
A 5 Digit player who never touched the forums.

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Hihi! I go by the Username of Eni!

When I started playing a year ago, I played this game religiously(Who didnt lmao). I have only touched the forums like 2 times at the time of writing this post. I wanted to change this, so I thought to give a brief introduction about myself here! Might come in the forums more often, might not, but the people here seem very nice.

I'm not sure what to write so I guess I'll start with what I do in osu.
My main PP Source comes from NoMod TV Size Maps(Ok I admit I like to farm), but however I mainly play 6* Stream maps for practice(am 83k as of now). Occasionally I also like to play DT or challenge myself by playing 7* maps with NF and get like 70ish acc.

I hope to get involved with the community more often by the end of this year. Also I might start streaming too. Of course I will also want to get better at osu and play even harder maps for fun.

Well I guess I have nothing left to say, but feel free to mutual me maybe we could do a collab or smth :>
Hi Eni,

like you I also have been playing osu! actively for about a year now. Even though I have played quite a lot I don't have any people to play or chat with. I was hoping I could start playing multi with you sometimes or smth.

My favorite types of maps are maps with a lot of jumps cause I can't stream at all (I should really train streaming). I also irregularly stream osu! at twitch for my own fun (always 0 viewers xd).

I'm also interested in participating tournaments but many tournaments are 2v2 and I don't have a partner to play with. Also doing a collab would be awesome cause I have never done that with anyone. I added you as a friend, I hope you add me aswell.

Hi Eni!

I've been playing osu! for many years but only now I have been playing for improvement. I thought
that being in college now would mean I would have no time for games but I happen to have more free time now than I did years ago back in high school when I made this account :p

I love TV size maps, however I'm actively seeking to improve my overall ability by pushing myself to read higher AR and trying out difficulties that are a little out of my zone. I have been climbing ranks (just a few more hurdles until I become a 5 digit myself!) and I'm very happy to see improvements in myself as I get a new top score. I added you as a friend as well as Aetherian. :D

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