
[Taiko] Taiko Nightmare Tournament / TNT [Total Prize 59.00$]

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Topic Starter
Konpaku Sariel

Tournament Overview

  1. This tournament is a Taiko tournament.
  2. The tournament will be held in a 1 vs 1 double-elimination format.
  3. No Rank limit
  4. All players except the Map Selectors are allowed to participate.
  5. Basically, it’s going to be in NF mode.
  6. A player with fewer misses will win.

Registration | Staff Registration | Discord | SpreadSheet
日本語 |

  1. A player with fewer misses will win.
  2. You can BAN one map per player from map pool.
  3. Each player will have an ability “JOKER”.
  4. You can use JOKER twice in Group Stage ~ Semi-Finals, and 3 times in Finals ~ Grand Finals.
    1. You can use "JOKER" when your opponent selects mode.
    2. You can’t use “JOKER” continuously.
    3. You can use “JOKER” to remove one selected mode or add an unselected mode.
      if you add HD or HR, The number of mode usage will also decrease. and if you remove opponent's HD or HR, opponent's number of mode usage will not be reduced.
    4. You can use “JOKER” to change the map speed.
      for Example)
      HDDT->HRDT X
      HDDT->HD O
      HDDT->HDHT O
    5. You can use “JOKER” to change the Score Mode(V1/V2).
    6. You can't use “JOKER” at the Tie-Breaker.
  5. The number of Hidden, HardRock modes available per game is limited.
    Twice in Group Stage ~ Semi-Finals, and 3 times in Finals ~ Grand Finals.
  6. There is no limit for using SD.
  7. You can’t use EZ, FL modes.

  1. If a player doesn’t enter after 10 minutes of the game start, the player will Lose By Default.
  2. Lose by Default is considered as a player lose all sets.
  3. If both player didn't enter the lobby, we consider the player who has lower pp as LBD.
  4. After the map selection time limit of 3 minutes has elapsed, you lost the right for map select and the opponent will select a map.
  5. After selection, the set must be started within 1 minute 30 seconds.
  6. After a set begins, if a player is disconnected within 30 seconds, we will rematch only once.
  7. If the player is disconnected after 30 seconds from the beginning, we will consider the player to miss all notes.

  1. Every match will be set on weekends.
  2. You can change your match schedule but this doesn’t result in an overall tournament schedule change.
  3. The schedule for the round will be open a week before the match.
  4. If you want to change the match schedule, please send a message at #reschedule channel in discord until Thursday 23:59 UTC of that week.

How to proceed with a match


  1. Qualifier map pool consists 3 maps.
  2. These maps will be played in multi-room.
  3. We will use None mode with Score V2.
  4. The seed will be separated by the sum of misses.
    If there are same misses, the player who has higher pp will take higher priority.

Group Stage

  1. The top 1 ~ 8 are set to Top Seed, 9 ~ 16 to Mid Seed, 17 ~ 24 to Low Seed, 25 ~ 32 to Unseed.
  2. The players in Each Seed will be a group and proceed with the Group Stage.
  3. You can play Warm-up from the Group Stage.

Main Match

  1. Warm-Up must be available to download in osu!direct and must be shorter than 4 minutes 30 seconds.
  2. By typing !roll, The higher number of roll will be given right to select warm up first.
  3. After warm-up ends, by typing !roll, the player who has a higher number can select map and modes first, the lower number can BAN a map first.
  4. The player who lose in each set will be given the right to select the next map.
  5. You can select modes in None, HT, DT/NC, V1/V2 freely.
  6. The number of Hidden, HardRock modes available per game is limited.
    Twice in Group Stage ~ Semi-Finals, and 3 times in Finals ~ Grand Finals.
  7. Except for Sudden Death, You must play with modes which are selected by your opponent.
  8. If both players did Full combo, The player with SD wins.
  9. If you failed with SD, we will consider that you missed all the notes.
  10. If there are same misses(Same amount of misses, or SD vs SD),
    Both players will get 1 point, and the player who didn’t select the map will select the next map.
  11. If both players are in Match Points, they must proceed the Tie-Breaker map.
  12. The Tie Breaker map will be played twice.
    1. By typing !roll, the player who has a higher number selects modes first, and after first set over, the player who has a lower number selects modes.
    2. If you exhaust the number of mode usage, You can’t use that mode. But if you use modes in Tie Breaker, the number of usage will not decrease.
    3. The winner will be determined as the sum of misses of 2 sets.
    4. If it’s the same score, we repeat from (1).

