
ALTIMA - Burst The Gravity (TV Size) [Osu|Taiko]

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abdomsisn wrote:

00:08:753 (3,4,5) - blanket 包好点?blacket在开了DS的情况下我只能包成这样
00:10:374 (5) - 节奏不懂。。应该滑条缩短然后加个NOTE在4的位置,或者加个强点的音效 4已clap 但是滑条在这里还是蛮合适的我不觉得要改
01:24:969 (2) - 包好点?我觉得已经包好了
整体音效感觉不是很搭,NORMAL部分的音效声音调小一点 我觉得声音大小还是比较适合了 不算太重

00:05:509 (3,4) - 开头几个滑条弧度都改缓一点 看上去不错了啊……
00:26:388 - 加个NOTE 换了种方法填上去了
00:39:361 - ^ 同上
01:00:644 (1) - 好评

00:20:104 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 人性。。
00:41:996 (3,4) - 往下拉3-4格 fixed
00:59:631 (5,6) - 这走势略没FLOW感 重拉了一个
01:15:644 (2,3,4) - FLOW感不足 改成这样? fixed
01:18:482 (1,2) - 这样? fixed

00:13:617 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 好!
00:29:428 (4,5,6) - 感觉原地不好 改了
00:31:455 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 碉堡
01:00:644 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - 请务必教我这是怎么摆的 因为很长所以扔box里了
好图!掉血略坑 考虑-1?HP7感觉更合适

感觉很不错,节奏啊排列啊神马的,所以我也没啥好的建议了- -
thanks for modding~
Black: suggetions
Blue: might consider
Red: You Must Fix

  • NC1的CLAP不合适0.0


  • 整张图我觉得连打overmap太严重,打着也不舒服,昨天sco那图是为什么unrank的知道吗
    00:03:685 (4,5) –反flow。或者可以向右放点做不完整八边形?
    00:16:455 (1,2,3,4) –我没听到1/4音,overmap?
    00:19:496 (4,5,6) –前面貌似跟的鼓音,这里突然跟vocal不能适应
    00:21:523 (9) –顺着之前串子的轨迹放,往上放点,保持flow
    00:22:030 (2,3) –overmap
    00:23:347 (1,2,3) -^
    00:24:158 (5,6,7) -^
    00:29:428 (4,5,6) -^
    00:33:888 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –应该是不连续的,建议去掉00:34:394 (6) –
    00:35:408 (3,4) –overmap后面不说了
    00:36:117 (7,1,2,3,4) –这样?
    00:39:563 (1,2,3) –这个flow反的太离谱了吧建议00:40:172 (2,3,4) –往左移,移动轨迹正好为一个圈
    00:41:590 (2,3,4) –感受下flow
    00:46:861 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –不是长连打理由同上
    00:47:672 –这里开始到00:50:915 -,1.00速滑条很违和,考虑0.75速度滑条,同时降低节奏密度
    00:49:901 (3,4,5,6) –换成滑条,note不合歌曲
    00:53:347 (1,2,3,4)-Overmap
    00:53:854 (6) –去掉
    00:54:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6) –难以理解啊,就算喜欢连打图摆连打也要合着曲子啊
    01:02:570 –为什么不跟vocal了?
    01:08:043 (2,6) -去掉,打起来也舒服
    01:12:807 (3) –这样?
    01:19:293 (1) –向右移点,flow
    01:21:016 (2,6) -^
    01:22:942 (4) –这个我建议改成2个NOTE,前面三个人声三个滑条可以,这个也滑条实在不舒服
    01:26:185 (5,6) –flow


  • 00:06:726 (3,2) -这最好别overlap
    00:16:861 (1,2) –这个flow真是差评,打起来特别不爽的说;w;
    00:18:482 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) –nitpick感觉右上角排列略空,注意空间利用率
    00:25:982 (4,5,1) –broken flow,建议00:26:388 (1) –Ctrl+G,00:26:996 (2) –Ctrl+G,00:27:401 (3,4,5) –移到左边来,都在中间AR7打起来看起来乱七八糟的
    00:28:009 (6,1,2) –overlap看起来乱啊,不是AR7看起来真心糟糕。。。
    00:29:023 (3,4) –这样来保持flow?
    00:30:644 (3,4,1,2,3) – 这样摆?
    00:38:753 (3,4,5) –摆成弧线型?
    00:48:685 (5,1) –这样?
    00:49:090 –这里是重音,建议放note。。00:48:685 (5,1) –交换他们
    00:50:104 –节奏参考
    01:14:428 (5) –多一个折返
    01:23:955 –节奏建议


