
FELT - Story

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 10:49:25 AM

Artist: FELT
Title: Story
Source: Touhou
Tags: Rebirth Story NAGI Mika Flowering Night Phantasmagoria of Flower View Sakuya Izayoi Taris
BPM: 162.92
Filesize: 7013kb
Play Time: 03:58
Difficulties Available:
  1. Lunatic (5 stars, 716 notes)
  2. Normal (3.01 stars, 246 notes)
  3. Taris' Hard (4.69 stars, 418 notes)
Download: FELT - Story
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
  • Normal - by me
    Taris' Hard - by Taris
    Lunatic - by me
Would like a check, my offset and bpm seem alright but I would like a second opinion.
Yea, your first offset is slightly late to me :3
I have 296 (-10ms) as offset [Don't use 6186 because you should avoid to use elements before the first red line] and 162,92 as BPM.
Try it and let me know ;3 Good luck -w-
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Would like a check, my offset and bpm seem alright but I would like a second opinion.
Yea, your first offset is slightly late to me :3
I have 296 (-10ms) as offset [Don't use 6186 because you should avoid to use elements before the first red line] and 162,92 as BPM.
Try it and let me know ;3 Good luck -w-
Hi! I took your advice, but I had to add a couple more timing points to make it work. If you could check it again I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
I will try :3
Checked and rechecked more times as promised :3
Here's your timing:


Let me know if you are fine with this, It's perfect to me <w<
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Checked and rechecked more times as promised :3
Here's your timing:


Let me know if you are fine with this, It's perfect to me <w<
Sounds great, thanks for your help!
Good luck :D
Better timing:

Don't kudosu please.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Better timing:

Don't kudosu please.
Sounds good. Thanks for the help!
I was asked to mod this


Few flaws. Nicely mapped.

Unsnapped notes

00:08:398 (4) - It would be better if you moved this to x 336 y 312
00:10:055 (2) - I really see how reason to repeat. It doesn't sound right when there's no sound on the red tick. How about just using a regular slider instead?
00:17:964 - green line seems unneeded if you adjust volume to red line instead.
00:18:700 (1) - Well the sound seems to be half later. So you should adjust your pattern to work 1/2th later instead.
00:20:172 (3) - Move 1/2th back. I feel there's a stronger beat there.
00:30:310 (2) - Seems like it should end on the red tick.
01:05:113 (1) - Spinners can snap to any time. End on the sound and adjust kiai to start where the red line is.
01:15:751 (4) - Nazi, but might as well make the spacing equal here.
01:17:224 (1) - How this blankets doesn't sit well with me. It's just not a good angle. I guess it's fine, but it bothers me.
01:31:673 (1) - This spinner snapped wrongly when I resnapped so check this.
01:42:997 (1) - ^
01:47:602 (2,3) - Maybe lower the sharpness on these curves.
01:50:364 (3) - Curve like this instead?
01:53:678 (1) - Okay there's not much room for error with this spinner. I mean beginners aren't going to expect the notes after it to be all the way in the corner.
01:58:834 (2,3,4,5) - Curve could be better. 4 seems to break the curve slightly, 5 follows 4. Kind of small though. Don't have to change if you don't want to.
02:07:489 (1) - The arc on this is too deep to fit. It needs to be more like this.
02:15:775 (1,2) - Spacing isn't like the other notes in the combo.
02:17:248 (5) - Looks imperfect to me. The blanket would be better if it were perfect.
02:27:549 (4) - New sentence > new combo. Gap after sounds empty but I guess it's fine. ._. (Slider could be lowered a bit)
03:12:262 (2) - didn't seem to snap properly. Should repeat on red tick.
03:13:366 - Add note?
03:13:919 (1) - Please unstack. It plays better that way.
03:16:859 (1) - Reduce to red tick.
03:18:148 (3) - Repeat on red tick?
03:26:996 (2) - Kind of looks weird with the slider curve not completely lining up with the blanket point of the first slider. I think it could be better.

Taris's Hard

My main issue I had was sliders that didn't really form any pattern. I had an equally hard time trying to find solutions. Only use my suggestions if you can get them to work. If I post a timeline, then pretty much sure that note combination works.

