
The Prodigy - Out of Space

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, April 20, 2009 at 6:09:50 PM

Artist: The Prodigy
Title: Out of Space
Tags: Their Law The Prodigy Out of Space
BPM: 147.07
Filesize: 12417kb
Play Time: 03:07
Difficulties Available:
  1. In Atmosphere (3.58 stars, 254 notes)
  2. On Earth (0.62 stars, 123 notes)
  3. Out In Space (4.62 stars, 404 notes)
  4. Supernova (4.99 stars, 574 notes)
Download: The Prodigy - Out of Space
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Decided to go with something much different than the last one. But this time, there is no infinitive loops to deal with as I try making this beat map fun but more technical in a way.


All maps finished.
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The map is finally finished and now just waiting for approval

Edit: nevermind that........ ^_^;;
A few things that may need changing. I'll look over this a second time tomorrow and post 'em. Not that many things though. Good job for not making me post a page long mod post on one difficulty. ;P (don't ask; it was a collab where one collaber did a sloppy job, so I went super picky mode).

Timing seems right. I'll post what I think needs changing tomorrow, although it isn't much, just a few things.

ex: On the easiest difficulty, a lot of beats, say, at the beginning, are on red ticks where it would be better if they were on white ticks (plays better, it feels weird the way you have it), so move the part before the first break almost all back half a beat, stuff like that. Don't worry, I had trouble with stuff like that before. XP

Course, the reason there isn't much? You did a clean, nice job. Just some intuitive things, like I said. Will edit this post tomorrow.
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Ekaru wrote:

A few things that may need changing. I'll look over this a second time tomorrow and post 'em. Not that many things though. Good job for not making me post a page long mod post on one difficulty. ;P (don't ask; it was a collab where one collaber did a sloppy job, so I went super picky mode).

Timing seems right. I'll post what I think needs changing tomorrow, although it isn't much, just a few things.

ex: On the easiest difficulty, a lot of beats, say, at the beginning, are on red ticks where it would be better if they were on white ticks (plays better, it feels weird the way you have it), so move the part before the first break almost all back half a beat, stuff like that. Don't worry, I had trouble with stuff like that before. XP

Course, the reason there isn't much? You did a clean, nice job. Just some intuitive things, like I said. Will edit this post tomorrow.
Alright, thanks. :)

Edit: Okay, I figured it out. The offset needed a small adjustment. ^_^;
Timing post is now.

147.074 BPM
131ms Offset
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Pasonia wrote:

On Earth:
01:15:40 (2) - Kind of hard to see, stack with 1 and rearrange other beats. Do the same for the rest in the same pattern.
01:15:71 (3) - For patterns like this, given that this song is in EASY, I suggest not landing notes on blue ticks in order to not confuse newbies.

In Atmosphere:
01:04:18 (1,2,3) - This sequence can be confusing, because it gives players the wrong impression that the sliders might be clicked onto the same way over and over. To address this, either 2 or 3 has to be adjusted for consistent spacing. (I recommend adjusting 2)
01:10:71 (1,2,3) - Same as above.
02:00:88 ~ 02:59:21 - This whole sequence is really repetitive because of the dejavu. How about some rearrangement? It's a suggestion, so it can be ignored.

Out In Space:
00:24:72 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - for the different stacks with 1,5,8,10, can you adjust them further? It's a tad confusing here (especially since your 1 lands on a blue tick)
02:00:88 ~ 02:59:21 - Same problem. The center part seems like a horizontal flip of the opening.

Out in Deep Space:
00:24:72 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Same issue. Space them further apart.
02:00:88 ~ 02:59:21 - Same problem.