  • 00:10:070 -00:10:273 -这两根绿线一根就可以解决pia,nitpick
    00:11:996 (1) –转盘上换成normal的finish
    00:23:144 (3,4) –交换他们
    00:24:563 –中间不用tick音?
    00:26:996 (4) –向左来点
    00:37:942 –这个重音在滑条尾也怪怪的,看下面建议
    00:36:726 –节奏建议
    00:46:861 (5) –Ctrl+G然后放对面去
    00:48:888 (2,3,4) –这里节奏乱啊,到底跟的什么,明明跟人声的会很好
    00:48:685 –节奏建议
    00:54:969 (2,3,4) –这里跟人声别扭建议跟鼓点
    01:05:307 (5) –去掉
    01:18:482 (1) –白线结束
    01:24:563 (2,3,1) –normal这样略难


  • 00:30:644 (4) –滑条尾重音别扭。。
    00:47:672 –节奏建议
    01:23:753 (4) –滑条身上的whistle去了保留首尾
    01:26:185 (3) –^

good luck~
大概看了一下 没发现什么问题

就是BLdiff的质量一般.. 间距和一些细节都可以提高 不过由于是1stmap 而且还是折腾了这么久的老图 我不知道你是否还有耐心继续大修大改
如果你还改的动的话我可以写出很多的nazi或者概念上的东西 如果不愿意改的话我可以直接点rebubble(记得改我楼上的mod)
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

大概看了一下 没发现什么问题

就是BLdiff的质量一般.. 间距和一些细节都可以提高 不过由于是1stmap 而且还是折腾了这么久的老图 我不知道你是否还有耐心继续大修大改
如果你还改的动的话我可以写出很多的nazi或者概念上的东西 如果不愿意改的话我可以直接点rebubble(记得改我楼上的mod)
刚刚和Fycho私聊过了 改的动是改的动 由于今天mod很久身体有点累所以明天改 那些什么概念上的东西随便扔给我吧我觉得我抗压能力还不错(不过还是等我明天改完之后再扔吧(-^ω^-))
Topic Starter

Fycho wrote:

Black: suggetions
Blue: might consider
Red: You Must Fix

  • NC1的CLAP不合适0.0


  • 整张图我觉得连打overmap太严重,打着也不舒服,昨天sco那图是为什么unrank的知道吗
    00:03:685 (4,5) –反flow。或者可以向右放点做不完整八边形?
    00:16:455 (1,2,3,4) –我没听到1/4音,overmap?
    00:19:496 (4,5,6) –前面貌似跟的鼓音,这里突然跟vocal不能适应
    00:21:523 (9) –顺着之前串子的轨迹放,往上放点,保持flow
    00:22:030 (2,3) –overmap
    00:23:347 (1,2,3) -^
    00:24:158 (5,6,7) -^
    00:29:428 (4,5,6) -^
    00:33:888 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –应该是不连续的,建议去掉00:34:394 (6) –
    00:35:408 (3,4) –overmap后面不说了
    00:36:117 (7,1,2,3,4) –这样?
    00:39:563 (1,2,3) –这个flow反的太离谱了吧建议00:40:172 (2,3,4) –往左移,移动轨迹正好为一个圈
    00:41:590 (2,3,4) –感受下flow
    00:46:861 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –不是长连打理由同上
    00:47:672 –这里开始到00:50:915 -,1.00速滑条很违和,考虑0.75速度滑条,同时降低节奏密度
    00:49:901 (3,4,5,6) –换成滑条,note不合歌曲
    00:53:347 (1,2,3,4)-Overmap
    00:53:854 (6) –去掉
    00:54:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6) –难以理解啊,就算喜欢连打图摆连打也要合着曲子啊
    01:02:570 –为什么不跟vocal了?
    01:08:043 (2,6) -去掉,打起来也舒服
    01:12:807 (3) –这样?
    01:19:293 (1) –向右移点,flow
    01:21:016 (2,6) -^
    01:22:942 (4) –这个我建议改成2个NOTE,前面三个人声三个滑条可以,这个也滑条实在不舒服
    01:26:185 (5,6) –flow


