
Linkin Park - What I've Done

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Just a little mod, especially aestheticism.
You can ignore any of my suggestions.

Nothing to say .

Flask's easy:
00:59:476 (2) - Move it away or stack it with the end of 00:57:977 (2) (even if I think it'll be unrankable like that)
01:19:968 (3) - 2/3 grids down
02:00:951 (1) - 5/6 grids down

00:28:739 (3) - Either move it 2/3 grids right, or move 00:28:989 (1) 2/3 grids left.
00:30:488 (3) - 2/3 grids up
00:44:982 (1) - ^ left
01:00:976 (1) - ^ down
01:22:967 (1) - Remove NC

00:26:490 (4) - 3 grids up
02:41:934 (3) - Make it symmetric
Topic Starter

angelfix wrote:

基本上问题不大,只不过这种图要做的漂亮一定要做的很有匀称的美感,note与note的位置都要细细推敲,gird lever4的情况下就算开着DS可能前后三个note都有很细微的间距的问题,下面是我感觉你要修一下的note 谢谢~
00:23:991 右移一小格
00:24:491 这个note下压一点来和前后note形成匀间距
00:26:490 上移一小格
00:28:489 2,3,4 这三个note要修
00:29:989 2,3,4,5 这四个note和后面一个note的间距还有这个弧线都要修一下
00:47:231 这个slide和上面那个靠太近了,推荐移到相同垂线上
00:48:981 上移一小格
00:50:580 右移一小格
00:55:728 这个blanket没做好,而且和2太近,也压到了1
01:12:971 可以上个clap no._.
01:17:469 换成finish ok
有点没看懂你的思路,就不mod了 OAO
03:09:422 前面几个note摆的很正这个突然歪过来不太好,你再看一下吧 fixed
thx for modding! 万年渣spacing压力山大

Nanika133 wrote:

Just a little mod, especially aestheticism.
You can ignore any of my suggestions.

Nothing to say .

00:28:739 (3) - Either move it 2/3 grids right, or move 00:28:989 (1) 2/3 grids left.
00:30:488 (3) - 2/3 grids up
00:44:982 (1) - ^ left
01:00:976 (1) - ^ down
01:22:967 (1) - Remove NC
:arrow: this diff..all fixed!

00:26:490 (4) - 3 grids up k
02:41:934 (3) - Make it symmetric just for blanket the previous one ._.
thx for modding!
First of all, your beatmap is amazing! But I managed to find some things that seemed odd to me. Most of them are just sugestions though. You can just ignore these.
I like setting up the beat sounds in a way that they form their own drum patern. Usualy sounds pritty good.

-- Insane

00:58:727 (6) - Try adding a clap sound.
00:59:976 (3) - Maybe you should add a finish at the beginning. The clap at the end is fine.
01:00:726 (5) - Also add a clap here. (indeed, i love beatsounds!)
01:03:974 (4) - Finish on the first beat again.
01:04:474 (5) - Same thing here. Finish on the first beat
01:22:467 (4) - Maybe full in clap sounds. It sounds pritty cool.
03:09:422 (1) - I'm not a fan of finish, and especially not the one from the normal sampleset. You might consider changing this a bit. *not necessary*
I think you get the point of where I would put my hit sounds.

02:01:700 (2) - Random and unexpected stream. If you are playing you are just relaxing and tapping and suddenly out of the blue is a stream. So I guess or remove it, or add more stream throughout the song.
02:23:441 (2) - A lot of spacing between this note and the previous. I do not say this is wrong, but it makes the map pritty unpredictable.
03:03:675 (2) - Again, I'm not saying that it does not fit, but there are just 4 streams in the entire song.
03:04:674 (5) - Insert a note after this one. Makes it sound and feel better

-- Hard
I quite like hard :) It is easy to read and play. But again, try some awsome things with the hitsounds! Some cool kick-clap paterns, some variations on the song's drum patern.

01:04:974 (1) - The inherited point halfway through the spinner makes the spinner sound AWFULL. At first you do not here a thing and suddenly you hear the sound of a spinner started half way through. Move this timing point somewhere else, Maybe at the beginning of the spinner, or at the end. Not half way through. (Timing point is at 1:05:974)
01:44:957 (1) - Same here. (timing point at 1:45:957

For the rest it is pritty good. You can't make nice kick-clap patern if you have this small amount of notes, so I'm happy with these hitsounds.

Nothing to say. It is pritty good.
Topic Starter

flokkie wrote:

First of all, your beatmap is amazing! But I managed to find some things that seemed odd to me. Most of them are just sugestions though. You can just ignore these.
I like setting up the beat sounds in a way that they form their own drum patern. Usualy sounds pritty good.

-- Insane

00:58:727 (6) - Try adding a clap sound. :arrow: good
00:59:976 (3) - Maybe you should add a finish at the beginning. The clap at the end is fine. :arrow: ok
01:00:726 (5) - Also add a clap here. (indeed, i love beatsounds!) :arrow: ^
01:03:974 (4) - Finish on the first beat again. :arrow: ^
01:04:474 (5) - Same thing here. Finish on the first beat :arrow: x
01:22:467 (4) - Maybe full in clap sounds. It sounds pritty cool. :arrow: i use finishes
03:09:422 (1) - I'm not a fan of finish, and especially not the one from the normal sampleset. You might consider changing this a bit. *not necessary* :arrow: changed a bit
I think you get the point of where I would put my hit sounds.