Now for the problem regarding 2:00:88 to 2:59:21, I had an idea. How about you add some more content to the tail end of the sequence, so that you don't abuse that goldarn spinner? It's always the same length of spinning, and it gets really boring.
Thanks for the input Pasonia. I've noticed some of the problems are based on the spacing, which it seems distance snap doesn't help too much for me on [since I just realized it was on 1.0x] but i'll make sure to have it corrected.... D:
Right... apparently my ideal OU shifted 10ms when I wasn't looking. So make the offset 141ms.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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FluffRat wrote:

Right... apparently my ideal OU shifted 10ms when I wasn't looking. So make the offset 141ms.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
No worries :-3
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I stopped at the 2nd difficulty,

You have a 1/4 divisor song and you got beats in 1/8 spots..
I can't mod like this, sadly this is it...
Your offset might be good...I was right on with beats that were correct.
also BPM and offset must be the same through every difficulty, even if it makes you use a smaller divisor like 1/2
your BPM is off, the song fells way faster and It might call for multi-timing...
[In Earth]
Add a new beat(1) on 13:395
13:604(2)--> make it 1 beat later
14:420(3)--> make it 1/2 beat later

[In atmosphere]
First, Add (1) on 13:395

Then make 13:610 (2),(3),(4) 1/2 beat later.
14:425 (4)-> Make closer from the next beat.

[Out In Space]
24:729(1)~(6) Spacing.
Beginning part: Stream...... remove a few of them.

[Out In Space]
I can accept the stream part because it's the hardest difficulty.

Need a good timer to check this map.

EDIT: Star'd.
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No, your Offset is fine. But this is fine too. I used my offset because first beat's sound is strange.
Ignore the title.
Download: The Prodigy - Out of Space (whymeman) [On Earth g].osu
Download: The Prodigy - Out of Space (whymeman) [In Atmosphere s].osu

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Actually, I have a better idea. I'll try removing the first note on the last two difficulties.

I just decided to try adding a note or two at the white tick as best as I could.
[On Earth]
00:36:04 (3) - this would look better if you just copy 1 and flip it horizontally so its symmetrical
00:40:12 (2) - clap sounds out-of-place...try a finish instead?
00:43:38 (2) - ^
02:04:16 (3) - again with the copy-paste-flip symmetry :D
02:08:23 (2) - clap would sound better as a finish
02:11:50 (2) - another note on these, if you put the clap on the note before or the note after itd also sound better
02:43:32 (3) - copy-paste-flip
02:47:40 (2) - out-of-place clap
02:50:66 (2) - ^
02:56:37 (3) - copy-paste-flip
02:58:82 (1) - could you line this up with 3?

[In Atmosphere]
00:13:60 (1,2,3,1...) - just a random thought, could you move all of these up to the slider 1/2 beat earlier and then extend the slider? it might sound better
01:21:52 (2) - add another note on the white tick after this and see if you like that better

[Out in Space]
00:34:81 (2,3) - i was expecting claps on these two
01:06:23 (3) - ^
01:12:75 (3) - ^
01:51:92 (4) - ^

[Out in Deep Space]
00:12:37 (1) - not quite sure why this is here
00:16:25 (9,10,11) - this might be a good time for whistles
00:52:56 (1) - no clap here plz
02:09:05 (1) - add a clap here
02:23:33 (8) - clap sounds weird, move it to 3
03:01:88 (7,9) - claps sound weird, but do try to move them to strong beats of the music :)
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Saturos-fangirl wrote:

[On Earth]

[In Atmosphere]
00:13:60 (1,2,3,1...) - just a random thought, could you move all of these up to the slider 1/2 beat earlier and then extend the slider? it might sound better
The idea sounds good, but it would cause offset disruption again ^_^;

But i'll look into it.

[On Earth]
00:36:04 (3) - :( still not identical to 1 in shape
01:20:10 (3) - put a clap at the beginning of this slider
02:04:16 (3) - should be the same shape as 1
02:43:32 (3) - ^
02:56:37 (3) - ^

[In Atmosphere]
02:17:82 (1) - is this spaced right?