BO 7 | Group Stage ~ RO16
BO 9 | Quarter-Finals ~ Semi-Finals
BO11 | Finals
BO13 | Grand Finals

The schedule and map pool for the round will be open a week before the match.

Registration | ~ December 14th 23:59 UTC
Qualifier | December 21st
Group Stage | December 28th
Round of 16 | 2020 January 4th
Quarter Finals | 2020 January 11th
Semi Finals | 2020 January 18th
Finals | 2020 January 25th
Grand Finals | 2020 February 1st

1st place : Minecraft or 30$
2nd place : 0.5 Minecraft or 15$
3rd place : 10$
4th place : 4$

Prizes can be raised by sponsor

Konpaku Sariel 54$
Anonymous Player 1 5$

Administrator : Konpaku Sariel
Map Selector : tkdLolly | nyanmi-1828 |-[ ix Ishida xi ]-
Referee : [Soju_Desu] | Gomo Fanboy | Hoshikuz | ill onion | janitoreihil | JDrago14 | K-Rinyang |
nyanmi-1828 | Sparxe | Piper | VarvalianFanboy | vladyushko

Streamer : Beat43210 | Deroo | Gomo Fanboy | ITotallyGetThat
Commentator : Beat43210 | CaptainEChan | Gamelan4 | Joshi#6509
Statistician : Leticia8 | POCARI-SWEAT | VarvalianFanboy

If you want to contribute to this tournament,
Please contact me in Discord Sariel#1503

especially i need streamer and commentator

Here we goooooooooooooooooooooooo :D

Streamer/Commentator time
Ishida map selector... I'm scared
Topic Starter
Konpaku Sariel


  1. この大会はosu!Taiko大会です。
  2. 1 vs 1 double-eliminationに進行します。
  3. ランク制限はありません。
  4. Map Selectors以外のプレイヤーは参加できます。
  5. 基本的にNFモードを使います。
  6. ミスの数が少ないプレイヤーが勝ちます。

Registration | Staff Registration | Discord | SpreadSheet

  1. ミスの数が少ないプレイヤーが勝ちます。
  2. それぞれのプレイヤーはmap poolから一曲BANすることができます。
  3. それぞれのプレイヤーは“JOKER”という能力を使えます。
  4. プレイヤーはJOKERGroup Stage ~ Semi-Finalsに2回, Finals ~ Grand Finalsに3回使えます。
    1. プレイヤーは相手が選曲する時"JOKER"を使えます。
    2. “JOKER”を連続で使えません
    3. “JOKER”を使って相手が選択したモードを一つ消したり選択されなかったモードを一つ追加することができます。
      モード(HR,HD)を追加する場合、モード使用回数も減少します. そして相手のモード(HR,HD)を消す場合、相手のモード使用回数は減少しません。
    4. プレイヤーは“JOKER”を使って曲の速さを変更できます。
      for Example)
      HDDT->HRDT X
      HDDT->HD O
      HDDT->HDHT O
    5. プレイヤーは“JOKER”を使ってScore Mode(V1/V2)を変更できます。
    6. Tie-Breakerでは“JOKER”使えません。
  5. Hidden, HardRockのモード使用回数が制限されています。
    Group Stage ~ Semi-Finalsで2回, Finals ~ Grand Finalsで3回使えます。
  6. SDモード使用に制限はありません。
  7. EZ、FLを使えません。

  1. 大会時間10分前に接続しない場合、そのプレイヤーは不戦敗になります。
  2. 不戦敗は全てのセットを負けたものと判断します。
  3. 両プレイヤーが接続しない場合はppが低いプレイヤーを不戦敗に処理します。
  4. 選曲後3分過ぎた場合、選曲の権利を失い、相手プレイヤーが選曲します。
  5. 選曲後、1分30秒以内に必ずその曲をプレイしなければなりません。
  6. 曲が始まった後、30秒以内に回線が切られた場合、一回だけ再プレイします。
  7. 30秒以後回線が切られた場合、そのプレイヤーは全ての音符をミスしたと判断します。