02:01:700 (2) - Random and unexpected stream. If you are playing you are just relaxing and tapping and suddenly out of the blue is a stream. So I guess or remove it, or add more stream throughout the song. :arrow: k
02:23:441 (2) - A lot of spacing between this note and the previous. I do not say this is wrong, but it makes the map pritty unpredictable. :arrow: fixed
03:03:675 (2) - Again, I'm not saying that it does not fit, but there are just 4 streams in the entire song. :arrow: delete the first one
03:04:674 (5) - Insert a note after this one. Makes it sound and feel better :arrow: fixed

-- Hard
I quite like hard :) It is easy to read and play. But again, try some awsome things with the hitsounds! Some cool kick-clap paterns, some variations on the song's drum patern. :arrow: Thanks! :)

01:04:974 (1) - The inherited point halfway through the spinner makes the spinner sound AWFULL. At first you do not here a thing and suddenly you hear the sound of a spinner started half way through. Move this timing point somewhere else, Maybe at the beginning of the spinner, or at the end. Not half way through. (Timing point is at 1:05:974)
01:44:957 (1) - Same here. (timing point at 1:45:957
:arrow: fixed
For the rest it is pritty good. You can't make nice kick-clap patern if you have this small amount of notes, so I'm happy with these hitsounds.
:) thx for modding!
Threw a Star.
osu! needs moar Linkin Park! (and Fort Minor, but w/e)
Topic Starter

Stefan wrote:

Threw a Star.
osu! needs moar Linkin Park! (and Fort Minor, but w/e)
thx for star! :)
Topic Starter
btw, 弗拉斯克我这里帮你把mod整理好了来改吧\:D/

HelloSCV wrote:

Flask's Easy
00:50:980 (1) - add finish on start
00:54:978 (1) - ^
01:04:974 (1) - add finish on end
01:42:958 (3) - finish
01:44:957 (1) - you know this
01:52:954 (3) - delete finish
02:04:449 - 0.5x inherited point? delete this plz

BakaHuang wrote:

:3 英文歌好评!

Flask's Easy

我觉得slider tick rate 1就可以了哦

Banana wrote:

Hi Banana here from 百度pending吧

[Flask's Easy]
00:54:978 (1) - 我也就会修slider了...示意图
yours: 372,104,54978,6,0,B|432:116|448:188|448:188|504:232|484:312,2,250,0|8|8,0:0|0:0|0:0,0:0:0
mine: 372,104,54978,6,0,B|442:112|449:189|449:189|510:234|488:311,2,250,0|8|8,0:0|0:0|0:0,0:0:0

good luck

phaZ wrote:




00:31:488 (2) - the claps are toooo loud. you cant here the "real" drum there so an easy-player get confused when playing it. either remove them or make the the hitsounds to drum by "additions" or make them more silence. i recommend this everytime when the claps follow the drum

Nanika133 wrote:

Just a little mod, especially aestheticism.
You can ignore any of my suggestions.

Flask's easy:
00:59:476 (2) - Move it away or stack it with the end of 00:57:977 (2) (even if I think it'll be unrankable like that)
01:19:968 (3) - 2/3 grids down
02:00:951 (1) - 5/6 grids down
:) 加油吧
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C_Venn wrote:


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Flask wrote:

lol thx :D
Flask's Easy
00:49:980 (3) - add clap
00:57:977 (2) - add clap

01:04:474 (4) - add note?

01:15:969 (2) - Remove clap on end

01:37:960 (2) - add clap

02:05:074 (1) - Start this spinner to red tick please :< It plays bad in mania
03:13:046 (1) - ^

02:05:074 (1) - Start in red tick too?
03:05:049 (1) - ^
03:13:046 (1) - ^

02:05:074 (1) - Start in red tick
03:13:046 (1) - ^

Other than those I really find no problem with the map. The spinner has to start in red tick because of the emergence of mania. :<

Good map \o/
I threw a Star! I really love your beatmap.

I hope it will get ranked soon.
Topic Starter

Entozer wrote:

02:05:074 (1) - Start this spinner to red tick please :< It plays bad in mania
03:13:046 (1) - ^

02:05:074 (1) - Start in red tick too?
03:05:049 (1) - ^
03:13:046 (1) - ^

02:05:074 (1) - Start in red tick
03:13:046 (1) - ^

Other than those I really find no problem with the map. The spinner has to start in red tick because of the emergence of mania. :<

Good map \o/
fixed all~ thx
Topic Starter
waiting for modding plz>.<
osu! needs more Linkin Park.

- Letterboxes ruins the Background. (The lower Part of Park is cutted up)

00:30:988 (1) - Please add Finish. It sounds so empty here without it.
00:31:488 (2) - Move the 2nd white Sliderpoint at 352,288 and the red one at 300,308. You'll have a better blanket here.
00:35:486 (1) - Move the 2nd white Sliderpoint at 372,276 and the red one at 352,216. Same reason as above.
00:38:985 (1) - I honestly do not get the logic here: You set a lower Volume while you spin but making the End lower and even with Whistle. This is kinda random imo. I suggest to remove Whistle at least. And you should set the same Volume as you use it while you spin.
00:50:980 - 00:58:977 - I find it too bad that you didn't used the same rhythm and pattern as 01:30:963 (1,2,3,4). These would fit more.
00:52:979 (3) - 2nd white Sliderpoint one grid down for a better curve.
00:57:977 (2,1,2) - I am not very sure about this pattern. Beginner could be irritated since the Hitburst hides 00:59:476 (2) for a big Part. :D
01:36:461 - Add a Circle here, I find this break here a bit awkward and a Circle here would fulfill it with Awesomeness. Also add clap on it.
01:43:958 - ^
02:25:940 (3) - imo it does not really fit here. I do not hear anything at the red Tick. I will give you an example how you could change the part from 02:24:941 - 02:30:938: - (Personally I find this so much better as your pattern :l)
02:28:939 (3) - Remove Finish from the Begin.
02:36:935 (1) - ^

01:00:976 (1) - Maybe Whistle at the Middle Point?
01:15:720 - Add a Circle here, it sounds dreamful with a Circle here.
01:40:959 (1) - Maybe Whistle at the Middle Point?
01:50:205 - A Circle would be cool.
02:04:449 (3) - Clap here please, it sounds empty without it.
02:33:937 (3) - Clap at the End?
02:49:680 - Circle here would fit nice.
02:52:179 - ^
03:09:422 (1) - Errr.. Clap+Finish sounds here weird.. remove Finish at the Begin.
03:10:422 (2) - ^
03:13:171 (1) - There is really no Finish neccessary.

