
Return old signature with overal stats.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +5
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Archangel Tirael
Once upon a time I wanted to
make a signature in the form
of pictures with my stats. I
go to my profile, and there
instead of a schedule pp ...
Now, on the local forums
have nothing to boast. I would
like to return to an old picture
with statistics, but something a
chart does not tell people
who are not familiar with the
"osu!"... And the picture in
your signature looks much
prettier graphics.
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael
To not take much space on
the page, below the pp graphic
suggest assign two reference
Personally, nobody cares about score ranking, that's why it was removed.
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael
If you think by your logic, then
the pp graphic no ​​one needs,
but it does, however, is ... And
there is no sign of the old,
which is very sad.
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