
Suggestion: Allow double precision of slider anchor points

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Currently, anchor points in Osu! can only be integer values. My suggestion is to not change the in-game editor at all, but to change the parsing of .osu files to allow for double-level precision values for anchor locations. This will allow those who create sliders using the .osu file directly to create much more precise sliders much more quickly. An in-depth overview of the problems at play is given below.

Only being able to place bezier control points on an integer lattice is extremely limiting. With this constraint, creating precise shapes is nearly impossible. I have created a mixed-integer linear programming optimization solution to this, but it's extremely computationally expensive to come up with anything requiring more than 40 anchor points. As whoever coded the bezier path approximator knows (this is publicly available in the osu!Lazer src), an optimal bezier approximation without integer constraints is simple to construct by using the evaluation of the desired function representing the path at evenly spaced points between 0 and 1 as the Bernstein polynomial coefficients. Such a solution even converges uniformly (and quite quickly, might I add) to the function itself. Doing this and rounding the resulting Bernstein coefficients (which make up the coordinates of all the anchor points) to integers is quite terrible, especially for small shapes, so the only way to do this is to use extremely high degree beziers with anchor points extremely far away from the origin (thousands to millions of units from the playfield). It's worth stating again how difficult it is to find these anchor points. It requires my computer (which is quite beefy) 30 minutes to find a way to represent a circle of radius 75 within 0.004 of a perfect circle at its maximum. A circle is even relatively simple to construct this way - spirals and more advanced shapes are nearly impossible.

As anyone who is familiar with Aspire 2018 will know, a large part was experimentation with accelerating sliders. This is another time where extremely small movements are required, and it's quite visible that the slider is vibrating when it's moving at its slowest. Fixing this requires tiny 'tumors' as the mapping community has come to call them, which are largely restricted currently by the fact that red anchor points must be placed on the integer lattice. To closely represent the shape, the integer lattice is simply way to granular and creates visible imperfections, particularly making what should look like a smooth curve into something which looks piecewise linear (which, of course, it is, but on a much finer scale than on an integer lattice).

The loading time for maps with fancy sliders such as these would be greatly reduced if double level precision was allowed when parsing the .osu file, as fewer recursive steps to create "flat" bezier segments would be required in general when used properly, and otherwise is just as good as what Osu! does normally anyway.

This change would not affect those using the osu! editor, but would be extremely huge for those who map using the .osu file for the reasons mentioned above. I'm currently constructing a better approximation of a circle with radius 75 using 25 control points, which is an optimization problem in over 400 dimensions and will likely require days or even weeks of constant computation to reach the optimal solution using only integer control points. Compare this to the simple bezier approximation of a continuous curve, which would take any computer less than a second to compute bezier control points within 0.00001 (likely less if desired) of the perfect curve.

Special thanks to Karoo13, OliBomby, and Voltaeyx for being other slider fanatics working on this and similar problems.
This needs visual comparisons for ease of understanding what this is asking for. I think 99.99% of people have no idea what's written here either due to it being too long or too complicated.
the only thing that I understand about this, is to extend the use of Grid size to something much smaller, something like using the pixel by pixel editor, instead of the 16x16 and 8x8 that you have by default.
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xtrem3x wrote:

the only thing that I understand about this, is to extend the use of Grid size to something much smaller, something like using the pixel by pixel editor, instead of the 16x16 and 8x8 that you have by default.

Pixel by pixel isn't nearly good enough for the reasons mentioned above. Again, the in-game editor is totally fine as-is. My suggestion only applies to .osu file edits.
Full Tablet
If you are trying to make a curve by using dozens of anchor points, you don't need to actually restrict the solution to use integers only during optimization, you can round the coordinates at the last step only. The more control points a bezier curve has, the less sensitive it is to rounding errors in the anchor positions.

The biggest problem is that the game doesn't support consecutive anchor points that are in the same coordinates (it interprets them as red anchors, which are separations between different bezier curves instead)

If you have your curve defined as a parametric function, you could use the orthogonality of Shifted Legendre Polynomials to find a N-degree polynomial approximation to the curve, and then change from that basis to the Bernstein basis to find the optimal positions of the control points. I could find a 50-degree approximation this way in about 1 minute of calculation (mostly the numerical integration of the product between the parametric curve defined with trigonometric functions and the Legendre polynomials).

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Full Tablet wrote:

If you are trying to make a curve by using dozens of anchor points, you don't need to actually restrict the solution to use integers only during optimization, you can round the coordinates at the last step only. The more control points a bezier curve has, the less sensitive it is to rounding errors in the anchor positions.

The biggest problem is that the game doesn't support consecutive anchor points that are in the same coordinates (it interprets them as red anchors, which are separations between different bezier curves instead)

If you have your curve defined as a parametric function, you could use the orthogonality of Shifted Legendre Polynomials to find a N-degree polynomial approximation to the curve, and then change from that basis to the Bernstein basis to find the optimal positions of the control points. I could find a 50-degree approximation this way in about 1 minute of calculation (mostly the numerical integration of the product between the parametric curve defined with trigonometric functions and the Legendre polynomials).

Thank you for your contribution. While I had considered using Taylor approximations (which blow up way too fast), I hadn't thought of Legendre polynomials. Unfortunately using this runs into the same issue that just using Bernstein polynomial approximations does. I don't see the benefit of one over the other.

I agree that another solution would be to make red anchor points have a separate tell in the osu parsing, as you are indeed correct that the impact of each anchor point diminishes as the degree of the bezier increases, but at the moment,changing this seems like it would require more code refactoring than just allowing double level precision.
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