[Out in Space]
00:16:25 (9) - put some sort of hitsound on these :x i would prefer whistle
02:22:11 (2) - place a clap here

[Out in Deep Space]
00:22:98 (11) - remove the whistle from the end of the slider(you can have it sound at just one end by clicking it after highlighting the slider)
01:06:23 (3) - clap goes here
01:12:75 (3) - ^
[On Earth]
looks fine now :3

[In Atmosphere]
01:20:10 (1,2) - you might want to line this up with 4?

[Out in Space]
00:22:78 (9) - take the whistle off the end of this slider
01:50:59 (5) - clap here? and on likewise parts, if you decide to
02:02:93 (2) - ^
02:59:64 (1) - can you make the curve just a bit prettier/more even?

[Out in Deep Space]
perfectly fine imo ^^
In Atmosphere has a lot of circles after sliders that are placed on the endpoint of the slider, even though they come a full beat later (i.e., 01:28:25 (1,2)). This is confusing, especially since right before the break you established a half-beat precedent.

For Out In Deep Space, I moved the "I'll take your brain to another dimension" lines a yellow tick back - maybe it's just me. Making an inherited timing section with lower volume for places like 00:13:39 (1) to 00:22:98 (11) would probably be a good idea, as well.
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K2J wrote:

In Atmosphere has a lot of circles after sliders that are placed on the endpoint of the slider, even though they come a full beat later (i.e., 01:28:25 (1,2)). This is confusing, especially since right before the break you established a half-beat precedent.
I see what you mean now. I'll make sure to have that fixed right away.

K2J wrote:

For Out In Deep Space, I moved the "I'll take your brain to another dimension" lines a yellow tick back - maybe it's just me. Making an inherited timing section with lower volume for places like 00:13:39 (1) to 00:22:98 (11) would probably be a good idea, as well.
For this one, it might be a universial offset issue because I even played the song at 25, 50, and 75% to see if it is in place and its right on target but thanks for checking on that anyways. :)
In atmosphere 01:21:52 (2) - would sound better on white tick i think. i could be wrong. other than that the timing is good
you will know this but if you move it to white tick01:21:732 make sure you redo you break time
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ztrot wrote:

In atmosphere 01:21:52 (2) - would sound better on white tick i think. i could be wrong. other than that the timing is good
you will know this but if you move it to white tick01:21:732 make sure you redo you break time
*nods* Works out better then where I had it. Thanks for the suggestion. :)
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Skyripper wrote:

[On Earth]
ohh make the beginning before the break the soft sampleset and switch to normal after that
01:49:06 - instead of all claps here, try making the *bounce* sound claps and everything else normal

[In Atmosphere]
Same thing about the sampleset at the beginning
02:27:41 (2) - move down a bit.. doesn't line up with the others that are high up
Maybe a little finish heavy toward the end?

[Out in Space] Great use of hitsounds in this one!
00:13:09 - Tone down this stream, make it more dynamic and fun
01:15:20 (1,2) - a LITTLE closer to match spacing
01:19:08 (3,4) - ^
01:51:20 (1,2) - Everywhere this happens (I think it would be better as a slider) Just IMO. a little complicated timing wise, so make it easier for them with only one thing to hit... combo will be the same
02:06:19 (2,3,4) - bring 2 closer to match spacing
02:10:17 (5,6) - ^
02:26:80 - just do to this stream whatever you do to the first
02:40:46 (2,3,4,5) - same spacing thing.. it's just for consistency

[Out in Deep Space]
Not a lot to say about this one.. You did pretty well. I would consider, however, making the "I'll take your brain to another dimension" patterns a little easier to read. Maybe through a repeating slider in the mix to lessen the "spam" feel to it. Nothing major though. You will think of something and it will end up being better than ever ;)

Interesting. I wanted to figure out how to do the soft + normal hit sounds for a while and still having trouble with it ._. ;;
But i'll make sure to look into these problems. Thank you very much for your help :)

Edit: For [Out In Deep Space] I didn't want to make it too too hard, but not too easy either. But I can see your point.
In Atmosphere
01:09:69 (4) - add this just after slider. Just try it and see how you like it. I think you could use a bit like this around the map. It's nothin really.

