
Perfume - Unnatural Girl

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Breeze wrote:

more perfume map yay
awesome map, Starrr ;)
我來了我來了 ((地板 ;w;
IRC mod太短了 所以補上一些slider code lol
00:06:844 (3,4,5) -
01:08:460 (7,1,2) -
02:24:152 (3,4,5) -

02:47:229 (4) - 這是1/6拍 lol
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

我來了我來了 ((地板 ;w;
kds for irc mod

12:31 spboxer3: Orz...
12:31 Breeze: 你们都太触了 2pc就开始HD DT的
12:31 spboxer3: 節奏和音效還有SB都做的很好 但是有幾個slider圖形有些不自然;w;
12:31 spboxer3: lol
12:32 spboxer3: 00:01:998 (4) - 這個
12:32 spboxer3: 00:03:152 (1) - 折點在tick上 會更好
12:32 Breeze: 拉slider确实不是我的强项...
12:32 spboxer3: 00:04:998 (2) - ^複製 :(
12:32 Breeze: 折点有时候在tick上反而更难看
12:32 Breeze: 这个我试过
12:32 spboxer3: 恩... :/ 我就先講下 如果不改也沒關係
12:32 spboxer3: 00:06:844 (3,4) - 銜接的弧度不自然
12:33 spboxer3: 話說Artist的字體居然比title大!!! 差評!!
12:33 Breeze: :o
12:34 spboxer3: 01:39:844 (3,1) - 太confuse了 我連兩次都被坑
12:35 Breeze: lol
12:38 spboxer3: 03:16:998 - 這段以後的SB感覺略不給力...都到最後了 感覺應該更有爆發性
12:38 spboxer3: 結果和第一段一樣 :(
12:39 spboxer3: 感覺可以多加個像00:17:921 - 到00:30:844 - 之間的那種特效
12:39 spboxer3: 就是左右亮 上下亮的那種
12:39 spboxer3: 下在重音上
12:40 spboxer3: 我只是提議一下 :(
12:42 Breeze: 嗯 SB的确我也觉得最后少点上面
12:43 spboxer3: 恩... 反正是個好歌 我該丟幾顆星XDD
12:46 Breeze: :D
Lan wings
00:32 *Lan_wings is listening to (Perfume - Fushizenna Girl)[]
00:32 Lan_wings: 0.0
00:39 Lan_wings: 02:10:306 (6) - hd被這裡坑了
00:39 Lan_wings: 比較難讀
00:39 Lan_wings: 額``應該說hd沒法讀..
00:40 Lan_wings: 03:12:383 (1,2,3,4) - 於是這裡是最不順手的
00:40 Lan_wings: 不管是鼠標還是板子
00:40 Lan_wings: 從左上移動到右下都是很不舒服的
00:40 Lan_wings: 會被手頂住0.0
00:41 Lan_wings: 於是試下反過來向上?
00:43 Lan_wings: 00:07:536 (4) - 這個順時針轉一下00:06:844 (3) - 跟一下這個弧度0.0
00:43 Breeze: 1234反顺序么
00:43 Lan_wings: 左上到右下是最難移動的``其他方向就沒啥問題
00:44 Lan_wings: 右下->左上 或者左下->右上都可以
00:46 Lan_wings: 00:16:075 (1) - 0.5額``看來是故意的
00:46 Lan_wings: 00:29:460 (2,3,4,5) - 左移一格
00:48 Lan_wings: 00:35:229 (6,7,8) - 來點弧度可能好看點
00:49 Breeze: ..我弄过弧度 弄出来丑爆了, 不会拉slider :(
00:49 Lan_wings: :<
00:49 Lan_wings: 我也不會拉
00:49 Lan_wings: 00:54:498 (8,9) - 這裡變直了
00:49 Lan_wings: 00:54:613 (9) - 逆時針轉一下比較好
00:50 Breeze: 这个应该问题不大, 也没特意想要弄多圆lol 就那个意思
00:50 Lan_wings: 看著不是很好看=w=
00:51 Lan_wings: 01:40:767 (1) - 這個hd的話比較坑
00:52 Lan_wings: 01:58:998 (3,4) - 這個圓沒包好0.0
00:52 Breeze: 嗯
00:56 Lan_wings: 03:10:075 (3) - 來一發clap么
00:56 Lan_wings: 03:12:844 (3) - ^
00:56 Lan_wings: 03:11:921 (3) - 這裡放好像不是很好聽``不過調低點音量應該沒問題
00:57 Lan_wings: 03:13:767 (2,4) - 這兩個尾巴也來發clap
00:59 Lan_wings: 03:24:383 (3) -
00:59 Lan_wings: 03:26:229 - 這兩個地方沒音效感覺有點空
01:00 Breeze: 3/4拍的起始点我也不知道放啥音效了, 先空着, 再去修一下SB
01:04 Lan_wings: 03:25:075 (5) - 然後這裡80% whistle
01:04 Lan_wings: 03:26:921 (5) - ^
01:06 Lan_wings: 03:26:921 (5) - 這裡音量得60%..
01:06 Lan_wings: 65也可以
01:06 Breeze: 还不错
01:07 Lan_wings: 完事``沒了
01:07 Breeze: thx
01:08 Lan_wings: 騙kds去XD
Hello, picked this from #modreqs

do you have any source about the title? considering the meaning of these wards, "Fushizen na Girl" would be more natural to me.
remove Perfume - Fushizen na Girl (Breeze).osb from the folder please