00:31:738 - Add Circle.
00:35:736 - ^
01:05:974 - Please remove this Line, it's totally useless and making the Spinner Sound very random and annoying.
01:11:721 - Add Circle.
01:16:969 (1) - Add Clap instead of Finish at the End.
01:17:719 - Add Circle.
01:22:467 (6) - The Finish at the End does not really fit at all.
01:55:703 - Add Circle.
02:04:949 (1) - The NC makes it kinda random, remove it.
03:12:921 (1) - ^

At all, it's a "cute" Mapset. Nothing special but nothing bad too. Sometimes the Kiai Times in Hard lacks on Beats imo.
Topic Starter

Stefan wrote:

osu! needs more Linkin Park. yeah!

- Letterboxes ruins the Background. (The lower Part of Park is cutted up)

01:00:976 (1) - Maybe Whistle at the Middle Point? :arrow: i don't want to add more custom hitsound
01:15:720 - Add a Circle here, it sounds dreamful with a Circle here.
01:40:959 (1) - Maybe Whistle at the Middle Point? :arrow: same as above
01:50:205 - A Circle would be cool.
02:04:449 (3) - Clap here please, it sounds empty without it.
02:33:937 (3) - Clap at the End?
02:49:680 - Circle here would fit nice.
02:52:179 - ^
03:09:422 (1) - Errr.. Clap+Finish sounds here weird.. remove Finish at the Begin.
03:10:422 (2) - ^
03:13:171 (1) - There is really no Finish neccessary.
:arrow: others all fixed!
00:31:738 - Add Circle.
00:35:736 - ^
01:05:974 - Please remove this Line, it's totally useless and making the Spinner Sound very random and annoying.
01:11:721 - Add Circle.
01:16:969 (1) - Add Clap instead of Finish at the End.
01:17:719 - Add Circle.
01:22:467 (6) - The Finish at the End does not really fit at all.
01:55:703 - Add Circle.
02:04:949 (1) - The NC makes it kinda random, remove it.
03:12:921 (1) - ^
:arrow: fix all!
At all, it's a "cute" Mapset. Nothing special but nothing bad too. Sometimes the Kiai Times in Hard lacks on Beats imo.
:arrow: there was 2 insane diffs in the past, they have their own styles. but both of them are destroyed after some useless criticisms (as a result, NTR gave me only 62 points on this map). finally i decided to delete them :o
EDIT: Thx for modding and waiting for Flask's change
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i need mods ww(but i'll fix them after 4/22(maybe) if there're some mods
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Flask wrote:

Hello. Random modding. High sp and lots of mods. Old map, what else? :)

I highly suggest you to change what I've wrote in red. It doesn't mean they're unrankable, they're just things that are very recommended.

*This mod will contain multiple nazi stuff, small aesthetical stuff that would make the map look better if you apply them all (imo).
  • [Flask's Easy]
  1. 00:31:488 (2) - Try improving this blanket a bit by moving the white point of this slider. :>
  2. 00:41:984 - This empty space seems like too big imo. You can try adding a note here to fill it up a bit. This is very optional though. I like the current way too, but it may also be a good idea to add a note. It's up to you!
  3. 00:44:233 (2) - This is the only slider at red tick of this diff. It would be good if you keep consistency in your rhythm. Try to make this slider 1/1. Move it to 00:43:983 and make it end at 00:44:982. You should end up with this:
  4. 00:52:979 (3) - Very nazi, again. Move this slider a biiiit to the right to make properly this blanket.
  5. 00:58:976 (1,2) - This note placement is a no-no for an Easy. 00:59:476 (2) gets covered by 00:57:977 (2), and 00:58:976 (1) doesn't even flow well with 00:57:977 (2)!! Please rearrange this pattern. I recomend you to try this pattern, good flow, and looks more readable than your current. You'll have to rearrange a bit your next notes but you should do it anyways, to improve this:
  6. 01:35:461 (4) - A single note here sounds awful imo. The singer keeps singing so why ignore it? Better replace this note with a slider, with end at 01:36:461. I know you're making small pauses for beginners but here isn't an appropiate part of the song to do it.
  7. 01:42:958 (3) - Here you can try replacing it with a long slider, with end at 01:44:458. Sounds much better since it follows the voice, instead of ignoring it to leave an empty space. I like those spacings, but they also feel .. weird when playing. If you don't agree with me, you can try improving the placement of this note, because it is odd imo. Better align it with the previous slider end, so it flows better.
  8. 02:27:939 (1) - This note sounds too empty without hitsounds imo. Try removing whistle to 02:28:439 (2) and adding it to this note 02:27:939 (1). Follows more the vocals and feels less empty imo.
  9. 02:31:438 (1) - Replace this with a slider to follow the vocals like i've suggested you to do in similar cases?
  10. 02:34:436 (3) - How about adding hitfinish at the end of this slider? a hitfinish-like sound can be heard here so it would sound good.
  • [Normal]