  • 00:06:726 (3,2) -这最好别overlap
    00:16:861 (1,2) –这个flow真是差评,打起来特别不爽的说;w;
    00:18:482 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) –nitpick感觉右上角排列略空,注意空间利用率
    00:25:982 (4,5,1) –broken flow,建议00:26:388 (1) –Ctrl+G,00:26:996 (2) –Ctrl+G,00:27:401 (3,4,5) –移到左边来,都在中间AR7打起来看起来乱七八糟的
    00:28:009 (6,1,2) –overlap看起来乱啊,不是AR7看起来真心糟糕。。。
    00:29:023 (3,4) –这样来保持flow?
    00:30:644 (3,4,1,2,3) – 这样摆?
    00:38:753 (3,4,5) –摆成弧线型?
    00:48:685 (5,1) –这样?
    00:49:090 –这里是重音,建议放note。。00:48:685 (5,1) –交换他们
    00:50:104 –节奏参考
    01:14:428 (5) –多一个折返
    01:23:955 –节奏建议


  • 00:10:070 -00:10:273 -这两根绿线一根就可以解决pia,nitpick
    00:11:996 (1) –转盘上换成normal的finish
    00:23:144 (3,4) –交换他们
    00:24:563 –中间不用tick音?
    00:26:996 (4) –向左来点
    00:37:942 –这个重音在滑条尾也怪怪的,看下面建议
    00:36:726 –节奏建议
    00:46:861 (5) –Ctrl+G然后放对面去
    00:48:888 (2,3,4) –这里节奏乱啊,到底跟的什么,明明跟人声的会很好
    00:48:685 –节奏建议
    00:54:969 (2,3,4) –这里跟人声别扭建议跟鼓点
    01:05:307 (5) –去掉
    01:18:482 (1) –白线结束
    01:24:563 (2,3,1) –normal这样略难


  • 00:30:644 (4) –滑条尾重音别扭。。
    00:47:672 –节奏建议
    01:23:753 (4) –滑条身上的whistle去了保留首尾
    01:26:185 (3) –^

good luck~
Almost fixed, very big thanks for modding :)
not bad for a first map, hope you can do better in the future.
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

not bad for a first map, hope you can do better in the future.
thanks a lot
hi.. sorry to do not check your map yesterday.. My pc crashed and I could not turn on it anymore (i am via a mobile phone now)..
I will do the mod as soon as i have my pc again.. sorry for the troubles btw :-\.
To every BAT..please, do not rank this map yet.. taiko diffs were not approved and I have some important suggestions (specially in oni after to do a testplay)
Topic Starter

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

hi.. sorry to do not check your map yesterday.. My pc crashed and I could not turn on it anymore (i am via a mobile phone now)..
I will do the mod as soon as i have my pc again.. sorry for the troubles btw :-\.
To every BAT..please, do not rank this map yet.. taiko diffs were not approved and I have some important suggestions (specially in oni after to do a testplay)
Ok, i see
Looking forward to your mod post
Thanks a lot
Go :3
From queue
[Ash Roller]
00:47:672 (1) - more curve
00:51:726 (2) - ^
[Lime Bell]
01:03:077 (2) - move to the right some more
[Sky Raker]

[Black Lotus]
00:13:617 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - if stream was more neater that would be way better like make them edge out but stacked together like

See how the stream curves perfectly do that instead

that's all i have good map hope you rank :D
Topic Starter

zorefire wrote:

From queue
[Ash Roller]
00:47:672 (1) - more curve
00:51:726 (2) - ^
[Lime Bell]
01:03:077 (2) - move to the right some more
[Sky Raker]

[Black Lotus]
00:13:617 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - if stream was more neater that would be way better like make them edge out but stacked together like

See how the stream curves perfectly do that instead

that's all i have good map hope you rank :D
nothing fixed :cry: , thank you all the same (btw i cant see the two pictures)
Taiko mod as per your request! (and sorry again for the delay)


• The sampleset volume is really low, comparing it with the music, especially in these taiko diffs. I highly suggest you to increase the volume (and use a constant volume as well, in the whole of the map) to 90%
• 01:15:238 - 01:15:239 - In all of the diffs. remove these green lines (inherited timing points) because flash kiai sections are unrankable in Taiko diffs. Make sure to delete them in all difficulties as I said


Slider Velocity: Use SV 1.20 instead of 1.40 (?

