
[STD 3v3] Dio's Bizarre Holiday Triples: Congrats to Floating Up (S), nomod 1 (A), and SmolMiku(B)!

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  1. 3v3, max team size 5, international, ScoreV2, Team VS.
  2. No consistency maps in any mappool. Essentially, any map that resembles your traditional NM1 will be left out of all mappools. TBs will be in various mapping styles, discussed in the mappool section below.
  3. 3 Divisions (rank ranges): Division S rank 1-2.500, Division A rank 2.501-20.000, and Division B rank 20.001-50.000.
  4. BWS applied with no rank buffer.
  5. At least 3 players from each team must join the discord server, or their registration is void.
  6. 1 ban per team from RO32-RO16, 2 bans per team from QF onward.
  7. The winner of the roll bans second and picks first.
  8. RO32/RO16 - BO9; QF/SF - BO11; F/GF - BO13
  9. Warmups allowed in RO32 and onwards, less than 5 minutes.
  10. Maps from the same mod pool cannot be picked twice in a row by the same team unless they are from the nomod pool.
  11. All winner's bracket matches from Semifinals onwards will be streamed. Additionally, all loser's bracket matches from the same week as winner's bracket Finals will be streamed.
  12. Going for badge. Supporter and cash prizes, with cash prizes doubled if used on official JJBA merch.

  1. This is a 3v3, ScoreV2, osu! standard tournament played on Team VS with a maximum team size of 5 players.
  2. This is an international tournament.
  3. The reason this tournament is Bizarre is because there will be no consistency maps in any mod pool, including in tiebreakers. This means all tiebreaker maps will be in varying mapping styles. More on this in the Mappools section.
  4. At least 3 players from each team must join the discord server, or their registration is void.
  5. The 3 Divisions (rank ranges) are Division S rank 1-2.500, Division A rank 2.501-20.000, and Division B rank 20.001-50.000, with BWS applied and no rank buffer (more info below if you don't know what BWS is).
  6. The 3 Divisions essentially operate as separate tournaments with the exact same rules.
  7. All players must stay within the rank range from the end of registrations until the first qualifier lobby starts.
  8. The tournament will have a qualifiers stage first, then the top 32-64 teams move on to a double elimination bracket stage.
  9. There will be a bracket reset in the Grand Finals if necessary.
  10. The bracket stage will follow traditional seeding as follows: #1 vs. #64, #2 vs. #63, etc.
  11. Match schedules and mappools will be released on Monday before those matches are played.
  12. All times are in UTC. Find your own time zone here. Alternatively, the current time in UTC is displayed on the main spreadsheet.
  13. At least 3 players from each team must join the discord server. Your registration will NOT be counted if you do not do so.
  14. Refs, Mappool Selectors, Playtesters, and Admins are NOT allowed to play in the tournament. However, commentators and streamers ARE allowed to play. Referees may play so long as they do not ref any matches in their own division; this is ONLY the case if they are not also a Mappool Selector, Playtester, or Admin.
  15. The winner of the roll bans second and picks first.
  16. Warmups are allowed in RO32 and onwards but must be less than 5 minutes (open to ref discretion except in streamed matches).
  17. Teams can not pick a map from the same mod category twice in a row, unless it is nomod.
  18. Team names must not contain any slurs or otherwise intend to be bigoted, and they must not be disrespectful toward tournament staff. Any such names will be rejected and asked to be revised. If after two revisions, the team is still submitting inappropriate team names, they will not be allowed to participate.
  19. All winner's bracket matches from Semifinals onwards will be streamed. Additionally, all loser's bracket matches from the same week as winner's bracket Finals will be streamed.

  1. There will be no consistency maps in any mod category in any mappool. Nomod pool essentially skips straight to NM2.
  2. Additionally, there will be no standard mostly aim maps with some bursts here and there in any other mappool. Any aim maps will be focused on anti-flow aim and wide angles.
  3. Tiebreakers for each mappool will be in the following mapping styles for each mappool:
  4. RO64 (if it exists): Anti-Flow Aim
  5. RO32: Stamina
  6. RO16: Tech
  7. QF: Alt
  8. SF: Speed
  9. F: Gimmick/Low AR
  10. GF: Random. Each rank Division will have a map from a randomly-drawn mapping niche out of the above five styles. This means that each Grand Finals pool for each different Division could be in a different mapping style.
  11. All teams in both winner's and loser's brackets will play on the same mappool each week.
  12. There will be separate map pools for Qualifiers, RO64, RO32, RO16, QF, SF, Finals, and Grand Finals. Mappool format will be as follows:
  13. Qualifiers: 3 No Mod/2 Hidden/ 2 Hard Rock/2 Double Time
  14. RO64: 4 No Mod/2 Hidden/2 Hard Rock/3 Double Time/2 Free Mod and a tiebreaker.
  15. RO32 / RO16: 5 No Mod/2 Hidden/2 Hard Rock/3 Double Time/3 Free Mod and a tiebreaker.
  16. QF / SF: 5 No Mod/3 Hidden/3 Hard Rock/4 Double Time/4 Free Mod and a tiebreaker.
  17. F / GF: 7 No Mod/3 Hidden/3 Hard Rock/4 Double Time/4 Free Mod a tiebreaker.
  18. Finals and Grand Finals will NOT be using the same pool.
  19. Expect the following star ratings for Grand Finals and Qualifiers pools in each Division:
  20. Division S: GF 7.5* Max, Qualifiers 6.3* Max
  21. Division A: GF 6.7* Max, Qualifiers 5.5* Max
  22. Division B: GF 6.1* Max, Qualifiers 4.9* Max

