
Editor Auto-Save

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +41
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As the title says, a toggle that allows the editor to save the current map at set intervals, say 5-10 minutes. Or perhaps something such as a recovery system like seen in Microsoft Word.
if its a toggle, then i could agree to that. i'd lean more towards a 10 minute gap
Topic Starter
Yeah, it's a bit frustrating to see your work just instantly go poof just because you forgot to hit save. It's an inconvenience at any rate, but this would seem like an easy work around to avoid it.
Though I save likely every 5-10 secounds, this sounds useful and not too painful to implement, so take this as an imaginary star~
Archangel Tirael
In my albeit small, but still experience mapping, I can say that I have to save the map every 30 to 90 seconds manually, because if I set or modify any hitobject forced to click test, maintain and look what happened. Yes... I know that this is not logical, but in another way I can not or have not yet learned.
Well if you testplay your map often you should be forced to save everytime you test, aside from that, i think an option like "Enable auto-save in editor" followed by a box asking you how many minutes you want it to be between auto-saves would be nice.

Sakura wrote:

Well if you testplay your map often you should be forced to save everytime you test, aside from that, i think an option like "Enable auto-save in editor" followed by a box asking you how many minutes you want it to be between auto-saves would be nice.
Though when hitsounding you don't necessarily need to enter test mode. Just press space bar.
I believe that is what happened and what led dkun to post this thread.

And it'd be a great addition.
I know what happened to dkun and I experienced the same yesterday. 6 TIMES.

so yeah, have a star.
Topic Starter
bump le bump
well 3 days are very short to bump a thread imo.
regardless... I support this idea ^^ fits perfectly to my ... "mapping style" orz
Support. I would prefer it to be more of a recovery feature though.

Basically, I like to save manually since I save before experimenting with something and CTRL+L if I don't like it; however, if the game crashes during that time I would like to go back to exactly how I had it before the crash with the same save state - as if it never crashed.

But a toggle would also be nice if that kind of thing can't be done. Have a star~ xD
Pretty much a good request....
support, it shouldn't be hard to implement, plus you can save like every 5 minute, just because the .osu isn't that big, so you can add something like the date/time and make additional backup copy
Yes, please, that would be so helpful. I hear so many times people quiting mapping because "AELIKJK RAGE I DIDN'T SAVE"
This is really useful when osu! makes boom (not because a bug, mostly when someone's PC crashes and force to close), that's really annoying, a fixed time like each 10 min is fine to me, 5 min would be better, supporting this /o/

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

If the power cuts off while you're saving or your computer just stops working, the difficulty you're working on will become fully corrupt and there would be no way to recover anything. I talked to TicClick about it when it first happened to me on a map I worked on for over 2 months (6 minute long, 230 bpm). I didn't want to upload it before it was finished...
Some weeks later, he said he experienced the same problem. Just when he saved the map, the power went off and he had to remake his difficulty from scratch.

Auto-backups would make sure things like this doesn't happen. Then again, I should've just uploaded my map several times so I didn't lose it completely.
Edit: Begone ugly comment
it should auto save to a separate <filename here>.osu.temp this way it would be easier to identify which difficulty is a backup and which is not. support. this is really helpful. implement this with osb's as well, since storyboarding takes a lot of time and patience.
It would be even better if we could have every save the we make become a backup (not like the weight too much...) and have osu! sort them for you, cause many times I try the map with different patterns and having a list of old versions could help if I want to go back to a previous version... Not sure if Im explaning myself well :<
Here's my idea for this concept.

A backup folder is created in osu! to store saved backups. A backup is basically a copy of the .osu, but the game is able to locate and move the file back into the folder through an ingame menu or by double clicking on it. A backup file can be made automatically, or by a button press. If it is done manually, then you can choose a custom name for the backup. The name has no effect on the file when it is imported back into the folder, it is just a way to catalog different backups of the same .osu.

Backups should not be active by default. There should be a global option to turn auto saving on automatically. This would save time for mappers who have a lot of projects. The most important option though is the one accessible through the editor. Checking it on will save a backup every x amount of time. Although peppy tends to not give us the extra functionality, but it would be nice if we could set the period of time it saves in the config. The global option will only effect maps that you own.

I know that this will be an issue in the future when it gets implemented. When the title/artist data gets changed, ask the mapper if he wants to update this information in the backups. There should be a way to connect the backup to the folder and the folder to the backup. I think it would be a good idea to have backups loaded when you edit a map, so that the player can import a backup at anytime. This will probably lose any unsaved/unbacked up data, so make sure to prompt the mapper about such issues.

woc, i'm looking at you to make this a reality. ;) This would save people who revert changes a lot and are prone to crashing a lot of time (me).
I got some code flying around that watches files and makes automatic backups of them. With some (minor) modification it could do the job and making a backup-history for the .osu files.

Downside of that:
- you have to start it everytime you start to map
- it wont be that compfortable, as i dont planning in investing too much time in it :) So most certanly it will be a cmd-tool, where you have to manually type in the folder names you want a backup history of.
- the biggest issue: Its in freaking java.. As i dont plan on porting (and reading relevant api's) it to another language you're going to have to have a java7 version
Edit says: I just remembered another similar snippet i made.. so its likely to be in ruby, which also requires an additional installation (or java :P)

Anyone interested? I dont start modifying it without reason 8-)

After all it wont solve the problem of non-existing auto-save. - Star!
BUMPing this to say I am working on a program that will contain comprehensive backup options for mappers. The format that I am organizing the backed up files is not the same format that osu! stores the files though.
Support! I need this especially when the network is not so stable.
o x
That 3 year bump (^: still wondering why this hasn't been implemented yet.

Cawub wrote:

That 3 year bump (^: still wondering why this hasn't been implemented yet.
because no one care
bump please add this why isnt this a thing already
i do agree that this should be a thing. however, it should probably be a toggle in settings rather than something on 24/7
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