
Ushirokara Haiyoritai G - Koi wa Chaos no Shimobenari (TV Si

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年4月19日 at 15:28:26

Artist: Ushirokara Haiyoritai G
Title: Koi wa Chaos no Shimobenari (TV Size)
Source: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W
Tags: buhei popner opening Nyaruko Kuko Hasuta Asumi Kana Matsuki Miyu Kugimiya Rie \(・ω・\)SAN値! (/・ω・)/ピンチ!
BPM: 158
Filesize: 16792kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. buhei's Hyper (4.96 stars, 290 notes)
  2. Easy (3.01 stars, 122 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 375 notes)
  4. Normal (4.41 stars, 178 notes)
  5. popner's Hard (4.99 stars, 258 notes)
Download: Ushirokara Haiyoritai G - Koi wa Chaos no Shimobenari (TV Size)
Download: Ushirokara Haiyoritai G - Koi wa Chaos no Shimobenari (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Anime「這いよれ! ニャル子さんW 」OP「恋は渾沌の隷也」
mp3 and video found by Fumika

you can also find season1's OP here:, ED here:

\(・ω・\)Such a(/・ω・)/Bitch!
\(・ω・\)Such a(/・ω・)/Bitch!
\(・ω・\)Such a(/・ω・)/Bitch!
\(・ω・\)Such a(/・ω・)/Bitch!
\(・ω・\)This anime aired!(/・ω・)/ Apr 8, 2013!

so you need to wait, this is mixed ver.
Ayesha Altugle
Why is it in pending? I thought you need better mp3 now.

popner wrote:


popner wrote:


can i recommend to you these images that I found on google images

I stumbled upon A LOTTT of yuri porn to give you these @__@

Maaaaybe this one, but it seems busy:

From My queue

00:18:452 (5,6,7) - 私はこのように流れを考えます ( I think in this way )
00:21:870 (7) - tickが無いので速度変化がわからないから New combo? ( do not know that the speed of change )

00:02:028 (4,1) - リズムの提案 ( Suggestion of rhythm )

00:05:351 (4) - リズムの提案 ( Suggestion of rhythm )

00:11:427 (4) - ^
00:27:756 (5) - 繰り返す Repeat?
01:28:705 - forget note? :>

00:14:275 (5) - リズムの提案 ( Suggestion of rhythm )

looks fine~

looks fine~ ><


Hi From My Queues~

Can not read the image?

Use the image below If you can not find the image you want to use to

00:11:616 (3) - Try This?

00:04:021 - Kiai isn't snapped
00:15:794 - Kiai'end isn't snapped
01:07:819 - Kiai isn't snapped
01:28:705 - Kiai'end isn't snapped

Normal difficulty?Why is it so difficult? Patterns
00:34:781 (2) - Why Overlap???
00:04:021 - Kiai isn't snapped
00:15:794 - Kiai'end isn't snapped
01:07:819 - Kiai isn't snapped
01:28:705 - Kiai'end isn't snapped

01:07:819 - Kiai isn't snapped
01:26:047 - Kiai'end isn't snapped

00:04:021 - Kiai isn't snapped
00:15:794 - Kiai'end isn't snapped
01:07:819 - Kiai isn't snapped
01:28:705 - Kiai'end isn't snapped

00:04:021 - Kiai isn't snapped
00:15:794 - Kiai'end isn't snapped
01:07:819 - Kiai isn't snapped
01:28:705 - Kiai'end isn't snapped

Good Luck~
Star +1
From my queue

Insert a BG :D

00:53:389 (3,4) - These 2 don´t really fit the song... I recommend this
00:59:465 (3,4) - ^
01:02:502 (3) - Make this one 1 tick longer... fits better :)
01:05:540 (1) - Delete NC on this one

Since it´s a normal I recommend +1 CS
00:43:515 (1,2,3) - Align them to a better triangle :)
01:04:021 (7,1,2,3,4) - I wouldn´t recommend these 3 repeater since it´s horribly hard to read

00:06:680 (5,1) - I wouldn´t recommend to stack these 2... It was hard to see at first playthrough
00:15:794 (1) - These fast paced Sliders fits very well but don´t forget to mark them properly (with SB for example)
00:19:211 (1,2,3) - Try to align these more rightpaced to fit the flow better
00:53:958 (1,2,3,4) - Here I nearly breaked my combo... try to align them better to the flow

00:47:313 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - This looks much scrambled xD try to unscramble it :)
00:53:768 (6) - Why you go right when the hole pattern goes to the left?
01:11:616 (3,5) - Unstack these 2... was hard to read at first