On Earth
I can't find anything here. I actually like the way it plays as long as it's easy Diff.

Out in Deep Space
Man.... i feel inadequite tehe :> I guess because im not really finding anything and believe me i can find the smallest of things.
Note your comos in this Diff, because of the way it's [ut together could use work. I think maybe combo using groupings in some areas. In other areas it's fine. The combos are perfect the way they are.

Out in Space.
I'm sorry, I havn't found anything here either, except the combo issue. You could really just break it up quite a bit and really seperate things with more combos in these 2 diff. to keep the max score in line.
Sorry dood, I think that you map is lookin pretty good. I mean some mapping could be reworked in the first 2 difficulties only because there is some space that could use filling, but not really necassarry.

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Vexed wrote:

In Atmosphere
01:09:69 (4) - add this just after slider. Just try it and see how you like it. I think you could use a bit like this around the map. It's nothin really.

On Earth
I can't find anything here. I actually like the way it plays as long as it's easy Diff.

Out in Deep Space
Man.... i feel inadequite tehe :> I guess because im not really finding anything and believe me i can find the smallest of things.
Note your comos in this Diff, because of the way it's [ut together could use work. I think maybe combo using groupings in some areas. In other areas it's fine. The combos are perfect the way they are.

Out in Space.
I'm sorry, I havn't found anything here either, except the combo issue. You could really just break it up quite a bit and really seperate things with more combos in these 2 diff. to keep the max score in line.
Sorry dood, I think that you map is lookin pretty good. I mean some mapping could be reworked in the first 2 difficulties only because there is some space that could use filling, but not really necassarry.

I fixed the score problem by lowering the overall difficulty by 1 and it reduced it to around 7.9 mil instantly. And about trying to fix the "voids", i've tried doing that a few times, but i've pwned myself in the process like "easy was not simple" or something like that. Still, I see your point and I do thank you for your time to take a look at the beatmap. :)
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For the soft notes, is as loud as I can get it, but I got to all the problems you've listed. :)
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Aeon wrote:

[in Atmosphere]

00:32:753(1) reduce slider by half a beat(same for the next slider)
00:32:753(3) take out repeat and add a beat 1 beat later after the end of this slider
00:36:897(2,3) same as in 0:32
00:40:971(1) sounds odd the way you have it move back half a beat and increase by half a beat
00:42:568(1) move back half a beat
00:43:404 missing note
00:44:200(1) same as in 00:40
01:29:279(2) turn into a slider 1 beat long
01:35:603 missing note here
01:38:866 ^
02:03:753(3) move back half a beat
I was able to get through with some of them but some of the parts about adding a missing note or chaging its timming kinda makes it sound odd to me but I'll see what I can do.
[On Earth]
01:07:86 (1) - Horrible slider.

[In Atmosphere]
No obvious problems.

[Out in Space]
00:24:72 (1) - I disagree with the clap hitsound. It sounds very unnatural.
01:47:94 (1) - ^
01:49:57 (1) - ^
01:51:20 (1) - ^
02:59:64 (1) - Ugly slider.

[Out in Deep Space]
Find a better background.

Fix it, talk to me on IRC, and I'll star it.
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vytalibus wrote:

[On Earth]
01:07:86 (1) - Horrible slider.

[In Atmosphere]
No obvious problems.

[Out in Space]
00:24:72 (1) - I disagree with the clap hitsound. It sounds very unnatural.
01:47:94 (1) - ^
01:49:57 (1) - ^
01:51:20 (1) - ^
02:59:64 (1) - Ugly slider.

[Out in Deep Space]
Find a better background.

