
Advice for beginners?

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Hey there, everyone.

I just started playing this game yesterday, and it's a very fun game.

I'm curious, though, if any experienced players here have advice for a beginner like me. Anything I should look at or keep in mind? I like to get advice from people who are more experienced because it helps me to improve.

I appreciate any advice or feedback I get for this! :)
Play maps that are easy enough so you can pass them but hard enough so you literally just barely pass them if you want to improve. Don't play the same map too many times, but download a ton of maps that you like and try to keep adding to your collection so you don't just memorize a single map. Playing a bunch of different maps will help you improve in every aspect of the game (Jumps, streams, patterns) and will keep you from getting burnt out on a single map.

Overall just have fun because in the end its a game and the more fun you have the quicker you improve if you ask me (Or at least it makes the time fly quicker so you feel like you improve faster)

If you have any questions feel free to PM me in-game when I'm one :]
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Thank you very much. :)

I have all of the maps from the beginner map thread and I also have the beatmap pack torrents downloading.

I'll definitely try to challenge myself with maps that I can just barely clear or clear with a bad grade. The main reason that I enjoy this game is the challenge.

Also, I will certainly PM you in-game if I'm looking for advice at that moment. Thank you for offering. :)
Anytime :D Just remember that it's all for fun and if you ever find yourself getting frustrated it's really better to just take a little break or change maps and cool off. You never play better when you are frustrated and if you try to play you will just make yourself even more frustrated and play worse.
I also offer my in game support, if you should have a question, though I suggest that Jakanyan is more qualified. :)

This game really is designed for those who like a challenge, in my opinion. I have three friends who play a lot of games, but only play for fun, and they can't stand Osu!. If you like a challenge, then you'll fit right in here. Just remember to play a large variety of maps, play maps that are just within your abilities, and make sure you're having fun doing it.

Also, since this hasn't been said yet, I seriously recommend that you look through this forum for old threads regarding settings. Whether you use a mouse or a tablet, there are optimal settings that you can use, and while these will not make you a good player, not considering them can hold you back from improving.

Good luck!

StarriorX wrote:

I have all of the maps from the beginner map thread
Or dear god no
Somebody please unsticky that thread
StarriorX, that thread is very old and the maps listed there are /not/ recommended for beginner. They will make you unlearn the game faster that they will make you learn it. Until you get very good, it's recommended that you avoid any map that has a number below 20000 in the folder in your songs folder, because they will have a negative effect on your learning process.

Do yourself a favor and play recent maps, just click Beatmap > Ranked in the top of this site and download any/all recent/new maps. They will be a lot more fun for you to play and at the same time they will teach you the game much faster as they will help you learn useful skills quickly like judging distance spacing and reading timings comparative to the song.

Also, here is some device specific advice:
If you're playing with a mouse, please open your Control Panel (assuming you're using Windows), open the Mouse settings, go into Pointer Options, the very top box there will be something like:
Pointer Speed: |-------|------|
[ ] Enhance pointer precision

Make sure your pointer speed is 6/11 (exactly at the middle) and that the so-called "precision" mode is turned OFF. This will make the game a lot more fun and enjoyable for you. Good luck on improving! :)
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I didn't realize that those maps were so bad.

Well, I'll download some more recent ones, then. Thanks for letting me know that. :oops:

Edit: Are the map packs (the ones with the torrents) any good, or should I not bother with them?
The map packs are a good way to get maps quickly so feel free to use them. They're just the same maps on this site, except you download them from mediafire instead of from ppy which reduces the load on osu's servers. Just make sure you start with the most recent packs to get the most recent maps.

StarriorX wrote:

I didn't realize that those maps were so bad.
"bad" is subjective, those maps can actually be very fun for an experienced player.

They suffer from problems that relate to how mapping was done back in the day. Back then the idea of increasing the distance spacing to increase difficulty did not occur to mappers, so instead, to make a [Hard] difficulty they simply added circles that you have to click that don't really match the song.

Also, the [Edit] mode that is used to create maps did not have the distance-snap feature back in the day, and very few mappers were able to create consistent spacing in their maps, because of that the cursor movement in old maps is choppy/inconsistent and requires you to read sequences of notes / patterns very early if you want to execute correctly and not just mash and hope to be lucky, or repeatedly play a map and memorize it (which is a bad habit).

Whether you enjoy old maps or not is up to you, but as a beginner you'll learn to play this game much faster through new maps, that will allow you to actually follow the song while you're clicking and follow a consistent speed for the movement. Mastering those skills will allow you to learn to read patterns much faster, and you'll eventually be able to play even inconsistent maps with ease.
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Okay, I understand. Thank you for clarifying that. :)
don't give up.
smash buttons get ss
Quit this game it's stressing and impossible.
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MMzz wrote:

smash buttons get ss
Haha! That's one way to do it, I guess. :D

sCam wrote:

don't give up.
Definitely. The only real failure is giving up.

I'm glad to get this advice. You guys are really nice. :)
It's kind of hard not to give up, believe me when I tell you that it really takes a lot to actually be good, with good I mean to be able to fight for top scores.

Playing casually is really fun though.
Baron Nefarious
It's so sad because most of my favorite songs on this game were mapped a long time ago. I play them frequently and still improve on newer maps though, but that's probably because I have no actual goals and only play casually like 5-6 hours a week.
If you ever play so much that you're good enough to get top scores, you can't quit no matter what D: osu! is a lifestyle :P

Baron Nefarious wrote:

It's so sad because most of my favorite songs on this game were mapped a long time ago. I play them frequently and still improve on newer maps though, but that's probably because I have no actual goals and only play casually like 5-6 hours a week.
Keep doing what you've been doing. Fun is 1st priority in this game after all.

Baron Nefarious wrote:

It's so sad because most of my favorite songs on this game were mapped a long time ago. I play them frequently and still improve on newer maps though, but that's probably because I have no actual goals and only play casually like 5-6 hours a week.
5-6 hours a week isn't very casual :P
Also please link your fav maps ^^ I've seen a lot of good old maps, it's not like they don't exist. However the majority of them are not very beginner-friendly if you want to learn to play this game quickly. At least, from all the people I've met who play this game so far, it seemed like a consistent trend that people who play old maps take one year to start clearing insanes and people who play today's maps, start with normals, move up to hards, etc, only take like one month or less to start clearing insanes, with the same playtime or less.
Less than an hour a day isn't casual? This must be my full time job, then. Someone pay me!
Tsukimi Luna
Play some taiko to train rhythm and beat.

G0r wrote:

Less than an hour a day isn't casual? This must be my full time job, then. Someone pay me!
Damn this makes me feel so sick, I consider playing a game 3 hours a day almost casual. XD
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