
Sambomaster - Sekai wa Sore wo Ai to Yobundaze - E, N, H

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ZZT the Fifth
Had to upload this one manually, 'cause "updating ranked beatmaps isn't supported yet". :|

Okay, so I added an Easy and Hard mode, and I need someone to take a look at each of 'em. Also, I set the Normal map's preview point so it's at the right place. Speaking of which, it feels like there's something slightly off about the Normal map at the moment, but I can't place it...
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ZZT the Fifth
Hey, thanks for taking a look at this. Really. I appreciate it.

what the hell I thought I downloaded this already

Also, I changed the BMP/Offset from what you had. I'm getting:

BPM: 142.03
Offset: 3390

idk if you want to check that out or not, the BPM is only SLIGHTLY higher than what you had

I haven't dug through the beatmap itself yet, but get on my case if I forget please

this song is pretty good

time 4 moviewatch
I think I said in IRC that I had no problems with this, but the offset seemed slightly off (you might have fixed this by now?).

You should move this one to completed, though :).
I only looked at hard, since hard/insane are the only ones I know off by heart. Imo, the sliders in the chorus should curve more. Just from playing, I have no problems with the timing. Some of the spacing seems weird, such as the circle after the last break. Shift is your friend!

There's one part in the last chorus I'm not too sure about, you might want to double check.
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