
2019 Top 10 Malaysian osu! Players

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Top 10 osu! Malaysian Players Voting

Hey guys! I'll be hosting the top 10 voting for this year. Thanks to the previous hosts for their efforts in the past few years! They leave a very nice template to use c: Thanks also to youi for letting me reference the top 10 Singapore 2019 voting!

Vote for the 10 players who are the most skilled in your opinion for osu! standard. And unfortunately as I'm not very well-versed with the community in other modes, I'll only be hosting for osu! standard.

Subscribe to osu! Malaysia Replays to get updates on the release date of the osu!standard top 10 video.

Here are the results for this year's top 10:

Another list made by Desumond that has the full proper calculation for every voted player:

Congratulations to the top 10 of 2019!!

How to vote:
1. god player
2. amazing player
3. excellent player
4. very good player
5. gooood player
6. goood player
7. good player
8. notbad.jpg player
9. player
10. pla

1) You can only vote if your account was created before 1st of December, 2019.

2) You are NOT allowed to vote for yourself.

3) You are only allowed to vote for players with a Malaysian flag. ***unless they are widely known as Malaysian but has changed their flag for convenience.

4) Anyone with any country flag can vote.

5) It's encouraged but optional to write 1 or 2 lines to describe your reason to vote for a player. (what are they good at, why did you vote for them?) It's perfectly OK to just list 10 names.

6) Please do NOT vote for anyone who hasn't played anything at all in 2019.

7) You do not have to vote for 10 players if you don't know enough good players. You need to put at least 3 names though to ensure fairness and balance.

8) Please vote based on scores and plays set in 2019. For example if a player was #1 in Malaysia in 2008 but has already quit the game in 2011, for goodness' sake do NOT vote for him. SCORES SET IN 2019. PERFORMANCE IN 2019.

9) To be fair, you can only vote for players with more than 7200pp. If not, the vote will not be counted as valid vote. However, if the player of your choice manages to reach 7200pp before the closing date, your vote is considered valid.

10) A player should have at least 3000 play count to be eligible to vote. This is to ensure that you have sufficient knowledge of the game to justify your choices for your top 10.

11) Troll votes will be entirely voided. Troll votes are votes that are blatantly disregarding the player skill and instead only voting for your friends. Voting for banned or inactive players will be considered a troll vote. Voting for players that are not voted in by popular opinion, voting for players that are not high up the PP rankings, or the players that you voted are ranked very differently compared to the popular opinion is NOT considered troll voting. If you feel that your list may be regarded as controversial, please do add some reasoning to your votes so that we know you are serious about your votes and are not just trolling.

12) Note that you can change your vote anytime you want before the closing date. I will calculate the result after the deadline. Changing your votes after the deadline will result in disqualification.

13) In cases where there are less than 10 players being voted for, the number of points the top player gets is equal to the number of players voted for in that vote, such that the lowest ranked player always gets 1 point.
E.g. One entry votes for 6 players. Player number 1 gets 6 points, number 2 gets 5 points and etc. until player number 6 gets 1 point.

14) All the rules are subject to change and I have the rights to finalize the score if really needed. You will be notified via the osu! Malaysia discord for any rule changes.

Helpful links if you're newer to this:
1) --> here you can find the Malaysian rankings, and you can filter by game mode: osu!

2) --> here you can find the individual players' top100 scores by clicking 'Advanced Options' and filter by game type: osu! (Note: as we all know in every single game mode there are many scores that are 'underrated' in PP and since you might not find them on the player's profile, you can search here instead!)

Results/Calculation method:
Lowest ranked player gets 1 point, 2nd lowest gets 2 points etc. until top player gets number of points equal to number of players voted for. One set of the highest and lowest point for every player is removed. i.e. If Tzero gets 1-5-2-5-3-1-9-10-10-7-6, one each of the 1 point and 10 point votes are removed, leaving 5-2-5-3-1-9-10-7-6. This is to enhance accuracy of the results and to discourage "boosting" votes. Points are totalled up. Highest wins.