00:11:159 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - You should make this pattern symmetrical across the horizontal line.
00:12:632 (2) - Meh I would like it more if this were 1/1 notes instead. It's more fun being notes.
00:18:516 (3) - Could you get rid of that lip on the end of the slider?
00:23:671 (1) - This would be a lot better if it were moved half back, stacked on previous note, and part of previous combo. It's weird being a stack.
00:23:855 (2,3) - Another strange slider pair. hmm. If you want to keep you can make it better by adjusting the second slider like this.
00:30:678 (5,6) - These sliders don't really go well together IMO. It would be better if 6 was more forward of 5 and perhaps the curve slightly smoothed. It would mess with the pattern after. May or may not be able to move the pattern after over. Up to you if you want to go through the trouble of improving this section.
00:35:650 (1) - Looks better at x 380 y 144. You should move it there. (Consider moving the other pattern similarly)
00:37:675 (2,3,4,5) - Kind of strange IMO. Use more natural curves and the pattern could look more natural too.
00:40:438 (7,1,2) - Make spacing equal?
00:41:542 (2,3,4) - Kind of randomly placed, but I guess it's fine. (I came up with this. Might work/might not)
00:43:752 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing isn't perfect.
00:44:489 (5,6) - The differences in these sliders bother me a bit. The differences wouldn't be as noticable if you increased the snap and had a jump here. The spacing here 00:45:041 (6,7) - felt too close anyways. A reposition would better align it into the next sequence and provide a proper spacing.
00:48:724 (5) - Move up 1 unit?
01:02:718 (2,3) - Weird transitions are commonplace in this difficulty. I think it would be best rotated to get this effect. The straight part is directly lined up with the curve of the last slider, and the new position for this slider doesn't have you going so far back to hit it.
01:05:849 (6) - Center within the blanket?
01:13:173 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing isn't perfect.
01:17:409 (3,4) - It would look a lot better if you did this. The symmetry is a lot better.
01:19:802 (3) - The end points are oddly placed.
01:20:355 (4) - How about splitting this into notes instead of awkwardly placing it off another slider?
01:21:091 (6,7) - Consider slightly reducing the starting curve of these sliders. Alter the second point of each a bit.
01:23:301 (3,4) - Exactly 1.2 please.
01:24:590 (5) - Doesn't look perfect. Check this shape.
01:25:695 (2,3) - Another weird looking transition. Round the curve a bit more so that it looks more like a proper blanket. (doesn't need to be a perfect blanket, just add more space between the sliders.
01:27:720 (1,2) - Is this supposed to be parallel? It looks slightly off.
01:30:667 (1,2,3) - Doesn't play right to me. 01:30:851 - to red line these sounds seem late IMO. 01:30:851 (2) - You should end this 1/4th later. Other than that I'm not sure what else you could do here.
01:49:075 (8) - Plays a lot better 1/2th earlier. I highly recommend you move.
01:52:573 (3,4,5) - Doesn't play right. I suggest focusing on the vocals here. This timeline plays better.
02:03:990 (3) - Pointed curves don't look the greatest. Round the curves on this?
02:09:883 (2,3) - Blanket could be better.
02:16:327 (2) - Move higher in the pattern? It looks better higher.
02:26:629 (5) - Remove the lip off the end of this by making more symmetrical?
02:29:573 (5,6) - Make 1.2.
02:42:089 (1,2,3) - Make spacing equal.
03:03:438 (3,4) - Spacing. Slider end is unsnapped, so you must show that the timeline is different.
03:05:801 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing isn't perfect, and the star form is poor.
03:09:500 (8) - I can tell that the position isn't exactly on the end of the slider. Just place where the slider repeats.
03:12:262 (5,6) - Sliders don't look right. Check them.
03:15:576 (6) - Make points equal? Make sure you fix this 03:16:497 (3) - . <slider design
03:27:916 (7) - More symmetrical?
03:31:415 (3,4,5) - Make spacing equal?


Not much for me to say. I'm not a fan of modding abstract pattern difficulties. I'll leave the serious modding to those who can play this difficulty a lot better than I can.

00:35:282 - You should fully map the beat in a lunatic. Map this gap.
00:42:095 (2) - I don't recommend this being a mirror of the previous slider. You should use a different curve here.
01:11:332 (2,3,4) - Don't change snap? 4's curve looks slightly out of place.
01:49:627 (1,2) - I like this pattern better.
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:

I was asked to mod this


Few flaws. Nicely mapped.

