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So I figured it's time I joined the forum, meet good people, and learn some knoooooowledge.

I started roughly 2 weeks ago, and I'm so hooked! It really helps that my brother is into it as well. Having someone to compete/play with makes a big difference. My style is mouse & keyboard, full-alternate. I worked my way up to 3 star maps, but combined with higher than AR7, stuff gets difficult. I almost always have HR turned on (is that bad? I really like it), and I think FL is so fun (though I'm not great with it).

I've set up some basic goals for myself to give me some focus. If anyone wants to play multi together or just have another osu friend, I'd be glad to friend you.
Hello! Welcome to osu!

I'm glad you enjoy the game! There's always be challenges and stuff as nobody is perfect from day 1. It's not that bad to play mods but don't forget to neglect no mods for practice too.

Whatever play-style your prefer is fine! Everyone have their own preferences and comfort with all styles of plays in this game you can find as you meet more people.

I don't mind being mutual if you want. I prefer to play private lobbies with whoever I personally know, regardless of any rank because I just want to have fun to play with someone. So feel free to invite me to your's and your bro's game whenever you see me on. ^^
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Thank you for the reply, as well as the encouragement. I was a little bummed no one had responded, but I understand at the same time. I'll gladly add you as a friend.
Welcome to osu! You're stuck here forever now

I read your page and you have some very interesting goals. I think its good to actually have something to work towards but don't forget to enjoy the game while you're doing it!

I play basically everyday so if you ever want to multi or just chat feel free to add me.
Maybe I can help you work towards your goals if I'm good enough?
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kobar67 wrote:

Welcome to osu! You're stuck here forever now

I read your page and you have some very interesting goals. I think its good to actually have something to work towards but don't forget to enjoy the game while you're doing it!

I play basically everyday so if you ever want to multi or just chat feel free to add me.
Maybe I can help you work towards your goals if I'm good enough?

Thank you. The goals are just self-achievements to get me excited when they are completed. I have no intent to be a try-hard because I'm having a blast either way. And honestly, being so new, the goals there are just some easy numbers I'd be able to see. I'm not sure how easy/difficult they'll even be.

I'll definitely add you. I usually get on for an hour each day (if I'm not playing Dota Underlords or something else haha).
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