
Gil Mantera's Party Dream - Elmo's Wish

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 5:21:51 PM

Artist: Gil Mantera's Party Dream
Title: Elmo's Wish
BPM: 138.03
Filesize: 15643kb
Play Time: 03:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Mellow Nap (3.11 stars, 275 notes)
  2. Party Dream (4.5 stars, 350 notes)
  3. Sausy Nightmare (4.86 stars, 562 notes)
Download: Gil Mantera's Party Dream - Elmo's Wish
Download: Gil Mantera's Party Dream - Elmo's Wish (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Revised x3 ._.

feb 26- Updated to metalmario's advice
mar 1- Offset Tweak to 68. Minor fixes in Nap
- cleaned beatmap as requested
mar 2- Readjusted bpm/offset. Have been fighting offset wizard for the past week. i think i got it ._.
mar 4- More minor adjustments.
(reference notes: Rapid snap .7 Normal snap 1.4)
mar10- killed the long break.
mar14- minor tweaks
23- Alignment update
25 ^ ^
26 Harry's Alignment update.
Minyeobs advice. -flashymode o.o
Whymeman edit
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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BPM: 138.030
Offset: 104
A Slidertick of 2 also works well with the music.

Done. Thanks, i was working off of offbeats ._.

edit-Fixed everything noted above, deleted text for fixes without additional notes.

Mellow Nap:
  1. 00:42:48 (2) - Awkward. Move forward by a 1/2 and stack on top of 3.
    -agreed, i was deciding between these this and the old. This is satisfying
  2. 01:33:12 (4,5) - Spacing. Move further apart.
    -fixd. Next combo flipped to accomidate new spacing.
  3. 02:19:20 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - See [Party Dream].
    -yea.. half lazy =p. breakd. Feels like too much breakage. should i map the break before now?
  4. 02:37:02 (3) - Mistimed slider. Shorten by a 1/4.
    -mistimed yes. Chose to lengthen 1/4 instead.

    Party Dream:
  5. 01:32:90 (5,6) - I dislike small sliders with many rebounds followed by notes, since you can't really tell when the slider ends. It's okay by ranking standards, so you be the judge.
    - compromised. rebound extended. This bugs me too in other maps when the only way to pass is to hold the rebound and stare at the next fade in hoping you don't let go too early.
  6. 01:53:77 (6,7,8) - Spacing. Move 7 one grid to the right, and 8 two grids to the right.
    -fixd. missed distance snap when i rewrote this
  7. 01:58:33 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing. Etna sliders are often exempt from strict spacing, but there's a consistency issue with 3 and 4, which share the same spacing as the rest of this combo but are further apart in time. The simplest fix is to just space the whole combo properly.
    -fixd? Oh thats what etna sliders are.. so I estimate they are roughly 2x the distance they should be so i did a distance snap 1.4 for slider (4) I think it played ok now.
  8. 02:19:20 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Surely you can do something more interesting here, because this is boring and looks lazy. This could also just be turned into a break, since the music isn't doing much at this time.
    -fixd w/ break again.
  9. 03:27:55 (6) - Sounds really weird. Move forward by a 1/4 then shorten by a 1/4 to preserve the ending.
  10. 03:27:55 (6) - Anticlimactic ending. Maybe replace the last combo with a spinner or something?
    -ditched 6 for a slider to go on the fade out =x

Thanks a lot for the help and support. so far on all my maps It looks like I just keep suxoring at combo identification. . .
Just some things to pretty up the map.

Mellow Nap~
01:56:34 (2) - Align with 1.
02:15:90 (2,3) - Move both of these over a tick using the Grid Level 3.
02:41:98 (3,4) - Align with 2.
02:50:46 (1) - Align with 8, maybe?
02:54:81 (3,4) - Align with 2.
02:56:55 (7) - Align with 6.
02:59:15 (4,5,6,7) - Align with 3, maybe?