* considering this diff is the easiest one in this mapset, 1 spinner isn't enough imo (and the song is kinda long) i think you should add some more spinners for variable scores
00:01:306 - i guess you forgot a finish here. because you added it on other diffs
00:30:613 - since there's a cymbal sound here, i think finish sounds nice
00:42:844 (3) - feels empty here due to the lack of clap. so how about some whistles for this slider? also i guess it fits music very well~
01:25:536 - hmm maybe whistle?
01:28:536 (2,3) - feels a bit weird to me, try this rhythm instead
02:12:152 (4) - this combo is too long compared with others. so newcombo here?
02:23:460 (5) - can you make this blanket a bit better? refer to this image
03:20:460 - add whistle here for the same reason as 00:42:844 (3) -

00:14:690 - finish like what you did on other diffs
00:30:613 - for the same reason as mentioned above, i'd suggest a finish here.
00:32:690 (8) - add newcombo here instead? more fitting with the melody/placement imo.
01:13:075 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - white ticks should be more emphasized than red ticks. so make them beginning of stacking
if you have troubles with understanding (sorry for poor explanation) have a look at this .osu file
01:31:306 (4) - remove this clap or reduce volume at least? as you can see this percussion is weaker than others
01:31:536 (5) - i'd rather make the angle like this than make it horizontal
01:44:921 (4) - clap here, this note follows similar percussion to what 01:44:460 (3) - follows
02:12:152 (1,2) - would look better if you switched these newcombos; also it would be able to warn the next jumps

00:30:613 (5) - add finish here for the same reason as other diffs
01:31:306 (4) - same suggestion as Hard
01:40:767 (1) - hmm too tricky imo *_* i thought it was 1/4 or 1/2 since i expected a clap at 01:40:536 -
01:57:383 - whistle here to keep consistency?
02:31:767 (3,1,2,1) - space them evenly? i think it's weird to have anti-jump for 02:32:460 (2,1) - because there's an emphasis at 02:32:690 -
02:37:190 (4,5) - adjust the angle a bit like this for better/natural flow? it won't make much difference tho

hmm it's not so long this time, but that's all from me>< starred~
good luck :)
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

Hello, picked this from #modreqs

do you have any source about the title? considering the meaning of these wards, "Fushizen na Girl" would be more natural to me.
remove Perfume - Fushizen na Girl (Breeze).osb from the folder please

* considering this diff is the easiest one in this mapset, 1 spinner isn't enough imo (and the song is kinda long) i think you should add some more spinners for variable scores
00:01:306 - i guess you forgot a finish here. because you added it on other diffs :arrow: ah, yup
00:30:613 - since there's a cymbal sound here, i think finish sounds nice :arrow: added
00:42:844 (3) - feels empty here due to the lack of clap. so how about some whistles for this slider? also i guess it fits music very well~ :arrow: added
01:25:536 - hmm maybe whistle? :arrow: nah
01:28:536 (2,3) - feels a bit weird to me, try this rhythm instead :arrow: k
02:12:152 (4) - this combo is too long compared with others. so newcombo here? :arrow: k
02:23:460 (5) - can you make this blanket a bit better? refer to this image :arrow: k
03:20:460 - add whistle here for the same reason as 00:42:844 (3) - :arrow: k

00:14:690 - finish like what you did on other diffs :arrow: added
00:30:613 - for the same reason as mentioned above, i'd suggest a finish here. :arrow: added
00:32:690 (8) - add newcombo here instead? more fitting with the melody/placement imo. :arrow: I think this is fine
01:13:075 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - white ticks should be more emphasized than red ticks. so make them beginning of stacking
if you have troubles with understanding (sorry for poor explanation) have a look at this .osu file
01:31:306 (4) - remove this clap or reduce volume at least? as you can see this percussion is weaker than others :arrow: k
01:31:536 (5) - i'd rather make the angle like this than make it horizontal :arrow: k
01:44:921 (4) - clap here, this note follows similar percussion to what 01:44:460 (3) - follows :arrow: k
02:12:152 (1,2) - would look better if you switched these newcombos; also it would be able to warn the next jumps :arrow: k

00:30:613 (5) - add finish here for the same reason as other diffs :arrow: added
01:31:306 (4) - same suggestion as Hard :arrow: k
01:40:767 (1) - hmm too tricky imo *_* i thought it was 1/4 or 1/2 since i expected a clap at 01:40:536 - :arrow: changed
01:57:383 - whistle here to keep consistency? :arrow: I add whistle each 4 beat, it's consistent
02:31:767 (3,1,2,1) - space them evenly? i think it's weird to have anti-jump for 02:32:460 (2,1) - because there's an emphasis at 02:32:690 - :arrow: k
02:37:190 (4,5) - adjust the angle a bit like this for better/natural flow? it won't make much difference tho :arrow: k

hmm it's not so long this time, but that's all from me>< starred~
good luck :)

there's two ,osb filis in your folder, delete one of them, please.
gray combo colour seems a bit confusing in multiplayer mode (you will see this colour if you fail song in multiplayer, lol) change it to something else maybe?

