
ZAQ - Kimi e

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 2:10:19 AM

Artist: ZAQ
Title: Kimi e
Source: Chu-2 byo demo KOI ga shitai! Lite
Tags: opening Chuunibyou Kitagami
BPM: 93
Filesize: 6163kb
Play Time: 02:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.49 stars, 299 notes)
  2. Normal (2.9 stars, 200 notes)
Download: ZAQ - Kimi e
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
9th map. this is the OP in the anime Chuunibyou...
This map might be my last chance to reach out to the people i hold dearly in my heart, my special friends to be exact. if it haven't been for them that taught me how to mod/map and for them to put a smile on my face, i wouldn't be here in the 1st place :(. i put out all my feelings and emotions on this map to say that i hope we can start all over again...i hope we can ignore the past and focus on the future, and lastly...i hope we can talk almost everyday like last year...back to the time where we 1st met. i've been feeling this same depression for over 6 months. which is why i started feels as if i'm starting to be non-existant to you :(
Ty Kitagami for the new BG, SB and skin. re-dl as of 2/7/13 due to a new skin.
Click here to play CXu's diff :3.
Not accepting any guest diffs.
I can not mod this is almost a perfect map: c sorry
these are just suggestions you can ignore it


why no kiai time?


00:27:973 extend it to the white tick?
00:30:392 i think this circle is not necesary
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:

I can not mod this is almost a perfect map: c sorry
these are just suggestions you can ignore it


why no kiai time? i don't find kiai times that exciting.


00:27:973 extend it to the white tick? (5) is already at the white tick.
00:30:392 i think this circle is not necesary it is necessary, it follows the vocals in this part.
aww it's ok. you did your best. ty for the mod :3.
Hey Baka Byaku >w<
Mod from my Mod Queuest :33

Fix it please
It's only what I think


  1. I think the hitsounds are a bit too laud at the begin maybe make it a bit lower? :/


  1. 00:22:807 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end point)
  2. 00:29:420 (1) - I would end this slider at 00:30:065 and reverse and remove NC
  3. 00:35:549 (-) - I feel a note misses here
  4. 00:52:968 (1) - move this not to x: 256 y: 244
  5. 01:17:807 (4) - add NC and remove the next one
  6. 01:18:774 (2) - add NC
  7. 01:23:613 (1) - make this spinner end lower
  8. 01:39:097 (1) - 2 grid up
  9. 01:39:742 (2) - make this Note centrally with 01:37:807 (4,1)
  10. 01:52:968 (3) - move this Note to x: 340 y: 312
  11. 02:02:323 (3) - stack it better with 01:59:742 (1)
  12. 02:03:936 (3) - I think this slider doesn't really fit at this part :/
  13. 02:12:645 (1) - same as 01:23:613 (1)
  14. 02:26:678 (3) - move to 02:26:839


  1. -1 OD maybe? ><
  2. 00:02:000 (3) - spacing
  3. 00:06:839 (2,3,4) - ^
  4. 00:12:645 (5) - end this slider at the next white tick and delete 00:13:291 (6)
  5. 00:17:807 (3) - add reverse here and delete the next two notes, would be better in my eyes ><
  6. 01:23:613 (5) - delete this note and let the spinner begin here

    Make the spinners lower like I said in normal ><

That's all >.<
Good luck with get it rank :)

EDIT: 1100 posts ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ
Topic Starter

Dark_Ai wrote:

Hey Baka Byaku >w< Baka Ai-chan~ <3
Mod from my Mod Queuest :33

Fix it please
It's only what I think


  1. I think the hitsounds are a bit too laud at the begin maybe make it a bit lower? :/ ahh that~. yea i can do that. fixed.


  1. 00:22:807 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end point) ahh---fixed ;_;.
  2. 00:29:420 (1) - I would end this slider at 00:30:065 and reverse and remove NC alright to make things easier. fixed.
  3. 00:35:549 (-) - I feel a note misses here i'll add it since i wanna see what people say about this.
  4. 00:52:968 (1) - move this not to x: 256 y: 244 moved it myself. if i move it there, i feel that the flow would feel awkward during gameplay for me.
  5. 01:17:807 (4) - add NC and remove the next one no because the melody in the vocals are the same as the last 3 notes.
  6. 01:18:774 (2) - add NC
  7. 01:23:613 (1) - make this spinner end lower ahh yes this one's unsnapped D:. fixed.
  8. 01:39:097 (1) - 2 grid up alright i guess i'll align it to (1) and (4).
  9. 01:39:742 (2) - make this Note centrally with 01:37:807 (4,1) oh? it is already centered :/.
  10. 01:52:968 (3) - move this Note to x: 340 y: 312 no the flow feels too awkward for me to follow.
  11. 02:02:323 (3) - stack it better with 01:59:742 (1) fixed.
  12. 02:03:936 (3) - I think this slider doesn't really fit at this part :/ yes it does fit with the song because it follows the drums in the song.
  13. 02:12:645 (1) - same as 01:23:613 (1) decreased it to 20%.
  14. 02:26:678 (3) - move to 02:26:839 i can't because it doesn't follow the vocals properly during gameplay. i moved it at the 1/4 tick for that purpose.


  1. -1 OD maybe? >< no because that would be too easy since this is the hardest diff in the song.
  2. 00:02:000 (3) - spacing ahh i knew this was bad :P. fixed.
  3. 00:06:839 (2,3,4) - ^ this one is intentional because i wanna keep the spacing the same after the slowdown. if i use the same one, it'll extend during gameplay, and that would break the flow in ths diff.
  4. 00:12:645 (5) - end this slider at the next white tick and delete 00:13:291 (6) hmm...alright then fixed.
  5. 00:17:807 (3) - add reverse here and delete the next two notes, would be better in my eyes >< alright then fixed. re-mapped the other parts up ahead as well.
  6. 01:23:613 (5) - delete this note and let the spinner begin here no since this is the hard diff, i would always think that a spinner alone wouldn't fit in a hard diff during gameplay.

    Make the spinners lower like I said in normal >< hai~ fixed :D.

That's all >.<
Good luck with get it rank :)

EDIT: 1100 posts ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ
ty for the mod Baka Ai-chan <3
;) good luck byaku sensei :3
Topic Starter

alacat wrote:

;) good luck byaku sensei :3
aww ty for the star ala-chan <3
From my queue

Offset 1036 ? ( +3 )
01:33:936 - here is a unsnapped inheirited point is this purposed?

00:01:033 ~ 00:05:871 - same as hard
00:29:420 (1) - delete clap on repeat
01:44:258 (1) - whistle on end
01:46:839 (4) - NC?

00:01:033 ~ 00:05:871 trying 30% volume? current volume is little bit high
02:04:419 (2) - hmm using normal samplset on end?
02:10:065 (1) - add whistle on start?
02:28:936 (2,3) - how about this rhythm?
02:33:291 (1,2) - i think stack is better, this looks little bit confused
02:33:291 (1) - whistle

Good map and Good song xD

Good luck for rank!!
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:

From my queue

Offset 1036 ? ( +3 ) mm~ i'll keep the offset for now. i wanna see if other modders mention this.
01:33:936 - here is a unsnapped inheirited point is this purposed? uhh--fixed o.o

00:01:033 ~ 00:05:871 - same as hard fixed.
00:29:420 (1) - delete clap on repeat ahh you saw my pattern :D. fixed.
01:44:258 (1) - whistle on end fixed.
01:46:839 (4) - NC? keeping it for now. i wanna see what other people say about this.

00:01:033 ~ 00:05:871 trying 30% volume? current volume is little bit high ahh too loud? alright i'll give this a chance and see what other people say about this.
02:04:419 (2) - hmm using normal samplset on end? no because if you remove the samplesets, you'll notice that the samplesets follow the drums in the BGM.
02:10:065 (1) - add whistle on start? ahh i thought i added that orz. fixed ><.
02:28:936 (2,3) - how about this rhythm? alright i'll give this a chance. done.
02:33:291 (1,2) - i think stack is better, this looks little bit confused haha yea i thought so too. spaced it out.
02:33:291 (1) - whistle it's already there o.o

Good map and Good song xD

Good luck for rank!!
ty for the mod :D.
Hello, Byakugan!

Modding your map as thanks for modding mine! :oops:

And I really love this song! <3

Unrankable issue
I highly recommend you to do it, but you may reject it if you want
Just suggestion, up to you do it or not


  1. This is such a beautiful song! Maybe something more sentimental for the BG would fit it better? How about this? I think no one had used it yet, and fits the song perfectly, imo!
  2. How about a mute spinnerbonus.wav? I don't know, but they sound loud to me when playing.
  1. 00:06:194 - How about increasing the volume here to 40%? Same thing you did on Hard.
  2. 00:34:581 (1) - I think NC here would follow the vocal better than on 00:34:258 (3) since this is the start of a part of the lyrics
  3. 00:50:226 - I find the volume here a bit loud. How about lowering the volume here to 60% so that we can make the player get used to the new hitsound pattern in not a too sudden way, and then, increase the volume to 70% on 01:05:710? It makes sense, imo, since the song has a stronger feeling at 01:05:710 than on 00:50:226 if you pay attention to it.
  4. 01:05:871 (2,3) - Something here is out of place, I think. I had some difficult to get an accurate hit on (3) on the 2 firsts times (yup, I'm noob~), but I eventually got used to it. Not that it doesn't follow the vocal well, but the fact that there's this 1/4 note among so many 1/2 or 2/2 ones in this part. How about doing one of these?