    *OD -1? The settings are a bit to high for a normal. I think it would be better if you leave the HP drain as it is, and decrease overall difficulty by 1 only to compensate the hp drain.
  1. 00:28:989 (1) - Here's missing a hitfinish according to your hitsounds. :P
  2. 00:30:988 (1) - Very nazi: try moving this slider a couple of grids down so it is aligned to 00:30:488 (3)'s end. Looks odd right now imo, small detail but still.~
  3. 00:42:983 (1) - This slider looks bad. Doesn't fit with the music and looks bad compared to the rest of the map. You used only two sliders like this one. This one, and 00:44:982 (1). I highly recommend you to make them simply curved to fit with the rest of the map, to make this look better and to make it fit more with the music. Something like this works pretty good:
  4. 00:44:982 (1) - Messed up NCs :( to follow properly the music, remove nc here, add nc to 00:46:482 (5), and remove nc of 00:46:982 (1).
  5. 00:50:730 (5) - This note isn't really necessary. Here's not a important beat and it plays a bit too difficult for a Normal. Better leave this kind of patterns for the Hard diff.
  6. 00:52:729 (4) - ^
  7. 01:03:475 (1) - Another unnecessary nc! Try to avoid single slider/notes with nc if it isn't necessary. Please consider removing it!
  8. 01:11:971 (2,3,4) - Kinda nazi again, it would be better if you move these three notes a tad down, over here if possible to improve the flow a bit:
  9. 01:15:969 (3) - How about making this curved? it would fit with the pattern and also make a blanket with 01:16:969 (1):
  10. 01:20:967 (1) - I suggest you to add a hitfinish here to emphasize the vocals.
  11. 01:32:962 (1) - The combos are kinda messed up here. To follow properly the music/vocals, remove nc here, add nc to 01:34:462 (4) and remove nc to 01:34:962 (1).
  12. 01:39:460 (1) - I think this nc isn't necessary here, so better remove it. A combo of 2 notes only is too short, unnecessary and also inconsistent with the rest of ncs in this case.
  13. 01:55:453 (1) - Again, unnecessary nc, and this time is worst since it's a single slider with nc. The rest of notes 01:55:453 (1,2) are part of the same melody as 01:52:954 (1) so please remove NC of 01:55:453 (1).
  14. 01:58:952 (1) - Hitfinish here like you've done before in other patterns?
  15. 02:02:950 (1) - ^ this is to emphasize!
  16. 02:04:699 (4) - This note isn't really necessary. It sounds good, yeah, but this part plays a bit too difficult for a Normal. Better leave this kind of patterns for the Hard diff.
  17. 02:25:440 (3) - This part sounds too excessive with whistles. Like, you added too many whistles. Try removing whistle of this note to follow better the voice. :3
  18. 02:28:939 (1) - The repeat of this slider sounds too empty. Whistle to follow the vocals?
  19. 02:33:937 (3) - ^ At the start.
  20. 02:35:936 (2) - ^ And also here! These sound too monotonous and would sound better with hitsounds.
  21. 02:44:433 (2,3,4) - This note placement doesn't play good, because they flow badly imo. Try this placement for a better flow, I recommend you to do it~:
  22. 02:52:179 (2,3) - ^
  23. 02:59:926 (6) - This combo is too long! try adding nc here to follow the "lalala" vocals. After this for consistency, you should remove nc of 03:01:425 (1).
  24. 03:07:923 (6) - ^
  25. 03:13:171 (1) - A hitfinish here sounds way too loud for this calm part with again "lalala" vocals. Try decreasing gradually the volume of the spinner, or add a single green line at the end of the spinner with less volume to make it sound less noisy.

    A lot of NC suggestions! don't worry. The diff is good! you messed up ncs a bit at some parts and added not so necessary notes.
  • [Hard]
  1. 00:24:741 (4) - Try moving this note to x160 y156 if possible. It improves the flow and also makes the pattern look good imo
  2. 00:26:490 (4) - Align this with (3)'s end? yeah very nazi bleh bleh. :P
  3. 00:52:729 (1) - Another ultra nazi thing lmao: move this slider 1 grid down to make a perfect blanket. Right now looks ugly :<
  4. 00:53:479 (2,3,4) - This part feels weird to play for me, at least :p that zig-zag thing doesn't flow good. I personally prefer this way, i think it flows better and looks clean:
  5. 01:08:722 (4) - Messed up combos ;_; Since the vocals change here, i suggest you to add a nc here. After this, you have to remove nc of 01:09:972 (1). Fits much better imo.
  6. 01:11:721 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same suggestion as with 00:24:741 (4) but the difference is that this one plays worst than that one. :(
  7. 01:14:720 (5,6) - The blanket looks good but these two notes flow bad imo. Try selecting them and press CTRL+G. Flows much better that way.
  8. 01:20:967 (1) - To emphasize the vocals, add hitfinish here. :3
  9. 01:39:959 (3) - Please try moving this slider a grid up, it looks ugly how it touches the other slider's border.
  10. 01:58:452 (4) - Another cool blanket but it ruins the flow a bit imo. If you look at 01:58:952 (1) it flows bad with 01:58:452 (4) curve. To improve the flow i recommend you to try this pattern instead:
  11. 02:00:951 (1) - Hitfinish to emphasize the vocals :p?
  12. 02:24:441 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This looks too squareish. :? It's not bad.. but.. it's so boxy :<
  13. 02:35:936 (4) - Again, nazi, but useful believe me. It would improve the flow if you adjust a bit the end of this slider. Move it a bit up, like this so it is aligned with 02:36:436 (5). Sounds like it may be confusing my explaination. If you don't understand, just align (5) with (4)'s end:
  14. 02:39:934 (5) - Too many finishes! Soudns too noisy. Instead of that finish at the end of this slider, replace it with a clap of normal-custom hitsounds, the one you use for kiai times.
  15. 03:02:925 (1) - Hitfinish at the start of this slider sounds good, to emphasize vocals.
    03:09:422 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Okay this is tooooooo much. Too many finishes, it ends up sounding annoying. Please remove hitfinish of 03:09:922 (3,4), 03:11:421 (3), 03:12:171 (5) and consider adding hitfinish to 03:12:921 (1) so it doesn't sound too empty of hitsounds.
  16. 03:13:171 (1) - Same thing about decreasing volume at the end of this spinner (as i mentioned already in your normal)

    Again, don't worry. The difficulty is fine, you messed up combos like in your normal. Also, most of these are nazi-ish (but useful) and hitsounds.
Well, call me back for a recheck! if you apply flow suggestions, and (if you agree) the suggestions in red, I think we're ready.

Kei wrote:

Hello. Random modding. High sp and lots of mods. Old map, what else? :)

I highly suggest you to change what I've wrote in red. It doesn't mean they're unrankable, they're just things that are very recommended.