00:38:199 (5,6,7,8) - These 4 dont fit the previous pattern... try to fix it :D
00:53:958 (1,2,3,4) - looks alot scrambled again :)
01:05:825 (5) - this slider just breaks the flow in my opinion

Thats all for now :)

Hi, wcx >w<

Mod request from my modding queue

Red = You must fix
Blue = You should consider
Black = My suggestion


  1. Combo colours in Hyper diff is different with other diffs. Please change it to same.
  2. Now, this map hasn't BG yet, but you can consider BG they give you.
  3. You use this mp3 before , since your mp3 is strange volume. Otherwise, this song in mp3 isn't tv size version. So wait this anime already broadcast. Then I or who people will send tv size version to you.


  1. 00:54:718 (4) - The rhythm is so weird. Maybe cause newbie players are confused to play and compare the rhythm. So start the slider on 00:54:528.
  2. 01:00:794 (4) - This, too. Please start the slider on 01:00:604.
  3. 01:06:300 (2,3,4,5) - Make by this picture will be better imo.
  4. 01:21:110 (2,3) - Move to up 1 grid to increase spacing, which spacing between (1,2,3,4) aren't nearby


  1. 00:33:642 (6,2) - It will be better if you avoid overlaping these.


  1. 00:13:990 (4,5) - I hear rhythm of song on slider end of (4). So add clap on it. Then remove it on slider begin of (5).
  2. 00:13:990 (4,5) - This, too. It isn't suitable for the rhythm. So please change whistle into clap on slider end of (4), but remove clap on slider begin of (5).
  3. 00:39:718 (6) - Change whistle into finish will be better imo.
  4. 01:17:642 (4) - This note and note previously are over-jumping. So please reduce spacing these will be better.
  5. 01:29:085 (1) - Hitsound on here is too loud, and it isn't suitable to use here. Please change hitsound is S:C1 will be suitable with the rhythm.


  1. 00:19:021 (5) - The rhythm is weird for me. Move it at 00:19:211 to same with 00:25:287.
  2. 00:27:756 (5) - Repeat this slider to follow the rhythm. Then add clap on slider end, too.
  3. 01:28:705 - Other diffs have a note here. So add a circle here to same with those.


  1. 00:29:085 (5) - I think you add NC here will be better imo.
  2. 00:29:465 (7,8) - I want to play same with 00:28:325 (1,2,3,4) - because I really feel weird to play, since can't play naturally. So you should use Ctrl+G to make these are natural flow when playing these.
  3. 00:32:123 (5) - This note and note previously are jump, but I will be better if you add NC here.
  4. 00:35:161 (5) - Same with 00:29:085 (5).
  5. 00:35:540 (7,8) - This, too. Use Ctrl+G on these.
  6. 00:38:199 (5) - Same with 00:32:123 (5).

Comment: Nice map, but I guess you waiting TV size version song. So I may come back again after this anime already broadcast. Now I will give a star to you ;)

Hope my mod will be useful for you.

Good luck~
From Korean Modding Team

  • General

    try this MP3 File
    and don't forget to add "buhei" on tags~
    • Easy

      00:59:465 (3,4,5) - this pattern is more readable imo ( since this is Easy diff, and you didn't use redticks many )

      • Normal

        01:12:756 (5,6,7) - considering this
        01:26:047 (1) - same as Other diffs
        01:18:832 (5,6,7) - same as 01:12:756 (5,6,7) - here

        • Hyper

          Considering AR -1 , current AR is bit fast imo

          00:44:275 (5) - touching hp bar
          01:06:110 (5) - i think NC here and 01:06:300 (1) - delete NC is better ( considering music and pattern )
          01:29:085 (1) - Default FInish isn't better?

          • Hard

            00:07:819 (3) - touching HP bar
            00:27:756 (5) - i think 1/2 slider is better than 1/4
            01:26:047 (1) - same as Insane ( but default )
            01:28:705 (4) - how about adding a note like 00:03:642 (4) - here?

            • Insane

              01:07:819 (1) - i'm recommend this slider make stack with 01:07:438 (7) - this slider , current pattern is nice but little bit hard to hit this slider when playing , since there are no sliders which have 1/8 beatsnap, it will be better if you changing it ( or at least reudce 1 reoeat 01:07:438 (7) - this slider )
              01:26:047 (1) - how about finish?