    This one would look good if 01:05:871 (2,3) were stacked, I think :oops:
  5. 01:23:613 (1) - How about making this spinner sound fade out gradually by using Inheriting Points? I think the way it is now, the sound ends in a too sudden way. Maybe like this?
    1. 01:24:258 - 60% volume
    2. 01:24:903 - 50% volume
    3. 01:25:549 - 40% volume
    4. 01:26:194 - 30% volume
    5. 01:26:839 - 20% volume
  6. 02:12:645 (1) - Same thing as previous item
  7. 02:56:516 - How about adding a Whistle here with 20% volume to follow this delicate background sound?
  1. 00:01:033 and 00:01:355 - The volume is too loud here. I think you should lower it to 30%, to be the same as Normal.
  2. 01:23:774 (1) - Same thing as Normal, how about making this gradually fade?
  3. 02:12:645 (1) - Same as Normal
  4. 02:56:516 - Same as Normal
  5. From 02:25:549 to 02:53:613 - How about selecting all the notes that are between those times and moving them to y:220? I think the way they are now they are too concentrated on the upper side of the map, doing that will centralize them vertically, imo.

By seeing this map, I think your mapping style looks a bit like mine (way better, of course). I hope I can map like that someday :3

That's it! Such a great map...! I hope I could help you a bit with my mod!

Wishing you the best of luck! Oh, and this is for you!
Hi Byaku~


I think the hitsound is too loud for this song , maybe reduce 20% (70%->50%) ?

00:34:258 - NC here and 00:34:581 remove NC to follow the lyrics
01:14:581 (3) - how about this? it maybe fit the lyrics better
01:36:516 (1) - NC here
02:35:226 (7) - remove NC and 02:36:516 (1) add NC


00:34:258 (4) - NC here and 00:34:581 - remove NC to follow the lyrics
02:30:710 (1) - add NC and 02:31:033 (2) - remove NC
02:33:613 - how about this?
just some suggestion!

awesome song&map :D

GL ~
Topic Starter

Kitagami wrote:

Hello, Byakugan!

Modding your map as thanks for modding mine! :oops:

And I really love this song! <3

Unrankable issue
I highly recommend you to do it, but you may reject it if you want
Just suggestion, up to you do it or not


  1. This is such a beautiful song! Maybe something more sentimental for the BG would fit it better? How about this? I think no one had used it yet, and fits the song perfectly, imo! you know what...sure i'll do that. i'll even credit you for the BG :D.
  2. How about a mute spinnerbonus.wav? I don't know, but they sound loud to me when playing. i set it to 10% so that the spinners sound inaudible.

  1. 00:06:194 - How about increasing the volume here to 40%? Same thing you did on Hard. ahh whoops...fixed~.
  2. 00:34:581 (1) - I think NC here would follow the vocal better than on 00:34:258 (3) since this is the start of a part of the lyrics that's true but i did this because of the BGM, and the melody of the vocals.
  3. 00:50:226 - I find the volume here a bit loud. How about lowering the volume here to 60% so that we can make the player get used to the new hitsound pattern in not a too sudden way, and then, increase the volume to 70% on 01:05:710? It makes sense, imo, since the song has a stronger feeling at 01:05:710 than on 00:50:226 if you pay attention to it. Fixed.
  4. 01:05:871 (2,3) - Something here is out of place, I think. I had some difficult to get an accurate hit on (3) on the 2 firsts times (yup, I'm noob~), but I eventually got used to it. Not that it doesn't follow the vocal well, but the fact that there's this 1/4 note among so many 1/2 or 2/2 ones in this part. How about doing one of these?

    This one would look good if 01:05:871 (2,3) were stacked, I think :oops:
    i did something else.
  5. 01:23:613 (1) - How about making this spinner sound fade out gradually by using Inheriting Points? I think the way it is now, the sound ends in a too sudden way. Maybe like this?
    1. 01:24:258 - 60% volume
    2. 01:24:903 - 50% volume
    3. 01:25:549 - 40% volume
    4. 01:26:194 - 30% volume
    5. 01:26:839 - 20% volume
    yea i was thinking about this. done.
  6. 02:12:645 (1) - Same thing as previous item done but did it differently.
  7. 02:56:516 - How about adding a Whistle here with 20% volume to follow this delicate background sound?
no the spinner follows the vocals, not the BGM, but i added timing points to decrease the volume of the spinner.

  1. 00:01:033 and 00:01:355 - The volume is too loud here. I think you should lower it to 30%, to be the same as Normal. fixed.
  2. 01:23:774 (1) - Same thing as Normal, how about making this gradually fade? since i did this for normal, i'll do the same thing here.
  3. 02:12:645 (1) - Same as Normal
  4. 02:56:516 - Same as Normal
  5. From 02:25:549 to 02:53:613 - How about selecting all the notes that are between those times and moving them to y:220? I think the way they are now they are too concentrated on the upper side of the map, doing that will centralize them vertically, imo.
mm~. alright fixed.

By seeing this map, I think your mapping style looks a bit like mine (way better, of course). I hope I can map like that someday :3

That's it! Such a great map...! I hope I could help you a bit with my mod!

Wishing you the best of luck! Oh, and this is for you!

EmPao wrote:

Hi Byaku~


I think the hitsound is too loud for this song , maybe reduce 20% (70%->50%) ? decreased it to 60% like in Kitagami's suggestion.

00:34:258 - NC here and 00:34:581 remove NC to follow the lyrics
01:14:581 (3) - how about this? it maybe fit the lyrics better no i'd rather keep a small gap for players since this is the easiest diff IMO.
01:36:516 (3) - NC here fixed.
02:35:226 (7) - remove NC and 02:36:516 (1) add NC fixed.


00:34:258 (4) - NC here and 00:34:581 - remove NC to follow the lyrics fixed
02:30:710 (1) - add NC and 02:31:033 (2) - remove NC ^
02:33:613 - how about this? no because i feel that it doesn't follow the music properly during gameplay.
just some suggestion!

awesome song&map :D

GL ~
ty for the mods and ty for the stars Kitagami, Faust, and Kawaii <3.

all suggestions

* HP=6
* 00:59:097 (2) - thy this!
The Slider: 296,180,59097,2,0,P|348:148|380:232|292:252|256:304|256:304|220:252|132:232|164:148|216:180,1,399.999980926514,2|2,0:0|0:0,0:0:0
and then move it to a good position
* 01:56:194 (3,4,5) - imo this jump here do not fit the music..because the pitch is lower [spoilbox]poor english orz[/spoilbox]
* 02:28:452 (1) - change it into 3 hitobjects to follow the vocal

* 00:05:226 - add a note
* 00:37:968 (2) -
* 01:35:226 (2) - ctrl+g

good luck :)
Deciding to mod this because I really like the song.

  1. The combo colors don't really match the background at all. I'm not suggesting for you to change them to colors identical from the background (that would have them blend in badly), but I'm suggesting to change them into more neutral colors, not neon red and neon yellow.
  2. I find that offset 1045 sounds more accurate than what you currently have. With 1033, I get things around 10-15 ms late. With 1045, they're 2-4 ms late at the worst.
  1. 00:26:516 (3,4,1,2) - The way that these circles are arranged seem rather unintuitive. I suggest re-arranging them to be smoother and neater; perhaps in some sort of a pentagon shape like this.
  2. 00:37:484 (1,2) - Align this vertically with (6). I don't really see why you didn't here.
  3. 00:57:807 (1) - I suggest putting a custom slider-tick in the folder for this slider so that you don't miss any claps. It would also work well for many other sliders such as 01:19:742 (3,1,2). This should be done for the hard difficulty as well.
  4. 01:21:033 (1) - I see that you're trying to blanket the previous object, but this slider looks lopsided and ugly. Seeing as that the wave slider is not perfectly symmetrical and creating a form for this slider that looks good while still blanketing it completely and perfectly is very difficult, I would re-arrange the slider's shape and position to be something like this or this. It looks much better than what you have currently.
  5. 01:35:226 (2) - Why is there a clap at the beginning of this slider? It doesn't sound good nor does it follow your constant pattern to have two claps on this slider.
  6. 01:41:033 (4) - This should be moved down three grids to be aligned with (1) and to form a perfect trapezoid.
  7. 02:53:936 (1) - I feel as if the volume of this spinner decreases too quickly/too soon. Listen to the music; there's no change in the volume of her vocals until the very end of this spinner.
A lot of nice patterns in this difficulty. :oops:

  1. 01:35:238 (3) - A clap doesn't fit at the beginning of this slider in my opinion.
  2. 02:53:936 (1) - Same concern as the normal difficulty.
That's all I have to say for this difficulty. It's really smoothly mapped. Good luck with this.
Topic Starter

384059043 wrote:


all suggestions

* HP=6 done.
* 00:59:097 (2) - thy this!
The Slider: 296,180,59097,2,0,P|348:148|380:232|292:252|256:304|256:304|220:252|132:232|164:148|216:180,1,399.999980926514,2|2,0:0|0:0,0:0:0
and then move it to a good position
done :D. i had to re-map several parts as well if i wanna keep this.
* 01:56:194 (3,4,5) - imo this jump here do not fit the music..because the pitch is lower [spoilbox]poor english orz[/spoilbox] ahh yea i got careless here. fixed.
* 02:28:452 (1) - change it into 3 hitobjects to follow the vocal no personally, i don't like adding 3 circles here because they don't fit with this calm part of this song IMO.

