
What benefits does ctb have to you?

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I don't often if at all hear people giving comments to these kinds of topic. i'm sure they're physical/mental benefits of playing this gamemode for me i would say finger stamina is the most obvious. maps back then that would often deplete my stamina is unsurprisingly surprisingly effortless now. mentally it keeps me active somewhat, hard to say for sure it helped with reacion time even though i have gotten at reading over the almost 2 years i have been playing ctb.
I feel like physically it’s mostly been detrimental from eye strain to finger/hand pain

Mentally it has increased my confidence and makes me feel accomplished.
CTB has definitely just given me an outlet to play something I wholeheartedly enjoy (most of the time XD). I also have seen an improvement in finger stamina which helps me when I play Piano. :D
Finger Stamina for movement hand got so good.
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WereisTheWolf wrote:

CTB has definitely just given me an outlet to play something I wholeheartedly enjoy (most of the time XD). I also have seen an improvement in finger stamina which helps me when I play Piano. :D

Didn't knew it helped with playing instruments too picked up drums and piano fairly later in my playing experience so it's hard to say it helped for me
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