往前些
16:28 Rotte: 否则看起来有时间差
16:28 Loneight: 用out呢
16:28 Rotte: 33-2
16:28 Rotte: 歌词错误
16:28 Loneight: lol!?
16:28 Rotte: ni的音很短
16:29 Rotte: 前面ki的音是幹的
16:30 Loneight: lol
16:30 Loneight: okay 這邊咱想辦法改
16:30 Loneight: 剛剛好咱也想問小貓醬某個地方 ..
16:30 Loneight: 02:51:342 - 這裡的歌詞 咱覺得怪怪的 有錯誤嘛OAO
16:30 Rotte: 44-2
16:30 Rotte: 时间往前来电
16:31 Rotte: 点
16:31 Rotte: 有点时间差
16:33 Rotte: 想那个字的读音只有so的音
16:33 Rotte: 和刚才那个差不多
16:33 Loneight: 嗯
16:33 Rotte: 59-2
16:33 Loneight: 果然 233
16:33 Rotte: 时间差
16:33 Rotte: 往前一些
16:33 Rotte: 大概1/16的时间差
16:34 Rotte: 往前挪一点
16:34 Rotte: 或者整体挪动下即可
16:34 Rotte: 一般建议
16:34 Rotte: 用了F代码后
16:35 Rotte: 要使用F代码,建议出现的时间往前挪动1/16
16:36 Rotte: 191473
16:36 Rotte: 03:11:473 -
16:36 Rotte: 喷泉效果来一次
16:37 Rotte: 你的kiai好奇怪.......
16:37 Loneight: 這咱知道
16:38 Rotte: 01:09:896 -
16:38 Rotte: 这里咱才觉得是kiai
16:38 Rotte: 超燃
16:38 Loneight: lol
16:38 Rotte: 建议前面的kiai都去掉
16:38 Rotte: 02:00:421 - 这之前的
16:39 Loneight: 應該是不會動kiai time了 ;w;
16:39 Rotte: so
16:39 Rotte: 大概就这些
16:39 Rotte: 基本上没啥
16:39 Rotte: 小问题
16:39 Loneight: 嗯 :3
16:40 Loneight: po一下杯 咱給kd :3
16:40 Rotte: 02:00:421 -
16:40 Rotte: 从这之后的歌词建议换个颜色
16:41 Rotte: 整个歌曲的风格从这里变了
All fixedScorpiour wrote:
Hi there~~ mod from queue~~
red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions
- Add ZUN to tags
- 00:00:424 - a sudden darken here is pretty weird, i suppose your "black.jpg" doesn't work correct. Check your layers plz~~
my suggestion is move your "black.jpg" to foreground layer first, and change the start time to -2000 and set a end time for Scale codes.[Hard]
- 00:25:687 (1,1,1,1) - how about an anti-jmp here? eg
- 00:36:147 (2) - suggest to remove it for difficulty issue >.< or change (2,3) to a slider?
- 00:52:529 (2) - add a finish to head for consistent hitsound?
- 00:56:081 (4) - finish on end is weird a bit...i can't hear any finish related sample in music here so suggest to delete the finish.
- 01:30:422 (3) - add a finish on head?
- 01:46:211 (3) - ^
- 01:52:527 (1) - remove finish on the end
- 02:14:632 (3) - ^
- 03:29:433 (5) - remove finish on head
- 00:06:739 (1,2,3) - compared with, i prefer the beats at 00:05:160 (1,2) - because there's nothing different between these two parts in music, and obviously the beats you chose prev is better.
to myself, if some changes in beat for the following part are needed, i may choose this:- 00:17:792 (1,2) - i suppose the stack here may break your flow~
- 00:20:555 (3,4) - also weird place.... stack (4) to (3)? or 00:20:950 (1) - ?
- 00:23:713 (3,4) - ^
- 01:09:107 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - maybe too hard for a hard diff...?
- 01:40:685 (4) - finish here maybe not suitable..
- 01:53:317 (1,2,3) - here, actually, the drum here is not 1/4 but 1/6....
- 01:59:829 (2,3,4) - suggest a repeat slider here, also for difficulty issue...
- 02:02:790 (3) - remove finish on the end?
- 02:06:638 (4) - stack to 02:06:737 (1) - ?
- 02:09:106 (4) - remove finish?
- 03:23:315 (1,2) - move them to next red tick separately?
- 03:35:946 (1,2) - ^
that's all~~ i suppose we need a deeper discussion about the beats of instrumental parts in Hard/Luna diffs but anyway, nice work :>
- 00:06:739 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - similar to hard, white-tick based beat here maybe not suitable
- 00:46:213 (1) - add a finish on head?
- 00:52:529 (1) - ^
- 03:23:117 (3) - weird finish here...suggest to remove...
give me a call when you're ready for further irc-recheck~
Thank you for Tk modding >w< OnoOnosakiHito wrote:
Requested Taiko Mod.