• 00:02:266 (3,6) - Use a kat here to emphasize the piano
• 00:09:158 (x) - Add a kat here to follow properly the piano, in addition it will make the map more enjoyable, actually is pretty boring even for new players
• 00:11:185 (x) - (^)
• 00:12:401 (Spin) - Move this Spinner 1/2 forward (and then make it 1/2 bigger) to fit better with the vocals
• 00:16:861 (2,3,4) - Sometimes, you can use some red ticks to make the pattern more enjoyable, because actually the diff. become pretty boring. Of course, you need to do it in a coherent thing to make this pattern easy to read to new players, I'd recommend you to use something like this
• 00:20:104 (6,7,8) - You can do something like I suggest you here in the previous suggestion here too
• 00:37:536 (22) - Use a kat here for consistency (?
• 01:16:050 (21,22,23) - Use kats here, to follow better the piano
• 01:27:401 (38,39,40) - Use a drumroll (slider) instead of these notes, because its cover better the music

- Not bad, but it is extremely boring (I know it is a kantan but still, really boring diff.). A lot of 4/1 spacings when the BPM is not that high, try adding some notes here and there to avoid that, and you can also try adding some notes over some red ticks as I mentioned in my mod.


Slider Velocity: Use SV 1.20 instead of 1.40 (?
The name of the diff. is wrong spelled, it should be ''Futsuu'' and not ''Fuutsu. Make sure to fix that please

• 00:08:753 (13,14) - I'd use kats here, because follow better the piano
• 00:21:726 (12) - Remove the finisher from this note, because there is no cymbals present here. Is ok to add it in a standard diff. but not in a taiko diff.
• 00:10:780 (17) - The 1/1 sounds a bit random to me, I'd move this note 1/2 forward to follow better the vocals in this case
• 01:02:266 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - So much 1/1, you should try deleting some of the notes to make the pattern more ''enjoyable'', really
• 01:13:212 (22) - Move this 1/1 back, to follow better the drums
• 01:15:239 (26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34) - Boring pattern again, try some other variety here
• 01:23:753 (x) - Add a note here please
• 01:27:401 (48,49,50) - Use a drumroll instead of these notes

- Not bad, but boring as well to be a futsuu. Looking the BPM, you could try adding some ddd or kkk (in 1/2 of course), or some dk kd (in 1/2 too, as I suggested you in my mod). If you don't do that, the spread between Futsuu and Muzu is really big.

[Mamo's Muzukashii:]

• 00:12:807 (43) - Useless notes, is not following anything in the music. Remove it please!
• 00:13:922 (x) - Add a note here and make (48) a don to follow properly the drums and make a coherent pattern according to the diff.
• 00:14:428 (50,51,52,53,54,55) - All these notes are unnecesary and they are not following properly the music, believe me. You can simplify this pattern with a drumroll (slider), in addition will follow much better the drums
• 00:15:239 (55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73) - This pattern sounds pretty weird and is not following the music properly in any way. Those kkk's are random for example, so I suggest you to do something like this

• 00:19:394 (76,77) - For a better flow, move (76) 1/4 forward, and transform (77) in a kat
• 00:21:523 (84,85) - Follow much better the music if you remove (84) and then remove the finisher from (85)
• 00:28:212 (108) - Random finisher, remove it please
• 00:34:293 (130,131) - Actually, this 3-plet is bad placed, if you listen properly the music. To follow properly the drums, you will need to move both notes 1/4 back
• 00:40:678 (x) - Add a kat here to follow properly the drums
• 00:42:401 (162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172) - The constant 1/2 just to follow the vocals is not a good thing in taiko. To make the pattern more fitable with a taiko diff, I recommend you to delete (167), and then try a pattern like d d k d k and then a k d k k d.
• 00:47:063 (182,183) - Move these notes 1/4 forward and transform the previous (181) in a don to follow better the drums
• 00:49:496 (191) - Move this 1/2 back, because it'll follow much better the high pitch in the instrumental
• 00:53:144 (209,210,211,212,213,214) - A simple d k d k d k d k is a boring pattern, and it doesn't represent the music really well. So, I recommend you other variety, doing something like d k d k k d
• 00:54:563 (215) - Definetly, this should be a kat :P
• 00:59:023 (231,232,233,234) - Random finishers everywhere :/. Remove all of them in these notes please
• 01:08:246 (x) - Add a don here and make (269) a don too.
• 01:14:428 (292,293,294,295,296) - All of these notes in 1/2 sounds a bit weird, because the sound in 1/4 is really high. Use a drumroll instead of these notes for a better flow then (and it'll help you to avoid the constant 1/2 pattern)
• 01:16:455 (301,302,303,304,305) - k d k k d for a better variety
• 01:18:888 (311,312,313,314,315,316,317) - You could try something like I mentioned above here as well
• 01:21:219 (x) - Add a k here and make (320) a kat too

- You focused a lot on vocals to map this and I personally don't like that kind of things in a taiko map, the constant 1/2 bother me and those random big notes too.
Some inconsistencies can be fixed to as well as I mentioned in general in my map. Actually, this needs more work and mods.