00:14:229 (4) - try to put new combo here? it fits with music pretty good and helps you to make map more readable
00:16:075 (1) - velocity changes are confusing for easiest diff in mapset. :< (a specially x0.5 SV changes because it's too slow, imo) ig you will put spinner here (00:16:075 - start / 00:17:921 - end) you will make this map much easier for beginners (note: Normal is easist diff in your mapset. that's why i want you to make it a bit easier)
00:31:998 - unused green line? (not a big problem but i think you should remove it)
01:13:306 (1,2,3,4) - what if you will try to make rhythm a bit easier to follow? (example i guess it's ok to use this many 1/2 notes for this pattern because this is Normal diff after all)
01:27:613 - same as 00:31:998
01:29:921 (1) - finish + clap fits here better, imo.
01:28:998 (3) - try to add 1 more reverse here? it will follow music better, imo.
03:20:690 (5) - just thinking.. will new combo fit here? ..try to put new combo here. i guess it's a good idea >.<

OD and HP Drain are too low, i think. try to use 6 or 5 instead?
03:21:498 (3) - this one is a bit confusing to me. i think you can make rhythm here a bit more interesting example

00:47:229 (6,1,2) - try to reduce spacing one by one? (1,4 -> 1.2 -> 1.0 example


awesome map <3

Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:


there's two ,osb filis in your folder, delete one of them, please. :arrow: done
gray combo colour seems a bit confusing in multiplayer mode (you will see this colour if you fail song in multiplayer, lol) change it to something else maybe? :arrow: Eh, I think this should be fine

00:14:229 (4) - try to put new combo here? it fits with music pretty good and helps you to make map more readable :arrow: k
00:16:075 (1) - velocity changes are confusing for easiest diff in mapset. :< (a specially x0.5 SV changes because it's too slow, imo) ig you will put spinner here (00:16:075 - start / 00:17:921 - end) you will make this map much easier for beginners (note: Normal is easist diff in your mapset. that's why i want you to make it a bit easier) :arrow: It's a slow down but not speed up change, it should be easier :/
00:31:998 - unused green line? (not a big problem but i think you should remove it) :arrow: k
01:13:306 (1,2,3,4) - what if you will try to make rhythm a bit easier to follow? (example i guess it's ok to use this many 1/2 notes for this pattern because this is Normal diff after all) :arrow: aye
01:27:613 - same as 00:31:998 :arrow: done
01:29:921 (1) - finish + clap fits here better, imo.
01:28:998 (3) - try to add 1 more reverse here? it will follow music better, imo. :arrow: Finish only sounds more clear
03:20:690 (5) - just thinking.. will new combo fit here? ..try to put new combo here. i guess it's a good idea >.< :arrow: nah, I feel it's fine

OD and HP Drain are too low, i think. try to use 6 or 5 instead? :arrow: k
03:21:498 (3) - this one is a bit confusing to me. i think you can make rhythm here a bit more interesting example :arrow: sounds nice, changed

00:47:229 (6,1,2) - try to reduce spacing one by one? (1,4 -> 1.2 -> 1.0 example :arrow: this looked weird for me so no


awesome map <3

thanks for you mod

From #modreqs


  1. 02:32:690 - 不做個什麼fountain嗎
  1. 00:00:383 (1,2,1) - spacing能統一下嗎 略醜0.0
  2. 00:08:690 (3,1) - NC switch? (3)出來的時候音樂有變動 lol
  3. 00:12:383 (2) - 上面那個有fix的話這裡就nc
  4. 00:29:921 (2) - (end) clap+finish好吵啊
  5. 00:32:690 (6,1) - nc switch?
  6. 00:58:536 (1,2) - clap 太安靜了
  7. 02:36:383 (1) - 好醜lol
  8. 03:20:690 (5) - nc?
  1. 00:42:844 (5,6) - e 大概是這樣吧
  2. 00:46:883 (8) - 第二個錨點往左偏了 往右一小格 (gird level4)
  3. 01:13:306 (2,4,6,8) - 這四顆的spacing順序是1.3>1.4>1.6>1.9, 1.3>1.4>1.5>1.6比較好看吧>_>
  4. 01:16:998 (4) - nc
  5. 02:49:767 (3) - 這個放x:332, y:224是不是跟(4)看起來圓點
  1. 01:12:844 - 不下clap麼
  2. 01:42:383 (6) - ^
大概就這樣了 微風加油~
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