Unsnapped notes gahhh

00:08:398 (4) - It would be better if you moved this to x 336 y 312 fixed
00:10:055 (2) - I really see how reason to repeat. It doesn't sound right when there's no sound on the red tick. How about just using a regular slider instead? matches the piano part
00:17:964 - green line seems unneeded if you adjust volume to red line instead. fixed
00:18:700 (1) - Well the sound seems to be half later. So you should adjust your pattern to work 1/2th later instead. not sure what you mean here, the slider begins right on a snare hit
00:20:172 (3) - Move 1/2th back. I feel there's a stronger beat there. ^
00:30:310 (2) - Seems like it should end on the red tick. yes it should
01:05:113 (1) - Spinners can snap to any time. End on the sound and adjust kiai to start where the red line is. I think this is fixed
01:15:751 (4) - Nazi, but might as well make the spacing equal here. fixed
01:17:224 (1) - How this blankets doesn't sit well with me. It's just not a good angle. I guess it's fine, but it bothers me. I made a slight adjustment to give the slider a bit more curve, hopefully looks better now
01:31:673 (1) - This spinner snapped wrongly when I resnapped so check this. should be okay now
01:42:997 (1) - ^ yes, fixed
01:47:602 (2,3) - Maybe lower the sharpness on these curves. ok, did a little bit
01:50:364 (3) - Curve like this instead? Just getting rid of that curve, no point really for such a short slider imo
01:53:678 (1) - Okay there's not much room for error with this spinner. I mean beginners aren't going to expect the notes after it to be all the way in the corner. AiMod doesn't have a problem with this, and the notes are on the spinner itself. I'll change this if another mod suggests this
01:58:834 (2,3,4,5) - Curve could be better. 4 seems to break the curve slightly, 5 follows 4. Kind of small though. Don't have to change if you don't want to. yeah, not supposed to be a perfect curve, more of (2,3) curve then (4,5) serves as a perpendicular line toward the (2,3) curve
02:07:489 (1) - The arc on this is too deep to fit. It needs to be more like this. fixed
02:15:775 (1,2) - Spacing isn't like the other notes in the combo. fixed, all should be 0.99 now
02:17:248 (5) - Looks imperfect to me. The blanket would be better if it were perfect. fixed
02:27:549 (4) - New sentence > new combo. Gap after sounds empty but I guess it's fine. ._. (Slider could be lowered a bit) fixed the NC, gap4life
03:12:262 (2) - didn't seem to snap properly. Should repeat on red tick. Got it to repeat on red tick
03:13:366 - Add note? yes
03:13:919 (1) - Please unstack. It plays better that way. fixed
03:16:859 (1) - Reduce to red tick. fixed
03:18:148 (3) - Repeat on red tick?fixed
03:26:996 (2) - Kind of looks weird with the slider curve not completely lining up with the blanket point of the first slider. I think it could be better. definitely, fixed


Not much for me to say. I'm not a fan of modding abstract pattern difficulties. I'll leave the serious modding to those who can play this difficulty a lot better than I can.

00:35:282 - You should fully map the beat in a lunatic. Map this gap. fixed
00:42:095 (2) - I don't recommend this being a mirror of the previous slider. You should use a different curve here. fixed
01:11:332 (2,3,4) - Don't change snap? 4's curve looks slightly out of place. adjusted curve angle, changed distance
01:49:627 (1,2) - I like this pattern better. like having them fit together like that, will consider change however if more mods suggest I change it
[quote="TheVileOne"]I was asked to mod this

Taris's Hard

My main issue I had was sliders that didn't really form any pattern. I had an equally hard time trying to find solutions. Only use my suggestions if you can get them to work. If I post a timeline, then pretty much sure that note combination works.

