
Post any Paradoxes you can think of here

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Paradox (n.) A question/statement with no logical "solution"

ex. "This statement is false!" or "New mission: Refuse this mission!"

If you have decent thinking ability, you should be able to figure out how those statements go in an infinite loop

"This Statement is False!"

If you say that a statement is false, there's no proof of lying. Therefore all statements are taken as true.

If the statement "This statement is false" is true, it is also false. If it is true, it contradicts the rule above, and therefore is its opposite, which DOESN'T contradict the above rule, changing it to "this statement is true" on the statement "this statement is false".

And infinite loop.

So anyway, post any paradoxes that end like that and explain how they work.

Here's a paradox: What happens if I reply to a thread no one can see?

oh wait that one is easily solvable. All I have to do is click submit!

Lybydose wrote:

Here's a paradox: What happens if I reply to a thread no one can see?

oh wait that one is easily solvable. All I have to do is click submit!
QFV (Quote for Valhalla)

Can we just keep this unapproved? ;p

Derekku wrote:

Can we just keep this unapproved? ;p
I'd disapprove the thread right about now, but if I did, no one would be able to read my super-witty joke about disapproving the thread.
never approve this thread.

it can be the silent valhalla that only we know about.

lybydose you fucking legend
This will be our little secret OT from now on :)

And just like that, Bizarro OT was born.
Good sandbox

Lyby wins
Card N'FoRcE
Opening this spoilerbox will close the other one
And closing this one will close both.
Locking this thread would be both meaningless and meaningful at the same time
Oh hey, this is still here...

Or is it?
Well, if you bump a thread that doesn't exist in finite space, is it really being bumped?
Oh hey let's post in the thread that technically doesnt exist, so technically im not posting, or am i?
To you, this is a brand new topic, yet it is an old topic.
I still think this thread is awesome how come people stopped making good posts in it
Would it be a stretch to call that a paradox as well?
Just wait until the mod queue system gets removed. What will happen to this thread? Will it become public? Will it cease to exist?
maybe it'll turn into a vortex that will secretly mod queue all the bad posters!

i wish
I wonder what would happen if i dissaprove the OP, would all the remaining posts become a visible thread? or would the whole thing dissapear in the voids of darkness.
that's a risk I'm not willing to take

instead I'll write the remainder of this post with an upside down keyboard

okay never mind
Users browsing this forum: dkun, God, ztrot
if you link a regular user to this thread, do they get a permission denied error, a topic doesn't exist error, or do they see the thread

I could solve this one myself but feel that would be cheating
Some things are better left a mystery, me thinks.
They definitely won't see the thread
PS: Stop wastelanding Alpha Kitten threads. I trust Offtopic enough to make every thread he makes be about lolis before they get anywhere at all.
you learn very quickly

i am glad my trust is not misplaced
Oh hey, this thread is useful for something now :)
I thought it always has been useful :C
It's a way for Wojjan to communicate with us :V
I don't have access to the sexy people lounge so this will have to do.
Well looks like you can send threads to AW now, so good luck with your "job" in here ^_^
thank you

okay well um
spread_em is allowed though
oh yeah, that's because split/merge were broken (not sure if they still are)
Just checked. Still are. When's it fixed?
Hey Woj-podge, do you have access to the Abandoned Wasteland, or are threads lost to you when you move them there

awp wrote:

Hey Woj-podge, do you have access to the Abandoned Wasteland, or are threads lost to you when you move them there
I can read it. I do that sometimes when I want to feel good about my life.
oh btw can I get sticky rights in OT please? I kind of want the wojjlog to be up there.
Also also I think it's high fucking time we unsticky Link's quest to yadda yadda.
whatever it was, its purpose was served. Made it so
Okay sorry but this is getting fucking ri****ulous can you please let me do my job. I am pretty sure I have this subforum under control, saying the word dick in off-topic is not against its rules.
It wasn't because of the word "dick"
I fuckin' hope not. Dicks is the new quantity by which everything is measured,

eg "It was cold as dicks yesterday, but it wasn't too bad today."
Guess cococococo's starting up again on his new account huh?
sucks, but yeah. I've given him plenty of warning about off-topic so far, so if you see him act up anywhere again there's really no need to be mild.
Well if he does it again might as well block him out of OT on top of the silence or just perma ban if necessary
Since the user "she" visits OT as well be wary, i've just had to cleanup over 100 posts of spam and necro on the Intrdocutions board from them (with an added silence and post block overall)

Sakura wrote:

Since the user "she" visits OT as well be wary, i've just had to cleanup over 100 posts of spam and necro on the Intrdocutions board from them (with an added silence and post block overall)
i'll handle this if it gets out of hand on the kill side

why not just disable the user's posting rights if they're that bad?
they've only done it in the introduction boards as far as i can tell, their posts here seem normal, the silence will prevent them from posting anywhere anyways, but when it's over they'll be able to post in here, just not in the introductions board.

