
[STD] Dolphin's Draft Tournament 10k-35k (regs closed)

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General Information

  1. This is an Osu! Standard 3v3 draft team tournament. Teams will consist of 6 players.
  2. Players sign up individually, and are drafted into teams.
  3. The entire tournament will be played in Scorev2
  4. The rank range is 10k-35k, with a buffer range of 500. Players must be within this range at the time of registration, and registration end.
  5. This tournament will use a badge weighting system. The following formula will be used to determine BWS ranks: rank^(0.99^(badges*(badges+2)/2))
  6. Joining the Discord is mandatory. Please change your Discord nickname to match your Osu! username.
  7. Links to the schedules and pools will all be available in the Discord.
  8. Any player who we decide appears suspicious will not be allowed to play.
  9. Staff Members, with an exception to streamers and commentators may not participate in the tournament.
  10. Players must respect each other and staff members. Players and staff members that are disrespectful will only receive one warning before being removed from the tournament.
  11. The Tiebreaker map acts as a Free Mod, however players may choose to play the Tiebreaker without mods.
  12. Free Mod maps require each team to have at least two different players using mods. These mods include: Hidden, Hardrock, or Flashlight. Easy is allowed on freemod maps, and it's score will be multiplied by 2, however it will not count as one of the teams two necessary mods.
  13. Failed scores will count.
  14. Warmups are allowed, but must be less than 5 minutes in length.


After player registration has closed, staff will handpick team captains. Players cannot opt out of being captain. Captains will then take turns picking players to fill their team, the order that they choose initially being random. This does mean that depending on the number of registrants, some players may not get picked.

Match Procedure

The designated referee will create the multiplayer lobby approximately 10 minutes before the scheduled time and invite the captains. Captains are responsible for inviting their teammates. If a team is not present 10 minutes after the allotted time with enough players, the present team is given the victory. The winner of the roll will decide whether they would like the first pick, or the first ban. The team with the first pick gets the second ban. Teams cannot pick or ban the same mod twice, unless it's nomod. Teams have 180 seconds to either ban or pick a map. Failure to do so in the allotted time will result in their pick or ban being skipped. If a player disconnects within the first 30 seconds of a map, it may be replayed. Any later than 30 seconds and the map will continue.

pick me pick me pickmememe
Pog tournament
lolol tourney
This is going to be fun :)
Players cannot opt out of being captain.

Dealbreaker rule
i want to join
happy birthday
@everyone join this tourney to save the dolphins!!!!1!!!!!
screening when
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