00:11:159 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - You should make this pattern symmetrical across the horizontal line. +
00:12:632 (2) - Meh I would like it more if this were 1/1 notes instead. It's more fun being notes. - ( I like it this way)
00:18:516 (3) - Could you get rid of that lip on the end of the slider? +
00:23:671 (1) - This would be a lot better if it were moved half back, stacked on previous note, and part of previous combo. It's weird being a stack. - ( I think its fine, unless you can give me an image)
00:23:855 (2,3) - Another strange slider pair. hmm. If you want to keep you can make it better by adjusting the second slider like this. - Its funny you mentioned this but, not the one before it.
00:30:678 (5,6) - These sliders don't really go well together IMO. It would be better if 6 was more forward of 5 and perhaps the curve slightly smoothed. It would mess with the pattern after. May or may not be able to move the pattern after over. Up to you if you want to go through the trouble of improving this section. - Seems fine, Plays nice to me
00:35:650 (1) - Looks better at x 380 y 144. You should move it there. (Consider moving the other pattern similarly) +
00:37:675 (2,3,4,5) - Kind of strange IMO. Use more natural curves and the pattern could look more natural too. +
00:40:438 (7,1,2) - Make spacing equal? +
00:41:542 (2,3,4) - Kind of randomly placed, but I guess it's fine. (I came up with this. Might work/might not)
00:43:752 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing isn't perfect. +
00:44:489 (5,6) - The differences in these sliders bother me a bit. The differences wouldn't be as noticable if you increased the snap and had a jump here. The spacing here 00:45:041 (6,7) - felt too close anyways. A reposition would better align it into the next sequence and provide a proper spacing. +
00:48:724 (5) - Move up 1 unit? +
01:02:718 (2,3) - Weird transitions are commonplace in this difficulty. I think it would be best rotated to get this effect. The straight part is directly lined up with the curve of the last slider, and the new position for this slider doesn't have you going so far back to hit it. - The want it to face down, So keeping this
01:05:849 (6) - Center within the blanket? +
01:13:173 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing isn't perfect. +
01:17:409 (3,4) - It would look a lot better if you did this. The symmetry is a lot better. +
01:19:802 (3) - The end points are oddly placed. +
01:20:355 (4) - How about splitting this into notes instead of awkwardly placing it off another slider? - Slider seems better
01:21:091 (6,7) - Consider slightly reducing the starting curve of these sliders. Alter the second point of each a bit. - Looks fine to me
01:23:301 (3,4) - Exactly 1.2 please. +
01:24:590 (5) - Doesn't look perfect. Check this shape. +
01:25:695 (2,3) - Another weird looking transition. Round the curve a bit more so that it looks more like a proper blanket. (doesn't need to be a perfect blanket, just add more space between the sliders. +
01:27:720 (1,2) - Is this supposed to be parallel? It looks slightly off. - Looks nice, hardly notice difference unless look super closely
01:30:667 (1,2,3) - Doesn't play right to me. 01:30:851 - to red line these sounds seem late IMO. 01:30:851 (2) - You should end this 1/4th later. Other than that I'm not sure what else you could do here. - Seems fine
01:49:075 (8) - Plays a lot better 1/2th earlier. I highly recommend you move. +
01:52:573 (3,4,5) - Doesn't play right. I suggest focusing on the vocals here. This timeline plays better. - Plays nicely and this is a symmetry pattern, so don't feel like changing
02:03:990 (3) - Pointed curves don't look the greatest. Round the curves on this? - I wanted to try something new here,
02:09:883 (2,3) - Blanket could be better. -
02:16:327 (2) - Move higher in the pattern? It looks better higher. +
02:26:629 (5) - Remove the lip off the end of this by making more symmetrical? +
02:29:573 (5,6) - Make 1.2. +
02:42:089 (1,2,3) - Make spacing equal. +
03:03:438 (3,4) - Spacing. Slider end is unsnapped, so you must show that the timeline is different. +
03:05:801 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing isn't perfect, and the star form is poor. +
03:09:500 (8) - I can tell that the position isn't exactly on the end of the slider. Just place where the slider repeats. +
03:12:262 (5,6) - Sliders don't look right. Check them. +
03:15:576 (6) - Make points equal? Make sure you fix this 03:16:497 (3) - . <slider design +
03:27:916 (7) - More symmetrical? +
03:31:415 (3,4,5) - Make spacing equal? +


Alot fix

EDIT : To Save Space ...
Hey, from my modding queue

Touhou ♥♥


Uhm I'm sure that you don't need all those timing sections o.O
y u no use inherited sections for volume? nice mapping anyways


02:08:594 (2) - on the sliders end?

[Taris' Hard]

03:05:801 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe make this more look like a flower like the others?


o.o awesome.

Topic Starter

KonataN wrote:

Hey, from my modding queue

Touhou ♥♥


Uhm I'm sure that you don't need all those timing sections o.O dunno, Chewin andGarven helped me on them, and they seem to work
y u no use inherited sections for volume? nice mapping anyways I do :o, not sure


02:08:594 (2) - on the sliders end? oops

[Taris' Hard]

03:05:801 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe make this more look like a flower like the others? I believe this is on purpose, but I ask


o.o awesome. Thanks!