From #modreqs


  1. 02:32:690 - 不做個什麼fountain嗎 :arrow: 这里感觉不太需要
  1. 00:00:383 (1,2,1) - spacing能統一下嗎 略醜0.0 :arrow: k
  2. 00:08:690 (3,1) - NC switch? (3)出來的時候音樂有變動 lol :arrow: k
  3. 00:12:383 (2) - 上面那個有fix的話這裡就nc
  4. 00:29:921 (2) - (end) clap+finish好吵啊 :arrow: 去掉了clap
  5. 00:32:690 (6,1) - nc switch? :arrow: 没看懂什么意思
  6. 00:58:536 (1,2) - clap 太安靜了 :arrow: 这里没clap :/
  7. 02:36:383 (1) - 好醜lol :arrow: 改了下
  8. 03:20:690 (5) - nc? :arrow: nah
  1. 00:42:844 (5,6) - e 大概是這樣吧 :arrow: k
  2. 00:46:883 (8) - 第二個錨點往左偏了 往右一小格 (gird level4) :arrow: k
  3. 01:13:306 (2,4,6,8) - 這四顆的spacing順序是1.3>1.4>1.6>1.9, 1.3>1.4>1.5>1.6比較好看吧>_> :arrow: 这个倒是差不了多少
  4. 01:16:998 (4) - nc :arrow: 我觉得没必要
  5. 02:49:767 (3) - 這個放x:332, y:224是不是跟(4)看起來圓點 :arrow: 这里也没可以要去弄圆
  1. 01:12:844 - 不下clap麼
  2. 01:42:383 (6) - ^ :arrow: 都加了
大概就這樣了 微風加油~
The title is Fushizen na Girl as Melophobia said, so please change it to that. Negative offsets are generally unnecessary; changing it to 1306 would be better for the title pulse and shouldn't affect gameplay.


00:00:729 (2) - Very awkward for me as it doesn't match the vocals which are the only instrument playing at the time.
02:36:613 (2,3,4,5) - Rhythm is a little odd, I'd consider changing it.

Lovely map and storyboard overall. Unfortunately, I only got through part of Normal because my display driver crashed, but I'll get to it later and post again if I find anything. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Jarby wrote:

The title is Fushizen na Girl as Melophobia said, so please change it to that. Negative offsets are generally unnecessary; changing it to 1306 would be better for the title pulse and shouldn't affect gameplay. :arrow: Well, change title to English name "Unnatural Girl" then, offset I think it should be fine


00:00:729 (2) - Very awkward for me as it doesn't match the vocals which are the only instrument playing at the time. :arrow: Hmm, lyric seems like this
02:36:613 (2,3,4,5) - Rhythm is a little odd, I'd consider changing it. :arrow: yeah, agree, changed

Lovely map and storyboard overall. Unfortunately, I only got through part of Normal because my display driver crashed, but I'll get to it later and post again if I find anything. Good luck!
thanks for your mod
By AL2 modding queue
Perfume Again >W< LOVE <3
中文吧~ 要改的不多 :3 你都大了 T_T 有什麼好MOD的 ~~~

-- Combo Problem --
00:03:152 (5) - 第二句了NC黑色嗎? @_@
-- Sound --
01:31:306 (4) - 把CLAP換WHISTLE吧~ 正好是一個沒聲的位置~然後突出那個5的FINISH
01:45:844 (7) - FINISH會好一點嗎?
02:16:536 (1-2nd) - 加一個whistle?
02:31:767 (3-2nd) - ^ -w-
02:45:613 (1,2,3) - 要把他們都換做finish嗎? 我聽那個背景都是finish的 -w-
-- Spacing --
00:44:690 (1,2,3,4,5) - 感覺4到5的SPACING有點怪 @_@
-- Other(S) --

LIKE : 喵~ 都是這樣 >w<
UNLIKE : 伙為什麼沒有insane呀 T_T?
Topic Starter

KingsAL2 wrote:

By AL2 modding queue
Perfume Again >W< LOVE <3
中文吧~ 要改的不多 :3 你都大了 T_T 有什麼好MOD的 ~~~

-- Combo Problem --
00:03:152 (5) - 第二句了NC黑色嗎? @_@ :arrow: 这里刚好是唱到"不自然(ぜん)なガル"的ん和な的地方, 应该不用这里nc
-- Sound --
01:31:306 (4) - 把CLAP換WHISTLE吧~ 正好是一個沒聲的位置~然後突出那個5的FINISH :arrow: 换normal hitsound了
01:45:844 (7) - FINISH會好一點嗎? :arrow: 还不错, 改了
02:16:536 (1-2nd) - 加一個whistle?
02:31:767 (3-2nd) - ^ -w-
02:45:613 (1,2,3) - 要把他們都換做finish嗎? 我聽那個背景都是finish的 -w- :arrow: k
-- Spacing --
00:44:690 (1,2,3,4,5) - 感覺4到5的SPACING有點怪 @_@ :arrow: 这里是逐渐加spacing的
-- Other(S) --

LIKE : 喵~ 都是這樣 >w<
UNLIKE : 伙為什麼沒有insane呀 T_T? :arrow: 咦是你没下载到么
Colin Hou
Steph De Chine
你的Kiai time怎么都只有1/4拍啊?不应该是一段时间的吗?
难道你的Kiai time只是为了闪光才加上去的?