Fix it, talk to me on IRC, and I'll star it.
I fixed all the problems listed and fixed the slider as best as I could, but I couldn't find a better BG for [Out In Deep Space]... and got the background changed (along with the difficulty name).

whymeman wrote:

Aeon wrote:

[in Atmosphere]

00:32:753(1) reduce slider by half a beat(same for the next slider)
00:32:753(3) take out repeat and add a beat 1 beat later after the end of this slider
00:36:897(2,3) same as in 0:32
00:40:971(1) sounds odd the way you have it move back half a beat and increase by half a beat
00:42:568(1) move back half a beat
00:43:404 missing note
00:44:200(1) same as in 00:40
01:29:279(2) turn into a slider 1 beat long
01:35:603 missing note here
01:38:866 ^
02:03:753(3) move back half a beat
I was able to get through with some of them but some of the parts about adding a missing note or chaging its timming kinda makes it sound odd to me but I'll see what I can do.
well it kinda makes me feel like i should press the mouse button on those notes :)
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[On Earth]
01:01:33 (1) - put a hitsound on the end
01:07:86 (1,2) - one of these four hits needs a hitsound imo, preferably a whistle
01:12:75 (3) - remove finish from the start
01:40:49 (2) - add a finish for consistancy
01:41:31 (1) - add a clap to the end for consistancy
02:29:45 (2) - remove finish from start and replace it with a whistle
02:32:71 (2) - ^
02:36:79 (3) - remove clap, add whistle

[In Atmosphere]
00:16:05 (4) - add hitsounds to these (whistles maybe?)
00:22:98 (1) - needs hitsound
01:11:73 (2) - add a hitsound to the beginning
01:16:02 (4) - remove finishes
01:17:65 (4) - ^
01:19:28 (4) - ^
01:42:94 (2,3,4,5) - needs some clap
02:03:54 (3) - remove finishes and i dont like this :(
02:25:37 (5) - add finish, remove clap
02:55:76 (3) - too many finishes, you can keep one of them

[Out in Space]
00:51:95 (7) - add hitsound to the end
01:03:57 (8) - add a finish, and to others like it
01:05:21 (2) - add a finish to the start? and to others like it
01:06:84 (5) - add a finish, and to others like it
01:20:10 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - sudden volume jump is a bit weird, maybe put this in its own inherit section and lower hitvolume a bit

[Out in Deep Space]
00:39:50 (2) - :( why are all of these triplet sliders clapless now? i like the claps
01:03:57 (8) - add a finish, and to others like it
01:06:84 (5) - ^
01:20:10 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same volume thing as previous difficulty
03:07:80 (1) - add a clap :P
[In Atmosphere]
00:16:05 (4) - hitsounds? on this and others like it
01:05:21 (2) - hitsound the start, and the others
01:43:35 (3,4,5) - claps?

[Out in Space]
looks great

[Out in Deep Space]
01:10:10 (8) - finish?
01:13:98 (6) - start with a finish
01:16:42 (6) - remove finish
01:18:06 (6) - ^
01:19:69 (6) - ^
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[Out in Deep Space]
These two sliders bothered me a lot o.o They dont seem to map anything and totally kill the flow of the map if you ask me.
01:04:19 (1) -
01:10:71 (1) -

01:04:19 (1) - add slider that lasts 1/2 beat
01:05:00 (1) - add hit

00:25:53 - Id like to see a hit here. just an opinion. i put it on top of 4 (and all "anothers" of another dimension)
01:04:19 (1) - eww same as deep space. it actually didnt bother me as much on this map for some reason. still dont like it.