Voting Stage will conclude on 28 December 2019 11:59pm (GMT +8)

Feel free to post any questions you might have in the thread, me or other experienced/knowledgeable players will respond to them!

Terjemahan BM (thanks QHideaki13, used your work in 2013)

Di sini, kami akan menentukan pemain 10 teratas bagi setiap mod osu! standard berdasarkan undian anda semua. Malangnya, oleh sebab saya tidak banyak kenal pemain-pemain mode lain, saya hanya akan mengadakan undian untuk osu!standard sahaja.

Cara mengundi:
1. pemain dewa
2. pemain banyak meletup
3. pemain berkilauan
4. pemain amat bagus sangat
5. pemain baguuus
6. pemain baguus
7. pemain bagus
8. pemain macam yes
9. pemain
10. pem

1) Anda hanya dibenarkan mengundi jika akaun anda dibuat selepas 1 Disember 2019.

2) Anda dilarang mengundi diri anda sendiri.

3) Hanya mengundi untuk pemain yang mempunyai bendera Malaysia di profil. ***KECUALI kes istimewa yang memang merupakan rakyat Malaysia tetapi telahpun menukar bendera bagi kemudahan sendiri

4) Sesiapa pun boleh mengundi di benang ini termasuk pemain dari luar negara.

5) Anda digalakkan (tidak semestinya) menulis penerangan/justifikasi yang pendek tentang sebab-sebab anda mengundi untuk sesuatu pemain.

6) JANGAN mengundi untuk sesiapa yang tidak bermain langsung/tidak menghasilkan skor dalam tahun 2019.

7) Anda tidak perlu menyenaraikan 10 orang pemain jika tidak mampu mengenali 10 pemain baik untuk sesuatu mod. Walaubagaimanapun, anda perlu menyenaraikan sekurang-kurangnya 3 nama pemain supaya undian seimbang.

8) Sila mengundi berdasarkan skor yang dibuat pemain dalam tahun 2019. Sebagai contoh, jika pemain tersebut merupakan pemain #1 dalam Malaysia pada tahun 2008 tetapi sudah berhenti bermain dalam tahun 2011, tolonglah guna otak sikit, JANGAN mengundi untuk dia. TENGOK SKOR YANG DIBUAT DALAM 2019. PRESTASI PEMAIN 2019.

9) Anda hanya boleh mengundi pemain-pemain osu! standard yang mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya 7200pp. Jika tidak, undian anda dianggap tidak sah. Namun demikian, sekiranya pemain yang anda undi berjaya mencapai 7200pp sebelum tarikh tutup, undian anda masih dianggap sah.

10) Anda haruslah mempunyai jumlah permainan sekurang-kurangnya 3000 kali supaya layak untuk mengundi. Hal ini adalah untuk memastikan pengundi memiliki pengetahuan yang sepenuhnya untuk memberikan alasan untuk pemain yang anda undi.

11) Undian gurauan akan dibatalkan sepenuhnya. Undian gurauan ialah undian yang jelas tidak menghiraukan kemahiran pemain dan sebaliknya hanya mengundi untuk kawan. Undian kepada pemain yang akaunnya dilarang atau tidak aktif akan dianggap sebagai undian gurauan. Undian kepada pemain yang tidak diundi daripada pendapat popular, undian kepada pemain yang tidak tinggi dalam kedudukan PP atau pemain yang anda undi berada dalam kedudukan yang sangat berbeza dengan pendapat popular TIDAK dianggap sebagai undian gurauan. Kalau anda berasa yang undian anda mungkin dianggap sebagai undian kontroversi, sila tambah beberapa sebab kepada undian anda supaya kami tahu yang anda serius dengan undian anda.

12) Anda dibenarkan mengubah undian anda pada bila-bila masa sebelum tarikh tutup. Saya akan mengira keputusan selepas tarikh tutup. Sebarang perubahan yang dilakukan selepas tarikh tutup akan mengakibatkan undian dibatalkan.

