
One beatmap set with different "creators"

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +263
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Okay, I already suggested this internally, but now I want to throw it for public to be discussed and refined.
There is one thing that bugged me since I am here (so for almost 4 years).
Every map is created by 1 person, at least systemwise. All difficulties, regardless of guest difficulties or collaborations, are labeled as "created by <Beatmapset Hoster>".
Also we have some awkward rules (imo) regarding possession, like the hoster needs to have at least 50% of the set mapped and bla, which makes sense under current circumstances to an extend, but is limiting the ambitions of many people, who would map stuff to contribute to this community, but don't want to do it alone (or not so much)

Since we have a BeatmapSetID, which is consistent over all difficulties, I think such changes are way more possible now.

What I purpose is the possibility to set the REAL creator of a certain beatmap under the "Beatmap Creator" metatags, for multiple creators, seperate with a comma.

I thought this idea a bit more forward. Every created difficulty will be shown on the people's respective profile:

Beware, badly paint-edited,because lazy

If you add a difficulty under someone else's name, the other person needs to approve it (receive some kind of notification?).
Maybe later, people could also upload/update/delete(?) their difficulties on their own via BSS/Profile, after beatmapset hoster (the one, who initially opened the beatmap thread and submitted the whole beatmap set as first) added their difficulty with each's name to the beatmapset.
Also people would appear red ingame as "editing xyz" when they edit their own guest difficulty/collaboration.
Collaboration sets shall only be updated by beatmapset hoster.

Maybe it's also possible to remove the "Ranked/Pending/Graveyarded Beatmap" bracket and replace it with "Ranked/Pending/Graveyarded Difficulties" instead. Maybe it's also possible to add a "Ranked/Pending/Graveyarded Collaborations" bracket.
The whole suggestions aims to attribute the difficulties to their real respective creators, supporting guest difficulties, collaborations - also making it possible to see any user's contributed stuff on their profile, instead of searching them via Tags (which doesnt always work, since sometimes the contributors are not listed in tags or difficulty names) - Also it removes the need of "xyz's Easy/Hard/Extra/Whatever", since it would be "Hard (grumd)" "Insane (Loctav, [Luanny])".

I probably forgot some stuff and circumstances, so let's iron it out a bit and discuss it. Feel free to add some ideas/thoughts or critics, if you think it should work elsehow. If this idea is a duplicate of an ages-old suggestion from 2010, I am sorry. We should dig it out then and rethink it.
There's a dupe thread somewhere, but this is much more descriptive. I agree, support and whatnot!
Total support. I'm kind of busy with exams to put a fine comb through your work right now, but I read through it and think this is definitely worth implementing. It also helps people who like to map for others so that they get proper recognition (not all the time does this happen!). There are many mappers out there who map one difficulty of their own and proceed to upload the set (the current problem with the whole 'you must map at least 50% of the set to host' idea) and just fill the rest with guests. Although this is a problem of its own, your suggestion would help rectify it potentially.
Obviously supporting ~

Anyway, this has my full support. It's nice to give participants of mapsets more credit than just slapping their names on the tags or on a difficulty name. The latter isn't even done all of the time.
I like this idea. Currently guests are only recognized through tags which seems... improper. Maybe have the first name be recognized as the "main creator" and the ones after are "guests" who can't update the mapset but are still properly credited on their userpage.

TheVileOne wrote:

There's a dupe thread somewhere, but this is much more descriptive. I agree, support and whatnot!
yes, mine

a bit different and realistic from mine, I guess I'll mark mine as a duplicate t/65732
wow support
Support ~


inb4 6 pending difficulties
Have a star ^^
5 votes for this
support~ beatmap diff creator should be different from beatmap owner~
support this
Yes, that's a good idea but what to do with already ranked beatmaps? There is so many beatmaps with guest difficulty.
Aslo about collabs, some of them have so many mappers, I belive this could create problems in osu! beatmaps selection screen because of the huge number of names. (I think just seeing the names when having the mouse on the difficulty could fix that easily if your suggestion is done)