Sakura wrote:

they've only done it in the introduction boards as far as i can tell,
it matters if they do it, not where they do it !
Hey Wojjan, have you and awpy-kins talked things through for the first?
I have read the PM but had flu for this entire week so it didn't really sink in enough for me to make a constructive reply. I've started trying to make some sense of the situation.
I'll be here when you're good and ready
There's still time anyway, so no rush.
okay, so, I have a LOT of questions about how good this is about to go, but here goes nothing
  1. First off, what's going to distinguish the new OT from the old OT? The people who frequent it, at the start, are going to be the same, and so will the mentality. I understand, in spirit, what a spring cleaning like this is supposed to mean, but what will it accomplish?
    Which actual, new rules will you put in place to change the circlejerk mindset?
  1. This begs the question: who's going to enforce these rules? Will I or dkun get some sort of forum-silencing, or do we just continue serving as OT janitors and write down the repeat offenders for the modmins to check out?
I've considered for a long while to implement a new rule in OT that quoting posts by other people, without adding anything of merit outside the quote, will just get your post deleted when I catch it. I never got to actually enforcing it, but it could be a step away from the Offtopic-collective thought.

  1. Next, what's going to distinguish the new OT from GD? In Off-Topic being a typical user (which I mean with no bad intent, but I also do detest the "moe cookiezi >w<" "arrow to the knee XD" mentality) will get you a LOT of flak. Largely for lack of critical thinking, or at least lack of wanting to use your critical thinking on a forum. It might not look the part, but being a mature, accostable person who can form their own opinion is one of the biggest tools to garner respect in OT. I fear that breaking the forum open to a wider audience is going to invite a lot of people who mistake it for a spam forum, which will cause another whiplash from the regulars, and so on and so forth.
    What's the goal in dispelling the circlejerk? Who do you want to help in doing so?
  1. Off-Topic now, is not a forum for everyone. It's this sort of smarmy column at the back of the osu! newspaper. A salt factory where you can take any shit about osu! - and about OT itself - with a grain of salt, and take a step back from all the drama for a moment. I get the point of breaking Off-Topic open for more people, but what's the current OT core going to do if you change the forum's intent, rules, AND audience?
    Are you going to change OT's purpose anything? This is the most important question, we have to be on the same page here.
Perhaps an introductory post by the mods, explaining how OT works in an easy-to-understand manner would be in place? Off-Topic gets criticised often for being so purposeless, actually slapping the purpose on there, in big letters, will shut those people up too.

More wojjideas while I wait for your response
  1. I want to change forum games. Forum Games has some good threads which are, you know, actual games, but a LOT of bad threads. I propose adding THESE RULES to what constitutes a game: The posts in a forum game's thread must not be able to be predicted (to weed out the counting threads, etc.) and the posts in a forum game's thread must in some way be connected to one another (to weed out "post a number", or "post two words")
  2. Has there been any word yet on when we get advanced threadsculpting back? When a person makes a new thread which should actually go as a post, in an existing thread, it was a lot easier back when I could just merge them together and have the black magic done with. While I'm on it, I'd really like to be able to sticky and unsticky threads, but if that's a bridge too far so be it. Having access to the advanced MCP again would help my job immensely.
  3. Not being able to communicate this to the Off-Topic users is KILLING ME. I have always prided myself on being transparent and approachable in everything I moderate (something moderators in other parts of osu! can learn a thing or two from!) and therefor, I'm really worried about doing it on April 1st of all days. Try to let this entire cabal play out as clearly as possible, instead of being needlessly hush-hush about a major overhaul of the subforum. Is there any real reason, any at all, why I shouldn't share these changes with the public? If they know they're coming, they'll be prepared for them, I always think.
While i think about your ideas, i also wanted to give one of mine

Give the new (or the old if it doesnt get rehashed or whatever word was it) post count increase, and limit the non-increasable post count stuff to Forum Games, considering there are people that stay away from the whole forums just because they don't want their post count to increase, and with the current state of OT i don't see any real reason for post count not to increase.