              Good luck~



小拇指痛死 我要投诉 差评
长喜你好._. M4M from my queue

00:13:135 - 这里还是finish吧._.要不然就把00:07:059 的finish去掉
00:46:553 (1,3) - 没对上
00:54:718 (4) - 求长Slider头放到00:54:530
01:00:794 (4) - 同上 真心听着不舒服

00:07:059 (3) - 去Finish 或者 00:13:135 (3) - 加Finish
01:05:920 (2) - 觉得没必要
01:10:287 (5) - 可以删
01:16:363 (5) - ^

00:00:984 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 不理解为什么一个音效都不加
00:04:781 (3) - 可以再折一次
00:10:857 (3) - ^
00:19:211 - 加Note
00:27:756 - 再折一次
00:38:958 (1) - 觉得滑条可以拆开变快
00:53:958 - 这有个重音 加音效?
01:28:705 - 加Note


00:22:059 - 删Clap
00:28:135 - ^
00:46:363 - ^
00:52:439 - ^
01:03:642 (3) - 觉得角度和(4)配合一下会更好
01:13:705 - 删Clap
01:19:781 - ^

就这样了..GL and wait for your mod
Hi, from \( 'ω')/Kitsuneko's Modding Queue\('ω' )/


  1. You will know. However I notify the mp3 is 320 kbps.
    \(・ω・\)SAN値! (/・ω・)/ピンチ!


  • Setting

  1. OD up to 2.

  1. Good

  1. 00:54:528 - extend 00:54:718 (4) to here. It has the vocal, and hit the clap is intuitive.
  2. 01:00:794 (4) - same as above.


  • Setting

  1. Clear

  1. Good

  1. Nothing to say. GJ

buhei's Hyper

  • Setting

  1. Clear

  1. Good

  1. Perfect for me

popner's Hard

  • Setting

  1. Clear

  1. Good

  1. 00:04:781 (3,4) - feel confusing rhythm. try use like this pattern.
    same patterns are same as above.
  2. 00:27:946 - needs sound. simply way is to add a repeat 00:27:756 (5).
  3. 01:28:325 (3) - replace the slider to 01:28:705 ?


  • Setting

  1. Clear

  1. 01:07:439 - down volume to 50% for kick slider ?

  1. 01:24:433 (8,1) - swap the NC.

There is no need to suggest many more. Good mapset :3
Anyway, today is a nice day that Nyaruko-san 2nd season begins.

Black = suggestions. Does not mean that must be changed / Blue = recommend to change / Red = Unrankable issues
Mod to other diffs.

00:28:325 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - make the distance gradually decrease? I feel that the pattern is a little difficult to read. Also, there is no crescendo in the music here.
00:34:401 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - weird (or boring) to see same pattern here. Maybe you can use double notes stack instead so the pattern is more varied.
00:35:920 (1,2,3,4) - same as above. You can try to change them to straight sliders. This is my random example:
00:37:439 (1,2,3,4) - ^ if you do so, you can change this to a patter like 00:38:199 (5,6,7,8) easily:

[buhei's Hyper]
Change diff name to buhei's Insane?
01:24:718 (1) - I think a triple like 01:25:097 (2,3,4) is better for this position. It is so to keep pattern consistency: they have similar weight in music but different in pattern now.
Yeah. I tried to mod them, because you asked in my queue. Everything I write are nothing but suggestions. Don't be mad if it's bad. (nice rhyme, right?)


Okay. I really liked the map and I think it is pretty well mapped. Here are some suggestions to make it even better.

00:07:059 - I would change the color of the combo, because you can't see that the note at 00:08:578 - repeats.

00:54:528 - Maybe one circle (soft) would make it sound better. It feels like there's something missing.

same at 01:00:604 and 01:03:452 and 01:27:756 -

that's all I can find.


01:04:021 - maybe another shape for the sliders, that repeat 3 times would be more comfortable.

Not more. It is very fun to play.

buhei's Hyper

Seems nice for me. I like it.

The other two are okay for me, too. I couldn't find anything else bothering me.
anyone else worried that these easy and normal difficulties are too hard than advertised? I really think you should consider renaming the Normal to Hard and the Easy to Normal.

but.. considering how many sliders and how short the map actually is, you might get away pretty easily. this is just what I think.
Topic Starter
don't worry, they're Easy and Normal indeed, they're easy enough(it's just because I used some complex rhyme in them, so the difficulty stars looks a bit high)
Are you looking for Taiko diffs by any chance?
Topic Starter
sorry, but I don't want any taiko diff for this map
Add a spinner somewhere so that there's some score variance.
Colin Hou
//Background and Video events
Topic Starter
fixed bg code
EDIT: DAT NYARUKO BACKGROUND IMAGE. You have my utmost approval my friend.
EDIT2: I'd star but a certain Too-Cool-Not-To-Follow-Rules-So-Strictly-Even-If-These-Rules-Do-Not-State-Rules-That-Forced-Him-To-Do-What-He-Did (Those) stole all of my KD away.


