
Getting into Osu! ctb

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Hi, since I am a bit new to forums in general I will make this post a quick read.

I started playing Osu! standard quite a bit at the beginning of June, but simply did not like the strain it put on my fingers. I recently started playing some ctb and wanted to get into it a bit more. My first impressions was that the game mode was fun and although many consider it not a "true" rhythm game I thought otherwise as some maps coordinated my motion to the beat of the song. So as continued to play I had many questions that I could not find the answers too as the community for ctb seems a bit small.

My questions are as follows:

1. Whats a good way to get into the game mode as in how do you improve gradually?

2. What are some good ways to get more involved with the ctb community?

3. How to read more than 3 hyper dashes and to reposition your catcher?

4. Why does ctb seem to get so much hate?

Hopefully my questions are not repeats of what have been asked in the past and if anyone wants to make a suggestion/comment about a question not listed above I will be glad to listen :)
These this based off my experience and may vary from person to person

1 Start with ctb specific maps, when i started it was a thing i didn't consider as i wasn't too aware. this will help you to get into the grove of playing as patterns are usually easier to read. best to learn converts later in the game mode if you want to read trickier patterns in harder ctb maps.

2. You can get involved by being more active in the forums, participating in tournaments or even joining discord servers dedicated to ctb

3. Probably best to practice or focus on that type of skill mainly or try jumpy maps. however if you're fairly new don't recommend trying to learn it so soon

4. doesn't hold the same concept in terms of how rhythm is carried out. you don't necessarily do any form rhythmic movement as far physical boundaries are concerned essentially slightly defying the purpose of a rhythm game even though it shows rhythm through other ways. another possibly criticism is that it has a very broken/overweighted pp system as you get substantially more pp on ctb maps as you would on any maps of different game modes
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Thank you for the replies, I will try out more mods and look for converts as well as specifics. :)
1. Whats a good way to get into the game mode as in how do you improve gradually?
-Just play what ever maps you want. Also if you want to improve gradually play ctb specifics maps. "IF" you want to improve "MORE" then play some converts, It's more better if you learn both of them.
2. What are some good ways to get more involved with the ctb community?
-Probably chat on #ctb daily or just join some tournaments, Trust me this will help you involved on the ctb community especially on big tournaments like AxS which is hosted by Sartan and Wesley or CIT hosted by Ascendance.
3. How to read more than 3 hyper dashes and to reposition your catcher?
-As I said above just play more ctb specific maps, There's a lot of patterns like that on newer ctb specifics maps.
4. Why does ctb seem to get so much hate?
Probably because some player made a statement that ctb is just a "minigame" I dont really know why people call this game a minigame, nevertheless Osu!Catch or ctb is still a mode on Osu! itself so I recommend to ignore those players who say ctb is just a minigame etc. Osu!Catch is really fun and I recommend you to join catch tournaments because you can get a lot of experience and friends at the same time. And last but not the least just play Catch for fun!
1. as you can see many people propose both converts and non-converts. personally i don't like converts at all. i think they don't follow the rhythm and there's no fun in playing them for me. they will not help me to learn the type of ctb i want to play. i won't tell you not to play them. they are also important for tournaments so keep that in mind. what i want to tell you with this is: you shouldn't think that you have to play them, you should choose for yourself and think about what you want to do (have fun? play in tournaments? get much pp? get good map ranks? play multi? idk)

2. what the others said. but good question, i'm not too involved myself D:

3. what the others said too

4. i don't think it's getting particularly much 'hate'? i would say it's just fun in terms of the minigame thing. but i'm not really sure what you're talking about. of course as cotzer pointed out the pp system in ctb is very inflated currently. maybe not that much early on but somewhere around 4-5* it starts happening imho.
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