
Question to people who beat "H & I " maps

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How many of you actually use a mouse ? Because im getting really suspicious that all the people playing the hard and insane maps are playing with tablet , because pads grant you huge mobility in this game . Im just wondering so I know if I should keep trying to play the hard maps atleast with mouse , because I dont have a tablet ...
I can play hard decently, and some insanes, and I have a mouse and suck with it.

also there are pros like doomsday or silvia that can easily clear insanes with high BPM, and even some really good mouse only players such as gladiool or kriers.

short version: yes, keep practizing, it is possible to play and fc insanes with a mouse.
I kinda wanted to try those maps with a mouse, but I couldn't find them

Tanzklaue wrote:

I can play hard decently, and some insanes, and I have a mouse and suck with it.

also there are pros like doomsday or silvia that can easily clear insanes with high BPM, and even some really good mouse only players such as gladiool or kriers.

short version: yes, keep practizing, it is possible to play and fc insanes with a mouse.

lol kriers #7 mouse only
afaik some of the top 50 scores on the Big Black are recorded from mouse plays. So no, you don't "need" a tablet, unless being able to do the hardest jump maps with mouse is not enough for you? lol

Marthene wrote:

because pads grant you huge mobility in this game
"mobility" is not the difficulty in osu. The difficulty stems from being able to land on circles correctly without whiffing them. Just moving to them is completely trivial once you read the map fast enough.

From personal experience on playing both mousse/tablet every week: with mouse, the lower your DPI is, the easier it is to play compared to tablet.
1200DPI and higher = jumps on mouse are harder than tablet
800DPI range = mouse is equally hard to tablet
400DPI range = jumps on mouse are easier than on tablet
However it looks like a lot of novice mouse players have a mental block preventing them from using low DPI so they will be eternally stuck with the mindset that tablet is easier. ;; Note for those numbers that I don't play with full tablet area; when I tried increasing tablet area jumps became easier but the wrist movement became painful so that's a no-go. With the way you hold the mouse this problem doesn't exist so you can go as low as you want with DPI as long as your mousepad/area supports it
Silvia, Kriers, Doomsday, Mesita, Gladi, Shaggon, Keigoclear, Azuraer.

All mouse players that have been considered pro at one time or another.

Shit even Cookiezi was beating most peoples ranks offline with a mouse and that was after playing tablet for over a year.


Silvia, Kriers, Doomsday, Mesita, Gladi, Shaggon, Keigoclear, Azuraer.

All mouse players that have been considered pro at one time or another.

Shit even Cookiezi was beating most peoples ranks offline with a mouse and that was after playing tablet for over a year.
KeigoClear is a mouse player? :o
Shaggon has switched to tablet, but he was amazing with mouse aswell.
Also I saw a youtubevideo from val0108 beating airman with mouse.

Tanzklaue wrote:

KeigoClear is a mouse player? :o
Shaggon has switched to tablet, but he was amazing with mouse aswell.
Also I saw a youtubevideo from val0108 beating airman with mouse.
Yes Keigo is a mouse player (Although he just recently bought a tablet and is working on improving with it), but all of his good #1's and top 10's have been with mouse. Also, yes Val has cleared airman with mouse.
Not possessing a tablet should not prevent you from enjoying "H & I"-level maps, since those are usually if not always the most fun of each set.
Superficially, while a tablet grants certain 'advantages' (an arguably contentious term notwithstanding) many players named above and more have proven that these peripherals are ultimately just what they are - tools. Try a tablet whenever you get a chance if you cannot bear the curiosity, but a dedicated player can enjoy the game with either.
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Well if thats the case ill practice more and play with my DPI a lot to see how it goes :)
Tablet might have some advantages bust remember to play always with what it's most comfortable for you.
There are plenty of good mouse players ( even mouse only)
I can play hard diff after 3 month I joined Osu!, and able to play Insane diff 1 year after.(But, I still can't read most of the maps with AR9 x__x)
I would say Mouse only player really need more pratice D:...
I can play hard diff and easier insane diffs with mouse, I think you just need play 10000pc more practice ^^
Err, I used to clear Insanes before I get a tablet.

Sushi wrote:

Err, I used to clear Insanes before I get a tablet.
This, actually. Most of the tablet players you know of probably learned how to play (decent enough to clear insanes) before deciding to invest in a tablet.

However if you're talking about setting top records on hard maps, it's true that normally only a handful of them are mouse users.
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xsrsbsns wrote:

Sushi wrote:

Err, I used to clear Insanes before I get a tablet.
This, actually. Most of the tablet players you know of probably learned how to play (decent enough to clear insanes) before deciding to invest in a tablet.

However if you're talking about setting top records on hard maps, it's true that normally only a handful of them are mouse users.
Well ofc when I look at the top replies its always some insane jumps from one diagonal to the other which makes me think that the top 10 guys use tablets , thats how my suspicion was created . But if theres a handfull of people playing and doing it sucessfully I gues i just got to tryhard and practice and get better .

Marthene wrote:

Well ofc when I look at the top replies its always some insane jumps from one diagonal to the other
Moving your hand IRL 3 inches isn't hard at all. The hard part is locking onto the spot you need to jump into with your eyes, and confirming that your cursor landed on it when you press. Lower DPI makes it easier to actually land on the correct spot and not miss it because of small hand shaking.