* 00:05:226 - add a note the transition would feel really awkward if i do add a note here.
* 00:37:968 (2) - no since this is the easiest diff, it'd look hard for players to do.
* 01:35:226 (2) - ctrl+g fixed.

good luck :)

Jacob wrote:

Deciding to mod this because I really like the song.

  1. The combo colors don't really match the background at all. I'm not suggesting for you to change them to colors identical from the background (that would have them blend in badly), but I'm suggesting to change them into more neutral colors, not neon red and neon yellow. ahh whoops ><. i forgot to change them due to the BG change.
  2. I find that offset 1045 sounds more accurate than what you currently have. With 1033, I get things around 10-15 ms late. With 1045, they're 2-4 ms late at the worst. done. applied 1045.

    1. 00:26:516 (3,4,1,2) - The way that these circles are arranged seem rather unintuitive. I suggest re-arranging them to be smoother and neater; perhaps in some sort of a pentagon shape like this. no because i don't wanna ruin the transition between (1,4), but i adjusted a bit.
    2. 00:37:484 (1,2) - Align this vertically with (6). I don't really see why you didn't here. i wanna make the transition smooth from the curved slider which is (5). the flow would look too forced if i align it during gameplay.
    3. 00:57:807 (1) - I suggest putting a custom slider-tick in the folder for this slider so that you don't miss any claps. It would also work well for many other sliders such as 01:19:742 (3,1,2). This should be done for the hard difficulty as well. no for this one, i don't wanna use the custom slidertick. since it's a slow and calm song, i find the slidertick unfitting to the song.
    4. 01:21:033 (1) - I see that you're trying to blanket the previous object, but this slider looks lopsided and ugly. Seeing as that the wave slider is not perfectly symmetrical and creating a form for this slider that looks good while still blanketing it completely and perfectly is very difficult, I would re-arrange the slider's shape and position to be something like this or this. It looks much better than what you have currently. done. i did the easy route for this blanket.
    5. 01:35:226 (2) - Why is there a clap at the beginning of this slider? It doesn't sound good nor does it follow your constant pattern to have two claps on this slider. it's mainly to show emphasis in the BGM. i wanted to add a whistle, but there's not enough emphasis on that sound.
    6. 01:41:033 (4) - This should be moved down three grids to be aligned with (1) and to form a perfect trapezoid. if i move it down, the transition from 01:37:819 (2) - (beginning) will be gone.
    7. 02:53:936 (1) - I feel as if the volume of this spinner decreases too quickly/too soon. Listen to the music; there's no change in the volume of her vocals until the very end of this spinner. yea i guess i got too overconfident...fixed.
    A lot of nice patterns in this difficulty. :oops:

    1. 01:35:238 (3) - A clap doesn't fit at the beginning of this slider in my opinion. same reply.
    2. 02:53:936 (1) - Same concern as the normal difficulty. ^
That's all I have to say for this difficulty. It's really smoothly mapped. Good luck with this.
ty for the mods :D.
Hello again, Byakugan!

Can I try to make a simple SB (Lyrics + Some little effects) and a Skin for this map? :3

Something like this for SB:

And this for skin:

Topic Starter
omg that would be great if you do o.o

i owe you 1 big time if you do this.
Randomly modding from here.

aeoirheaoirhaeoirheaoirhe This song, so gooooood ;_;

Please take anything I say as a suggestion, and feel free to ignore my mod post~

  1. So my ears sucks and I can't really tell, but your mp3 is 128kbps and generally that doesn't sound as good as 192kbps. SOOO there is a 315kbps over at Gendou. You could re-encode that one and see if it sounds any better \o\
  2. You have some delayed breaks in [Hard]. Add them to [Normal] as well? (01:28:786 - This one isn't beginning at the same time for both diffs, 01:32:980 - this doesn't exist in normal.. Nevermind this 2nd one is like after the latest breakend for normal :p)
  3. You sure you don't wanna use Tick Rate 2? Sounds better imo. :P
  4. Hmm, normal-hitnormal is pretty loud. Lower volume on that a bit?
  1. 00:31:367 (1) - Remove new combo? The stack and the slider all follows 1/1, so being in the same combo should be less confusing that changing combo.
  2. 00:35:561 (4,5) - Aaaaah wai u no on blue ticks ;w; I know it's normal and everything, but since you switch over to 1/4 at 00:35:077 (3), it should be easier to click 1/2 rather than 3/2 rhythm. Also, just extend (5) to go back to the white ticks if you do this~
  3. 00:38:464 (3) - ^
  4. 00:43:948 (3) - And I guess here too.
  5. 01:21:045 (1) - Middle point to 456;28 and end point to 436;168.
  6. 02:32:496 (4) - Beginners will so not read this correctly xD
  1. 00:49:109 (1) - Start point at 172;236 and middle point at 164;180? So the slider path is kinda curving together with the notes afterwards.
  2. 00:59:109 (4) - Feels more natural to follow this counter clockwise tbh, but I have no idea how you would get that to work with the current pattern :P
  3. 01:35:238 (3) - Should be whistle on slider head, and not clap (you don't use a clap on this note later either)
  4. 01:43:625 - Gradually turn up the volume here? :D
  5. 01:49:432 (1,2) - Maybe add whistles on the repeats. Sounds a bit empty right now.
  6. 02:15:561 - Might as well begin the break here as you bothered to end the break earlier on a red tick :)
  7. 02:33:786 - Add note? You may also consider adding some normal-hitnormal in this section before the last chorus, just for the buildup.
  8. 02:50:077 (6) - Whistle on repeat.
God now I wanna map this song :o . Unless my mapping sucks, I'll probably just try making a diff for this. You can decide if you want to add it (if you even accept GD at all xD) or not later. This song is just awesome so yeah >3<

Edit: =3=
I finished the SB, I hope you like it! If you don't, please just don't apply it :oops:

Video Preview

SB Total Size: 577 KB
Download SB
The sprites and OSB file are both in there already, you'll just need to extract them into the Song folder.

This is actually my first SB... I know I should have tested my skills on my own map first, but I just love this song!
Before I continue with skin, is there any specific wanted/unwanted skin parts? (For example, changing approachcircle.png breaks the gameplay, imo)
Topic Starter

CXu wrote:

Randomly modding from here.

aeoirheaoirhaeoirheaoirhe This song, so gooooood ;_;

Please take anything I say as a suggestion, and feel free to ignore my mod post~

  1. So my ears sucks and I can't really tell, but your mp3 is 128kbps and generally that doesn't sound as good as 192kbps. SOOO there is a 315kbps over at Gendou. You could re-encode that one and see if it sounds any better \o\ i think the mp3 i have sounds just right for me.
  2. You have some delayed breaks in [Hard]. Add them to [Normal] as well? (01:28:786 - This one isn't beginning at the same time for both diffs, 01:32:980 - this doesn't exist in normal.. Nevermind this 2nd one is like after the latest breakend for normal :p) i fixed the breaks anyways.
  3. You sure you don't wanna use Tick Rate 2? Sounds better imo. :P hai hai fixed.
  4. Hmm, normal-hitnormal is pretty loud. Lower volume on that a bit? no i think the hitnormal sounds just for me.
  1. 00:31:367 (1) - Remove new combo? The stack and the slider all follows 1/1, so being in the same combo should be less confusing that changing combo. fixed.
  2. 00:35:561 (4,5) - Aaaaah wai u no on blue ticks ;w; I know it's normal and everything, but since you switch over to 1/4 at 00:35:077 (3), it should be easier to click 1/2 rather than 3/2 rhythm. Also, just extend (5) to go back to the white ticks if you do this~ but i'm not following the vocals, i'm following the piano for this which explains the whistles.
  3. 00:38:464 (3) - ^ ^
  4. 00:43:948 (3) - And I guess here too. it wouldn't flow properly to the vocals if i move it back by 1/4.
  5. 01:21:045 (1) - Middle point to 456;28 and end point to 436;168. the blanket is good enough to me.
  6. 02:32:496 (4) - Beginners will so not read this correctly xD did something else.
  1. 00:49:109 (1) - Start point at 172;236 and middle point at 164;180? So the slider path is kinda curving together with the notes afterwards.
  2. 00:59:109 (4) - Feels more natural to follow this counter clockwise tbh, but I have no idea how you would get that to work with the current pattern :P haha me too. fixed.
  3. 01:35:238 (3) - Should be whistle on slider head, and not clap (you don't use a clap on this note later either) well you're not the only one who said that :P. fixed.
  4. 01:43:625 - Gradually turn up the volume here? :D done. started from 40-70%.
  5. 01:49:432 (1,2) - Maybe add whistles on the repeats. Sounds a bit empty right now. no it'll break consistency with the current whistle pattern.
  6. 02:15:561 - Might as well begin the break here as you bothered to end the break earlier on a red tick :) yup fixed.
  7. 02:33:786 - Add note? You may also consider adding some normal-hitnormal in this section before the last chorus, just for the buildup. ahh yea true. fixed.
  8. 02:50:077 (6) - Whistle on repeat. same as 01:49:432.
God now I wanna map this song :o . Unless my mapping sucks, I'll probably just try making a diff for this. You can decide if you want to add it (if you even accept GD at all xD) or not later. This song is just awesome so yeah >3<