Party Dream~
00:40:72 (8) - Stack right on top of 7's endpoint.
02:50:06 (7) - Evenly space this out with the rest of the combo.
02:58:76 (3) - Move this to the right a tick using Grid Level 3.

Did you get the video off of Youtube? I could get a better mostly non-squarish looking video if you did.
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Mafiamaster wrote:

Just some things to pretty up the map.
Mellow Nap~
01:56:34 (2) - Align with 1.
02:15:90 (2,3) - Move both of these over a tick using the Grid Level 3.
02:41:98 (3,4) - Align with 2.
02:50:46 (1) - Align with 8, maybe?
02:54:81 (3,4) - Align with 2.
02:56:55 (7) - Align with 6.
02:59:15 (4,5,6,7) - Align with 3, maybe?

•Ah woops. I had to shift the whole segment so i think its good now. Thanks.

Party Dream~
00:40:72 (8) - Stack right on top of 7's endpoint.

•Im having trouble with this. I just turned off grid/distance snap and put it on. I couldnt figure out how to get it to snap on its own.
02:50:06 (7) - Evenly space this out with the rest of the combo.
02:58:76 (3) - Move this to the right a tick using Grid Level 3.
•Fixed. Also moved (2) and the combo after (3) to match this change.

The video was: I guess its pretty bad quality there too hmm.

Thanks a lot for helping!
This is the quality of &fmt=18
aaaand crap, it's 19.6 MB. It's probably fine, but if you know how to compress the video, then go ahead. Because I don't ;)
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It looks like the same video to me? Squares around when it enlarges. Should i just find/make a picture instead?
Well i'm guessing the video itself just sucks then.

Rawr, go ahead. ;)
Yeah, actually it does need a background image as it's a criteria for RANKAGE.
Topic Starter

Mafiamaster wrote:

Well i'm guessing the video itself just sucks then.

Rawr, go ahead. ;)
Yeah, actually it does need a background image as it's a criteria for RANKAGE.
Im kinda confused, is there a way to add a background AND a video?
Yes. First add the background image, then add the video next. Or else the image will be on top of the video.
[Mellow Nap]

You might add more sliders.
02:17:888 (5) - Move this 1 grid to the left to line up vertically with (4).
02:18:105 - The break is quite long (14 sec), you could split up the break by mapping a part in the break.

[Party Dream]

00:42:474 (2,3,4) - Move these 1 grid to the left to line up vertically with (1).
00:45:951 (2,3,4) - Move these down 1 grid to line up horizontally with (1).
00:50:950 (6) - Move this down 1 grid to line up horizontally with (5).
01:07:685 (1,2,3,4,5) - Check the spacing, it's not consistent here.
01:18:118 (5,6) - Move these 1 grid to the left to line up vertically with (3,4).
01:31:159 (2,3,4,5,6) - Move these 1 grid to the left to line up vertically with (1).
01:34:636 (2,3,4,5) - Move these 1 grid to the right to line up vertically with (1).
01:38:114 (2,3,4,5) - Move these 1 grid to the right to line up vertically with (1).
02:18:757 - The break is quite long (14 sec), you could split up the break by mapping a part in the break.
03:08:529 (2,3,4,5,6) - Move these 1 grid to the right to line up vertically with (1).
03:15:484 (2,3,4,5) - Move these 1 grid to the left to line up vertically with (1).
03:22:439 (2,3,4,5,6) - Move these 1 grid to the right to line up vertically with (1).

Nice map :]
Starred *
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[Mellow Nap]

You might add more sliders.
02:17:888 (5) - Move this 1 grid to the left to line up vertically with (4).
02:18:105 - The break is quite long (14 sec), you could split up the break by mapping a part in the break.

Moved (5). The break was requested earlier. I had 1 slider per 4 beats to match the background but that was boring and looked tacky. There's basically nothing to map there. Ive seen longer breaks. Ill let this slide for now.