  1. Registrations: October 19 - November 22 at 23:59 UTC
  2. 3 week buffer for screening
  3. Qualifiers: December 13th - December 16th
  4. RO32: December 20th - December 23rd
  5. Two week break for Winter Holidays
  6. RO16 and LB1: January 3rd - January 6th
  7. QF and LB2&3: January 10th - January 13th
  8. SF and LB4&5: January 17th - January 20th
  9. Finals and LB6&7: January 24th - January 27th
  10. Grand Finals and LB Finals: January 31st - February 3rd

Badge for the winning team of each Division!
Hopefully, as long as osu! staff says everything ran smoothly.

Additional Prizes

  1. 1st Place: 1 month of supporter, and either $20USD OR any Jojo merch up to $40USD for each member of the team
  2. 2nd Place: 1 month of supporter, and either $10USD OR any Jojo merch up to $20USD for each member of the team
  3. 3rd Place: 1 month of supporter for each member of the team

  1. There will be qualifier lobbies open throughout the qualification weekend; teams can sign up for whichever lobby fits their schedule.
  2. Each lobby can hold up to 15 players = 5 teams.
  3. Each lobby will have 1 assigned referee.
  4. The lobby will play through the entire map pool once, and your score after every map will be recorded.
  5. Failed scores will count.
  6. Teams are not directly competing with the other teams in their lobby.
  7. Teams will be given points based on their performance on each qualifier map. The best score on a map earns a team 1 point, the second best 2 points, etc.
  8. Teams' points on each map are added up to produce a total point score.
  9. The teams with the lowest total point scores will advance to the bracket stage.

  1. A referee will make the lobby 15 minutes before the match. Team Captains must be online to receive their invites.
  2. If a team does not have three players in the lobby by 10 minutes after the scheduled match start time, they lose their ban(s).
  3. If a team does not have three players in the lobby by 15 minutes after the scheduled match start time, they forfeit the match.
  4. If a team gives prior notice that they cannot make their match, staff will attempt to reschedule the match with their opponent. However, there is no guarantee a reschedule will be successful.
  5. Each team gets 1 ban from RO32 to RO16 and 2 bans from QF to GF. Banned maps are effectively removed from the mappool for that match.
  6. Both teams can ban 2 maps of the same mod pool. However, from QF to GF, a team may not use both their bans on the same mod pool unless they double-ban nomod.
  7. Each team has 180 seconds to pick/ban a map. After the choice has been made, teams have 60 seconds to ready up for the map.
  8. Failed scores will count. Team fails will not count.
  9. In the case of a genuine disconnection in the first 30 seconds of the map, the map may be replayed. This can only be used once in a match per team. If a team disconnects on the same map twice in a row or on two different maps, they must deal with the consequences of their disconnect. This rule is to prevent abuse through manually leaving the game after missing on a map.
  10. On FM, each team must have at least 2 unique mods on at least 2 players using the following mods: Hidden, Hard Rock, Easy, and/or Flashlight.
  11. For example, 1 player using HR and 1 using HD is fine, but 1 player using HDHR and 2 other players using nomod is not. 1 player using HDHR and 1 player using any other mod combination is also fine.
  12. Scores with the Easy modification will be multiplied by 1.5.
  13. You are allowed to use, but not required, to use any of the above mods on the tiebreaker.

  1. Badges from tournaments with rank ranges not overlapping with this tournament's rank range for that player will not be counted in the BWS calculations for that player. If you wish to appeal a badge as outside your rank range, please contact the hosts.
    BWS, or Badge Weighting Seeding, is a method that seeds players more accurately based on the number of badges they have, and enforces rank restrictions based on the player's number of badges.
  2. In other words, BWS "ranks up" players based on the number of badges they have.
  3. In terms of how much a player ranks up per badge, each badge is worth more than the one before it.
  4. The formula is as follows:
    BWS rank = rank^(0.99^(badges*(badges+2.75)/2))
  5. This is not a measure of skill. Read the first bullet point again.
  6. This is a very aggressive BWS formula, which is why we have the badge appeal system in place. We do not want you to be pushed into a range you cannot reasonably compete in because of badges from tournaments with far lower ranked players.
  7. Sample values of the BWS formula can be found here.

yo pog
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Would that just be ?
Sweet, wasn't expecting that!
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Renewing hype at 2 weeks till registrations end
I just got unbanned and Idk if I can join because of it but hi.
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Luciano wrote:

I just got unbanned and Idk if I can join because of it but hi.

Unfortunately, unrestricted players must be unrestricted for at least 1 year before they can join badged tournaments.
We need one man on the team (B rank), PM if you want
Division A will be interesting. See ya there.
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Tournament start delayed by an extra week for screening. Put hype on hold until further notice.
That staff team scares me :eyes:
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