Edit: =3=
wow ty for the mod and diff, but unfortunately, i can't accept your diff because i mapped this due to personal issues. i'll put your diff on the uploader's comments if you're ok with that.

Kitagami wrote:

I finished the SB, I hope you like it! If you don't, please just don't apply it :oops:

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SB Total Size: 577 KB
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The sprites and OSB file are both in there already, you'll just need to extract them into the Song folder.

This is actually my first SB... I know I should have tested my skills on my own map first, but I just love this song!
Before I continue with skin, is there any specific wanted/unwanted skin parts? (For example, changing approachcircle.png breaks the gameplay, imo)
ahh yes don't add a score set(300s, 100s, etc...), i don't mind the rest, but no score set because personally, i don't like it.
Ahh, don't worry about it. I just wanted to map the song anyway, but yeah sure, you can add it in the description if you want to =3=
from my mod queue

[General/All diffs]
Normal-hitnormal is a little loud imo.I turned down it,try adding it to your floder.
as we hear,In kiai time,each 4th whitle line has a sound not only drum but also a bell,so I commend to add whistle at each 4th white line.If you want to have a try,add this

00:01:045 (1,2,1,2,3,1) - these notes without whistles sound really boring,try adding some
00:11:367 - 00:31:367 this part without whistles also sound bad
00:19:109 (1) - * this pattern fits much better
00:26:528 (3) - remove this sound better
00:26:851 (4,1,2) - change to a 1/1 slider?
00:29:432 (1) - same suggestions as *
00:34:593 (2) - I'll map this part like this If I were you.
00:57:819 (1) - try this?
01:06:206 (3) - I'll add it another repeat and del the next note so that 01:06:206 (3,2) - will be 1/1.
01:13:303 (1) - curved slider here is better imo,just like this
01:22:335 (2) - spacing is wrong
01:35:238 (2) - ctrl + g to make a better sense
01:54:593 (1) - end at 01:56:206 sounds better,also make this slider more beautiful please..
02:02:335 (3,1,2,3) - looks not so neat
02:12:657 (1) - I'll end this at 02:14:593 with normal sampleast and make the behind break at 02:15:238.this will make a really really better sense
02:25:561 add more whistles plz...hitnormal sound really boring and feelingless
02:42:012 (2) - sth like this

00:01:045 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same as normal
00:03:948 the tick breaks the beautiful melody,try to silence it
00:04:915 (5) - the sound in music begins 1/4 later.listen carefully
00:11:367 - 00:31:367 this part without whistles also sound bad
00:19:109 (1) - * try this partern
00:27:174 (1) - make this a 1/4 slider with 1 repeat?
00:29:432 (1) - same suggestions as *
00:32:012 from now on the music has no snap,I advise you to remove your claps
00:43:786 00:44:109 add notes for vocal
00:49:109 (1,2,3,4,5) - try to use "convert slider to stream".it'll help you a lot
01:13:303 (1) - this shape is much better!
02:12:657 (1) - same as normal
02:33:625 I'll add a note for vocal here
02:35:238 (6) - add whitstle
02:47:174 (3) - make this a 1/4 slider with 1 repeat?

hmm..this song is beautiful and slow..I think you should make more curved sliders instead of straight sliders..That will be better imo.Incidentally speaking,I think you should pay more attention to some details such as sliders' shape and the shape of circles etc.
Topic Starter

No_Gu wrote:

from my mod queue

[General/All diffs]
Normal-hitnormal is a little loud imo.I turned down it,try adding it to your floder. alright added.
as we hear,In kiai time,each 4th whitle line has a sound not only drum but also a bell,so I commend to add whistle at each 4th white line.If you want to have a try,add this ^

00:01:045 (1,2,1,2,3,1) - these notes without whistles sound really boring,try adding some oh? fixed.
00:11:367 - 00:31:367 this part without whistles also sound bad yea it does sound bland...added.
00:19:109 (1) - * this pattern fits much better fixed.
00:26:528 (3) - remove this sound better fixed. i thought it'd be a good idea to follow the BGM, but players may think that this isn't following anything.
00:26:851 (4,1,2) - change to a 1/1 slider? fixed.
00:29:432 (1) - same suggestions as * fixed.
00:34:593 (2) - I'll map this part like this If I were you. no because this focuses on the BGM, and not on the vocals for the sake of the diff.
00:57:819 (1) - try this?
no i find the flow somewhat awkward for me to follow.
01:06:206 (3) - I'll add it another repeat and del the next note so that 01:06:206 (3,2) - will be 1/1. no because the last part doesn't have drums. for this one, i'm following the drums, not the vocals.
01:13:303 (1) - curved slider here is better imo,just like this the transitioning would feel really awkward for me to follow.
01:22:335 (2) - spacing is wrong oops, fixed ><.
01:35:238 (2) - ctrl + g to make a better sense orz i thought i fixed this...fixed.
01:54:593 (1) - end at 01:56:206 sounds better,also make this slider more beautiful please.. fixed the slider, but not the other suggestion. it'll break consistency with the whistles if i do end it there.
02:02:335 (3,1,2,3) - looks not so neat fixed...i think i made it neater :/.
02:12:657 (1) - I'll end this at 02:14:593 with normal sampleast and make the behind break at 02:15:238.this will make a really really better sense
02:25:561 add more whistles plz...hitnormal sound really boring and feelingless no because if i do, it'll ruin the mood of the song during gameplay for me.
02:42:012 (2) - sth like this fixed. i had to debate on this whether to apply this or not because the flow felt awkward to follow...

00:01:045 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same as normal fixed.
00:03:948 the tick breaks the beautiful melody,try to silence it reduced it to 10%.
00:04:915 (5) - the sound in music begins 1/4 later.listen carefully do you want me to move it to the left or to the right?
00:11:367 - 00:31:367 this part without whistles also sound bad fixed.
00:19:109 (1) - * try this partern ^
00:27:174 (1) - make this a 1/4 slider with 1 repeat? ^
00:29:432 (1) - same suggestions as * ^
00:32:012 from now on the music has no snap,I advise you to remove your claps no then it'll break consistency with normal that has the claps.
00:43:786 00:44:109 add notes for vocal fixed.
00:49:109 (1,2,3,4,5) - try to use "convert slider to stream".it'll help you a lot no it didn't. i added this slider so that the transition feels smoother to the kiai. the circles feel too forced to follow for me.
01:13:303 (1) - this shape is much better!
no then the flow to the next note will be broken...these 2 sliders look the same so that's why i wanna keep the symmetry.
02:12:657 (1) - same as normal fixed.
02:33:625 I'll add a note for vocal here i'm not following the vocals, i'm following the drums. if you notice, i added drum claps at that part and that shows emphasis in the drums.
02:35:238 (6) - add whitstle after thinking about it, fixed.
02:47:174 (3) - make this a 1/4 slider with 1 repeat? no this pattern flows fine to me in the song. if i make a 1/4 repeat, then the transitioning would feel awkward since (1) is a 1/2 slider.

hmm..this song is beautiful and slow..I think you should make more curved sliders instead of straight sliders..That will be better imo.Incidentally speaking,I think you should pay more attention to some details such as sliders' shape and the shape of circles etc. about the curved sliders...i can't do that. in the past i've been making nothing but curved sliders, i didn't bother in using straight so i wanna try different types of patterns using straight sliders and it worked for me, but i'll consider the details you mentioned since it still needs more work.
ty for the mod :D.


