Just do what I do and No Fail everything. Even things you can do. I'm training myself right now. Havent done anything productive rank/pp wise in 15 days because I know the training would pay off in the future. Then it would be much easier to rank and get pp later on once I get good.
I don't want to be like my friends and farm hards/normals for this pp stuff. Hell, I have a friend(well ex friend now) who's in his 3rd month and already has a higher rank than me just by using hidden on Normals. He got like 1500 pp overnight o.0 and he then came to me with his guilty conscious. "I don't think I deserve this rank, sCam. Your cursor movement and tap speed is way above mines" It's what he said. That's one reason why i just care about getting good, I don't care about anything else anymore. If I get good, I know I can get any rank I desire. It might be hard to jump in the top 500, but if I try I can do it.
So all you got to do is suck it up and play. Look at all yhe top playerz. Most have above 30k plays. It shows how much they've practiced and I respect that. Besides, once you get like 35k plays, depending on what you play. You'll be somewhat pro. Just play and have fun. If you want to get good fast, get supporter, download as much maps as you can(even maps in pending) and play them everyday. Farm all the new maps, and eventually you'll get good without even noticing it.