As the title says, a toggle that allows the editor to save the current map at set intervals, say 5-10 minutes. Or perhaps something such as a recovery system like seen in Microsoft Word.
Though when hitsounding you don't necessarily need to enter test mode. Just press space bar.Sakura wrote:
Well if you testplay your map often you should be forced to save everytime you test, aside from that, i think an option like "Enable auto-save in editor" followed by a box asking you how many minutes you want it to be between auto-saves would be nice.
If the power cuts off while you're saving or your computer just stops working, the difficulty you're working on will become fully corrupt and there would be no way to recover anything. I talked to TicClick about it when it first happened to me on a map I worked on for over 2 months (6 minute long, 230 bpm). I didn't want to upload it before it was finished...[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:
because no one careCawub wrote:
That 3 year bump (^: still wondering why this hasn't been implemented yet.