
Kender i nogen der vil lave et beatmap for mig? (betaler gerne)

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Hej Skandinavien!
Kender i nogen, måske en af jer selv? Som ville lave et beatmap af en sang? Eller to? Betaler gerne, f.eks i osu! supporter tid.
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Lol don't pay for a beatmap, just kindly ask some mappers if they like the song and that you'd be happy to see a map made out of it. At least one will take you up on it. Doesn't at all have to be somebody strictly from scandinavia.
I can agree with boats first statement

not the second one

to not be too off-topic I could make a beatmap but considering I'm not really the most realible beatmapper around (read:no ranked maps), and I don't really have the ability to do any beatmapping least a few days, and to put it simple, my music taster is quite delicate...delicate indeed.
dafuq why I so english
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