*This mod will contain multiple nazi stuff, small aesthetical stuff that would make the map look better if you apply them all (imo).
  • [Flask's Easy]
  1. 00:31:488 (2) - Try improving this blanket a bit by moving the white point of this slider. :> o3ob
  2. 00:41:984 - This empty space seems like too big imo. You can try adding a note here to fill it up a bit. This is very optional though. I like the current way too, but it may also be a good idea to add a note. It's up to you! oh well, it's an easy diff, I don't want to make something hard (even it's not hard orz) in this diff, so no changed for this ._.
  3. 00:44:233 (2) - This is the only slider at red tick of this diff. It would be good if you keep consistency in your rhythm. Try to make this slider 1/1. Move it to 00:43:983 and make it end at 00:44:982. You should end up with this: nice
  4. 00:52:979 (3) - Very nazi, again. Move this slider a biiiit to the right to make properly this blanket. no u, so nazi lul
  5. 00:58:976 (1,2) - This note placement is a no-no for an Easy. 00:59:476 (2) gets covered by 00:57:977 (2), and 00:58:976 (1) doesn't even flow well with 00:57:977 (2)!! Please rearrange this pattern. I recomend you to try this pattern, good flow, and looks more readable than your current. You'll have to rearrange a bit your next notes but you should do it anyways, to improve this: well k, but change it in another way :>
  6. 01:35:461 (4) - A single note here sounds awful imo. The singer keeps singing so why ignore it? Better replace this note with a slider, with end at 01:36:461. I know you're making small pauses for beginners but here isn't an appropiate part of the song to do it. k
  7. 01:42:958 (3) - Here you can try replacing it with a long slider, with end at 01:44:458. Sounds much better since it follows the voice, instead of ignoring it to leave an empty space. I like those spacings, but they also feel .. weird when playing. If you don't agree with me, you can try improving the placement of this note, because it is odd imo. Better align it with the previous slider end, so it flows better. meh, I disagree with you. But change the odd parts!
  8. 02:27:939 (1) - This note sounds too empty without hitsounds imo. Try removing whistle to 02:28:439 (2) and adding it to this note 02:27:939 (1). Follows more the vocals and feels less empty imo. I re-make the hitsound here, but not following your suggestion. Still fine huh? o3o
  9. 02:31:438 (1) - Replace this with a slider to follow the vocals like i've suggested you to do in similar cases? sure
  10. 02:34:436 (3) - How about adding hitfinish at the end of this slider? a hitfinish-like sound can be heard here so it would sound good. nice
Thanks Kei!
Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

Hello. Random modding. High sp and lots of mods. Old map, what else? :)

I highly suggest you to change what I've wrote in red. It doesn't mean they're unrankable, they're just things that are very recommended.

*This mod will contain multiple nazi stuff, small aesthetical stuff that would make the map look better if you apply them all (imo).

  • [Normal]

    *OD -1? The settings are a bit to high for a normal. I think it would be better if you leave the HP drain as it is, and decrease overall difficulty by 1 only to compensate the hp drain.
  1. 00:28:989 (1) - Here's missing a hitfinish according to your hitsounds. :P
  2. 00:30:988 (1) - Very nazi: try moving this slider a couple of grids down so it is aligned to 00:30:488 (3)'s end. Looks odd right now imo, small detail but still.~
  3. 00:42:983 (1) - This slider looks bad. Doesn't fit with the music and looks bad compared to the rest of the map. You used only two sliders like this one. This one, and 00:44:982 (1). I highly recommend you to make them simply curved to fit with the rest of the map, to make this look better and to make it fit more with the music. Something like this works pretty good:
    :arrow: I decided to use slider+circles :3
  4. 00:44:982 (1) - Messed up NCs :( to follow properly the music, remove nc here, add nc to 00:46:482 (5), and remove nc of 00:46:982 (1).
  5. 00:50:730 (5) - This note isn't really necessary. Here's not a important beat and it plays a bit too difficult for a Normal. Better leave this kind of patterns for the Hard diff.
  6. 00:52:729 (4) - ^
  7. 01:03:475 (1) - Another unnecessary nc! Try to avoid single slider/notes with nc if it isn't necessary. Please consider removing it!
  8. 01:11:971 (2,3,4) - Kinda nazi again, it would be better if you move these three notes a tad down, over here if possible to improve the flow a bit:
  9. 01:15:969 (3) - How about making this curved? it would fit with the pattern and also make a blanket with 01:16:969 (1):
  10. 01:20:967 (1) - I suggest you to add a hitfinish here to emphasize the vocals.
  11. 01:32:962 (1) - The combos are kinda messed up here. To follow properly the music/vocals, remove nc here, add nc to 01:34:462 (4) and remove nc to 01:34:962 (1).
  12. 01:39:460 (1) - I think this nc isn't necessary here, so better remove it. A combo of 2 notes only is too short, unnecessary and also inconsistent with the rest of ncs in this case.
  13. 01:55:453 (1) - Again, unnecessary nc, and this time is worst since it's a single slider with nc. The rest of notes 01:55:453 (1,2) are part of the same melody as 01:52:954 (1) so please remove NC of 01:55:453 (1).
  14. 01:58:952 (1) - Hitfinish here like you've done before in other patterns?
  15. 02:02:950 (1) - ^ this is to emphasize!
  16. 02:04:699 (4) - This note isn't really necessary. It sounds good, yeah, but this part plays a bit too difficult for a Normal. Better leave this kind of patterns for the Hard diff.
  17. 02:25:440 (3) - This part sounds too excessive with whistles. Like, you added too many whistles. Try removing whistle of this note to follow better the voice. :3
  18. 02:28:939 (1) - The repeat of this slider sounds too empty. Whistle to follow the vocals?
  19. 02:33:937 (3) - ^ At the start.
  20. 02:35:936 (2) - ^ And also here! These sound too monotonous and would sound better with hitsounds.
  21. 02:44:433 (2,3,4) - This note placement doesn't play good, because they flow badly imo. Try this placement for a better flow, I recommend you to do it~:
  22. 02:52:179 (2,3) - ^
  23. 02:59:926 (6) - This combo is too long! try adding nc here to follow the "lalala" vocals. After this for consistency, you should remove nc of 03:01:425 (1).
  24. 03:07:923 (6) - ^
  25. 03:13:171 (1) - A hitfinish here sounds way too loud for this calm part with again "lalala" vocals. Try decreasing gradually the volume of the spinner, or add a single green line at the end of the spinner with less volume to make it sound less noisy.

