
NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Commands feat. YuGiOh

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, April 06, 2009 at 6:07:46 PM

Artist: NicoNicoDouga
Title: Night Of Commands feat. YuGiOh
BPM: 180
Filesize: 23595kb
Play Time: 02:50
Difficulties Available:
  1. A! (4.2 stars, 211 notes)
  2. B!! (4.68 stars, 259 notes)
  3. C!!! (4.88 stars, 359 notes)
  4. Start!!!! (4.99 stars, 492 notes)
Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Commands feat. YuGiOh
Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Commands feat. YuGiOh (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
SUPA KORABURESHON~! (Super Collaboration!)

This is a collaboration between me, Larto and supergarlic. We're probably the people meant for mapping this song, so I hope you'd like this one. :)

Kiai mode added!
Wizard Of Orz
PM my mapping time areas or I can't start

vytalibus wrote:

I have yet to think of good names for the difficulties. :D
I dunno, maybe since you want custom names and this song audio file seems to feature three Yu-Gi-Oh characters heavily, you can use their names by ascending order of skill in a children's card game, i.e. Joey, Kaiba and Yugi.
Topic Starter

supergarlic wrote:

PM my mapping time areas or I can't start
xD I've already put the storyboard in the map; it's supposed to show you where your parts are. If it's not obvious to you, here are the times:

00:10:89 - 00:14:89: vytalibus
00:21:55 - 00:42:88: vytalibus
00:53:55 - 01:23:22: supergarlic
01:25:55 - 01:46:55: Larto
02:08:22 - 02:10:72: vytalibus
02:10:88 - 02:13:38: Larto
02:13:55 - 02:16:05: supergarlic
02:18:88 - 02:21:38: vytalibus
02:21:55 - 02:24:05: Larto
02:24:22 - 02:26:72: supergarlic
02:29:55 - 02:39:88: supergarlic
02:40:22 - 02:50:88: Larto or vytalibus (it's Larto's choice if he wants this part of the map)

I'm posting here because I can't PM for some reason. Sorry about that.

Sinistro wrote:

vytalibus wrote:

I have yet to think of good names for the difficulties. :D
I dunno, maybe since you want custom names and this song audio file seems to feature three Yu-Gi-Oh characters heavily, you can use their names by ascending order of skill in a children's card game, i.e. Joey, Kaiba and Yugi.
I thought so, but the BG video concentrates on a canon event where Kaiba wins against Joey in some kind of "Enemy Controller" card-battle match (Yugi was also taking a lot of hits from both sides, actually). I wouldn't think the order sounds right with that kind of BG.
The pattern between 02:08:22 and 02:10:72 is pretty dull, but other than that, it's looking good so far.
What does that part mean where all of our names show up? I mean... we can't all map the same three times, can we.
I should learn to read

Is this going to be approved or ranked?

Also for difficulty names: "A!", "B!" and "C!!"?

Yeah that's dumb, lol
Wizard Of Orz
lol sorry vyt I was on my iPod when I wrote my previous post so I couldn't download it :P
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Larto wrote:

What does that part mean where all of our names show up? I mean... we can't all map the same three times, can we.
I should learn to read

Is this going to be approved or ranked?

Also for difficulty names: "A!", "B!" and "C!!"?

Yeah that's dumb, lol
It's going for ranked, so let's make it a great one!

... Yeah, "A!", "B!", "C!"... Close enough. :D

EDIT: I've removed that short part of mine in the beginning. It's not a good opening.
Wizard Of Orz
well here was the map that was usually the insane aka C!!

Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Command feat. YuGiOh (vytalibus).osu
Wizard Of Orz
i think we should make 4 difs and force matty to multiscreen this

a Easy, Normal, Hard, and insane

atm i think C!! is insane and B!! is normal

we should make it like the maps names are from A (insane) to D (easy)
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supergarlic wrote:

well here was the map that was usually the insane aka C!!
Modding... DONE.

01:22:22 (1) - Don't worry about this going over your time, mind you. It's a nice touch to the "1 hit". :D
02:14:05 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - It isn't on time with your cue. I was expecting an entry by 02:13:55.

Larto, if you're working over "C!!!", I'd suggest you stop first. I'll rename the difficulty AFTER supergarlic's done with his part so that your version of the difficulty will include his parts. I'm very new to collabs and stuff, so I don't really know how to merge our parts together much easier (all I did today was overwrite my version with supergarlic's, and I reckon that wouldn't be good in the long run). Unless you can help me with figuring out how to merge parts without having to overwrite...
For merging the parts I believe you just have to take the text in the hitcircle part from one .osu file and add it to another .osu file. But make sure you erase the parts that are already mapped in the other .osu file, otherwise you might get them twice and then you have two hitcircles that have to be pressed at the same time :(

Also: i already finished mapping my part on C :(

Wizard Of Orz
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Command feat. YuGiOh (vytalibus).osu
Wizard Of Orz
added vyts and garlics parts together w/o your mods vyt so change the map as you wish

Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Command feat. YuGiOh (vytalibus) [C!!!].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Command feat. YuGiOh (vytalibus) [D!!!!].osu

Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Command feat. YuGiOh (vytalibus) [C!!!].osu
Oh god I <3 this remix so much. Thanks for making a beatmap out of it~
Wizard Of Orz
just need to add hitsounds now :3
Wizard Of Orz
Wizard Of Orz
finished my ending of C!!!

fix the storyboard in the end

these diff names suck

Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Command feat. YuGiOh (vytalibus) [C!!!].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
It had to be removed, since the storyboarded names couldn't be seen under it for some reason.
As soon as this gets fixed, the video will be added again, no worries.