The actual movement you do from one point to another is easy as hell on both mouse and tablet. Tablet has /zero/ advantage in this. Tablet also doesn't make your eye movement suddenly get better.
Tablet being easier than mouse is a myth that was created by mouse players who didn't turn off their windows acceleration... which makes playing literally impossible
Well it only took me 1 month to start completing insanes. Just need some practice and have fun which is really important.
I keep my dpi on 1000 because i'm too lazy to move my mouse so much ^^

Aqo wrote:

Marthene wrote:

Well ofc when I look at the top replies its always some insane jumps from one diagonal to the other
Moving your hand IRL 3 inches isn't hard at all. The hard part is locking onto the spot you need to jump into with your eyes, and confirming that your cursor landed on it when you press. Lower DPI makes it easier to actually land on the correct spot and not miss it because of small hand shaking.

The actual movement you do from one point to another is easy as hell on both mouse and tablet. Tablet has /zero/ advantage in this. Tablet also doesn't make your eye movement suddenly get better.
Tablet being easier than mouse is a myth that was created by mouse players who didn't turn off their windows acceleration... which makes playing literally impossible
tablet is better because of that excact position thing or whatever its called. so you dont have to reposition all the time.
I would still suck even when I buy a Tablet.
It's a question about, how good and fast you can read the hitobjects. And anyway, not everyone is playing better with a tablet.
I perfer mouse because I tried to play with a tablet and.. it was strange to handle IMO.
It's not only about tablet vs mouse, but the design of the map itself. Some maps play beautifully on mouse, regardless of the bpm and speed, and some are just D:

silmarilen wrote:

tablet is better because of that excact position thing or whatever its called. so you dont have to reposition all the time.
Do you play both tablet and mouse regularly? Are you feeling any difference with this? Because I alternate playing mouse/tablet every week now (weekday mouse, weekend tablet) and feeling absolutely no difference in the hand movement with either one; "absolute positioning" or not... as long as you don't lift the mouse up away from its tracking range, it's practically the same movement wise. It just gets bad with mouse when it starts going offspot on the mousepad ww (but tablet pen also slowing starts slipping off optimal holding over time... ugh it's just as bad).
What I see more often than not is people not turning off acceleration and using ridiculously high DPI to avoid putting in effort.
450dpi I'd say is the lowest you should go without having too many problems.
Used 225 DPI for a long time, really got too tiring and can't move quick enough on higher BPM jump patterns, 450 DPI seems to be fast enough whilst not sacrificing accuracy.
Mouse only is easy enough with some practice. Given that I don't play this game competitively, I'd say that I'm fairly decent with it and using a tablet wouldn't change that. With a mouse, it pays to have the sensitivity below 800DPI, because anything higher is incredibly unstable.

In regards to specific maps, any map that isn't a horrible mess should play decently with a mouse. If it uses enough of the screen and isn't filled with obscene jumps, then it'll be easy enough to play.

silmarilen wrote:

Aqo wrote:

Moving your hand IRL 3 inches isn't hard at all. The hard part is locking onto the spot you need to jump into with your eyes, and confirming that your cursor landed on it when you press. Lower DPI makes it easier to actually land on the correct spot and not miss it because of small hand shaking.

The actual movement you do from one point to another is easy as hell on both mouse and tablet. Tablet has /zero/ advantage in this. Tablet also doesn't make your eye movement suddenly get better.
Tablet being easier than mouse is a myth that was created by mouse players who didn't turn off their windows acceleration... which makes playing literally impossible
tablet is better because of that excact position thing or whatever its called. so you dont have to reposition all the time.
In the end of the day, it's all about muscle memory.

Aqo wrote:

silmarilen wrote:

tablet is better because of that excact position thing or whatever its called. so you dont have to reposition all the time.
Do you play both tablet and mouse regularly? Are you feeling any difference with this? Because I alternate playing mouse/tablet every week now (weekday mouse, weekend tablet) and feeling absolutely no difference in the hand movement with either one; "absolute positioning" or not... as long as you don't lift the mouse up away from its tracking range, it's practically the same movement wise. It just gets bad with mouse when it starts going offspot on the mousepad ww (but tablet pen also slowing starts slipping off optimal holding over time... ugh it's just as bad).
My tablet pen doesn't slip at all, I have no idea what you're talking about

While on the other hand, every mouse player has to reposition their mouse because the cursor "drifts" a bit. Meaning that if you return your mouse to the center of your mousepad, the cursor will not be at the center anymore even if it was at the center when you started.
been using a mouse for like a year now ever since my one and only tablet broke, it took me way longer to switch from tablet to mouse than from mouse to tablet.

although after I've gotten use to it again I prefer playing with a mouse because my hand feels much more relaxed than holding a pen.
Mouse for life
I started doing Double Time on Hard/Insanes when i stopped playing with my mouse, i could easily fc a Insane/Hard map.

Practice. :3

Marthene wrote:

How many of you actually use a mouse ? Because im getting really suspicious that all the people playing the hard and insane maps are playing with tablet , because pads grant you huge mobility in this game . Im just wondering so I know if I should keep trying to play the hard maps atleast with mouse , because I dont have a tablet ...

I still use a mouse, I can pass most insanes that are ranked, and Silvia proved that big black can be passed with a mouse as well, even being able to get a top 40. Case in point, both peripherals can get you very far, play what you like.
Ayumu Aikawa
I've always played on a mouse. I generally play insane songs over hard songs, even on sightreads. The only time I go to hard is when the insane map is something ridiculous like Miku's Rubik's cube. Mouse play is very easy will the right mouse. I use a razor tron on my laptop and i play better than alot of people i go against. Like anyone will tell you, its personal preference.
Marthene, check out the profile of SiLviA and his top ranks list. Download random songs from that list and watch those replays.

he even has a YouTube page for your convenience :).
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