00:41:14 (1) - ehh. spacing.. kinda.. maybe... slightly.. i cant tell anymore
02:08:44 (2) - whut? I dont really get this part of the map. sounds out of beat. Im confused untill.. 02:20:47 (1) -where it gets back on beat

Pretty minor things from me if anything at all. All these are opinionated suggestions, probably doesnt need to be changed at all. Star
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[Out in Deep Space]
These two sliders bothered me a lot o.o They dont seem to map anything and totally kill the flow of the map if you ask me.
01:04:19 (1) -
01:10:71 (1) -

01:04:19 (1) - add slider that lasts 1/2 beat
01:05:00 (1) - add hit

00:25:53 - Id like to see a hit here. just an opinion. i put it on top of 4 (and all "anothers" of another dimension)
01:04:19 (1) - eww same as deep space. it actually didnt bother me as much on this map for some reason. still dont like it.

00:41:14 (1) - ehh. spacing.. kinda.. maybe... slightly.. i cant tell anymore
02:08:44 (2) - whut? I dont really get this part of the map. sounds out of beat. Im confused untill.. 02:20:47 (1) -where it gets back on beat

(Well, technically, they do map to the "boing!" sound and right back to the flow and some of the others match with a different set of beats. I thought it would at least help keep the map more interesting but if I did stay only on the flow all the time, it would be more boring, repetitive flowing and many people would SS with little effort for such difficulty [besides the easy levels]. But i'll try to work on [Out in Space] with one of the suggestions. Thanks for taking a look into it :) )
[On Earth]
00:39:30 (1,2,3) - spacing
01:01:33 (1) - hitsound end
01:41:31 (1) - ^
02:31:08 (3,4,1) - spacing?

[In Atmosphere]
00:42:56 (1) - align w 3
00:47:46 (2) - align
01:16:02 (4) - remove finish from all these
02:25:37 (5) - finish

[Out in Space]
00:18:29 (3,5) - whistle sounds irregular ergo bad
01:04:19 (1,2) - soft whistle

00:18:29 (3,5) - ew whistle
01:40:70 (9) - align w 6,7,8 curve
01:53:34 (1,2,3,4,5) - more hitsound dynamics
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Saturos-fangirl wrote:

[On Earth]
00:39:30 (1,2,3) - spacing
01:01:33 (1) - hitsound end
01:41:31 (1) - ^
02:31:08 (3,4,1) - spacing?

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

[In Atmosphere]
00:42:56 (1) - align w 3
00:47:46 (2) - align
01:16:02 (4) - remove finish from all these
02:25:37 (5) - finish

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

[Out in Space]
*00:18:29 (3,5) - whistle sounds irregular ergo bad
01:04:19 (1,2) - soft whistle

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

*00:18:29 (3,5) - ew whistle
01:40:70 (9) - align w 6,7,8 curve
01:53:34 (1,2,3,4,5) - more hitsound dynamics

*I thought the hitsounds at the start would make it more interesting and dynamic since clap and finsh sounded worse to me.... oh well... :o
I'll take your bubble to another dimension!
This is awesome :D
I love the song (and the"boink" at the last beat XD).

I can't really mod this, simply because I'm not good enough a mod to notice the small things.

Very good job.
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Thanks EpicEraser :)

@ vytalibus: Lol, and great thanks for checking back on this map. :)
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What happened to the bubble? It just disappeared but there is not post about why its gone.

Nvm, I thought it was a gltich..... :o
Add preview points.

Timing seems fine.

[On Earth]
I don't like how the section before the first break is mapped almost entirely to the backbeat.

[In Atmosphere]
02:07:42() - Here...
02:19:86() - To here is confusingly mapped.

[Out In Space]
02:59:64 (1) - Make this neater?

Looking pretty good aside from that.
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Uh, a small suggestion. Consider mapping something during the first Kiai time, instead of Kiai'ing a few notes then putting a break in, then continuing (this is in Supernova, perhaps you did this in other difficulties as well, didn't check). Either that or remove the Kiai before the break. Just a small suggestion etc, up to you and so on, but to me it just feels weird since Kiai is supposed to be EPIC, LIGHTS, WOHOOO, and there's a break.


EDIT: No Kiai in the other difficulties? :(
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