Thanks for the mod!
Mod Infos:

You should fix this.
You must fix this.


  • Audio Lead-In: 1


  • 00:00:479 (1) - Start this spinner at 00:01:400.
    00:32:704 (2) - End this slider at 00:33:256.
    00:33:809 (3) - Move this circle at 00:33:624.
    00:34:177 (4) - Start this slider at 00:33:993 and end it at 00:34:361.
    00:35:282 (5) - Move this circle at 00:34:729.
    00:35:098 (x) - Start a slider here and end it at 00:35:650.
    00:42:831 (2,3) - Could you fix the spacing here, please? I don't really like this "antijump".
    00:54:616 (1) - Remove NC.
    00:58:852 (x) - Add a circle.
    02:28:653 (x) - ^
    02:29:021 (1) - Remove NC.
    02:30:494 (4) - Delete this circle. Start a slider here and end it at 02:30:862.
    03:58:483 (1) - End this spinner at 04:06:992.

[Taris' Hard]

  • 00:13:737 (1) - Remove NC.
    00:16:499 (1) - ^
    01:48:891 (8,1) - I don't like the spacing here, could you change it?.


  • 03:58:483 (1) - End this spinner at 04:06:992.
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

Mod Infos:

You should fix this.
You must fix this.


  • Audio Lead-In: 1 2 sec is fine for me


  • 00:00:479 (1) - Start this spinner at 00:01:400. fixed
    00:32:704 (2) - End this slider at 00:33:256. leaving this one
    00:33:809 (3) - Move this circle at 00:33:624. ^
    00:34:177 (4) - Start this slider at 00:33:993 and end it at 00:34:361.^
    00:35:282 (5) - Move this circle at 00:34:729.^
    00:35:098 (x) - Start a slider here and end it at 00:35:650.^
    00:42:831 (2,3) - Could you fix the spacing here, please? I don't really like this "antijump". Yes, that was a mistake. Fixed
    00:54:616 (1) - Remove NC. fixed
    00:58:852 (x) - Add a circle. Don't see a reason to, the circle before notes the roll, then in between there isn't much. I think it sounds/plays fine the way it is.
    02:28:653 (x) - ^ ^
    02:29:021 (1) - Remove NC. fixed
    02:30:494 (4) - Delete this circle. Start a slider here and end it at 02:30:862. fixed
    03:58:483 (1) - End this spinner at 04:06:992. fixed


  • 03:58:483 (1) - End this spinner at 04:06:992. fixed

Thanks for your mod!
By AL2 modding queue

-- Combo Problem --
00:07:109 (3) - As the changes of the timing section, I thought this note should be new combo
00:43:752 (5) - New combo and remove 00:44:489 (1) -
00:50:013 (3) - New combo and remove 00:50:381 (1) -
02:00:123 (5) - New combo as the spacing changed regular
02:03:438 (6) - NC & remove 02:03:990 (1) -
03:16:129 (5) - Nc remove 03:16:865 (1) -
03:19:443 (5) - ^ remove 03:19:811 (1) -
-- Sound --
-- Spacing --
00:59:772 (2) - Spacing problem X1.7 and x1.3
01:08:938 (5) - ^
01:26:616 (3) - ^
01:27:536 (6) - ^
As long as the spacing problem... I thought you should be careful of the spacing although your spacing are so free...
02:42:089 (2) - ^
02:44:113 (5) - ^ Warning =[
03:23:313 (2) - ^
03:25:338 (6) - ^
-- Other(S) --
02:06:016 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't really see whats that... But messy for player
Um... Some reminders... If the spacing are growing like this then I think no one would like to play osu... ~
As a suggestion ~ Check some SUPPER MESSY SPACING(SMS) in your map first
Coz that SMS will make others feel like:
1. MESSY, ugly
2. Strange with the spacing
3. MAT/BAT: That should be approval =[

==Taris' Hard==
-- Combo Problem --
00:11:159 (4) - Should it be nc?
00:16:499 (1) - Remove it (Extra)
-- Sound --
-- Spacing --
00:38:228 (3) - x1.2, x1.3
-- Other(S) --
Relaxing Slider <3 ~