01:22:608 (1,2,3) -
01:23:082 (4,5) -
01:23:462 (6,7) -
01:23:842 (8,1) -
01:24:222 (2,3,4,5) -

In my honest opinion, these would feel a lot more natural to the tempo of this portion of the song if these gradually spaced out a lot harsher from each other. I'd say maybe..

01:22:608 (1,2,3) - 1.5
01:23:082 (4,5) - 1.6
01:23:462 (6,7) - 1.7
01:23:842 (8,1) - 1.8
01:24:222 (2,3,4,5) - 1.9 or 2.0

01:24:886 (6,7,8) -

These could use a little more spacing from eachother, but that's just me, as again I feel it flows better especially in this spot where the power of the song climbs really high at this point.

Just a few humble suggestions.

Absolutely love the map regardless however. The general overall flow throughout the map is superb and matches the song so very nicely.
bg is amazing....kawaii~

is it posible to make a guest diff insane or no more diff? =)
Topic Starter
sorry Jinyan, but I don't want to accept more guest diffs for now..

19:31 Melophobia: around~~?
19:40 Melophobia: ok leaving irc mod here
19:40 *Melophobia is editing [ Ushirokara Haiyoritai G - Koi wa Chaos no Shimobenari (TV Size) [Insane]]
19:40 Melophobia: [Insane] 00:13:304 (3,4) - the rythm can be better imo
it's also a nice way, but I think mine fits the song better. I used clicking(circle, or slider's head) to fit the song's every heavy beats at this part(00:12:544 - , 00:12:924 - , 00:13:304 - and 00:13:589 - ), this way plays better imo
19:41 Melophobia: hard and hyper are ok
19:42 Melophobia: [Easy] 00:52:798 (3,4) - really weird cause this difficulty is based on 1/1 rhythm
mostly rhyme is 1/1, but all rhyme being 1/1 is really boring to play imo.. so I add some 3/2 sliders to fit the vocal which start at red lines. anyway, they're not hard to read/play
19:44 Melophobia: at least keep the hitsounding constant
I'd like to keep the hitsounds constant, but I still think that changeable rhyme is better than regular hitsounds
19:44 Melophobia: also no pantsu in BG, I never allow it to be used.
this bg is totally fine imo, it's not NSFW anyway(having pantsu without sandy bridge is allowed)
19:48 Melophobia: normal-slidertick.wav is unused i guess
in fact, the tick hitsound works for 00:02:101 - and 01:26:595 - in Easy diff
19:52 Melophobia: in hyper: 00:15:582 - kiai should end here
19:54 Melophobia: and video resolution should be 16:9
the video's resolution is 4:3, but the visible area is 16:9 indeed, don't worry
19:55 Melophobia: that should be all
19:55 Melophobia: imma wait for your response
thanks for modding :3
all updated
ok let's see what BAT thinks about the BG then.
Kawayi Rika
inb4 NSFW BG ~ :P
I don't want to hear anything about that background being NSFW. It's perfectly reasonable.
Let's go rank!! XD

Also, \(・ω・\)san値! (/・ω・)/ピンチ! is on tags? lol
Played through all the difficulties, leaving these minor changes here:

[buhei's Hyper]
  1. Hyper X Insane O
    00:03:051 (6) - Needs a new combo for regconizing the speed up
    00:15:203 - indeed there's an exception for inconsistent kiai sections on guest diff, but I would still recommend to end the kiai here.
Better get more opinions about the background image, otherwise I would probably give a no :?
Topic Starter
changed bg, all fixed
Mapper had fixed the changes so...Here you go~ ;)
Gratz!!!! Absolutely fantastic Insane diff wcx! :3
\(・ω・\)SAN値!(/・ω・)/ピンチ \(・ω・)/gratz!!

alacat wrote:

\(・ω・\)SAN値!(/・ω・)/ピンチ \(・ω・)/gratz!!
Some patterns on Insane were really confusing, though the difficulty is really nice.

Congratulations on getting this ranked (:
\(・ω・\)SAN値! (/・ω・)/ピンチ!

Insane is so bloody hard and easy at the same time :D
i <3 u
Congrats! nice map.
Congrats! :)
RIP 松来未祐 (クー子の声優) [1977 ~ 2015]

安らかに眠れ :(
Why did you change the beatmap....the older one was way more fun and was harder.
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