00:07:496 : this slider end 00:07:819 then add note 00:08:141
00:44:593 : try use slider end 00:44:915
01:33:948 : use volume 55%
01:48:464 : try make a slider end 01:49:109

they're just suggestions

no kd for this

sry my poor english
Topic Starter
are you sure you don't want kd? because i applied the 1st 2 suggestions, but not the last 2 because of consistency with the next pattern, and for the 2nd one, it's my personal preference since i find something like this fun for players during gameplay.

regardless, ty for the mod.
Hello Byakugan249! Mod Request from BeatofIke Knows! Very calm and Relaxing song! :3

  1. Nothing to point out here. Everything seems to be rankable. Also, the current custom hitsounds and storyboard sprites seems to be in order.
  1. 00:30:722 (2) - Be careful not to add a soft-whistle in inaudible parts of the song. Since there is no chords playing here, I suggest you remove this soft-whistle at the head of this slider.
  2. From 00:32:012 to 00:47:496, I think the hitsounds would have a nice contrast of the music if you increase the volume to around 45% to 55%, since the music is starting to increase volume here.
  3. 00:52:012 (2) - I don't understand the emphasis of this normal-whistle at the head of this slider. You only added one here and one at 00:54:593 (5), but not the rest of them (i.e. Also you didn't add one at 02:37:819 (2) or 02:39:754 (4) either. It just seems too random. I suggest just removing them.
  4. 01:04:593 (1) - A soft-whistle at the end of this slider, would be nice here since it helps emphasize the bells/triangles.
  5. 01:37:819 (2) - Since you add a soft-clap at the end of 01:35:238 (2), why not add one at this end of this slider? Otherwise, remove the soft-clap at end of 01:35:238 (2).
  6. 01:46:206 (2) - Since you add a normal-whistle in your Hard difficulty, you should add one in this difficulty. Otherwise, remove it!
  7. 01:48:141 (5) - Another random normal-whistle at the end of this slider. To be honest, I don't see any emphasis/purpose of this normal-whistle here. I suggest removing it. Also, I suggest that you remove the normal-whistle at 02:12:657 (1) as well since you didn't add one on your Hard Difficulty.
  1. 00:30:722 (4) - Same suggestion as Normal. "Be careful not to add a soft-whistle in inaudible parts of the song. Since there is no chords playing here, I suggest you remove this soft-whistle at the head of this slider."
  2. Same suggestion as Normal. "From 00:32:012 to 00:47:496, I think the hitsounds would have a nice contrast of the music if you increase the volume to around 45% to 55%, since the music is starting to increase volume here."
  3. 00:51:690 (1) - Similar to Normal, I don't understand the emphasis of this normal-whistle at the head of this slider. You only added one here and one at 00:53:948 (3), but not the rest of them.
  4. 01:04:593 (1) - Same suggestion as Normal. "A soft-whistle at the end of this slider, would be nice here since it helps emphasize the bells/triangles."
  5. 01:37:819 (1) - Similar to Normal. Since you add a soft-clap at the end of 01:35:238 (4), why not add one at this end of this slider? Otherwise, remove the soft-clap at end of 01:35:238 (4).
  6. 02:33:948 (3) - Since you didn't add a soft-whistle on you Normal Difficulty, I think you should remove the whistle here. Also, replace the soft-clap with a drum-clap just like you did on your Normal Difficulty.
Nice map otherwise! Good Luck for ranking!
EDIT: I forgot to redownload map lol. I striked the parts you can disregard.
Topic Starter

BeatofIke wrote:

Hello Byakugan249! Mod Request from BeatofIke Knows! Very calm and Relaxing song! :3

  1. Nothing to point out here. Everything seems to be rankable. Also, the current custom hitsounds and storyboard sprites seems to be in order.
  1. 00:30:722 (2) - Be careful not to add a soft-whistle in inaudible parts of the song. Since there is no chords playing here, I suggest you remove this soft-whistle at the head of this slider. if i do, then it'll be inconsistent with the current whistle pattern.
  2. From 00:32:012 to 00:47:496, I think the hitsounds would have a nice contrast of the music if you increase the volume to around 45% to 55%, since the music is starting to increase volume here. oh? alright i'll increase the volume to 50%.
  3. 00:52:012 (2) - I don't understand the emphasis of this normal-whistle at the head of this slider. You only added one here and one at 00:54:593 (5), but not the rest of them (i.e. Also you didn't add one at 02:37:819 (2) or 02:39:754 (4) either. It just seems too random. I suggest just removing them.
  4. 01:04:593 (1) - A soft-whistle at the end of this slider, would be nice here since it helps emphasize the bells/triangles. fixed.
  5. 01:37:819 (2) - Since you add a soft-clap at the end of 01:35:238 (2), why not add one at this end of this slider? Otherwise, remove the soft-clap at end of 01:35:238 (2). ahh right. fixed.
  6. 01:46:206 (2) - Since you add a normal-whistle in your Hard difficulty, you should add one in this difficulty. Otherwise, remove it! added the whistle.
  7. 01:48:141 (5) - Another random normal-whistle at the end of this slider. To be honest, I don't see any emphasis/purpose of this normal-whistle here. I suggest removing it. Also, I suggest that you remove the normal-whistle at 02:12:657 (1) as well since you didn't add one on your Hard Difficulty. removed the whistle on the spinner.
  1. 00:30:722 (4) - Same suggestion as Normal. "Be careful not to add a soft-whistle in inaudible parts of the song. Since there is no chords playing here, I suggest you remove this soft-whistle at the head of this slider." same reply as normal.
  2. Same suggestion as Normal. "From 00:32:012 to 00:47:496, I think the hitsounds would have a nice contrast of the music if you increase the volume to around 45% to 55%, since the music is starting to increase volume here." fixed.
  3. 00:51:690 (1) - Similar to Normal, I don't understand the emphasis of this normal-whistle at the head of this slider. You only added one here and one at 00:53:948 (3), but not the rest of them.
  4. 01:04:593 (1) - Same suggestion as Normal. "A soft-whistle at the end of this slider, would be nice here since it helps emphasize the bells/triangles." ^
  5. 01:37:819 (1) - Similar to Normal. Since you add a soft-clap at the end of 01:35:238 (4), why not add one at this end of this slider? Otherwise, remove the soft-clap at end of 01:35:238 (4). added the clap.
  6. 02:33:948 (3) - Since you didn't add a soft-whistle on you Normal Difficulty, I think you should remove the whistle here. Also, replace the soft-clap with a drum-clap just like you did on your Normal Difficulty. Fixed.
Nice map otherwise! Good Luck for ranking!
EDIT: I forgot to redownload map lol. I striked the parts you can disregard.
ty for the mod :D.
Got bored and decided I needed a break from studying for a mid term to I decided to mod this :3

Red=Unrankable issue that must be fixed.
Bold=Strongly advise that the issue should be fixed to improve the mapset.
Normal=Suggestion that should still be taking into consideration.

- You should put Kiai time in :P *weezy flees*
- Nothing else.

00:33:948 - Consider adding a circle here. Without it, it breaks the flow imo.
00:47:496 (1,1) - The way this plays feels weird mostly cuz of the sliders placement. I suggest shorting the spinner so it matches Hard and map something along the lines of this:
01:14:593 (3) - Slider instead of circle, go along with her holding that note in the song pl0x.
02:45:561 (2,3) - Looks better if you don't stack them with the end of the slider and also consider adding a circle between them at 02:45:883

00:14:432 (2) - Instead of just a hit circle consider changing it to a slider, imo if fits in much better.
00:29:270 - Follow along with the vocals and add a hit circle here. You did it for other parts similar to this section.
02:27:819 (7,1) - Since this is coming so close after a 1/2 stack, I advise that you don't stack this set since the distance from them on the timeline is pretty long and could mess up a high combo for no good reason.
02:33:303 (1,2) - Spacing error here.

Nice map ^_^ accept my star!!!!!
Topic Starter

Weez wrote:

Got bored and decided I needed a break from studying for a mid term to I decided to mod this :3

Red=Unrankable issue that must be fixed.
Bold=Strongly advise that the issue should be fixed to improve the mapset.
Normal=Suggestion that should still be taking into consideration.

- You should put Kiai time in :P *weezy flees* Never~ //runs
- Nothing else.

00:33:948 - Consider adding a circle here. Without it, it breaks the flow imo. then the transitioning from the slider would lok awkward to follow during gameplay.
00:47:496 (1,1) - The way this plays feels weird mostly cuz of the sliders placement. I suggest shorting the spinner so it matches Hard and map something along the lines of this: hmm...alright i'll give this a try. fixed.
01:14:593 (3) - Slider instead of circle, go along with her holding that note in the song pl0x. fixed.
02:45:561 (2,3) - Looks better if you don't stack them with the end of the slider and also consider adding a circle between them at 02:45:883 did something else to make things easier.

00:14:432 (2) - Instead of just a hit circle consider changing it to a slider, imo if fits in much better. fixed.
00:29:270 - Follow along with the vocals and add a hit circle here. You did it for other parts similar to this section. ahh yea that's true. tbh i was hesitant whether if i'm gonna add this or not. fixed.
02:27:819 (7,1) - Since this is coming so close after a 1/2 stack, I advise that you don't stack this set since the distance from them on the timeline is pretty long and could mess up a high combo for no good reason. spaced it out.
02:33:303 (1,2) - Spacing error here. whoops fixed. ><.

