
"One up" the person above you

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The rule of this game are simple. The person above will make a statement, it can be real or fictional, and you need to one up that statement and then make your own for the person bellow


Person 1: I swam over a river
Person 2: I swam over a lake, I own a million dollar car
Person 3: I own a million million dollar car,...

I have no one to one up so I will just make a statement.

I have just made a thread.
I have just made 2 threads

I built a house
I've built a variety of houses, bridges, stores, and supermarkets (in Minecraft).

I also met David Garibaldi and hung around in his little art studio once last year, back when he had his "Creator X" event.
Tad Fibonacci
I am the bone of my threads
Shitpost is my body and memes is my blood
I have created over a thousand threads
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life.
Have withstood pain to create many threads
Yet, those hands will never hold anything
So as I pray, Unlimited Shitpost Works.

- - -

I am the bone of my house.
Steel is my body and concrete is my blood.
I have created over a thousand houses.
Unaware of loss,
Nor aware of gain.
Withstood pain to create homes, waiting for one’s arrival.
I have no regrets. This is the only path.
My whole life was Unlimited Building Works.
I am the king of die.
Bones are my body and preservatives are my blood.
I have created over a thousand songs.
Unknown to Animals,
Nor known to Hominids.
Withstood the void itself to create meaning.
I have no skin. This is the only path.
My whole life was Unlimited Bonezone Works.

I may or may not have broken several pairs of headphones.
I have definitely broken one side of a couple hundred pairs of headphones

I go on an adventure
Tad Fibonacci
I have 4000 hours in Skyrim.
I have 4000 hours in real life

I eat some steak
I stake my eats.

I also die in my spare time.
Tad Fibonacci
You die in your spare time? Hah!

I have zero deaths.
I killed death

I jump
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I jumped to the moon.

I swallowed an entire melon.
My cow jumped over the moon.

I've swallowed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I’ve swallowed a pack of battery

I kill a man
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I've caused a genocide.

I can control the space time continum.
I can distort and manipulate the space-time continuum.

I can cause the multiverse to implode at will.
i can cause you to implode at will

i'm a better oberon main than you
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I main every character better you.

I can fight a bear with only my bare hand.
I can fight a bear only using my mind

I can beat anyone at rock, paper, scissors
i can beat anyone with a piece of paper

edit: i got 20 consecutive kills on a support character
i got 20 consecutive e-sport trophies on a support character.

i made an entire drumpack using only sine waves.
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I made an entire drumpack using only taylor series.

I have over 700 hours of play on the binding of Isaac
I have over 700 hours of playing binding of isaac: repentance
Binding of isaac is such a good game tho

I beat osu
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I finished osu!lazer and beaten that.

I am still pure from the thots.
I am pure from the thots and haven’t my first kiss yet.
i'm still pure from engaging in a conversation with an outside-of-family female

i'm left handed
I'm right handed. (it's sad that that is actually an advantage, not biologically, but the world is unfair)

I have completed 439 animes thus far.
I have completed 439 light novels thus far.

I want to watch the world burn
I want to be the dying arson from which the world burns.

I've posted shitposts post-shitpost shitposter posters, shitposting shitty posted posters.
Tad Fibonacci

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

I am the bone of my threads
Shitpost is my body and memes is my blood
I have created over a thousand threads
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life.
Have withstood pain to create many threads
Yet, those hands will never hold anything
So as I pray, Unlimited Shitpost Works.
I wanna be the very best.
Achromalia none of you ever were! >:3

Only sleeping for one hour.
not even sleeping and feeling fine

math is easy lol
...Math is easy. So was Art, World History, and Chemistry. Though admittedly, some of them weren't the greatest classes and didn't really get too far into anything.


[arp plays]
but i know japanese. :^)

Chúng ta đã chết

Yeah I know Vietnamese, fight me
Tad Fibonacci
I don't have to, I can just fight myself.

I am the ultimate Übermensch.
I am the ultimate support main of literally any game that I look at.

Pancakes are better than waffles.
Topic Starter
Pancakes are objectively better than waffles.

My internet fucking sucks right now, I can't use it at all except to post on the osu! forums when I am lucky.
my internet cant even run amq even with sound only mode

i have a fc on asymmetry
I have a fc on a 6* mania map

I play mania
I don't play mania.

I'm tired
I'm two-tired.

Releasing renders of rough rhymes, and amassing alliteration just aft of sublime.
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Composed a song whoms greateness can lit the darkest of hearth.

Bought pictures from the kyoAni shop to support them.
Bought the same picture from KyoAni to support them

Eat a burger
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Ate the entire mcDonald stocks of burger.

weight 60 kg.
Weight 6e+10 microgram

I swim
I swim in my own private swimming pool.

I like the colour purple.
I admire a specific range of hues that are generally referred to as "blue".

You're so incredibly dense that not even a gravitational singularity could match the degree of which would describe your lack of intellectual and practical potential in your vapid existence.
plain idiot

i bought gamer girl bathwater
Tad Fibonacci
I didn't buy gamer girl bath water.

I'm the conductor of the poop train.
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