01:09:107 (3) - Broken slider.
02:12:263 (2) - ^
02:37:527 (4) - ^
03:09:105~03:11:473 - remove the break here.
03:24:499 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6) - You may move on with the k d d k ddd D pattern.
01:00:423 - To be honest, I'm not sure if it is a good idea to have the same SV on this part. It is confusing when you play it since you can't figure out if it is 1/3 or 1/4. Good idea/solution, but rather something for Oni level. Consider this please.
01:53:711 (1,2,3) - These notes are not necessary. Could confuse players.
02:00:421 - Such SV changes are in a Muzukashii are improper so I suggest to delete them. Also the change is minimal so it has no real effect.
02:32:592 (1) - Better to move it to 02:32:691, so it fits better with the previous parts.
02:34:171 (1) - ^
02:35:750 (2) - ^
02:53:316 (3) - Maybe deleting this note is advisable.
02:57:262 - I suggets using d d k d pattern. Fits better with the 02:54:894 (2,1,1,2) - pattern and the transition is better. Also, you don't need to stick that much to the vocal in general, just as advice for the next map. Having a mix of beat and vocal is fine as well.
Map is overall fine, lacks maybe a bit of structure, but this shouldn't be a big problem here.
This muzukashii is harder as the average, but that's okay. Though, you should delete the SV changes.
00:03:581 (2) - Not D?
00:08:713~00:12:858 - Tbh, you can map this better Firce. How about following pattern constalation: http://puu.sh/1Wz6j The problem is that there are many kats at first but then they suddenly disappear at 00:09:897.
01:03:581 (2) -
01:05:160 (2) -
} I'm really not sure about these notes. Maybe it's better to make it just to normal hitcircles or find another solution? (same goes to similiar notes)
02:54:105 - The bar-line has a weird apperience. Try to change it if possible(you know how to).
03:24:104~03:36:736 - I like the stream but you need to delete one note somewhere. Using suddenly such a long stream dosen't fit to the whole map.
03:38:907 - kiai end
That's all for the Oni. Pretty solid Oni, I like it.
Hope I could help you guys. Good luck with it!
Thank you very much daze ~ >w<! (hugsScorpiour wrote:
irc rechecked with mapper, fixed inconsistent tags and preview time, and changed several patterns in Lunatic.
Okay~ fixed !! >w<Melophobia wrote:
The title is a bit wrong, change it to "Sakura no Sakanu wa Eiketsu no" please! I can rebubble after a quick check if you're willing to fix it up~
Thank you very much daze >w<!Melophobia wrote:
咱覺得這閃程度還Okay, 如果有人再提的話咱就改 :3Flask wrote:
(no kd)
D: 把閃瞎眼提示打開
你沒看到從00:11:575 - ~ 00:12:167 - 多閃
前面沒看到人提過不過我覺得應該要tick ;w;
然後我覺得可以tag l1106188...這個就看你了 lol
這個問題不大 等BAT來再改就行! 可以找MMzz
Okay! I will improve next time, thank you for rebubbled, Melophobia :3 (hugsMelophobia wrote:
Changes were applied correctly. Rebubbled.
Next time please don't hesitate to change something just because of bubble. You're always free to ask the bubbler to rebubble. (but better to talk with him/her first.)
嗯! LKs醬謝謝你 >w<LKs wrote:
除了777太鼓 其他我都看了没问题
wmf醬 loool, 這笑的 wwwwmfchris wrote:
Okay! I changed~LKs wrote:
BPM 228 for kiai-times is not required. just keep it as 152 with 4/4 signture and use 1/3&1/6. Only when BPM changes(including gradual BPM change, irregular BPM change), or donwnbeat changes, could we set new timing sections. no new sections are needed if you can map it well by using Beat snap divisor with current BPM
you'd adjust SV in all diffs. sry for inconvenience caused by
and wmf may post taiko mod later
777 have fixed in IRC and qoo's tk diff also change bpm ~wmfchris wrote:
Such a BPM shift is unecessary. BPM152 2/3 beat handles the song at best.
人性呢SPOILER落楓飄紅(~~~) 0:46:46
01:00:423 - 我覺得BPM228不對
152 2/3
LKs(~~~) 0:47:46
。我沒看見紅線變化 對
00:09:108 - Like what you've done 00:07:529 - it's still preferrable to leave it blank here. Similarly you can remove the note at 00:10:489 - .
01:10:290 - I don't see any need to accelerate this section, comparing to 00:15:029 - .
01:53:711 - fitted the drum but it does connects to the next phrase in a very poor way. Consider that the drum is soft enough you can remove them.
02:00:421 - unecessary acceleration.
03:03:578 - From the music this phrase goes back to a lower and more calm state. If there was some sort of acceleration, this should be slowered, probably something like 03:00:420 - . 03:06:736 - is another phrase that should get slower then you can acclerate the bar note-by-note, which fits the drum sound in the song as well.