EDIT: Hey, I have a B!! for you!Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Command feat. YuGiOh (vytalibus) [B!!].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Zatoichi wrote:

If there's only three difficulties, then should they be by the buttons?

D isn't one of the buttons, by the way.
It's gonna be 4 difficulties. D!!!! is a surpreme hard difficulty and so it doesn't matter if it's a button or not (for us, at the least). We could call it Left, Right, Up, Down! or so, but that sounds stupid... Wait a minute.

Let's call D!!!! "START!"
Wizard Of Orz
I'm still waiting for this song :)

But where is A! :?:
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Wizard Of Orz
This map is too addicting. *ahem* Anyways...

All changes are optional, since they're really just making the map more accessible, but the map is still plenty doable. I could FC this just fine.

00:26:89 (1,2,3) - I thought 1 was a slider at first. Course, once you figure out 1's not a slider, you hopefully won't be tricked. You can change it if you feel like it. ;P
01:03:55 (1) - This is just silly for this difficulty, especially since the note you hit AFTER the spinner appears the same time as the spinner. And the spinner's short.
01:26:88 (1,2) - Oh look a jump. Not sure if that's intentional though, but considering all the other notes with 1 beat inbetween are much closer than this, thought I'd bring it up.
01:31:55 (2,1) - Okay, Larto, are you TRYING to make newbies hate you for life? >_>; Consider bring (1) a tiny bit closer.

Remember, many people suck at jumps and at reading hit circles. I remember when I started, 2 stars was too much for me... okay, I'll continue modding *ahem*

01:38:88 (1,2,3,1,2) - Might want to consider redoing this pattern so that the last 1 and 2 can be a tiny bit closer. Even I could just barely do it. :P But it would require redoing your pretty pattern, so eh, judgement is required as always.
02:24:22 (1) - Is just oh-so tempting to click early.


01:03:55 (1) - Same as in A!.
01:15:22 (1) - Same issue as above.


Just fine, I can now play through it no problem.


Difficult, but is humanly possible. :P

Really fun map.
EDIT: Why is stacking turned to "rarely stack" on this one? Or is this map aiming for approval?


01:21:55 (2) - I suggest putting this somewhere right, lower so it forms a V-shape with 1 and the next combo.
02:21:72 (1) - Move this 1/2 a beat earlier.
02:45:55 (1) - Extend this spinner by 2 1/2 beats (i.e. end at 02:47:88)


02:21:72 (1,2) - Okay, so it's roughly the same issue as above. Move this sequence to 02:21:55 i.e. 1/2 a beat earlier.
02:51:22 (1,1) - Uhh, overlapping sliders? Damned, it's serious enough to deny you a star, sorry.

00:40:22 (1,1) - Spinners are far too short. There's a need to redesign this bit.
01:40:22 (1,1) - Larto, you can't NOT know these spinners are too short even if they do come one after the other.

Oh by the way, I can't shake this girl out of my head.
Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Command feat. YuGiOh (vytalibus) [Start!!!!].osu

Fixed my parts. However I didn't quite like Pasonia's complaints about
02:21:72 (1) - On C!!! and A!, so I didn't change it.

Download: NicoNicoDouga - Night Of Command feat. YuGiOh (vytalibus) [A!].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
OMG, why isn't a map awesome as this ranked???

I got no complaints. It's perfectly in sync, the notes are very diverse and there are lots of awesome patterns in there, and it's very fun to play.
1:45:550(5)-> Move up a bit.

Starred. I like this beatmap.
My only gripe is that there isn't a difficulty where it actually follows the commands that Kaiba and Joey are saying (sliders for the directions and circles for A, B and C).
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Zatoichi wrote:

My only gripe is that there isn't a difficulty where it actually follows the commands that Kaiba and Joey are saying (sliders for the directions and circles for A, B and C).
It's so hard to do so. There's a part where it goes UP RIGHT UP RIGHT UP RIGHT all over again. Guess where that led?
Starred cuz it's an awesome beatmap :D
I'll start training... so I can rank high when this gets ranked :)
Just suggestions~

Using grid level 3.
00:28:89 (1) - Maybe move this 1 tick to the left so it would make it even?
02:10:88 (1) - Stack on 4.
02:16:05 (5) - Redo break after this beat.
02:48:88 (2) - Move 1 tick to the right, so when you flip it horizontally it'll be stacked.

00:56:22 (4) - New combo?
01:22:22 (1) - Move 1 tick to the left.
01:28:38 (1) - Move 1 tick down then left.
02:15:88 (2) - Redo break after this beat.
02:26:72 (4) - ^

00:58:55 (7) - Maybe stack the endpoint on 6?

00:56:88 (2) - Move up a tick.

I see no problem here. ;) *Stars*
00:26:89 (1) - 1/2 after a spinner? Not for ez.
01:45:55 (5) - Spacin'

01:11:88 (1,1) - Too confuzzling for normal?

WAY too many claps in Supergarlic's parts

Claps. Supergarlic's part. My earssssssss
01:32:05 (1,2) - Sounds weird.
02:32:22 (1) - Reverse arrow is facing the wrong way.

Fixed. Here you go.

here video without audio (saves 3 mb):

Garlic's parts make me puke, but you can't pop bubbles for ugliness..
Wizard Of Orz

m980 wrote:

Garlic's parts make me puke, but you can't pop bubbles for ugliness..
...he would mix Night of Knights with japanese yu-gi-oh! and make it totally...creepy....
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