
[Archived] Problems with my skin's hitsounds

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Problem details:

Hello guys i'm new to Osu and to skinning and i have a problem i don't know how to use a particular hitsound which is in my skin folder. I tried to desactivate sound from the beatmaps but it did not work.

Hope you guys can help me :)

osu! version: Stable 20191006.1 (latest)
I believe based on your issue, it sounds like you may have left the "Use beatmap hitsound" setting on.

To fix this, I believe the setting you're looking for is in Settings -> Volume -> tick "Ignore Beatmap Hitsound"

This would disable the hitsounds from the beatmap, and you'll hear the hitsound for your skin.

(Also, by changing the hitsound settings when opening a beatmap, it only changes the setting for that specific map, not the osu sound setting in general.)
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I've changed this setting too and it still not working
There is a Use skin's sound samples option that you need to make sure is enabled as well.

If that doesn't work then it is possible the hitsound you are trying to use isn't named properly. If you could provide a download link to your skin so we could check, that would be great.
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Here you go (it's the 2018-09-05 version)

Thank you guys for your help :).
Which hitsound are you trying to use?
Oh wow! Another user who uses the Badeu skin like me :)

But jokes aside, I did forget to mention "Use skin sound samples" must be enabled, just like death mentioned.

Another thing I would recommend (even though you may have tried this) is to redownload the skin, just to make sure no files were changed.

By now, you should have done the following:

-> Settings ->

"Ignore Beatmap Hitsound" (x) <- ticked
"Use skin sound samples" (x)
"Volume" <===============( ) > (just not 0%)
"Effect" <===============( ) > (also not 0%)

Those should be the settings you should have set to hear hitsounds normally.

As for the download, it should work by default since the files haven't been changed. Just redownload the skin to see if it works or not.
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I change all the settings like you told me to do and still not working :/. I hear on the internet that you must rename the files in the skin folder otherwise the default sounds are played

PS : I tried to use normal-hitwhistle as hitsound
How exactly are you testing this? I downloaded the skin and created a map with a normal hit whistle hitsound and it worked perfectly fine.
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I misspoke I wanted to tell that i want the hitsound when i play songs i don't want it for mapping (my bad)
I created the map to test while playing to guarantee that normal-hitwhistle would be used. If you test on a map that doesn't have a normal hitwhistle, then it isn't going to play....
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Ok I understand and there is no way to use one particular Hitsound for all the maps ?
The type of hitsound used is dtermined by the mapper, the sound itself can be changed per skin.

Technically if you wanted every hitsound to be the same you could do that, but it would require replacing all of the hitsounds in your skin with the same sound.
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Oh i see , the problem is that I have no idea how to replace all the sounds in my skin folder ^^ is there any link to a youtube video or something like this ?
Basically just a matter of copy+pasting the sound that you want and renaming it to cover all of the possible hitsounds.
So I have a problem...

I was mapping my merry way when I tried to rename my hitsounds, It just didn't sound as it should be.
Eg: A bass sfx renamed to normal-hitnormal.
But before I started mapping..I had downloaded 2 Osu!skins that contained hitsounds in them.

Does the skins' hitsounds conflict with mapping hitsounds in some way? or am I just dumb?
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