
[STD]1v1 Villoux Tournament #4 | 15k - 50k [Regs closed]

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Welcome to Villoux's 4th Osu! Tournament.
Villoux's Discord Server -
(You must be on the Discord server to participate in the tournament!)

It is imperative that you read all of the information below before entering the tournament so you are familiar with the tournament regulations.

This is a 1v1 tournament for players within the 15k - 50k rank range. This tournament will take place over the span of a few weeks, with each surviving player playing one match per week.
We plan to accept 64 participants. The scoring system used will be ScoreV2
RO64 and RO32 will be a best of 5, RO16 and the quarterfinals will be a best of 7 and the semifinals and finals will be a best of 9.
Every match before the quarterfinals will be self-referred. After which, in every match (including the quarterfinals) a referee will be present.

Match Rules and Procedures:

Pre-quarterfinals, a private lobby will be created by one player and their opponent will be invited during the scheduled time.
Post-quarterfinals, a referee will create a match during the scheduled time and invite both participants
The match name must be in the format: OVT: (Player 1) vs (Player 2)
The match will use head to head and scorev2
Each player will roll. The lower roll will ban a map first, the higher roll will ban a map second.
The higher roll will pick a map first.
Each player may only ban one map.
A difficulty enhancing mod must be picked for maps in the freemod pool. You may pick multiple.
There is a 15 minute time period in which a match must take place. If a player fails to show up to its match within this timeframe without providing a reason ahead of time, they will be disqualified

Should a player lose connection before 20 seconds of a map has been played, they may reconnect within 10 minutes and replay the map.
If connection is lost after the 20-second mark, should the disparity between scores be greater than 10% of the lower score, if the player with the higher score is not the player that lost connection, they will win the match.
If the disparity in scores is less than 10% of the lower score or the player that lost connection was winning, the match must be replayed.
If they fail to reconnect within 10 minutes they will lose the map. They then have 5 more minutes to connect or they will lose the round as a whole.

Once the match has concluded, make sure to send me (Pancake#3133) the match details link which is sent upon joining the match! Along with the scores.
If you fail to do this, the match will be considered unplayed and will be ruled accordingly.

For more information about tournament regulations, refer to Villoux's Osu! Ordinance here -

If you need any assistance, you may contact me on Villoux's Discord Server (Pancake#3133) or any member of the Osu! Department staff (they have bright pink roles on Discord).


Registrations will end on the 7th of September plus 1 week for screening

Matches will begin on the 14th of September. 14/09 - 15/09 will consist of the RO64 matches. Each subsequent round will be played on the weekends over the next few weeks. These matches will be scheduled by tournament staff on a timeslot based on the timezones of the players, however, you can reschedule your match by agreeing on a new time with your opponent and confirming the new time with tournament staff. If your opponent fails to respond to an attempt to reschedule a match within the suitable time or fails to show up at the scheduled time, he will lose the round automatically.

RO64 = 14/09 - 15/09
RO32 = 21/09 - 22/09
RO16 = 28/09 - 29/09
Quarterfinals = 05/10 - 06/10
Semifinals = 12/10 - 13/10
Finals = 19/10 - 20/10

Villoux's Osu! Department Staff:

Host: TheRealPancake (Pancake#3133)
Mappoolers: Lefafel (Lefafel#4084) | Phox (phox#2332) | TheAleboy (Halevoi#6136) | Kaeldori (Kaeldori (she)#3598)
Tournament Directors: KingTaiki (Taiki#6749) | tigereyes144 (tigereyes144#5062) | P a t r i c k (Patrick The Rockstar#7505)

#Currently looking for referees. Send me a PM on discord

The tournament caps at 64 registrants.
In order to register, post a comment stating your username, rank, time zone and discord nick + tag and join the Villoux discord.

Name: TheRealPancake
Rank: #12000
Time zone : EST
Discord: Pancake#3133

You may still register for the tournament if your rank exceeds but it is within 2,000 ranks of the minimum / maximum
If you exceed the rank limit after you have already registered for the tournament, you will not be penalised.

Again, make sure to join the discord server as more info and announcements regarding the tournament will be posted there.
make sure to set your nickname to your osu username using “.verify <"username"> <country code>”
EG: .verify "TheRealPancake" MK

Profile badge (TBD)
Name: Deviationlark
time zone: UTC+2
name: SunnyNightSky
Rank: 35467
timezone: UTC-7 (PST)
Discord: SunnyNightSky#4303
Name: Joewomble1
Rank: 14100
Timezone: GMT+1
Discord: Stevo#2859

Is it okay If I can enter?
Name: Descent
Rank: 22074
Timezone: UTC+8 (SGT)
Discord: kexing123#9085
Name: GhunterYT
Rank: 26959
Timezone: GMT+3
Discord: CentyLox#5789
[ Kaneki ]
Name: [ Kaneki ]
Rank: # 17,589
Time zone : EST
Discord: Jimmy#8000
Name: DominicsHase
Rank: #22642
Time zone : UTC+2
Discord: DominicsHase#4730
Name: Biko
Rank: #35,729
Time zone: EST
Discord: Bikowo#1337
Name: DeltaZero
Rank: 19,144
time zone: UTC+1
Discord: DeltaZero#2884
Name: Damarsh
Rank: #35,651
time zone: UTC+1
Discord: Damarsh#5402
Name: Aetherian
Rank: #40053
Time zone: UTC+3
Discord: Aetherian#6664
Name: GongoTheGecko
Rank: #33,265
Time Zone: UTC+1
Discord: GongoTheGecko#1633
Name: BProd
Rank: #32 651
Time zone : UTC+2
Discord: BProd#5228
502 Bad Speed
Name: iwajef
Rank: #37,643
Time zone: UTC+8
Discord: iwajef#7249
Name: _kyuu
Rank: #15383
Time zone : UTC-7
Discord: _kyuu#1463
Name: yakkir
time zone: UTC +3
Discord: Force#3770
time zone: UTC+2
Discord: skystar#2160
Name: gukovic
Rank: #41,287
Time zone: UTC+4
Discord: gukovic#5685
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