Greetings, fellow osu!ers. I'm a tad on the late side with this, but whatever. It's about time I started posting around here. So, I'll keep this short. Name's Clive. Yeah, my osu! name is just my real name backwards. Whoopdedoo. >_> Ahem. I'm 19, I'm a guy, and I live in England. When I'm not playing osu!, I'm... well, doing nothing. I currently don't have a job. Which is good and bad. Unless you count my admin job over at my own forum. I left college early last year, and was a police officer from then until recently. I quit the job when I was supposed to move to the USA to live with a special someone but that sorta fell through... temporarily. >_>
Hmm... okay. You can all go back to being better than me at osu now.
Hmm... okay. You can all go back to being better than me at osu now.