Nice map ^_^ accept my star!!!!!
ty for the mod and star :D.
Helo! saw a modreq from #modreqs.

  1. put "rikka takanashi" and "yuuta togashi" in the tags?
  2. All clear!
  1. 00:22:657 (2,3) - I don't recommend this for the easiest diff or normal because it's confusing/hard for a newbie player.
  2. 00:34:593 (2,3) -
  3. 00:37:496 (1,2) -
  4. 00:42:657 (1,2) -
  5. 02:25:883 (2,3) -

  6. 01:15:561 (4,5,1) - make a bit curvy looks pattern? rather then straight downward.
  7. 01:18:464 (1,2) - swap the nc? because most of your new combo change based on vocal.
  8. 01:41:690 (1) - put clap at the starting rather then whistle?
  9. 01:41:690 (1,2,3) - this part with 2 long slider kinda boring,how to say it xD lol.let me show you in pic.
  10. 01:52:012 (1,2,3) - same as 01:15:561 (4,5,1) make it curvy or something.
  11. 02:33:948 (3,4,5,6,7) - If I were you,I would try to put some timing section with increasing volume in this part.because its kinda fit.
  1. 00:04:915 (5) - this one I would recommend like this. 00:05:238 - put circle here to show that you put it basing on the piano. if just a slider,it's kinda odd.
  2. 00:41:367 (3) - make a better blanket? I know you're trying to make the end of the grid at the same place as (4) circle but it would be better if you make it a good blanket.
  3. 00:47:174 (4) - not really stack
  4. 01:13:303 (1,2) - this two long sliders.don't you wanna try to make any delicious slider pattern/shapes?
  5. 01:23:303 (4,5) - this is kinda sudden,but it's ok i guess.
  6. 02:07:496 (1) - make it straight?
  7. 02:33:625 - put a circle here? got "ki " in the vocal.change 02:33:786 (3,4) - this two to a short slider,if you put the circle to show that you're following the drum.
  8. 02:33:948 (3,4,5,6,7) - same like what i post at the normal diff.
The storyboard is simple but still lovely :D! good luck Byakugan249 :3
Topic Starter

HeatKai wrote:

Helo! saw a modreq from #modreqs.

  1. put "rikka takanashi" and "yuuta togashi" in the tags? i'll do it if someone else says the same thing.
  2. All clear!
  1. 00:22:657 (2,3) - I don't recommend this for the easiest diff or normal because it's confusing/hard for a newbie player.
  2. 00:34:593 (2,3) -
  3. 00:37:496 (1,2) -
  4. 00:42:657 (1,2) -
  5. 02:25:883 (2,3) - made them all simple.

  6. 01:15:561 (4,5,1) - make a bit curvy looks pattern? rather then straight downward. fixed.
  7. 01:18:464 (1,2) - swap the nc? because most of your new combo change based on vocal. ^
  8. 01:41:690 (1) - put clap at the starting rather then whistle? if i do that, then the consistency in the whistles will be ruined.
  9. 01:41:690 (1,2,3) - this part with 2 long slider kinda boring,how to say it xD lol.let me show you in pic.
    it's the only way i can make the flow steady. the picture you showed me looks too awkward to follow for me.
  10. 01:52:012 (1,2,3) - same as 01:15:561 (4,5,1) make it curvy or something.
  11. 02:33:948 (3,4,5,6,7) - If I were you,I would try to put some timing section with increasing volume in this part.because its kinda fit.
    fixed except for (6) since the drums are in a low volume. i decreased it to 25% for that purpose.
  1. 00:04:915 (5) - this one I would recommend like this. 00:05:238 - put circle here to show that you put it basing on the piano. if just a slider,it's kinda odd. no i'd rather do something easy to do. that pattern may confuse players during gameplay IMO.
  2. 00:41:367 (3) - make a better blanket? I know you're trying to make the end of the grid at the same place as (4) circle but it would be better if you make it a good blanket. somehow i managed. fixed.
  3. 00:47:174 (4) - not really stack usually i don't accept it because it doesn't show that much during gameplay, but fixed.
  4. 01:13:303 (1,2) - this two long sliders.don't you wanna try to make any delicious slider pattern/shapes? trust me i tried, and it's impossible for me to make any kind of slider art...
  5. 01:23:303 (4,5) - this is kinda sudden,but it's ok i guess.
  6. 02:07:496 (1) - make it straight? it is straight o.0.
  7. 02:33:625 - put a circle here? got "ki " in the vocal.change 02:33:786 (3,4) - this two to a short slider,if you put the circle to show that you're following the drum. fixed.
  8. 02:33:948 (3,4,5,6,7) - same like what i post at the normal diff. same reply.
The storyboard is simple but still lovely :D! good luck Byakugan249 :3
ty for the mod :D.
Hi moe >u< sorry for a delay T3T here my mod :3/

  1. you shoul may add a slidertick because in some part in normal need more costency for clap
  2. what about to adding a long kiai çwç from 00:50:077 - to 01:27:496 and the 2nd one 02:35:883 - to 02:56:528 - i think it will be cute >u<
  1. 00:30:722 (2,3,4) - personally i don't like that this 3 circles are stacked with the prev slider end what do you think on make it more easier? just unstalk they and create a other pattern
  2. 00:32:335 (1,2) - nazi spacing
  3. 00:34:270 (1,2) - spacing
  4. 00:45:561 (2,3) - spacing
  5. 00:47:496 - whistle, for costancy with the hard diff :3
  6. 02:28:786 (2,3) - spacing
  7. 02:42:980 (4) - for a better flow what do you think about doing something like ↓
  8. 02:46:528 (1) - uhm the same thing with this slider
  1. 00:03:988 - Unsnapped timing point
  2. 00:12:657 (3) - this slider feels sooooo straight what do you thin about ↓
  3. 00:36:851 (4,1) - stack they better :3
  4. 01:45:238 (3) - same for this slider , try to curve it a bit
  5. 02:11:045 (2) - same for this one
    you shoul relook some slider because for a such a soft song you used so straight slider that don't pass to much for the song :c
Well i hope it can help you moe :3 good luck <3
Topic Starter

Lally wrote:

Hi moe >u< sorry for a delay T3T here my mod :3/

  1. you shoul may add a slidertick because in some part in normal need more costency for clap no that would ruin the feeling of the song if i do add a custom slidertick.
  2. what about to adding a long kiai çwç from 00:50:077 - to 01:27:496 and the 2nd one 02:35:883 - to 02:56:528 - i think it will be cute >u< nahh i don't like those kinds of kiais anymore.
  1. 00:30:722 (2,3,4) - personally i don't like that this 3 circles are stacked with the prev slider end what do you think on make it more easier? just unstalk they and create a other pattern hmm...alright but i did something else.
  2. 00:32:335 (1,2) - nazi spacing
  3. 00:34:270 (1,2) - spacing
  4. 00:45:561 (2,3) - spacing fixed all 3.
  5. 00:47:496 - whistle, for costancy with the hard diff :3 ahh true. fixed.
  6. 02:28:786 (2,3) - spacing
  7. 02:42:980 (4) - for a better flow what do you think about doing something like ↓ i've been thinking about this...fixed.
  8. 02:46:528 (1) - uhm the same thing with this slider ^
  1. 00:03:988 - Unsnapped timing point
  2. 00:12:657 (3) - this slider feels sooooo straight what do you thin about ↓ Fixed.
  3. 00:36:851 (4,1) - stack they better :3 fixed.
  4. 01:45:238 (3) - same for this slider , try to curve it a bit
  5. 02:11:045 (2) - same for this one
    you shoul relook some slider because for a such a soft song you used so straight slider that don't pass to much for the song :c
Well i hope it can help you moe :3 good luck <3
looks like i fixed everything but the general things. ty for the mod kawaii <3.

I'm sorry for such big delay ;~; (School started, so I have less time to do stuff)

But I finnally finished the skin :D! If you don't like something, just tell me and I'll try to correct it. Tell me also if you want any other skin part/set, I wasn't sure what I should had put or not =w=

Oh, and something I noticed during Gameplay on Hard diff:

01:00:722 (1,2) - This part isn't following the vocal so well, like the other parts, in my opinion. How about doing this? I think It follows the vocal way better and is more comfortable to play!

And on Normal diff:

00:42:980 - Clap here to follow the hitsound pattern?
Topic Starter
ty for the skin, but i can't add it because of the missing parts i mentioned through the pm...i fixed both but i can't give you kd since i already gave you kd in the past but ty for the suggestions.
Alright, the missing parts of Spinner set:

I'm really sorry about that D:!
I had my custom skin on, so I thought I had already done those parts =w='
Oh, don't forget about SliderBorder : 255,255,255 too :3
Saw this on #modreqs.
Disclaimer: I got a bit nitpicky on this map, so sorry if I got too nazi xD

You need an approachcircle.png.