13) Dalam keadaan di mana seseorang pengundi mengundi untuk pemain kurang daripada 10 orang, mata yang diberi kepada pemain di kedudukan pertama dalam undi pengundi adalah sama dengan jumlah pemain yang dinamakan di dalam undian tersebut, iaitu pemain dalam kedudukan terakhir akan sentiasa mendapat 1 mata.

14) Semua peraturan boleh diubahsuai pada bila-bila masa dan saya mempunyai hak untuk memuktamadkan keputusan jika diperlukan. Segala pengubahsuaian peraturan akan diberitahu melalui osu! Malaysia Discord.

Link berguna jika anda tidak beberapa berpengalaman:
1) Ini merupakan kedudukan pemain-pemain Malaysia dalam mod masing-masing, anda boleh mencari mod kegemaran sendiri: osu!

2) Di sini anda dapat mencari skor top100 yang diperoleh siapa-siapa pemain dengan menekan 'Advanced Options' kemudian 'filter by game type': osu (Tidak kira mana-mana mod, banyak skor tidak memberi PP yang menunjuk kesukaran sebenar sesuatu lagu, oleh itu banyak skor tidak akan muncul di 'Top Ranks' di profil pemain, anda boleh mencari semua itu di sini!)
Kaedah pengiraan mata/skor:
Pemain terbawah mendapat 1 mata, pemain yang di atasnya mendapat 2 mata dan sebagainya sehingga pemain teratas mendapat mata yang sama dengan jumlah pemain yang dinamakan. Mata diperoleh setiap pemain dijumlahkan. Mata yang tertinggi adalah pemenang.

Kaedah pengiraan mata/skor:
Pemain terbawah mendapat 1 mata, pemain yang di atasnya mendapat 2 mata dan sebagainya sehingga pemain teratas mendapat mata yang sama dengan jumlah pemain yang dinamakan. Satu set mata tertinggi dan paling rendah akan dikeluarkan. Mata diperoleh setiap pemain dijumlahkan. Mata yang tertinggi adalah pemenang.

Undian akan ditutup 28 Disember 2019 pada masa 11:59pm (GMT+8).

Jika ada sebarang soalan boleh tanya dalam bebenang ini, saya ataupun pemain yang LEBIH FASIH DALAM BAHASA MALAYSIA LOL (lebih berpengetahuan/berpengalaman) akan berusaha untuk menjawab soalan anda. :):):):)
1. Rampax
2. haruchi
3. ShaneLiang
4. wuhua
5. Tzero
6. NOOB1200
7. zhev
8. Desumond
9. MilkyCoffee-
10. Shimon
Shinonome Ena
just keep it short

1. Rampax
2. King Hong
3. mikeybx
4. Wuhua
5. Haruchi
6. NOOB1200
7. Tzero
8. ShaneLiang
9. Desumond
10. MilkyCoffee-

Honorable Mention ;
Squidstain, blufir_
Note : fine claw have it your way, i call dibs on second

i give up on writing long essay im so sorry i delet after writing half

1. rampax
2. noob1200
3. haruchi
4. tzero
5. wuhua
6. shaneliang
7. milkycoffee-
8. zhev
9. mikeybx
10. shimon

order of no.2,3,4,5,6 was very hard to decide, consider it a tie without voting system
i put rampax and noob1200 at the top cause they were a lot more active and set more consistent scores this year compared to everyone else on top 4

honorable mentions

desumond - really wanted to put
kynexiz - congrats on 8kpp, sick dt plays
singapore - stand up for

farm into top 50 gang
chiyuu, sano, minusmiku, etc.
Note: First cause people cheat by saying reserved

