
[Archived] Songs won't play

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I checked some part of this forum searching for solution but didn't find (sorry if there is one but I'm sick of searching :s )
My problem with osu! is that when i choose a song to play it freezes...
U can see @ screenshot, i can see what u can. Nothing happens, no music, no animations. And its with all songs and even tutorial. Tried to reinstall, then repair, tried diffrent beatmap packs, opengl but nothing happens...

sometimes it looks like this

nothing happens... at all (my os Win XP)
Ca Calne
i think you should restart your computer... or maybe restart your OSU!

it happens to me sometimes
Did you see osu! main screen background as all white? If so, (re-)install graphic card driver?
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Restart didn't help and it's all ok with graphics. It just kinda freezes when i start song, tho I can move mouse and press Esc to choose options. Just song and animations won't start :/

I tested osu! @ win 7 and it got even more complicated...
I could run it, passed tutorial but when I press solo it restarts game. Same thing happens when i pass solo button and i choose any song.
The other thing is when i want to login it says my version is too old, so ok i updated it with osume.exe but still i can't login because of that error.

Yet my main OS is XP so i wish the game was working here :3
It sounds likes something is *seriously* wrong with your PC setup :/.
I have the same problem. I think its because some update is causing other programs to try to read the mp3 file at the same time as osu is. Check your beatmap files and tell me if the mp3 file isn't showing a music note and instead a realplayer or some other kind of program icon
This thread was 10 months old.
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