
Where are the Mania BN’s/Mods?

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Just genuinely curious as to where they are. Like I’ve been trying to get my own maps just looked at by other people, and quite frankly, it’s ridiculous just how inactive everyone is in this community when it comes to mapping, ranking and modding. (Mania community)

Like for STD for example. They literally have mod queues that are run every weekend, and I see BN queues almost everyday, which is why, no wonder, there are constantly maps being ranked in STD. It just sucks to see that with STD and like hardly ever seeing a map even qualified in mania.

If I’m completely misunderstanding this whole situation, and it’s just only recently that everyone have gone silent, then please do tell me. Because honestly I hope that it’s just recent, because holy crap I am just astonished to how ridiculously hard it is to get a map even looked at.
std have more active modding because Standard is... you know... standard mode of the game (also more players and so are mappers and modders).

List of Mania bns. For modding queues, I see multiple mania queues open, just look.

siberbule wrote:

I am just astonished to how ridiculously hard it is to get a map even looked at

Don't put all on you, all modes are similar. The more maps there is, the more "competitive" modding become.
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xenal wrote:

std have more active modding because Standard is... you know... standard mode of the game (also more players and so are mappers and modders).

List of Mania bns. For modding queues, I see multiple mania queues open, just look.

siberbule wrote:

I am just astonished to how ridiculously hard it is to get a map even looked at

Don't put all on you, all modes are similar. The more maps there is, the more "competitive" modding become.

Thanks for helping me understand it a bit more. I honestly just want to see it a bit more active then it is nowadays. I’m not sure how that happens but I just wish it would happen :)

siberbule wrote:

Like for STD for example. They literally have mod queues that are run every weekend, and I see BN queues almost everyday, which is why, no wonder, there are constantly maps being ranked in STD. It just sucks to see that with STD and like hardly ever seeing a map even qualified in mania.

Yeah, right. If you go to the BN list on osu!std, over half of BNs don't accept requests at all. If you go to the recently ranked list, half of the maps there are from other BNs or very popular mappers who already have 3+ maps ranked. This is because popular mappers are in a circlejerk, where they have connections with multiple BNs and can get mods and even nominations easily. I assume this is also part of your issue.
It's indeed true that mania has been suffering from a lack of BNs and modders for any modes other than 4k. Apparently there are not enough people interested in other key modes, so there won't be anyone to seek for advice or people to go to when you want your map ranked. It's an unfortunate circumstance, but sadly nobody can do much about it since there's just no interested people wiling to help out in mania.

Uh for osu!std I don't actually agree that BNs are in a circlejerk. More often than not, new people just don't have an interesting map to show to BNs. For new people, you either need a good map to grab BNs attention, otherwise you'll have to ask around more until you get a BN interested in your song choice or your mapping. Honestly, I'm also a new mapper and I managed to get 2 maps ranked just by asking around. (even though I asked around for 3-4 months for each map.)

I think the common misconception is that all rankable maps should be ranked. In reality, the "ranking system" only guarantees good maps to be ranked. If your map is just mediocre, it does not have the right to be ranked.
in a topic of mania inactivity, i do not believe we are really inactive as you think. I've been involved in the mania community ever since 2015 and while i do not deny that there have been lack of interest on ranking a map nowadays, we are still actively equal to other minigame modes. to give you an image, we have 8 mania maps in qualified today. compared that to 3 CtB maps, and 6 taiko maps. our situation is slightly better.

if i'm not misuderstanding the OP, you only have been here for less than a year (i saw your oldest map is uploaded on january 2019). i'm not surprised if you havent got that much attention yet. Word of advice, I'd suggest you to try out modding other people maps. either giving NM or M4M by opening a queue or something. The more you mod, the more you learn how people mapping their map. some of their concept could be applicable to your map and make it better. The more you mod will also get your name viewed where Nominators might see you as a potential mapper.

its all about community and how you interact with it. Its a community game afterall, you cannot expect random people and nominators to stumble upon your map and get ranked that way. With low number of nominators we have, personal issues that each BN might had, and personal preferences in nominating a map, the one who should be active is yourself.
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