1. wuhua
2. haruchi
3. Rampax
4. ShaneLiang
5. Tzero
6. NOOB1200
7. MilkyCoffee-
8. mikeybx
9. Desumond
10. Shimon
  1. 1. Rampax - cuz why not? Most active top player in 2019, pepega player, everyone loves this dude and top 3 searrt :^ RAMPAX NUMBAWAN <3
  2. 2. haruchi - SIX HUNDRED PEEPEE, fast finger man with his ewf [freezing] fc. reverse choked atama no taisou with hr and his 600pp score is one of the best pp score ever made this year. good aim, amazing speed. Climbed the country ranking and poof to poly.
  3. 3. Tzero - axion? hide and seek? #1 licca hdhr ss?? joint struggle ALMOST 99??? watafak who is this? zisamer? good aim, good finger control, stronk acc player.
  4. 4. ShaneLiang - omt 2019 winner LOL (sorry shane, also thanks for always visiting my stream)
  5. 5. MilkyCoffee- - cuz i love him very good non dt player, nice stamina and so on~
  6. 6. Shimon - actually thought you'd be a typical farmer player but you'd proven me wrong. Very speedy player and nice aim.
  7. 7. Zygody - UWAAAA MY TOURNAMENT PARTNER, always see this guy in tournament stage, good at low ar hd, decent at small cs hr , good at ez and powerful at nomod. See u on oseat~
  8. 8. seabee - cb laju sial climb ranking, probably one of the fastest improvement player. reached 7k pp in one year. positive attitude and so on~ see u on cf ><
  9. 9. mikeybx - unbanned and got top 10 malaysia so quick. Speed aim player and good hd scores.
  10. 10. Auxuelus - thanks to my frequent phrase keyboard, it saved your name spelling. singletap finger fast man and very good at setting speed scores.
My vote based on skills, tourney put aside.

1. Rampax - Particularly because of his skillset making him an all rounded player which makes him unique, not only he sets scores on fast burst maps, but also technical maps and weird deadass patterns with hidden.

2. wuhua - Although still in the #1 spot in Malaysia, he has been inactive for a whole year due to his exam, but still deserves the number 2 spot due to his unbeatable and unmatchable skills in pp farming, also able to be popping out cool scores nonetheless.

3. NOOB1200 - Best noob player in Malaysia sugarcoating his top plays with mostly hidden hardrock on some aim and stamina killer maps. Playing casually AND popping out scores casually. His acc is absurdly phenomenal, his aim is great and snappy, precise finger control putting him at the 3rd place of this list.

4. Shaneliang - Although he has been taking a break from osu! for a couple of months in the middle of the year, he still manages to fight his way to gain the second 10'000pp player in Malaysia, and that is insane considering how determined he was.

5. Tzero - Great fingering control, great accuracy, great aim on tech maps (subjective), and great licca nut SS HDHR top play. There's nothing more to say for this guy, words means nothing compared to his skills.

6. MilkyCoffee - some of you might not agree with my pick, but he went back from quitting osu! to unquit, and sets a score on the most posted Sidetracked Day score on twitter, gaining a whopping 500pp. Not to mention his past scores were remained unnoticed, and most of it were mostly nerves control maps and... haitai.

7. Desumond - remains unnoticed, quiet player with huge ballsack of scores. Comparable to MilkyCoffee with his nerves control skills to be able to fc long maps, and his ability to play maps with hidden and stay cool is a great skill.

8. TequilaWolf - while still remain relevant to Malaysian community, his scores will be a piece of history to EZ players, particularly in Malaysia. Starting out as a HD player, then a decent stream player, now went for the EZ mode, admiring other players to retry same maps over and over again without going insane, while still be doing insane scores.

9. mikeybx - pepega 4weird monkaS BibleThump. Quoting him from word to word on how to get unbanned, climb the leaderboard like a orang berpenyakit sawan gila babi and placing himself to top 10 Malaysian leaderboards with quite a lot of straightforward PP DT maps.

