
trouble with fonts in skin.ini

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Im having trouble editing a skin.ini,

HitCircleOverlap: 0
ScorePrefix: fonts/big combo/score
ScoreOverlap: -2
// change the prefix to fonts/big combo/score if you want it bigger
ComboPrefix: fonts/big combo/score
ComboOverlap: 12

^I did what the // comment said to do and it broke my accuracy numbers completely, did I do it wrong? plz help

Edit: below comment didnt work (thanks anyway uwu), but I may have figured it out: It only works for when I place it on comboprefix, not scoreprefix, as the naming suggests its not meant to affect the size of accuracy lettering. idk if this is correct but seems to be.
Just maybe try putting quotes around the file address. So, it would become ScorePrefix: "fonts/big combo/score" and ComboPrefix: "fonts/big combo/score".
Putting in a prefix like that is going to cause problems, that note in the .ini file is suggesting that you name the prefix to EITHER fonts, big combo, or score. (not all of them) If you want a different font for both score and combo, put the prefixes like this:

ScorePrefix: score
ComboPrefix: combo

You can't change the accuracy font separately so it will use whatever font the score is.
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