StoryBoard的话可以参考一下这个:Perfume - Baby Cruising Love
Peppy做的,超帅SB,而且“About ten new storyboard script features were added to make this possible……”果然这个游戏的开发者就是不一般啊……

01:13:306 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里的时间安排不太好,不均匀,考虑把2换成note,3移到01:14:229,在01:14:690那里加一个note
01:18:844 (3) - 这个可以把它缩短到01:19:306,再在01:19:536那里加个note或者slider
01:20:690 (1,2) - 这两个中间的空位那里有个很重的“ま”,所以建议把1缩短半拍,2往前移半拍,然后往后再拉出一个折返来
01:27:844 (1,2,3) - 这三个还是有些不对,考虑把1,2,3改成:
01:27:844 (1) - 半拍的slider
01:28:306 (2) - 半拍的slider
01:28:767 (3) - 长度只有半拍,但是有3个折返箭头的slider
01:53:690 (5) - 这个把折返箭头前面那一半换成note,后面那一半换成半拍slider加折返
01:55:075 (1) - 往前移半拍,然后在后面再加个一样的slider
02:06:844 (1) - 这个似乎毫无意义啊……换成note怎么样?
02:11:690 (3) - 有必要加这个吗?删掉?
02:28:767 (1,2,3) - 这种东西确实Confusing啊……
02:52:998 (1,2) - 1缩短半拍,然后把2提前半拍?
03:31:767 (1,2,3) - 继续confusing

就是这样了……Hard似乎没找到啥问题 :D
Topic Starter

Steph De Chine wrote:

你的Kiai time怎么都只有1/4拍啊?不应该是一段时间的吗?
难道你的Kiai time只是为了闪光才加上去的? :arrow: 对, 个人习惯而已

StoryBoard的话可以参考一下这个:Perfume - Baby Cruising Love
Peppy做的,超帅SB,而且“About ten new storyboard script features were added to make this possible……”果然这个游戏的开发者就是不一般啊……
主要参考下他做的那个边缘闪光特效和全屏闪光特效,用多点颜色会好看好多的,不要老是白色了吧…… :arrow: 爱情不是你想买, 想买就能买...

01:13:306 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里的时间安排不太好,不均匀,考虑把2换成note,3移到01:14:229,在01:14:690那里加一个note :arrow: 现在这样应该也不难吧
01:18:844 (3) - 这个可以把它缩短到01:19:306,再在01:19:536那里加个note或者slider :arrow: 感觉这样改会复杂很多
01:20:690 (1,2) - 这两个中间的空位那里有个很重的“ま”,所以建议把1缩短半拍,2往前移半拍,然后往后再拉出一个折返来 :arrow: 长音用间隔note应该也没大碍吧
01:27:844 (1,2,3) - 这三个还是有些不对,考虑把1,2,3改成:
01:27:844 (1) - 半拍的slider
01:28:306 (2) - 半拍的slider
01:28:767 (3) - 长度只有半拍,但是有3个折返箭头的slider :arrow: 我的想法是normal尽量不出现一折返以上的slider, 那样可能会对新手来说稍微难判断了点
01:53:690 (5) - 这个把折返箭头前面那一半换成note,后面那一半换成半拍slider加折返 :arrow: 改了点
01:55:075 (1) - 往前移半拍,然后在后面再加个一样的slider :arrow: 我觉得这样节奏太复杂了点
02:06:844 (1) - 这个似乎毫无意义啊……换成note怎么样? :arrow: 有何不同?
02:11:690 (3) - 有必要加这个吗?删掉? :arrow: 节奏的连贯性
02:28:767 (1,2,3) - 这种东西确实Confusing啊…… :arrow: 咦会么
02:52:998 (1,2) - 1缩短半拍,然后把2提前半拍? :arrow: 为什么?
03:31:767 (1,2,3) - 继续confusing :arrow: :S ??

就是这样了……Hard似乎没找到啥问题 :D
Hello saw this in mod request and figured i would take a look.
Remember anything I point out is suggestions so it really is up to you if you want to use them.
Feel free to give me feed back in my gaps between my posts.

00:36:383 (1) - I don't really care for the shape of this but I can't deny it is made well, so I guess it could stay but maybe try something else?

00:38:229 (2) - I think this would look much better if it was angled and arc'ed around the slider before it sorta like this

This isn't a mod but I have to say I love the drum sample you used >.<b

01:10:767 (2) - center this with the slider before it?

01:11:460 (3) - ^

01:50:229 (1) - smooth this guy out like so

02:12:152 (1) - that was fucking cool just saying :D

02:47:921 (1) - this slider has one to many grid points thus it makes the arc look a bit lopsided. maybe tighten that up?

03:28:536 (2,3,4,5,6) - this patten is far to clustered maybe spread it out a bit?

20 secs in and the map already looks great! i think you spent a bit more time on this one :P

01:29:921 (5) - can you make this not over lap as much as it is now? personaly i would do something like this

02:32:690 (6) - ^

Yeah hard is way more structured than normal decent map no real problems here great job.


00:52:536 (1) - I don't think the new combo here for the jump is needed personally.

01:51:613 (1) - again ^

02:06:383 (1) - ^

02:43:536 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - no need for the new combo spam you didn't use it on similar patterns so why now?

03:27:613 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2) - NC over used but the same type of pattern/music at 03:31:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - doesn't use it so i would just kill the NC spam.

pretty darn solid map plays nice and has some interesting patterns, fun too!
Major fan of the hit sounds as well!
Topic Starter

ztrot wrote:

Hello saw this in mod request and figured i would take a look.
Remember anything I point out is suggestions so it really is up to you if you want to use them.
Feel free to give me feed back in my gaps between my posts.