10. Auexululesu - I forgot how to spell his name correctly. Hardest 10th spot ever to pick from a lot of players, I think he deserves the spot the best when it comes to skills and my biased opinion. Good streaming skills, and great taste in maps.
King Hong
the seriously voting


more & also all you can vote malaysian players on list :

King Hong wrote:


more :

i love you
a hotdog
1. Rampax
2. wuhua
3. Mak Kau Hijau
4. Tzero
5. Chiyuu
6. seabee <<< madlad holy shet
7. Jeffrey
8. TequilaWolf
9. King Hong
10. Singapore (FaithInOsu)

Honorable mentions:
xsrsbsns, done

I mostly vote for speed players so sorry about that :^(
edit: I only vote for players that I recognize, and also change MKH to 4th and Tzero to 3rd.
I was so steamed last time.

heller0412 wrote:

1. Rampax
2. wuhua
3. Mak Kau Hijau
4. Tzero
5. Chiyuu
6. seabee <<< madlad holy shet
7. Jeffrey
8. TequilaWolf
9. King Hong
10. Singapore (FaithInOsu)

Honorable mentions:
xsrsbsns, done

I mostly vote for speed players so sorry about that :^(

why am i the madlad what the fuck
a hotdog

seabee wrote:

heller0412 wrote:

1. Rampax
2. wuhua
3. Mak Kau Hijau
4. Tzero
5. Chiyuu
6. seabee <<< madlad holy shet
7. Jeffrey
8. TequilaWolf
9. King Hong
10. Singapore (FaithInOsu)

Honorable mentions:
xsrsbsns, done

I mostly vote for speed players so sorry about that :^(

why am i the madlad what the fuck

i mean you climb to top 50 so fast, you crazy xD
1. Rampax
An inspiration to me and very well known in the community. I also want your DT skills.

2. haruchi
Needless to say his streaming and aim ability are definitely amazing.

3. Tzero
Has amazing fingercontrol and definitely inspired me to work on it.

4. Desumond
Hidden player that can hold and be consistent throughout the maps like it was nothing.

5. NOOB1200
He can do high AR, HDHR and mostly HD no biggie, If he improved on his lower AR reading would definitely
be deadly and he's probably willing to.

6. TequilaWolf
Ah, one of the player that definitely inspires me to do EZ stuff like -GN.
I believe having this skillset is important to me. Although I don't really do good at them
but it really helped me do lower AR.

7. King Hong
Probably going with everyone else, a versatile player.
Facing him in a tourney OMT was expected loss for me because I was lacking in experience.
Thanks for being my stepping stone to improve even further. <3

8. MilkyCoffee-

9. vernonlim

10. Chiyuu

there lots more players I wanted to vote in because they are all too good in my eyes and bigg inspiratino
dont hurt me thx
wuhua, shaneliang, seabee, rumia-, zygody, blufir_, zeph2003, squidstain and probably more
1. Rampax
2. wuhua
3. haruchi
4. ShaneLiang
5. Tzero
6. NOOB1200
7. MilkyCoffee-
8. Desumond
9. Chiyuu
10. Kynexiz
Hachune Miku
1. ShaneLiang
2. Rampax
3. wuhua
4. noob1200
5. Haruchi
6. King Hong
7. Desumond
8. Zygody
9. Shimon
10. Chiyuu

It is just my opinions (:
everyone is just better than me.
my vote considering:
- for 2019
-skills pop off
-tournament skills
-score of the year
-I just think you are amazing really.


1.haruchi - very(very) solid skillset ,randomly pop off so hard then randomly come back then randomly delete friendlist again ,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz motherfak
score of the year: xi remixed by cosMo@bousouP - FREEDOM DiVE [METAL DIMENSIONS] [METAL DIMENSIONS]

overall this guy has reached the highest level of gameplay but noob fail
score of the year: gmtn. (witch's slave)furioso melodia [WRATH](failed run at 21xx combo)


this guy havent reach his peak and still wilding
i hope you stay on this list until next year
score of the year: sakuzyo -AXION (Skystar's Expert) FC

this guy is unreal
the only why he didnt get 3rd place cuz he choose satori over koishi
score of the year: Apocalyptica - Reign of Fear [VI] +HD,HR (96.51%) FC

casually came back to the game to shit out 2 500pp scores
yabai wa yo
score of the year: DECO*27 - First Storm -Japanese Version- [Arigatou] (99.48%) FC

very silent , yet dangerous
score of the year: PSYQUI - Hysteric Night Girl (feat. Such) +HD (97.99%)

god acc
score of the year: *namirin - Amatsu Kitsune (99.48%) FC

underrated man
score of the year: Kano - Ama no Jaku (Jounzan's Expert) (96.88%) FC