    A lot of NC suggestions! don't worry. The diff is good! you messed up ncs a bit at some parts and added not so necessary notes.
  • [Hard]
  1. 00:24:741 (4) - Try moving this note to x160 y156 if possible. It improves the flow and also makes the pattern look good imo
  2. 00:26:490 (4) - Align this with (3)'s end? yeah very nazi bleh bleh. :P
  3. 00:52:729 (1) - Another ultra nazi thing lmao: move this slider 1 grid down to make a perfect blanket. Right now looks ugly :<
  4. 00:53:479 (2,3,4) - This part feels weird to play for me, at least :p that zig-zag thing doesn't flow good. I personally prefer this way, i think it flows better and looks clean:
  5. 01:08:722 (4) - Messed up combos ;_; Since the vocals change here, i suggest you to add a nc here. After this, you have to remove nc of 01:09:972 (1). Fits much better imo.
  6. 01:11:721 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same suggestion as with 00:24:741 (4) but the difference is that this one plays worst than that one. :(
  7. 01:14:720 (5,6) - The blanket looks good but these two notes flow bad imo. Try selecting them and press CTRL+G. Flows much better that way.
  8. 01:20:967 (1) - To emphasize the vocals, add hitfinish here. :3
  9. 01:39:959 (3) - Please try moving this slider a grid up, it looks ugly how it touches the other slider's border.
  10. 01:58:452 (4) - Another cool blanket but it ruins the flow a bit imo. If you look at 01:58:952 (1) it flows bad with 01:58:452 (4) curve. To improve the flow i recommend you to try this pattern instead:
  11. 02:00:951 (1) - Hitfinish to emphasize the vocals :p?
  12. 02:24:441 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This looks too squareish. :? It's not bad.. but.. it's so boxy :< :arrow: I don't want to change them... They can make me satisfied and they look clear! So no change :3
  13. 02:35:936 (4) - Again, nazi, but useful believe me. It would improve the flow if you adjust a bit the end of this slider. Move it a bit up, like this so it is aligned with 02:36:436 (5). Sounds like it may be confusing my explaination. If you don't understand, just align (5) with (4)'s end:
  14. 02:39:934 (5) - Too many finishes! Soudns too noisy. Instead of that finish at the end of this slider, replace it with a clap of normal-custom hitsounds, the one you use for kiai times.
  15. 03:02:925 (1) - Hitfinish at the start of this slider sounds good, to emphasize vocals.
    03:09:422 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Okay this is tooooooo much. Too many finishes, it ends up sounding annoying. Please remove hitfinish of 03:09:922 (3,4), 03:11:421 (3), 03:12:171 (5) and consider adding hitfinish to 03:12:921 (1) so it doesn't sound too empty of hitsounds.
  16. 03:13:171 (1) - Same thing about decreasing volume at the end of this spinner (as i mentioned already in your normal)

    Again, don't worry. The difficulty is fine, you messed up combos like in your normal. Also, most of these are nazi-ish (but useful) and hitsounds.
:arrow: Others all fixed!

Well, call me back for a recheck! if you apply flow suggestions, and (if you agree) the suggestions in red, I think we're ready.

Thanks for modding! I particularly like your 'nazi' mods! :)
Recheck. Don't kudosu this post! you already gave me kudosu for my first check. :3

  • Normal
  1. 01:00:976 (1) - Whistle at the repeat of this slider? sounds too monotonous and empty. :o
  2. 01:18:968 (1) - Can you please make this slider a bit more curved to improve the blanket? not a big deal, but looks a bit messy :< you know, final polishment for the diff:
  3. 01:40:959 (1) - Again, whistle at the repeat?
  4. 02:04:449 (3) - Instead of making the curve like a U make it in the opposite way for better flow and look o3o
  5. 02:26:940 (1) - Sounds too empty without hitsounds! better add whistle at end, remove whistle of 02:27:939 (2) and add whistle to 02:28:439 (3). o3o I think i suggested you something with whistles with this pattern but now it sounds different o.o

    Some hitsounds adjustment. Nothing else.
  • Hard
  1. 00:57:977 (3) - Slightly improve this slider shape, make it curved o3o i know, nazi again. :P
  2. 02:54:928 (1) - Hitfinish to emphasize the vocals?
  3. 03:02:925 (1) - ^ o3o you know, the song is ending, so more emphasis would work pretty good. :oops:
I talked with Flask and he added a couple of missing claps.

Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

Recheck. Don't kudosu this post! you already gave me kudosu for my first check. :3 :arrow: Sorry! It was too late when I clicked on the KDS buttom! >_<

  • Normal
  1. 01:00:976 (1) - Whistle at the repeat of this slider? sounds too monotonous and empty. :o
  2. 01:18:968 (1) - Can you please make this slider a bit more curved to improve the blanket? not a big deal, but looks a bit messy :< you know, final polishment for the diff:
  3. 01:40:959 (1) - Again, whistle at the repeat?
  4. 02:04:449 (3) - Instead of making the curve like a U make it in the opposite way for better flow and look o3o
  5. 02:26:940 (1) - Sounds too empty without hitsounds! better add whistle at end, remove whistle of 02:27:939 (2) and add whistle to 02:28:439 (3). o3o I think i suggested you something with whistles with this pattern but now it sounds different o.o

    Some hitsounds adjustment. Nothing else.
  • Hard
  1. 00:57:977 (3) - Slightly improve this slider shape, make it curved o3o i know, nazi again. :P
  2. 02:54:928 (1) - Hitfinish to emphasize the vocals?
  3. 03:02:925 (1) - ^ o3o you know, the song is ending, so more emphasis would work pretty good. :oops:
I talked with Flask and he added a couple of missing claps.

Everything has just been done! :)

I cannot connect my PC to BSS correctly right now..wait a minute..
Missing claps in Flask's difficulty are still missing.