- I somewhat disagree with your use of patterns where the notes are all arranged into perfectly horizontal straight lines. Parts like 00:54:593 (5,6,1) would look and play better if they were arranged like this. Making them form a curve-like pattern plays much better. Patterns like 01:52:012 (1,2,3,4) would look better like this.
- 00:03:303 (1,2,3) - Change pattern to this? Looks better aesthetically IMO.
- 00:22:012 (1,2,3) - The current pattern's spacing looks odd. Change it to this so the notes lead into the next one.
- 00:30:722 (2) - I don't recommend stacking notes on slider ends on the easiest difficulty. They may be confusing for beginners.
- 00:35:883 (4) - I would suggest to reverse (Ctrl+G) this slider to make the pattern flow better.
- 00:39:432 (3,4) - The flow here is kind of cut off. I suggest changing the pattern to this.
- 01:06:206 (3) - I think you should extend this to the next white tick for consistency. Your previous sliders such as 00:50:722 (1) are at similar parts, but end at the white ticks.
- 01:18:464 (5,2) - I find it odd that these two aren't stacked. IMO you should stack them. I suggest moving 01:17:819 (4,5) such that (5) ends up below the slider.
- 01:39:109 (1,2,3,4) - You could make these notes symmetrical. Like this?
- 01:44:270 (1) - Add a finish here. The music is strong enough to warrant one and it fits.
- 02:03:948 (3) - Extend this to the red tick? Ending it on the blue may confuse new players.
- 02:04:915 (1) - Same as 01:44:270 (1).
- 02:25:561 (1) - [nazi] Not centered.
- 02:27:174 (3) - [nazi] I think you should align this with the slider end.
- 02:39:432 (3,4) - The stack here kills the flow IMO. Spread it out.
- 02:47:174 (2,3,4) - [nazi] Would look better if positioned like this IMO.
- 02:49:754 (2) - Position this here for better flow.

- 00:04:915 (5) - Lower the volume of this slider a bit?
- 00:14:915 (3) - Position this straight from the slider end, so the previous slider would lead into it. It flows better that way IMO.
- 00:27:174 (1,2,3,4) - Straighten the stream here? As it is, it looks messy.
- 00:35:077 (3,4) - Move this slightly upward so to make the flow more circular. Like this.
- 00:43:786 (3,4,5,6) - Arrange it like this, so it flows better? The circular flow will give emphasis to the slider.
- 00:49:109 (1,2,3,4,5) - Arrange it to something like this for better flow. This time, you keep the curveness of the slider in the note pattern.
- 01:13:303 (1,2) - These sliders could be made neater. They look unsymmetrical at the moment.
- 01:16:851 (2) - You can change the slider direction like this so that it leads into the next notes.
- 01:41:045 (3) - Soft clap here for consistency with your hitsounding?
- 01:44:270 (2) - Same comment as in Normal. Add a finish here.
- 02:00:722 (2) - Place it here for better flow?

Also, I would like to make a guest diff for this song.
Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:

Saw this on #modreqs.
Disclaimer: I got a bit nitpicky on this map, so sorry if I got too nazi xD

You need an approachcircle.png. i'll talk to Kitagami about this.

- I somewhat disagree with your use of patterns where the notes are all arranged into perfectly horizontal straight lines. Parts like 00:54:593 (5,6,1) would look and play better if they were arranged like this. Making them form a curve-like pattern plays much better. Patterns like 01:52:012 (1,2,3,4) would look better like this. i see...i'll re-arrange a few of them.
- 00:03:303 (1,2,3) - Change pattern to this? Looks better aesthetically IMO. fixed.
- 00:22:012 (1,2,3) - The current pattern's spacing looks odd. Change it to this so the notes lead into the next one. Fixed.
- 00:30:722 (2) - I don't recommend stacking notes on slider ends on the easiest difficulty. They may be confusing for beginners. well since people have been saying this, i'll fix it.
- 00:35:883 (4) - I would suggest to reverse (Ctrl+G) this slider to make the pattern flow better. Fixed.
- 00:39:432 (3,4) - The flow here is kind of cut off. I suggest changing the pattern to this. fixed.
- 01:06:206 (3) - I think you should extend this to the next white tick for consistency. Your previous sliders such as 00:50:722 (1) are at similar parts, but end at the white ticks. no because if i extend it, it'll feel awkward to follow as the vocals and drums end at that spot.
- 01:18:464 (5,2) - I find it odd that these two aren't stacked. IMO you should stack them. I suggest moving 01:17:819 (4,5) such that (5) ends up below the slider. no i can't because it'll effect the next 3 sliders which have blankets. i want to do this, but the other 3 sliders would suffer.
- 01:39:109 (1,2,3,4) - You could make these notes symmetrical. Like this? i did a different pattern since it'll effect the spacing if i do this.
- 01:44:270 (1) - Add a finish here. The music is strong enough to warrant one and it fits. no i want this part to be calm which explains the whistle and the finish ruins the mood of the song IMO.
- 02:03:948 (3) - Extend this to the red tick? Ending it on the blue may confuse new players. it'll end awkwardly and it won't follow what i want to follow and that's the drums.
- 02:04:915 (1) - Same as 01:44:270 (1). same reply.
- 02:25:561 (1) - [nazi] Not centered. i knew someone would catch this. fixed :D.
- 02:27:174 (3) - [nazi] I think you should align this with the slider end.
- 02:39:432 (3,4) - The stack here kills the flow IMO. Spread it out. fixed.
- 02:47:174 (2,3,4) - [nazi] Would look better if positioned like this IMO. fixed.
- 02:49:754 (2) - Position this here for better flow. no then the symmetry for these 4 notes will be gone.

- 00:04:915 (5) - Lower the volume of this slider a bit? decreased it to 20%.
- 00:14:915 (3) - Position this straight from the slider end, so the previous slider would lead into it. It flows better that way IMO. fixed.
- 00:27:174 (1,2,3,4) - Straighten the stream here? As it is, it looks messy. fixed. aligned it diagonally.
- 00:35:077 (3,4) - Move this slightly upward so to make the flow more circular. Like this.
- 00:43:786 (3,4,5,6) - Arrange it like this, so it flows better? The circular flow will give emphasis to the slider. fixed.
- 00:49:109 (1,2,3,4,5) - Arrange it to something like this for better flow. This time, you keep the curveness of the slider in the note pattern. did something else.
- 01:13:303 (1,2) - These sliders could be made neater. They look unsymmetrical at the moment. i guess a few people were mentioning this...fixed.
- 01:16:851 (2) - You can change the slider direction like this so that it leads into the next notes. fixed.
- 01:41:045 (3) - Soft clap here for consistency with your hitsounding? no the previous soft claps represent the snaps in the BGM, so i added it for more emphasis in the diff.
- 01:44:270 (2) - Same comment as in Normal. Add a finish here. same reply. it'll ruin that calm feeling to the song.
- 02:00:722 (2) - Place it here for better flow? why not. fixed.

Also, I would like to make a guest diff for this song. sorry no. i'm mapping this song due to personal issues i'm having atm.
yay ty for the mod :D.
I promised that I would mod this a while back, so I might as well do so. (Note: I am sort of doing this as a break from hw, so I skipped a few explanations and probably being nazier than I usually am)

From the responses I got, I believe you need an approachcircle.png as well. Since you said you are working on it, guess I will just move on.

Normal/Aesthetics Mod:
00:02:335 (2,1) - align 1 with 2? (sorry being nazi, but this looks like you intended it to be a straight line)
00:06:206 (2) - make symmetric?
00:19:109 (1) - make symmetric? (ends aren't properly aligned)
00:39:754 (5,1) - you can see a slight bit of overlap here, so I would suggest rearranging it since your style is fairly clean of overlaps
01:11:690 (2,1) - more slight overlaps
01:33:948 (1,2) - These sliders will probably look better if they were either more symmetric or more unbalanced. Having it inbetween like this looks slightly weird to me
01:37:819 (2,1) - align 1 with 2?
01:40:399 (3,1) - the 300 from 3 will slightly cover up the end of 1, so you might want to rearrange it
01:51:690 (4,1) - make 4 part of 1's curve?
01:54:593 (1) - make symmetric
01:57:174 (1) - ^ (I am just being nazi here)
02:48:786 (5) - touches the hp bar T_T

Combo mod:
00:39:754 (5) - new combo to follow your pattern of a new combo every large white tick (well about every large white tick)
01:07:174 (1) - remove new combo to be consistent with 00:52:012 (2) and 01:17:819 (4)
01:46:851 (4) - new combo to follow your pattern of a new combo every large white tick
02:02:335 (3,1) - remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 3 to follow your pattern of a new combo every large white tick

Normal/Aesthetics Mod:
Moreso than the Normal, the on and off horizontal and vertical alignments looks sort of weird in the map. It is your style, so not going to complain too much
01:13:303 (1,2) - make symmetric?
01:19:754 (3) - ^
01:54:593 (1) - align with 01:53:303 (2) or try to make it look like 1 follows the path to 2
02:45:883 (5) - have the ending point toward 02:46:528 (1)?
02:49:593 (4,5) - it looks slightly weird that you have a vertical line forming when 02:49:109 (3) is pointing slightly diagonally at the end
02:51:367 (1,3) - make symmetric? (can't really tell during gameplay, but I feel like complaining anyway xD)

Combo mod:
01:17:496 (3) - new combo to be consistent with 01:07:174 (1)?
01:52:012 (3,1) - remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 3 to follow your pattern of a new combo every large white tick
02:47:819 (4) - new combo to be consistent with 02:37:496 (1)?