00:36:383 (1) - I don't really care for the shape of this but I can't deny it is made well, so I guess it could stay but maybe try something else? :arrow: Eh, like what?

00:38:229 (2) - I think this would look much better if it was angled and arc'ed around the slider before it sorta like this :arrow: fixed

This isn't a mod but I have to say I love the drum sample you used >.<b

01:10:767 (2) - center this with the slider before it?

01:11:460 (3) - ^ :arrow: k

01:50:229 (1) - smooth this guy out like so

02:12:152 (1) - that was fucking cool just saying :D

02:47:921 (1) - this slider has one to many grid points thus it makes the arc look a bit lopsided. maybe tighten that up? :arrow: k

03:28:536 (2,3,4,5,6) - this patten is far to clustered maybe spread it out a bit? :arrow: I think this should be fine, they are all distance snapped

20 secs in and the map already looks great! i think you spent a bit more time on this one :P

01:29:921 (5) - can you make this not over lap as much as it is now? personaly i would do something like this

02:32:690 (6) - ^ :arrow: changed

Yeah hard is way more structured than normal decent map no real problems here great job.


00:52:536 (1) - I don't think the new combo here for the jump is needed personally.

01:51:613 (1) - again ^

02:06:383 (1) - ^ :arrow: more easy to notice and read, isn't it

02:43:536 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - no need for the new combo spam you didn't use it on similar patterns so why now? :arrow: those notes are gradual increasing spacing so new combo

03:27:613 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2) - NC over used but the same type of pattern/music at 03:31:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - doesn't use it so i would just kill the NC spam. :arrow: 03:31:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) they are distance snaped so no nc

pretty darn solid map plays nice and has some interesting patterns, fun too!
Major fan of the hit sounds as well!
Hi Big Breeze

* I have 2 OSBs, remove the wrong one

02:27:152 - Dunno why the cube-big1.png are not appear here...
02:38:229 - ^

00:36:383 (1) - Would be better if 2nd slidertick overlapped by 4th slidertick. Like

00:31:075 (4) - New combo for your combo pattern
01:52:998 (7) - Remove 1 repeating slider, so players are able to click the next note with perfect timed
02:07:767 (7) - ^

That's all I got, hope it's help!
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hi Big Breeze

* I have 2 OSBs, remove the wrong one :arrow: done

02:27:152 - Dunno why the cube-big1.png are not appear here...
02:38:229 - ^

00:36:383 (1) - Would be better if 2nd slidertick overlapped by 4th slidertick. Like :arrow: k

00:31:075 (4) - New combo for your combo pattern
01:52:998 (7) - Remove 1 repeating slider, so players are able to click the next note with perfect timed :arrow: nah, here fit music
02:07:767 (7) - ^ :arrow: ^

That's all I got, hope it's help!
Hi there~~mod for request~~

  1. 突然有个想法,能不能把sliderpoint10.png做成和tickpoint一样的小方块,这样似乎会更有趣一点~
  2. 02:32:690 - 我觉得这里可以加个kiai喷泉?
  1. 00:15:613 (4) - 这里的音量感觉太轻了,软绵绵的和鼓点没有搭上的样子……
  2. 00:32:690 (6) - 考虑把后面的NC挪到这里?
  3. 01:00:383 (3) - 感觉上可以把这里的音效换成clap,然后在01:00:844 - 也是用clap的音效,听起来更带感一点~
  4. 01:04:536 - 唔…………这里好重的鼓点……跳过去会不会有一点点可惜?
  5. 01:24:383 (1) - 头上加个finish?
  6. 01:53:460 (3,4) - 这里的节奏有点没听明白……因为在01:53:921 - 上前面的stream音也结束了,鼓点重音在这里,而vocal重音是在01:54:152 - ……
  7. 02:25:306 (1) - 头finish?
  8. 02:39:613 (1) - 尾finish?
  9. 02:42:613 (2) - 建议从前面的白线02:42:383 - 开始
  10. 03:24:383 (3) - 感觉这里可以起个NC?
  1. 00:04:767 - 感觉这里可以下个note叠在00:04:998 (1) - 头上
  2. 01:09:613 (3) - 头finish并且把NC放到这里?
  3. 01:16:998 (4) - NC?
  4. 02:25:306 (2) - finish & NC?
  5. 02:32:690 (6) - NC?
  6. 02:40:075 (3) - finish & NC?
  7. 03:24:383 (2) - ^
  1. 01:24:383 (3) - finish?
  2. 02:18:267 (2) - 突然觉得,这里前面的1/4位上可以放个note来和这里做2连,02:18:613 (3) - 也是,节奏是这样:
  3. 02:25:306 (6) - finish & NC?
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~mod for request~~