  1. 00:45:482 (3) - At the start of this slider.
  2. 00:59:476 (2) - ^
Well I guess you didn't update yet. The other diffs didn't change in anything. Please PM me when you are ready.
Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

Missing claps in Flask's difficulty are still missing.

  1. 00:45:482 (3) - At the start of this slider.
  2. 00:59:476 (2) - ^
Well I guess you didn't update yet. The other diffs didn't change in anything. Please PM me when you are ready.
I am ready. :>
After lots of fixes, we are finally ready! Good luck! thanks for your cooperation and sorry for so many rechecks. :oops:

Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

After lots of fixes, we are finally ready! Good luck! thanks for your cooperation and sorry for so many rechecks. :oops:

Oh.. Another What I've Done map! xD. Let's check this out.

[Flask's Easy:]

• 00:29:989 (2) - I find the usage of 1/2 unnecesary here, I think that a simple 1/1 pattern fits here properly too. So, replace this in a simple 1/1 Slider. In addition if you want to use a 1/2 here you should you use a 1/2 Slider in 00:25:990 as well.
• 00:46:982 (1) - Add a Finish at the Slider beginning to emphasize the cymbals
• 01:04:974 (T) - This is technically wrong, the music doesn't dissapear at all, so using 5% in this Slider is a bad thing. Btw, doing that you are silencing the Sliderslide + Sliderticks at the same time that it is unrankable stuff. I highly suggest you to increase the volume till 25-30%
• 01:07:473 (2) - Try adding a New Combo in this Note, it emphisize a bit more the chorus
• 01:35:461 (4) - Follow better your patterns if you reduce the Slider length in 1/2. If you do that, add a Clap at the slider end as well.
• 01:43:458 - 01:44:458 - Why is this space in blank? I mean, you have music to map. At least, you could add a Note in 01:43:458 and other one in 01:43:958 as you did before, in the 1st previous pre-chorus.
• 01:44:957 (T) - Same as 01:04:974
• 01:47:456 (2) - As I said before, add a New combo to emphasize the chorus
• 02:34:935 (3) - Unsnapped Slider end (by 2ms). You must fix that.
• 02:46:430 (2) - (^)
• 02:57:177 (Spin) - Move this Spinner 1/4 back. The long vocal start at 02:56:927 but in this place you already have the Slider end, moving the spinner 1/4 back will make much more sense, and it'll not be a problem to newbies because the Spinner is really long
• 03:05:174 (Spin) - (^)

Last thing in this diff: The Normal Samplset sections sounds a bit high to me, I'd reduce the volume in 10% at least on each section

- Sometimes the hitsounding sounds monotonus, just Claps, nonsound, Claps and some finishes. I'd vary a bit more the hitsounds, using some soft whistles at least


--> Hmm.. I'd increase the Overall difficulty by 1 Tick (OD+1)

• 00:25:990 (2,3,4) - Actually, the 1/2 pattern is not well placed in my opinion. Follow better the music if you add a Note in 00:26:240 and remove the Note in 00:26:740
• 00:27:989 (1,2,3) - (^)
• 00:41:484 (Break) - Drag the Break end till this place, it makes sense because in this point the singer start to sing again
• 00:42:983 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - I didn't like this pattern that much, you used a lot of 1/2 here and you don't do that in general. Maybe you can re-arrange a bit this pattern reducing the 1/2 usage or remove some of the notes and adding Sliders instead, would be better for the difficult of the map
• 00:50:980 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - (^)
• 01:04:974 (T) - As I said in Easy, this 5% is technically wrong, I highly suggest you to increase the volume till 25-30%
• 01:22:717 (4) - I don't find this note really necessary here, sounds better if you remove it from here
• 01:44:957 (T) - Same as 01:04:974
• 01:57:952 (1,2,3) - As I said before, the 1/2 3-plet works better if you add a Note in 01:58:202 and remove the Note in 01:58:702
• 02:04:199 (2,3) - *Kinda nazi*- Looks better if you move (2) to x:256 y:20 and (3) to x:204 y:52
• 02:09:947 (Break) - Drag the Break start till this time due to the change in the music pitch
• 02:42:933 (1) - Fits better with the music + your symetry if you remove this New Combo
• 03:05:424 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - Meh.. This square, looks bad and it is not a creative thing sincerely, I'm sure you can make a much more enjoyable pattern
• 03:13:171 (Spin) - Move this Spinner 1/4 back, I explained that in the Easy diff.


• 01:04:974 (T) - Same thing as previous difficulties.
• 01:44:957 (T) - Same as previous difficulties
• 02:38:683 (4) - Unsnapped Slider end (by 2ms). You must fix that

- This is not a full mod in this difficulty, I'm kinda tired to complete it right now. Anyways the diff. looks good in general.

Well, That's all for now.
I have to pop due to the Unsnapped Sliders in Easy and Hard.
Call me back after to check my mod.
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Oh.. Another What I've Done map! xD. Let's check this out.

[Flask's Easy:]

• 00:29:989 (2) - I find the usage of 1/2 unnecesary here, I think that a simple 1/1 pattern fits here properly too. So, replace this in a simple 1/1 Slider. In addition if you want to use a 1/2 here you should you use a 1/2 Slider in 00:25:990 as well.
• 00:46:982 (1) - Add a Finish at the Slider beginning to emphasize the cymbals
• 01:04:974 (T) - This is technically wrong, the music doesn't dissapear at all, so using 5% in this Slider is a bad thing. Btw, doing that you are silencing the Sliderslide + Sliderticks at the same time that it is unrankable stuff. I highly suggest you to increase the volume till 25-30%
• 01:07:473 (2) - Try adding a New Combo in this Note, it emphisize a bit more the chorus
• 01:35:461 (4) - Follow better your patterns if you reduce the Slider length in 1/2. If you do that, add a Clap at the slider end as well.
• 01:43:458 - 01:44:458 - Why is this space in blank? I mean, you have music to map. At least, you could add a Note in 01:43:458 and other one in 01:43:958 as you did before, in the 1st previous pre-chorus.
• 01:44:957 (T) - Same as 01:04:974
• 01:47:456 (2) - As I said before, add a New combo to emphasize the chorus
• 02:34:935 (3) - Unsnapped Slider end (by 2ms). You must fix that.
• 02:46:430 (2) - (^)
• 02:57:177 (Spin) - Move this Spinner 1/4 back. The long vocal start at 02:56:927 but in this place you already have the Slider end, moving the spinner 1/4 back will make much more sense, and it'll not be a problem to newbies because the Spinner is really long
• 03:05:174 (Spin) - (^)