Decent mapset overall. I admit I could have nazied more, esp hard, but I am not exactly sure I understand your purpose/style at times. During the combo mod, I skipped over 1-2 things when you changed styles for half a measure. Besides that, best of luck with this awesome song (If you really want, I can remod after my hw is done).
Topic Starter

blissfulyoshi wrote:

I promised that I would mod this a while back, so I might as well do so. (Note: I am sort of doing this as a break from hw, so I skipped a few explanations and probably being nazier than I usually am)

From the responses I got, I believe you need an approachcircle.png as well. Since you said you are working on it, guess I will just move on.

Normal/Aesthetics Mod:
00:02:335 (2,1) - align 1 with 2? (sorry being nazi, but this looks like you intended it to be a straight line) yea it's a mistake here. fixed.
00:06:206 (2) - make symmetric? fixed.
00:19:109 (1) - make symmetric? (ends aren't properly aligned) ^
00:39:754 (5,1) - you can see a slight bit of overlap here, so I would suggest rearranging it since your style is fairly clean of overlaps ^
01:11:690 (2,1) - more slight overlaps ^
01:33:948 (1,2) - These sliders will probably look better if they were either more symmetric or more unbalanced. Having it inbetween like this looks slightly weird to me made it symmetric.
01:37:819 (2,1) - align 1 with 2? fixed.
01:40:399 (3,1) - the 300 from 3 will slightly cover up the end of 1, so you might want to rearrange it no because it's going to be visible once (1) is hit.
01:51:690 (4,1) - make 4 part of 1's curve? if you're saying that i should stack it, then no because the phrase in the BGM is different.
01:54:593 (1) - make symmetric
01:57:174 (1) - ^ (I am just being nazi here) fixed.
02:48:786 (5) - touches the hp bar T_T it wohldn't be a problem since it's not touching it fully.

Combo mod:
00:39:754 (5) - new combo to follow your pattern of a new combo every large white tick (well about every large white tick) fixed.
01:07:174 (1) - remove new combo to be consistent with 00:52:012 (2) and 01:17:819 (4) ^
01:46:851 (4) - new combo to follow your pattern of a new combo every large white tick ^
02:02:335 (3,1) - remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 3 to follow your pattern of a new combo every large white tick ^

Normal/Aesthetics Mod:
Moreso than the Normal, the on and off horizontal and vertical alignments looks sort of weird in the map. It is your style, so not going to complain too much
01:13:303 (1,2) - make symmetric? fixed i think
01:19:754 (3) - ^ ^
01:54:593 (1) - align with 01:53:303 (2) or try to make it look like 1 follows the path to 2 did both to make things easier and flowy.
02:45:883 (5) - have the ending point toward 02:46:528 (1)? fixed it myself.
02:49:593 (4,5) - it looks slightly weird that you have a vertical line forming when 02:49:109 (3) is pointing slightly diagonally at the end re-arranged the pattern.
02:51:367 (1,3) - make symmetric? (can't really tell during gameplay, but I feel like complaining anyway xD) no no i think it looks symmetric enough, so it should be fine.

Combo mod:
01:17:496 (3) - new combo to be consistent with 01:07:174 (1)? fixed.
01:52:012 (3,1) - remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 3 to follow your pattern of a new combo every large white tick ^
02:47:819 (4) - new combo to be consistent with 02:37:496 (1)? ^

Decent mapset overall. I admit I could have nazied more, esp hard, but I am not exactly sure I understand your purpose/style at times. During the combo mod, I skipped over 1-2 things when you changed styles for half a measure. Besides that, best of luck with this awesome song (If you really want, I can remod after my hw is done). if you want to, go ahead :3.
ty for the mod :D. i never thought i'd follow these nazi mods, but i guess it's for perfection.
Kawayi Rika
Checked mapset for my Random Queue ~

Nice sb,skin,nothing to say ~ OSU needs more relax map and this song <3

Here you go :3

Topic Starter
omg i did not expect this at all O.O. tysm Rika-nyan <3

00:59:109 (4) - This slider could be made better, thanks to xxheroxx here you go.


Nothing else to say from my side! Good job.
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:


00:59:109 (4) - This slider could be made better, thanks to xxheroxx here you go.


Nothing else to say from my side! Good job.
ooh this looks a lot better :D. ty for the code.

self pop due to this change.
checked this map and seems everything is fine for me, so here we go :3
Kawayi Rika
Rechecked map via IRC ~

Chu-2 byo demo Here you go <3

13:58 *Kawayi Rika start checking Byakunyan's map
13:59 Byakugan249: ooh yey~ <3
13:59 Byakugan249: hard 1st?
13:59 Kawayi Rika: yeah
14:02 Kawayi Rika: 00:27:819 (3) - move this circle to X:207 Y:154
14:03 Kawayi Rika: Straight line :P
14:03 Byakugan249: mhm i see it
14:03 Byakugan249: done
14:03 Byakugan249: moved (4) as well
14:03 Kawayi Rika: k
14:06 Kawayi Rika: 01:21:045 (1,2,3,4,5) - make those notes symmetrical?
14:06 Kawayi Rika: i can give you code,if you want.
14:07 Byakugan249: hmm i'll do this myself 1st, give me a few mins
14:07 Kawayi Rika: ok :P
14:09 Byakugan249: actually...give me the code...i fixed the wrong notes o.o
14:09 Kawayi Rika: ok
14:12 Kawayi Rika: 268,328,81045,6,0,P|156:328|80:244,1,199.999990463257,2|0,0:0|1:0,0:0:0:0:
14:12 Kawayi Rika: 32,192,82012,1,0,0:0:0:0:
14:12 Kawayi Rika: 93,111,82335,2,0,P|156:56|268:56,1,199.999990463257,2|0,0:0|1:0,0:0:0:0:
14:12 Kawayi Rika: 312,192,83303,1,0,0:0:0:0:
14:12 Kawayi Rika: 268,328,83625,1,2,0:0:0:0:
14:13 Byakugan249: brb logging this :P
14:13 Kawayi Rika: yeah
14:16 Kawayi Rika: 02:32:012 (5) - move slider's second point to X:320 Y:220 more blanket
14:16 Byakugan249: fixed
14:16 Byakugan249: also applied the code...i think :S
14:17 Kawayi Rika: alright :3
14:19 Kawayi Rika: 02:53:948 (1) -
14:20 Kawayi Rika: snap end point on 1/12
14:20 Kawayi Rika: 02:56:636 -
14:20 Kawayi Rika: sound better to me
14:21 Byakugan249: you mean reducing it by 1/12?
14:21 Byakugan249: ohh~
14:21 Byakugan249: i'll give this a chance so done
14:21 Kawayi Rika: 02:56:636 - i mean end to here
14:21 Kawayi Rika: :P
14:22 Kawayi Rika: that's on 1/12
14:22 Kawayi Rika: or 1/6
14:22 Byakugan249: haha let's say it ends at 1/6 :P
14:22 Kawayi Rika: yay haha
14:23 Byakugan249: i'll do the same on normal
14:23 Kawayi Rika: yeah
14:30 Kawayi Rika: 02:10:077 (1) - Shorten slider to 1/1 and add a circle on 02:11:045 - ?
14:30 Kawayi Rika: 02:10:722 - because here have a drum
14:31 Byakugan249: mm~ i'll think it over for now, mention this again in case i forget
14:31 Kawayi Rika: :P
14:32 Kawayi Rika: ok that's all ><
14:33 Byakugan249: aww already ;_;
14:33 Byakugan249: ok~ :D
14:34 Byakugan249: updated

wow full ver is better ヾ(:3ノシヾ)ノ"
Topic Starter
wow tysm Rika-nyan <333. emotions, my feelings, and the memories i had are all put through this 1 song.

it's either double or nothing on this 1 song :(
Congratz byaku-chan <3
This took longer than it should have, but its ranked at last. Congrats!
Congratulations! Byakugan!
Good Map! :D
P o M u T a
grats :3
Congrats byakugan >w<
omedeto baka byaku >w<
I was wondering why this wasn't ranked like a month ago or so.

And I feel kinda bad since this was forwarded to my queue a while back lol.
Grats Nyaku!
S o r d a
gratz for rank~
graz Byakugan
good job sensei ~ :)
Gratz Byaku :3
uh uh Finally !
yes,congratz 249~ :3
gratz moe \o3o/
Congrats!!! :)
:) :) :)
Nice song ww Congratz~
It's about time.

Congratulations Byaku! ^^
late congrats from me!
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