Arnold0 wrote:

Aslo about collabs, some of them have so many mappers, I belive this could create problems in osu! beatmaps selection screen because of the huge number of names. (I think just seeing the names when having the mouse on the difficulty could fix that easily if your suggestion is done)
various mappers /o/
SB mappers names into the difficulty
problem solved :p
if more than 5 collabers
change diffname to [Collab] and do what deadbeat said
good idea desho
100% support would like to see AAAA+++

but really I'd love to see this.
With the huge amount of guest difficulties nowadays, I don't see why not. Old maps could be retroactively changed once osz2 comes out.
this sounds amazing im a beginner mapper (complete noob still making my first map) and i find i can only map one difficulty. with this i could actually get a map published.

and just to get clarified does the beatmap set get random contributors or do you have to find them yourself(ie friends)

akronicillness wrote:

this sounds amazing im a beginner mapper (complete noob still making my first map) and i find i can only map one difficulty. with this i could actually get a map published.

and just to get clarified does the beatmap set get random contributors or do you have to find them yourself(ie friends)
You find them yourself. :)

If this gets added maybe extra functionality can be given to where osu! takes the creator's name from the .osu and adds it on the left side of the title text that shows up now when you play taiko maps, similar to how we use to manually do it ourselves.
found a duplicate

but this obviously has more support, marking that one instead
I support for this idea. Seen modding while editing, and getting confused with some maps with only tags like this is an embarrassing thing. Given that no much bugs are needed to fix, it will be worth implemented.
Bump this... Really useful for Beatmap Sets.
Bumping this, because of discussion created in ranking criteria rule. Please make this happen.
supporting this OuO/ have some stars
Shohei Ohtani
It seems like an ok idea

Especially if it's like, giving everyone listed in the creators list permissions to edit and upload the map

With guest difficulties, I have around 32 ranked maps that I've participated in. However, my profile only shows 19. It'd be nice to have the guest diffs credited, especially since a lot of my most well-known beatmaps (or diffs in well known maps, I guess :P) are guest diffs

It'd be nice to have a log of who uploads when, though.

I'm surprised this thread isn't older. This has been in discussion even before I started mapping ouo.
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

It seems like an ok idea

Especially if it's like, giving everyone listed in the creators list permissions to edit and upload the map

With guest difficulties, I have around 32 ranked maps that I've participated in. However, my profile only shows 19. It'd be nice to have the guest diffs credited, especially since a lot of my most well-known beatmaps (or diffs in well known maps, I guess :P) are guest diffs

It'd be nice to have a log of who uploads when, though.

I'm surprised this thread isn't older. This has been in discussion even before I started mapping ouo.
This would be a long-term project to adjust all creators to their real ones. I hope this is retrospectively possible o:

someone apply this to my Burst The Gravity, ok thanks, /me runs
Bumping this with another support post after seeing all the posts in the Mapset Accountability thread. This is a much better tool for the job than a ranking rule, and it doesn't come with the side effect of artificially deeming a quality mapset unrankable because of the name on the label.

It can be added a new category called "Submitter" saving creator for real creators of each difficulty in the mapset.
Support it :3
It's been a few months...
bumping again :3
Nice idea! Support :3
I am against this. What about already made beatmaps. Also remember that the things you create are BEATMAPS, not 'difficulties.' >:(
@KoveGames: wat

I completely support this, even though it might get a bit hectic in some mapsets

MillhioreF wrote:

With the huge amount of guest difficulties nowadays, I don't see why not. Old maps could be retroactively changed once osz2 comes out.
oh wow
This'll be soo incredibly useful ^_^
This actually makes sense, +1
I like this
I agree and fully support this. Especially the part when guest difficulty makers can update their diff without having to send the code to the beatmap creator. If this would ever get added, it'd be smooth and great generally.
nice, Agree :D
I like the idea! ALL mappers should get credited
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