LIKE : Lovely song
UNLIKE : Try next time for the spacing and Good Luck :3
Topic Starter

KingsAL2 wrote:

By AL2 modding queue

-- Combo Problem --
00:07:109 (3) - As the changes of the timing section, I thought this note should be new combo leaving this, only NC on new vocal idea in thsi part
00:43:752 (5) - New combo and remove 00:44:489 (1) - ^
00:50:013 (3) - New combo and remove 00:50:381 (1) - ^
02:00:123 (5) - New combo as the spacing changed regular this is all one phrase of msuic
02:03:438 (6) - NC & remove 02:03:990 (1) - ^
03:16:129 (5) - Nc remove 03:16:865 (1) - way it is now is consistent with rest of section
03:19:443 (5) - ^ remove 03:19:811 (1) - ^
-- Sound --
-- Spacing --
00:59:772 (2) - Spacing problem X1.7 and x1.3
01:08:938 (5) - ^
01:26:616 (3) - ^
01:27:536 (6) - ^
As long as the spacing problem... I thought you should be careful of the spacing although your spacing are so free...
02:42:089 (2) - ^
02:44:113 (5) - ^ Warning =[ fixed this one
03:23:313 (2) - ^
03:25:338 (6) - ^
-- Other(S) --
02:06:016 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't really see whats that... But messy for player I don't see why its messy at all, its a pretty straightforward pattern
Um... Some reminders... If the spacing are growing like this then I think no one would like to play osu... ~
As a suggestion ~ Check some SUPPER MESSY SPACING(SMS) in your map first
Coz that SMS will make others feel like:
1. MESSY, ugly
2. Strange with the spacing
3. MAT/BAT: That should be approval =[
I don't agree at all with your comments on spacing. You say that different spacing would look ugly, be strange, and approval. I don't think any of these are the case with the parts you pointed out. I think everything looks fine, plays well, and if my map is unrankable because of spacing, then a lot more maps that are ranked should be unranked because of that same problem. Thanks for your mod though, it gave me a lot to look back on, but I disagree mostly with what you've said.
[Taris' Hard]
01:48:891 (8) - Delete or add new combo (but it's ugly) or:
add a beat at 01:49:075 - then new combo on 01:48:891 (1) and 01:49:627 (1) - and remove new combo on 01:49:259 (3) -
I think that way is't more readable and easy to get.

02:05:832 - Add a beat to follow the piano?

Only these things.

Sorry for this poor mod :(
Topic Starter

Kuroneko-sHerald wrote:

[Taris' Hard]
01:48:891 (8) - Delete or add new combo (but it's ugly) or:
add a beat at 01:49:075 - then new combo on 01:48:891 (1) and 01:49:627 (1) - and remove new combo on 01:49:259 (3) -
I think that way is't more readable and easy to get. changed beat, made combo different but not in this way

02:05:832 - Add a beat to follow the piano? fixed

Only these things.

Sorry for this poor mod :(
thanks for the mod!
00:07:488 (3,4) - This rhythm is confusing for Normal players. Better use whistle or something to point out that different rhtym so that they can understand how it sounds.
00:25:525 (3) - Ugly slider
30% is really too silent for this song. Even with full volume I can barely hear hitsounds (my ears are pretty good at catching sounds actually). Try 50%
Use soft whistles more. You can put them anywhere, it is always better than no-hitsound.
01:04:376 (3,4) - Better stack these
01:28:641 (1) - ugly slider
02:22:396 (1) - ugly slider
03:06:538 (1) - ugly slider
03:08:609 (1) - Too short slider for a Normal diff
03:12:262 (2,3) - nope nope nope
03:16:865 (1,2) - nope nope
Also you don't need those timing points in the end since you used a spinner. If you are not planning to make taiko diffs, you really dont need them.
Needs hitsounds so much. Especially soft-whistles.