Last thing in this diff: The Normal Samplset sections sounds a bit high to me, I'd reduce the volume in 10% at least on each section

- Sometimes the hitsounding sounds monotonus, just Claps, nonsound, Claps and some finishes. I'd vary a bit more the hitsounds, using some soft whistles at least


--> Hmm.. I'd increase the Overall difficulty by 1 Tick (OD+1)

• 00:25:990 (2,3,4) - Actually, the 1/2 pattern is not well placed in my opinion. Follow better the music if you add a Note in 00:26:240 and remove the Note in 00:26:740
• 00:27:989 (1,2,3) - (^)
• 00:41:484 (Break) - Drag the Break end till this place, it makes sense because in this point the singer start to sing again
• 00:42:983 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - I didn't like this pattern that much, you used a lot of 1/2 here and you don't do that in general. Maybe you can re-arrange a bit this pattern reducing the 1/2 usage or remove some of the notes and adding Sliders instead, would be better for the difficult of the map
• 00:50:980 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - (^) :arrow: I don't want to fix this part ._.
• 01:04:974 (T) - As I said in Easy, this 5% is technically wrong, I highly suggest you to increase the volume till 25-30%
• 01:22:717 (4) - I don't find this note really necessary here, sounds better if you remove it from here
• 01:44:957 (T) - Same as 01:04:974
• 01:57:952 (1,2,3) - As I said before, the 1/2 3-plet works better if you add a Note in 01:58:202 and remove the Note in 01:58:702
• 02:04:199 (2,3) - *Kinda nazi*- Looks better if you move (2) to x:256 y:20 and (3) to x:204 y:52
• 02:09:947 (Break) - Drag the Break start till this time due to the change in the music pitch
• 02:42:933 (1) - Fits better with the music + your symetry if you remove this New Combo
• 03:05:424 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - Meh.. This square, looks bad and it is not a creative thing sincerely, I'm sure you can make a much more enjoyable pattern
• 03:13:171 (Spin) - Move this Spinner 1/4 back, I explained that in the Easy diff.


• 01:04:974 (T) - Same thing as previous difficulties.
• 01:44:957 (T) - Same as previous difficulties
• 02:38:683 (4) - Unsnapped Slider end (by 2ms). You must fix that

- This is not a full mod in this difficulty, I'm kinda tired to complete it right now. Anyways the diff. looks good in general.

Well, That's all for now.
I have to pop due to the Unsnapped Sliders in Easy and Hard.
Call me back after to check my mod.
:arrow: Other mods all get fixed
thanks for modding! :)
EDIT: Flask is busy. So he allowed me to fix the errors. This is the previous backup if Flask changes his mind and wants to fix
EDIT2: post grammar nazi
I have set the Genre and the Language and the map is pretty good.

Good luck on the ranking~!

Gabe wrote:

I have set the Genre and the Language and the map is pretty good.

Good luck on the ranking~!
Awesome song choice right there :)
Recheck Time:

Flask's Easy:

• 01:05:974 - Add a Green Line here with 80% in volume as you did in the next pre-chorus. This idea sounds pretty fine in my opinion, would be better if you keep consistent that too.
• 02:41:434 (2) - meh.. I forget to mention this. As I said in your previous kiai sections start, add a New Combo in this Note please


• 02:09:947 (T) - This 5% is not acceptable either. You must increase the volume as you did with the other timing points.


• 02:09:947 (T) - This 5% is not acceptable either. You must increase the volume as you did with the other timing points.
• 02:09:947 (Break) - Drag the break start till here, as you did in Normal. It makes sense to me.
• 03:05:174 (Spin) - Move this Spinner 1/4 (and made it 1/4 longer then)
• 03:13:171 (Spin) - (^)
• 03:12:921 (1) - The finish sounds kinda loud to me, I'd remove it from here.

The rest looks in order to me..
Call me back again..
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Recheck Time:

Flask's Easy:

• 01:05:974 - Add a Green Line here with 80% in volume as you did in the next pre-chorus. This idea sounds pretty fine in my opinion, would be better if you keep consistent that too.
• 02:41:434 (2) - meh.. I forget to mention this. As I said in your previous kiai sections start, add a New Combo in this Note please


• 02:09:947 (T) - This 5% is not acceptable either. You must increase the volume as you did with the other timing points.


• 02:09:947 (T) - This 5% is not acceptable either. You must increase the volume as you did with the other timing points.
• 02:09:947 (Break) - Drag the break start till here, as you did in Normal. It makes sense to me.
• 03:05:174 (Spin) - Move this Spinner 1/4 (and made it 1/4 longer then)
• 03:13:171 (Spin) - (^)
• 03:12:921 (1) - The finish sounds kinda loud to me, I'd remove it from here.

The rest looks in order to me..
Call me back again..
finished! :)
At least these sections with 5% are more audible now..
It looks like unrankable issues were fixed now..
So, Rebubbled!
Welcome back bubbie
Dude, I was so stressed to rank a map: I got a nosebleed.

Here's my first rank, you have well deserved it!
Congrats ^.^/

Gabe is so moe


Topic Starter
yah! thanks for all of your support!
Awesome job, congrats.
Congrats, finally!

-Bakari- wrote:

Congrats, finally!
Glad to see this ranked. Good job!
nice song :3

Farhan AfiatulH
[lucky:1337][/lucky:1337]Yokatta.. 8-)
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