03:24:104 - No, thank you!
The 1/8 (1/6 before adjustment) drum do exist in the song, but the taiko hit is too loud and exaggerating them to the top. Besides the acceleration problem the pattern doesn't contain much problem, a bit repetitive though.
Thank you, LKs醬! >w<LKs wrote:
thank you for modding, Garven ~!Garven wrote:
You've got something weird going on in the intro for the storyboard from 00:06:739 -
but, I use 1024x768 test play to see there, no weird going on there
Use tick rate 1 please. The changes between the swing section and the normal section just sound horrible with rate 2. That or silence the offbeat ticks during the 1/3 section since you have tick sounds all over the place.okay~
Go through your difficulties and make sure the kiai green line sections are snapped correctly please.fixed
02:55:687 (1,1) - Please don't new combo spamI want to follow like 01:39:897 (1) - , 01:02:002 (1) - >~<!
Really nice Normal. Good work.
thank you :3
00:09:897 (1) - The end of this slider is snapped incorrectly
02:06:345 (3,4,1) - This was... unexpected. Especially with that kind of spacing. I really don't recommend you do this as it sticks out against the mapping of the 2 minutes prior. That or at least use spacing like at 02:12:266 (1,2,3) -
02:53:713 (2,1) - I was kind of expecting this to have the weird overlap like at 02:50:950 (1,2) -
03:35:456 (2,1) - Wow, bad place for an anti-jump. Use normal spacing here please.
all fixed~
01:38:318 (1) - Please make these combos longer.
02:14:634 (1,2,3,4) - This spacing is a little off. Maybe try ctrl + g on the 2 and 3? If you do this, be careful fixing the hitsounds afterward.
02:15:424 (5,6) - This snapping just feels wrong in context of the rest of this kiai section.
02:17:792 (1,2) - I found if you ctrl + g these individually, the flow is much much better. Don't forget to fix the hitsounds. You might want to reposition the stream too.I think flow is better for me, so keep it
Something that bugged me about the map in general was the 1/4 spacing. It seemed mostly random or dependant upon the patterns rather than any sort of musical cue when it came to when you used larger spacing as opposed to distance snapping. it made for kind of a frustrating play compared to the relatively smooth play of the Normal and Hard.Okay, I will improve next time ~
who are you and what's up with real Garven /me runsGarven wrote:
Use tick rate 1 please.
Thank you again!>w< GarvenGarven wrote:
02:56:476 (1) - Remove new combo
lol! I don't know why here have NC www, fixed~
01:39:108 (1) - Remove new combookay~
01:40:687 (1) - ^okay~
01:42:266 (1) - ^okay~
01:43:845 (1) - ^okay~
01:45:423 (1) - ^okay~
01:47:002 (1) - ^okay~
01:48:581 (1) - &xD
01:50:160 (1) - %lol
01:51:739 (1) - $:3
01:53:318 (1) - *w
REMOVE the ・ from the title. Not add it on ;_;
fixed, but it is blank in my verison, lol
change it other way ~ thank you, Garven :3Garven wrote:
01:53:318 (2) - Ah whoops, I missed this. You need to make this longer. You can't have two sliders that look exactly the same but have different speeds without visible ticks.
It's not your fault, I forget to tell you >~<Garven wrote:
Ack, sorry, didn't notice the reply. Rebubbled!
all fixed~thank you, Garven :3Garven wrote:
Oops, a couple things that AIBAT missed, sorrylol, It's okay, my fault
Snap your kiai start/ends
03:05:160 (1) - Slider end not snapped
Thank you, GarvenGarven wrote:
Update it and PM me and I'll recheck.
Edit: Rebub
!!! thank you very much daze, Rika醬!!Kawayi Rika wrote:
Amazing map and Cool SB ~ Nothing to say ~
Here you go <3
謝謝 wwwFlask wrote:
恭喜飛翔 幹 :3
Flask wrote:
恭喜飛翔 幹 :3
gratz!Scorpiour wrote:
bossandy wrote:
Flask wrote:
恭喜飛翔 幹 :3
謝謝 qoo醬 :3qoot8123 wrote:
Thank you~ scorp醬>w< (hugsScorpiour wrote:
連老大也來玩了www, 謝謝老大~bossandy wrote:
恭喜飛翔 幹 :3
Thank you! Satellite :3Satellite wrote:
Thank you, CrystalxXCrystalMoonAnimeXx wrote:
Congrats ~ >w<
喔喔 149教練 w1491625364981 wrote:
喔喔 RANK了!!
Thank you :3 pimpGpimpG wrote:
congratulations for rank
連草莓醬也來玩這個w 謝謝嘎Strawberry wrote:
恭喜飛翔 幹 :3
嗯 777醬神mapper 配上 渣mapper的神SB 神一般的圖 (逃Firce777 wrote:
神mapper配上神sb 神一般的圖 幹 :3