9. wuhua - Although still at the top , inactive due to exams but still leaves good score in the year
score of the year: Morimori Atsushi - Paradigm Shift [Ultra](Avenna) +HD (98.57%)FC

people somewhat sleep on this guy for idk what reason his plays are better than all these bass sluts LUL
"people somewhat sleep on this girl for idk what reason her plays are better than all these bass sluts"
if anything sounds wrong i blame the guy who confirmed me WOOTT's gender and his intention to what this sounds like
score of the year: The Winking Owl - Bloom [Blossom] +HD,HR (99.32%) FC
#0 a certain mixed miku - WTF
1 - haruchi - Even though inactive lately, iirc most of his famous score is set in 2019, and it is public knowledge how insane they are
3 - wuhua - Not sure if he is that active in earlier 2019, would be #1 otherwise
4 - shane - Not sure if he is that active in earlier 2019, would be #3 otherwise
5 - tzero - Just discovered his scores on country leaderboard lately, insane tech/weird map player

As for the rest I feel like I don't know enough to give a fair vote, so 5 votes only :/

PS: If wuhua and shane was indeed active earlier 2019 feel free to change the order to wuhua, haruchi, shane, RAMPAKS, tzero

Rumia- wrote:

randomly delete friendlist again ,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz motherfak

Topic Starter
I vote based on a mix of solo scores, tourney performance and general activity. I'm also biased towards versatile players.

1. Rampax
The star of the year. Top 2 OMT, top 3 searrt, active all year round and so many amazing scores he flooded the OMR channel. Give him the #1 he deserves.

2. wuhua
First half of the year, wuhua was as untouchable as always. Then exams came, his mouse broke and there's a tablet now. Rip office mouse, may the tablet continue your legacy.

3. ShaneLiang
Fell off in solo scores and activity but definitely the best tourney player in malaysia besides wuhua, topping OMT qualifiers and winning it as well.

4. haruchi
Closest, possibly equal to wuhua in overall skill, this man was under the spotlight in the first half of the year, climbing his way to #2 country with ridiculous speed. Then poof he vanished. Hope to see his return.

5. NOOB1200
PRO1200 made quite a few really impressive scores this year showcasing his extremely high skillcap. He has also shown improvement in tournament performance this year, and is willing to practice and memorize mappools that are not HD.

6. zhev
My idol. Performed very well in OMT this year, plenty of unnoticed great scores, and is just an all-around beast. Hope to see him be more active.

7. King Hong
Topped our little OWC trials this year and has shown to be quite versatile except on DT. Can play well as long as he has the determination to do so. Also one of the more active players on this list.

8. Rumia-
My senpai. Fell off on consistency and tourney performance this year, but has plenty of amazing scores that go unnoticed because he chokes everything stop choking please please please

9. TequilaWolf
Barely active this year, still the best EZ player in the country and still very versatile. Has pretty damn good tournament performance, notably his 4th place finish in OMT despite !roll-ing for all his picks. What a way to win with style.

10. ClawViper
The walking dead. This guy just casually revives himself to get top 3 in OMT then goes back to the grave. The purest definition of old but gold.

Players to look out for:
vernonlim, Auxuelus, not_aweeb
New players with plenty of amazing solo scores and huge potential to improve further.

Improvement cb fast sia wtf

Chiyuu, Zygody
Very versatile players except on DT. Will probably dominate the future tourney scene if they keep this up.

blufir_, squidstain, Zeph2003
A real threat to the top scene if they ever rank up.
show more
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