[Party Dream]

00:42:474 (2,3,4) - Move these 1 grid to the left to line up vertically with (1).
00:45:951 (2,3,4) - Move these down 1 grid to line up horizontally with (1).
01:18:118 (5,6) - Move these 1 grid to the left to line up vertically with (3,4).
01:31:159 (2,3,4,5,6) - Move these 1 grid to the left to line up vertically with (1).
01:34:636 (2,3,4,5) - Move these 1 grid to the right to line up vertically with (1).
01:38:114 (2,3,4,5) - Move these 1 grid to the right to line up vertically with (1).
03:08:529 (2,3,4,5,6) - Move these 1 grid to the right to line up vertically with (1).
03:15:484 (2,3,4,5) - Move these 1 grid to the left to line up vertically with (1).
03:22:439 (2,3,4,5,6) - Move these 1 grid to the right to line up vertically with (1).

Well.. I actually dont care that these are not lined up. In normal I just did it to make it more easy to follow. Here I was not going for strict linear alignment. These patterns will stay.

00:50:950 (6) - Move this down 1 grid to line up horizontally with (5).
01:07:685 (1,2,3,4,5) - Check the spacing, it's not consistent here.

Dam. got me. (6) Fixed. 12345 is fine. Distance snap .8 just like the rest of the song. I yanked it out of grid snap for you to make it look more consistent. Thanks! Ill return the favor hopefully tonight.

Mafiamaster wrote:

Yes. First add the background image, then add the video next. Or else the image will be on top of the video.
I thought i got it but i guess i didnt. I tried so many different combinations of adding and whatnot and i guess i just dont have any idea what im doing. I thought i had it down but the background still doesnt update in the beatmap page/list. Could you give me a play by play for idiots maybe? ._.
Never mind. its working ._. just not on the website list.

fufe wrote:

Dam. got me. (6) Fixed. 12345 is fine. Distance snap .8 just like the rest of the song. I yanked it out of grid snap for you to make it look more consistent. Thanks! Ill return the favor hopefully tonight.
There's actually a bug (rounding error) in the distance snap logic. Notes tend to get placed closer together when going left to right or top to bottom.

Nudging the note one grid away from where Distance Snap wants to put it is usually better than taking the note out of grid snap.
I didn't notice any errors.

The only thing i notice are minor things like unalign notes, but i'm not good enough to notice that =_='

Anyway, Have a star =D
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Dam, thought I went through it pretty well with after symbolics allignment overhaul. Went back in and fixed a bunch more. Thanks for the pointer.
This is a great map. I found the "Mellow Nap" difficulty a bit boring, but that's just normal for any low difficulty. The other two were extremely fun to play, even if I found the spacing a bit weird in some point in "Sausy Nightmare" (but totally playable and enjoyable)
There are some unaligned notes, I'll tell you the ones I've found.

(Using grid 3)

Mellow Nap

00:30:966 (1) - I'd center this, one square to the right
00:38:356 (3) - 1 down
00:43:052 (4,5) - These are totally optional, but I'd see them better 1 square up.
00:53:135 (2,3,4,5) - 1 down
01:30:953 (1) - 1 down
01:57:687 (5) - 1 to the left

Party Dream

00:54:005 (5,6) - 1 to the left
01:18:130 (5) - 1 to the left
01:33:779 (6) - 1 up
02:26:156 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 1 down
02:59:412 (5,6,7,8) - 1 to the right

Sausy Nightmare

00:17:274 (4) - 1 up
01:56:165 (4) - 1 down
02:18:552 (1) - 1 to the right
02:21:594 (8) - 1 down (and if needed, space accordingly the following notes)

So that's it. I don't know if I missed something, and of course I don't know which of these where intentional and which were mistakes, it's up to you to choose what to fix.
Oh and obviously, starred :)
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I found the "Mellow Nap" difficulty a bit boring, but that's just normal for any low difficulty.
Qft. =)

I fixed all the spacing mistakes. Couldn't hurt =p. Thanks for checking out the map.

ps. u gave fake star? lol

fufe wrote:

I found the "Mellow Nap" difficulty a bit boring, but that's just normal for any low difficulty.
Qft. =)

I fixed all the spacing mistakes. Couldn't hurt =p. Thanks for checking out the map.

ps. u gave fake star? lol
omg sorry! I had clicked on "star this map" but it didn't work XDDDD

REAL star xD
[Mellow Nap]
1:03:242(2,3)-> Stacking is okay but think one more time. This map is the easiest difficulty. Don't stack them.
2:42:549(4)~2:57:461(1)-> So boring lol
3:01:110(1)-> Decrease the length by 3/4.
Ending part should be mapped

[Party Dream]
2:14:641(7)-> Stack with (6).

[Sausy Nightmare]
Overmapped :(
2:03:990( )-> Add a hit mark on here.(1/4 beat backward from 2:03:877(4) )

You need to get a BAT's attention.
just stared. no kd plz ;)
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[Mellow Nap]
1:03:242(2,3)-> Stacking is okay but think one more time. This map is the easiest difficulty. Don't stack them.
2:42:549(4)~2:57:461(1)-> So boring lol
3:01:110(1)-> Decrease the length by 3/4.
Ending part should be mapped

Added some sliders to kill some boring. Still boring tho. Easy mode, what can you do :P
Decrease done
Mapped out last part. Hadn't before mostly because of lazy. It is a bit harder than the rest but ill call it a finale.

[Party Dream]
2:14:641(7)-> Stack with (6).

-think it was fine but probably wont hurt, done

[Sausy Nightmare]
Overmapped :(
2:03:990( )-> Add a hit mark on here.(1/4 beat backward from 2:03:877(4) )

-overmapped yea, kinda on purpose. Wasn't sure how it would be handled but its apparently playable.
Added the hit (it was there before but I took it out caues it felt excessive one day)

Thanks for your time!

-also thanks for the stars guys =3
Cool Song :)

I'll try my best to find what I can.

[Mellow Nap]

00:34:00 (6,1) - (1) is a bit misaligned with 6.
01:35:08 (2,3) - Sightly uneven.
01:42:03 (2,3) - ^

[Party Dream]

00:07:92 (3,4) - Slightly uneven? (Unless its suppose to look like that to make it "dynamic".)
00:18:57 (4) - Slightly misaligned with (3)
02:41:59 (2) - ^
02:45:28 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Looks a bit warped.
03:11:80 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - With this too close to the last note of the combo (03:11:14 (6) ), it might trick someone to think its a constant flow to keep up.
03:20:06 (5) - slightly uneven with (4)
03:27:01 (5) - ^
03:27:66 (1) - Sounds like it should end at 3:28:754. Anything past that makes it sound late but maybe its just me.

[Sausy Nightmare]

Seems okay so far...

*My Thoughts*

I'm not trying to pick on small alignment/spacing errors as I posted, its just that some people can get super picky about it even when its like 3 pixels off. I like how you try to not let the beats go to waste but keeping it steady. Oh and something is wrong with the video file since its not playing :( .

But overall, star for effort. :)
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Sausy Nightmare:
01:56:16 (4) - This could be aligned, but feel free to ignore this comment
03:23:53 (6) - Bring this up just a tad to make it aligned and not ugly
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weeee blowing bubbles then.
Offset: 88. I already told you this. :)

[Party Dream]
02:30:70 (4,5) - Sounds very awkward. I suggest making (4) be a short slider like the rest (moving the starting position back by 1/4, of course).

[Sausy Nightmare]
02:26:57 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Misaligned. Distance Snapping would probably say otherwise, but use your eyes and see why I said so.

Fix these two. :)
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[Party Dream]
02:30:70 (4,5) - Sounds very awkward. I suggest making (4) be a short slider like the rest (moving the starting position back by 1/4, of course).

-did that and repeated it a few.

Download: Lou Bega - Mambo No.5 (Lesjuh) [Aleks].osu
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