What kind of whistle is that lol I can't even hear ;_; You should use default soft-whistle as well. It fits the song.
00:31:046 (6) - ugly slider
00:53:327 - Starting from this part you can use hit-normal or that custom clap for drums. Or else it just sounds like no-hitsound.
Being honest, that custom whistle is totally useless in the song since we can't even NOTICE it. Just make it a bit louder or just use defaul soft-whistle.
02:03:990 (3) - not symmetrical
03:06:538 (5,6) - dunno why but these two dont look symmetrical actually
03:28:653 (1,2) - better place these something like this:
Also last kiai time is pretty long actually.
03:44:121 (2,3,4) - Ugly pattern
As I said in previous diff:
Also you don't need those timing points in the end since you used a spinner. If you are not planning to make taiko diffs, you really dont need them.
What kind of whistle is that lol I can't even hear ;_; You should use default soft-whistle as well. It fits the song.
Being honest, that custom whistle is totally useless in the song since we can't even NOTICE it. Just make it a bit louder or just use defaul soft-whistle.
Also you don't need those timing points in the end since you used a spinner. If you are not planning to make taiko diffs, you really dont need them.
Circle Size: 5
Overall Difficulty: 8 or 9
00:27:560 (1) - Even if auto can make 1000 points in this one, still it is too short.
01:05:112 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1) - you are using nice hitsounds but dear too silent. Just add +25 volume-up at least. To all hitsounds. Or else you will need a serious hitsound modding. This is a rhythm game after all; if we can't hear what are we clicking what is the point of this game.
02:22:396 (1,2) - better stack
03:52:223 (1,2) - better stack

That's all for now, I might mod it again later. Good luck \:D/
Topic Starter

UnderminE wrote:

00:07:488 (3,4) - This rhythm is confusing for Normal players. Better use whistle or something to point out that different rhtym so that they can understand how it sounds. this slider was just wrong anyway, fixed the slider
00:25:525 (3) - Ugly slider fixed
30% is really too silent for this song. Even with full volume I can barely hear hitsounds (my ears are pretty good at catching sounds actually). Try 50%
Use soft whistles more. You can put them anywhere, it is always better than no-hitsound.
01:04:376 (3,4) - Better stack these avoiding stacking on my easiest diff
01:28:641 (1) - ugly slider i think this one is okay
02:22:396 (1) - ugly slider fixed
03:06:538 (1) - ugly slider this seems okay
03:08:609 (1) - Too short slider for a Normal diff deleted previous slider lengthened spinner
03:12:262 (2,3) - nope nope nope fixed
03:16:865 (1,2) - nope nope unstacked
Also you don't need those timing points in the end since you used a spinner. If you are not planning to make taiko diffs, you really dont need them.
Needs hitsounds so much. Especially soft-whistles.

What kind of whistle is that lol I can't even hear ;_; You should use default soft-whistle as well. It fits the song.
00:31:046 (6) - ugly slider i don't have any problem with this one
00:53:327 - Starting from this part you can use hit-normal or that custom clap for drums. Or else it just sounds like no-hitsound.
Being honest, that custom whistle is totally useless in the song since we can't even NOTICE it. Just make it a bit louder or just use defaul soft-whistle.
02:03:990 (3) - not symmetrical fixed
03:06:538 (5,6) - dunno why but these two dont look symmetrical actually fixed
03:28:653 (1,2) - better place these something like this:
Also last kiai time is pretty long actually. this seems fine
03:44:121 (2,3,4) - Ugly pattern fixed
As I said in previous diff:
Also you don't need those timing points in the end since you used a spinner. If you are not planning to make taiko diffs, you really dont need them.
What kind of whistle is that lol I can't even hear ;_; You should use default soft-whistle as well. It fits the song.
Being honest, that custom whistle is totally useless in the song since we can't even NOTICE it. Just make it a bit louder or just use defaul soft-whistle.
Also you don't need those timing points in the end since you used a spinner. If you are not planning to make taiko diffs, you really dont need them.
Circle Size: 5 i'm fine with this circle size
Overall Difficulty: 8 or 9 no reason to increase the difficulty really, 7 HP 8 AR 7OD seems fine
00:27:560 (1) - Even if auto can make 1000 points in this one, still it is too short. if auto can make 1000 then it is not too short, that's the rule
01:05:112 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1) - you are using nice hitsounds but dear too silent. Just add +25 volume-up at least. To all hitsounds. Or else you will need a serious hitsound modding. This is a rhythm game after all; if we can't hear what are we clicking what is the point of this game. increased the volume here by +20. definitely too low
02:22:396 (1,2) - better stack fixed
03:52:223 (1,2) - better stack this plays better i think

That's all for now, I might mod it again later. Good luck \:D/
increased hitsound volumes and increased whistle volume, i think this fixes the problem.

thanks for the mod
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