  1. 突然有个想法,能不能把sliderpoint10.png做成和tickpoint一样的小方块,这样似乎会更有趣一点~ :arrow: 貌似没必要吧
  2. 02:32:690 - 我觉得这里可以加个kiai喷泉? :arrow: 我倒是觉得这里感觉还不够强到要加喷泉
  1. 00:15:613 (4) - 这里的音量感觉太轻了,软绵绵的和鼓点没有搭上的样子…… :arrow: 这里确实鼓声没出来, 弄大声会很奇怪
  2. 00:32:690 (6) - 考虑把后面的NC挪到这里? :arrow: k
  3. 01:00:383 (3) - 感觉上可以把这里的音效换成clap,然后在01:00:844 - 也是用clap的音效,听起来更带感一点~ :arrow: 01:00:844加个clap不错
  4. 01:04:536 - 唔…………这里好重的鼓点……跳过去会不会有一点点可惜? :arrow: 不可惜, 大丈夫哒!
  5. 01:24:383 (1) - 头上加个finish?
  6. 01:53:460 (3,4) - 这里的节奏有点没听明白……因为在01:53:921 - 上前面的stream音也结束了,鼓点重音在这里,而vocal重音是在01:54:152 - …… :arrow: 对应上个音节的最后三个音, 而01:53:690 (4)开始是对应最后的长音, 折返点开始是下个音节
  7. 02:25:306 (1) - 头finish? :arrow: why?
  8. 02:39:613 (1) - 尾finish? :arrow: ^
  9. 02:42:613 (2) - 建议从前面的白线02:42:383 - 开始 :arrow: 这里是故意来放红线的那个whistle音的, 间距应该不难判断出来
  10. 03:24:383 (3) - 感觉这里可以起个NC? :arrow: 改了点
  1. 00:04:767 - 感觉这里可以下个note叠在00:04:998 (1) - 头上 :arrow: 这里是对应背景的那个长音
  2. 01:09:613 (3) - 头finish并且把NC放到这里? :arrow: why?
  3. 01:16:998 (4) - NC? :arrow: 前面不久才有个nc
  4. 02:25:306 (2) - finish & NC? :arrow: :/ 不知道为什么你觉得这里适合finish, 我是完全不觉得这里有finish的感觉
  5. 02:32:690 (6) - NC?
  6. 02:40:075 (3) - finish & NC?
  7. 03:24:383 (2) - ^
  1. 01:24:383 (3) - finish?
  2. 02:18:267 (2) - 突然觉得,这里前面的1/4位上可以放个note来和这里做2连,02:18:613 (3) - 也是,节奏是这样: :arrow: 听起来倒也不错, 不过我其他地方都是用得3/4, 这里突然这么改有点突兀
  3. 02:25:306 (6) - finish & NC?
- 01:53:690 (4) - Why don't you follow the vocals here? Remove the repeat then add notes at 01:54:383 and 01:54:844 instead?

- 00:08:921 (2,3,4,5) - I find following the offbeat here not quite fitting. Maybe just make them like this OR this?
- 00:31:998 (7) - [nazi] One grid right to make into a perfect triangle. You may have to adjust the notes afterward.
- 01:30:613 (1,2,3,4,5) - Maybe make them symmetrical like this? Looks better IMO.

- 01:30:613 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Make this into a perfect pentagon? You can use (Ctrl+Shift+D).
- 02:15:152 (4) - I would suggest you reverse this (Ctrl+G) for better flow. You'd have to arrange your patterns afterwards though.

I liked the storyboard a lot! Reminded me of Baby Cruising Love :)
Nice map overall. Contact me for a recheck afterwards!
Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:

- 01:53:690 (4) - Why don't you follow the vocals here? Remove the repeat then add notes at 01:54:383 and 01:54:844 instead? :arrow: I think this would make here a bit hard as a Normal diff. so sorry...

- 00:08:921 (2,3,4,5) - I find following the offbeat here not quite fitting. Maybe just make them like this OR this? :arrow: Hmm, all diff.s are follow this, seems fine
- 00:31:998 (7) - [nazi] One grid right to make into a perfect triangle. You may have to adjust the notes afterward. :arrow: fixed
- 01:30:613 (1,2,3,4,5) - Maybe make them symmetrical like this? Looks better IMO. :arrow: k

- 01:30:613 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Make this into a perfect pentagon? You can use (Ctrl+Shift+D). :arrow: done
- 02:15:152 (4) - I would suggest you reverse this (Ctrl+G) for better flow. You'd have to arrange your patterns afterwards though. :arrow: done

I liked the storyboard a lot! Reminded me of Baby Cruising Love :) :arrow: ppy is god like, I can't do that effect :roll:
Nice map overall. Contact me for a recheck afterwards!
Thanks for your mod
Rechecked and bubbled!
SB还是依旧那么耀眼~! 8-)

