
New Archivements ?

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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how about some new archivements 5 easy ones what everyone should already thinked about is 1Star, 2 Star , 3 Star , 4 Star , 5 star Song fullcombo the chose of the song should be irrelevant as long it has the right amount of Stars in the difficult . ( half stars are not counted so a 1 1/2 star is only worth 1 Star) .
^^ maybe other ppl will add some other archivement ideas too if not maybe i will . ^^ .
1. It's achievements. :P

2. They're supposed to be moderately challenging, or very unique. If you can think of some that involve more in-depth thinking, then that would be great. Things like full-comboing different level beatmaps don't seem to spark any puzzles to solve, to be honest.
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jeah but i think its more worth to full combo a 4 - 5 star song then the 500 combo archivement or the 750 combo bcause maps with so many stars shoulda have a higher amount of "steps"
I think that if there are any new achievements added anytime soon, they need to be really epic.

And probably suggested to peppy privately.

Else they'd be less epic. :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
What about more like Don't be Distracted by the Bunny?

One's that relate to specific map packs like say "God Knows What!?" (God Knows, Mapped by Zyid)
It would require sayings or statements that allude to the songs; but at the same time not instantly know which song to play.

Or how about More achievements like Total number of fruits, but wth hit circles/sliders/spinners. Beatmaps played; Friends made, etc.

Maybe a goal of say, +95% accuracy in 5- 10 songs in a row; no retries.

EDIT: Maybe say, 100/250/500 Multiplayer plays, and specific Achevements for Osu! tournaments and stuff?

Azure_Kyte wrote:

What about more like Don't be Distracted by the Bunny?

One's that relate to specific map packs like say "God Knows What!?" (God Knows, Mapped by Zyid)
It would require sayings or statements that allude to the songs; but at the same time not instantly know which song to play.

Or how about More achievements like Total number of fruits, but wth hit circles/sliders/spinners. Beatmaps played; Friends made, etc.

Maybe a goal of say, +95% accuracy in 5- 10 songs in a row; no retries.

EDIT: Maybe say, 100/250/500 Multiplayer plays, and specific Achevements for Osu! tournaments and stuff?
I like these ideas. Some of them (mp plays, beats hit, etc) would be pretty good for pretty standard achievements. I mean, we have pack achievements, and a few standard (the combo achievements).
An achievement for your first SS and XS would be nice
I've got another few Idea's:

a)Make a cumulative total of 5 or more Maps That have been Ranked.

b)Make a consecutive total of 10,000,000 Points in 3 or less Beatmaps

c)Offline Scorer; make a cumulative total of say, 30,000 Points in local mode. Online Scores not counted

c2)Online Scorer, opposite of above. Probably need more online points to really make it an achievement though

d)Level Specific Achievements. Say a Level 1 can only complete Achievements in the top row/left column, and new achievements are unlockable as you gain levels.

(Another Idea; Give low Level players achievements like get all beats of a specific colour in a beatmap. The colour could be generated randomly upon level entry/reset; throwing a little difficulty into the mix. Higher levelled players could get say All Beats on a map.)

e)Achievements could give a point bonus of varying size, depending on difficulty of said achievement

f)An achievement for reaching level 99!

g)More Beatmap Pack Achievements; There's a few there already; why not make more?

h)Get an SS three times in a row (I've even got a name: Hat Trick!)

i)An achievement for posting in relative threads; say, 200 in Feature Request, 300 in Pending maps. Give People a reason to check out other people's maps; then the flood should soon subside.

j)An achievement for completing a beatmap with HardRock, Flashlight and Hidden. Double speed shouldn't be necessary

k)(Ripped from AudioSurf) Beat a friend or foes high score on a song, say 30 minutes after it's been posted.

l)Make a total of 30 friends (Possibly)

m)Play Osu! for say 8 hours straight (the timer's there already, so It couldn't be hard to set up) (Then again, people would just leave their computer on and do somehing else... maybe another timer counting inactivity? when the mouse isn't moving, even fractionally, the timer counts up, and if it is say, 30 mins of inactivity at the end of eight hours, the achievement isn't unlocked)

EDIT: n) Could Have Achievements based on artists. For example, say a person plays 10 Songs played by Band 1. As it turns out, their songs all happened to be on the same album and thus counted for an achievement. I'm not saying per album is necessary. In most cases it's impossible anyways ATM.

o)Could Set up a player ratings system where helpful answers in a forum allow the thread starter to apply points. Sort of like that Yahoo! answers site thing. When a person gets a high enough score, they get the achievement

p)As I think I said in my above post, what about fire Osu! tournaments? Thee could be groups of two per team which play for the prize... a a lolly and an achievement which only THEY can then get. That's a pretty high reward if there is any chance of a more in depth achievements system.

(I'll have to see If I can get to z):P)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
In which case I'm locking this thread. If you have any ideas for achievements, please pm peppy, either with forum pm or on irc.
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