Oh and a note about merging posts, use "Merge threads" not "Merge posts" that one works for some reason
When I try to access anything from the MCP it tells me that's "not allowed as quickmod"
Ok that is weird, Merge threads works for me (merge posts doesnt), basically just click Merge threads from the dropdown box and it SHOULD give you a list of threads where you can "select for merge" are you seeing this?

Also why not give wojjan access to our BAT cave *runs*

--Now for answers!-- (I will answer with what i know tho, since im only half-aware of how this is going to work, dkun and/or awp would be better at explainint this)

Wojjan wrote:

Which actual, new rules will you put in place to change the circlejerk mindset?
iirc these was pending discussion until you accepted but might as well discuss these now.

Wojjan wrote:

This begs the question: who's going to enforce these rules? Will I or dkun get some sort of forum-silencing, or do we just continue serving as OT janitors and write down the repeat offenders for the modmins to check out?
dkun already can silence (silence extends to the forums) since he's a chat-op while so can do any BAT/Admin, you can just report it to us via a !report -post link- reason or a PM and keep doing your job as usual, this is assuming silencing would be the form of application of said punishment, ultimately awp or me can prevent them from posting in OT or modqueuing for repeat offenders.

Wojjan wrote:

I've considered for a long while to implement a new rule in OT that quoting posts by other people, without adding anything of merit outside the quote, will just get your post deleted when I catch it. I never got to actually enforcing it, but it could be a step away from the Offtopic-collective thought.
I always thought of quoting a whole post the same as saying "I agree with this" i never saw a problem with that IMO.

Wojjan wrote:

What's the goal in dispelling the circlejerk? Who do you want to help in doing so?
I always thought the point of this was helping newcomers who usually get shot down immediately by the circlejerk without any hope, :P

Wojjan wrote:

Are you going to change OT's purpose anything?
I don't think it's purpose will change at all, just the way it's portrayed to the public.

Wojjan wrote:

Perhaps an introductory post by the mods, explaining how OT works in an easy-to-understand manner would be in place? Off-Topic gets criticised often for being so purposeless, actually slapping the purpose on there, in big letters, will shut those people up too.
This is quite a nice idea.

Wojjan wrote:

I want to change forum games. Forum Games has some good threads which are, you know, actual games, but a LOT of bad threads. I propose adding THESE RULES to what constitutes a game.
I havent moderated forum games so i don't really know how stuff works there, but if there are really bad threads in there then they should be locked, simple.

Wojjan wrote:

-About communicating this to OT-
Can't really comment on this, i like transparency, but there is a reason it's being done on the April 1st. awp or dkun may be able to inform you better than me.
the goal of the new off topic is just to get rid of the elitism and accepted shitposting that's so pervasive there right now. Your suggestion to delete unsubstantial posts on sight (quoting without adding anything significant) is encouraged.

It'll still be an open-ended board where you can take the piss out of osu!, or make threads that rely on others to goof around in for content etc. It's General Discussion with much more relaxed rules.

Not sure right now how we're going to enforce the "Don't be a dick" policy in a way that won't piss off people or seem one sided. I'd like to propose that it's okay to criticize behaviours and ideas, but not people.

OK: Your idea is fucking stupid
NO: You're fucking stupid
So basically we're going to elevate the /b/ that is OT to the /r9k/ that is OTHD

awp wrote:

NO: You're fucking stupid
You're fucking stupid is what built this country though. I mean, even I chew people out when I moderate them sometimes! There's a difference between being a dick and being mean, slim as it is.

Wojjan wrote:

So basically we're going to elevate the /b/ that is OT to the /r9k/ that is OTHD
I do not understand your foreign language
why do "Count until x" threads exist? Isn't it against the forum rules to flood/spam?
I'm killing them all off once the OT remake hits.
btw are we making post count increase on the remake (but ofc not in forum games)?
it might be easier to justify "no shitposting" if we do make that change
Are we going to have some kind of discussion thread about this, so we can discuss what needs to be changed?
Yes, this one, since wojjan can't access ML
For proper discussion purposes, couldn't we just unapprove a new thread?
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