  1. okay.
  1. 00:16:075 (1) - I don't recommend to use x0.5 in the easiest diff because some of the newbie may get a miss from speed change, also they cannot recognise the speed change, so probably change it to x0.75 or even remove the speed change?
  2. 00:57:383 (7) - Probably add a whistle at the beginning of the slider and the end of the slider to fit the instruments.
  3. 01:01:306 (5) - How about adding a whistle at the beginning of the slider because of high pitch?
  4. 01:12:613 (4) - ^
  5. 01:14:921 (4) - ^
  1. 00:17:575 - , 00:17:690 - Probably add a note here and there so that it will become a triplet which can follow the drum sound, but it will form a jump between the triplet and (1)- so you can reduce the spacing if you change it. However I think the jump is acceptable in hard.
  2. 01:23:921 (1) - I don't think triplet fits the music here, I would say something like simple 1/2 is enough.
  3. 01:44:460 (3) - A new combo here?
  4. 03:27:844 ~ 03:33:383 - I would like to place the new combo on accents like 03:28:075 - ,03:28:998 - if I was you.
  1. 00:06:844 (3) - I highly recommend to remove the 3/4 here because there is nothing to support the 3/4, so could you reduce the length of 00:06:844 (3) - to 00:07:190 - ?
  2. 00:07:536 (4) - ^
  3. 01:08:229 (6) - Were you doing this on purpose? Please reduce the spacing here if not.
  4. 01:22:075 (8) - Consider a new combo here because this chain of combo is longer than others, so a new combo there can maintain the consistency.
  5. 01:25:767 (6) - ^
  6. 01:30:613 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Imperfect star-shape. Could you do some adjustment on this?
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:


  1. okay.
  1. 00:16:075 (1) - I don't recommend to use x0.5 in the easiest diff because some of the newbie may get a miss from speed change, also they cannot recognise the speed change, so probably change it to x0.75 or even remove the speed change? :arrow: k, changed
  2. 00:57:383 (7) - Probably add a whistle at the beginning of the slider and the end of the slider to fit the instruments. :arrow: k
  3. 01:01:306 (5) - How about adding a whistle at the beginning of the slider because of high pitch? :arrow: k
  4. 01:12:613 (4) - ^ :arrow: no for this, it sounds odd for me
  5. 01:14:921 (4) - ^ :arrow: k
  1. 00:17:575 - , 00:17:690 - Probably add a note here and there so that it will become a triplet which can follow the drum sound, but it will form a jump between the triplet and (1)- so you can reduce the spacing if you change it. However I think the jump is acceptable in hard. :arrow: I think double 1/4 beat notes after a slider end is a little hard to beat, so keep it
  2. 01:23:921 (1) - I don't think triplet fits the music here, I would say something like simple 1/2 is enough. :arrow: change to 1/2
  3. 01:44:460 (3) - A new combo here? :arrow: It should be fine as it is now
  4. 03:27:844 ~ 03:33:383 - I would like to place the new combo on accents like 03:28:075 - ,03:28:998 - if I was you. :arrow: Pity you are not me :P
  1. 00:06:844 (3) - I highly recommend to remove the 3/4 here because there is nothing to support the 3/4, so could you reduce the length of 00:06:844 (3) - to 00:07:190 - ? :arrow: k
  2. 00:07:536 (4) - ^ :arrow: This one is fit the "stop" in the lyric
  3. 01:08:229 (6) - Were you doing this on purpose? Please reduce the spacing here if not. :arrow: yes it's on purpose, since the whole combo is 1.6xDS
  4. 01:22:075 (8) - Consider a new combo here because this chain of combo is longer than others, so a new combo there can maintain the consistency.
  5. 01:25:767 (6) - ^ :arrow: I think they are fine, turn NC would made last combo too short imo
  6. 01:30:613 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Imperfect star-shape. Could you do some adjustment on this? :arrow: lol I'm too stupid to make it perfect, I least they are distance spaced /o/
Thanks for mod

Gratz Breeze ><
Ahh Perfume~ <33. i haven't seen a ranked map by this group in a while. congratz ;)
Good job :3!
congrats 微风娘娘~~
Great map :3
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto 微风娘娘 >_<
I like it. Congratulations!
YEY *.*
congrats anyway
Omedetou gozaimasu~
Very nice!
grats微风娘娘 液
Why is this called "Unnatural Girl"?
Not a bad map. The hitsounds in particular are pretty neat.

It bothers me slightly that the map feels like it's going around and around--perhaps it could use more directional changes and varied phrasing. That's my take on it, so perhaps you could consider that sort of thing (and more long sliders) for your next map. I also wish that you'd added an obvious hitsound to that overmapped 1/4 stack at the start, but it doesn't detract from the gameplay. Just food for thought!

The storyboard's lovely and, after being wary of the normal-hard gap, the spread seems to be pretty successful as well. I think that [Hard] is actually my favourite, because the rhythm's broken up a bit more and it has some nice structure to it.
Topic Starter

peppy wrote:

Why is this called "Unnatural Girl"?

D33d wrote:

Not a bad map. The hitsounds in particular are pretty neat.

It bothers me slightly that the map feels like it's going around and around--perhaps it could use more directional changes and varied phrasing. That's my take on it, so perhaps you could consider that sort of thing (and more long sliders) for your next map. I also wish that you'd added an obvious hitsound to that overmapped 1/4 stack at the start, but it doesn't detract from the gameplay. Just food for thought!

The storyboard's lovely and, after being wary of the normal-hard gap, the spread seems to be pretty successful as well. I think that [Hard] is actually my favourite, because the rhythm's broken up a bit more and it has some nice structure to it.
Thanks for you feedback, I'll consider it
You don't rename a song to english just because you feel like it. It's incorrect and wrong and bad.
Topic Starter
Oh well, I used "Fushizenna Girl" as title at the first, after some modder said it should be "Fushizen na Girl", I changed it to "Unnatural Girl"
If that makes you unhappy, I feel sorry about that :(
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