  1. 全てのmatchは週末に設定されます。
  2. スケジュール変更は可能ですが、全体的な大会日程は変わりません。
  3. スケジュールは一周前に公開します。
  4. スケジュール変更を行いたい場合、その週の木曜日23:59(UTC)までdiscordの#rescheduleチャンネルでメッセージを送ってください。



  1. Qualifierの譜面は3つです。
  2. multi-roomでこの譜面たちをプレイします。
  3. None Mode, Score V2を使います。
  4. ミスの数の合計でSeedが分離されます。

Group Stage

  1. The top 1 ~ 8 are set to Top Seed, 9 ~ 16 to Mid Seed, 17 ~ 24 to Low Seed, 25 ~ 32 to Unseed.
  2. 各SeedのプレイヤーがgroupになってGroup Stageを進めます。
  3. Warm-upはGroup Stageからプレイできます。

Main Match

  1. Warm-Up譜面は必ずosu!directでダウンロードが可能である必要があり、4分30秒未満にしてください。
  2. !rollを入力することで, 高い数字の方からwarm upを先に選曲できます。
  3. warm-upが終わった後、!rollを入力することで、高い数字のプレイヤーが先に曲とモードを選択し、, 低い数字のプレイヤーが先にBANします。
  4. そのあと、当セットに負けたプレイヤーが次の譜面を選びます。
  5. None, HT, DT/NC, V1/V2の中で自由に選曲できます。
  6. Sudden Deathを取り除いて、相手が選択したモードを必ずプレイする必要があります.
  7. 両プレイヤーがFullcomboした場合、SDを付けたプレイヤーが勝ちます。
  8. SDを付けた状態でFailした場合、全ての音符をミスしたものと判断します
  9. ミスの数が同じ場合、(or SD vs SD),
  10. 両プレイヤーがMatch Pointsになった場合、Tie-Breaker mapをプレイします
  11. Tie Breaker mapは2回プレイします
    1. !rollを入力して、高い数字のプレイヤーがモードを選択し、その後1回目のプレイが終わったら、低い数字のプレイヤーがモードを選択します。
    2. モード使用回数を全部消費した場合、消尽したモードは使えません。ただしTie Breakerでモードを使う場合、そのモードの使用回数は減少されません。
    3. 2回プレイしてそのミスの数の総合で勝者を決めます。
    4. 同じミスの数だった場合は(1)からやり直します。

BO 7 | Group Stage ~ RO16
BO 9 | Quarter-Finals ~ Semi-Finals
BO11 | Finals
BO13 | Grand Finals

当roundのMap poolとscheduleは一周前に公開されます。

Registration | ~ December 14th 23:59 UTC
Qualifier | December 21st
Group Stage | December 28th
Round of 16 | 2020 January 4th
Quarter Finals | 2020 January 11th
Semi Finals | 2020 January 18th
Finals | 2020 January 25th
Grand Finals | 2020 February 1st

1st place : Minecraft or 30$
2nd place : 0.5 Minecraft or 15$
3rd place : 10$
4th place : 4$


Konpaku Sariel 54$
Anonymous Player 1 5$

Administrator : Konpaku Sariel
Map Selector : tkdLolly | nyanmi-1828 |-[ ix Ishida xi ]-
Referee : [Soju_Desu] | Gomo Fanboy | Hoshikuz | ill onion | janitoreihil | JDrago14 | K-Rinyang |
nyanmi-1828 | Sparxe | Piper | VarvalianFanboy | vladyushko

Streamer : Beat43210 | Deroo | Gomo Fanboy | ITotallyGetThat
Commentator : Beat43210 | CaptainEChan | Gamelan4 | Joshi#6509
Statistician : Leticia8 | POCARI-SWEAT | VarvalianFanboy

もしこの大会を支援したい方は、Discord Sariel#1503にご連絡ください。

especially i need streamer and commentator

Registration ends today!
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