[Collab Oni:]

--> Increase the HP Drain Rate by 1 tick, actually the map is not that difficult imo (HP+1)

• 00:01:253 (4,5,6) - I'd use kdk here instead, because follow much better the piano imo
• 00:12:807 (55,56) - I'd remove these notes, I mean the flow becomes weird with them.. Consider that please
• 00:14:226 (65,66,67,68,69,70,71) - I expected more notes in this pattern, because drums represented that. Try adding notes in 00:14:327 and 00:14:530 to follow better the music and re-arrange a bit the objects in this pattern
• 00:17:266 (84) - Use a don here instead..?
• 00:20:104 (101,104) - Add finishers in these objects
• 00:28:212 (146) - Such a random finisher here, it is not following anything. Remove it please
• 00:28:415 (147) - Hmm.. This note is not following the music really well imo. I think is not a crazy thing removing it.
• 00:36:928 (189) - (^)
• 00:38:854 (x) - Add a don here for a better flow and to follow the music in a good way (?
• 00:47:469 (x) - (^)
• 00:49:496 (255) - Move this note 1/2 back to follow the highest pitch in the instrumental
• 00:50:003 (258,259) - Remove these notes, they are not really necessary, especially (258) is just overmapping
• 01:02:266 (324) - Use a big don instead for a better flow
• 01:19:293 - 01:21:320 - Oh.. man.. Re-arrange this pattern please, is really overmapped :/
• 01:23:347 - 01:28:212 - Same here, some of the notes fit well with the music, but most of them not. Listen properly the music (I suggest in 25% playback) and add the notes over blue ticks when they are necessary.

- Not bad, but these overmap issues bother me.. But the rest is generally ok.

Actually, all the taiko diffs. can use more mods, they are not totally ready for rank.
I recommend you to find 3 or 4 more taiko mods before to contact me again.
Popping over this, sorry..
Till then, Good Luck!
Topic Starter

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

Taiko mod as per your request! (and sorry again for the delay)


• The sampleset volume is really low, comparing it with the music, especially in these taiko diffs. I highly suggest you to increase the volume (and use a constant volume as well, in the whole of the map) to 90% fixed, but lower to 70% in the beginning
• 01:15:238 - 01:15:239 - In all of the diffs. remove these green lines (inherited timing points) because flash kiai sections are unrankable in Taiko diffs. Make sure to delete them in all difficulties as I said fixed


Slider Velocity: Use SV 1.20 instead of 1.40 (? it has already been SV 1.20

• 00:02:266 (3,6) - Use a kat here to emphasize the piano
• 00:09:158 (x) - Add a kat here to follow properly the piano, in addition it will make the map more enjoyable, actually is pretty boring even for new players
• 00:11:185 (x) - (^)
• 00:12:401 (Spin) - Move this Spinner 1/2 forward (and then make it 1/2 bigger) to fit better with the vocals
• 00:16:861 (2,3,4) - Sometimes, you can use some red ticks to make the pattern more enjoyable, because actually the diff. become pretty boring. Of course, you need to do it in a coherent thing to make this pattern easy to read to new players, I'd recommend you to use something like this
• 00:20:104 (6,7,8) - You can do something like I suggest you here in the previous suggestion here too
• 00:37:536 (22) - Use a kat here for consistency (?
• 01:16:050 (21,22,23) - Use kats here, to follow better the piano
• 01:27:401 (38,39,40) - Use a drumroll (slider) instead of these notes, because its cover better the music
Others all fixed
- Not bad, but it is extremely boring (I know it is a kantan but still, really boring diff.). A lot of 4/1 spacings when the BPM is not that high, try adding some notes here and there to avoid that, and you can also try adding some notes over some red ticks as I mentioned in my mod.


Slider Velocity: Use SV 1.20 instead of 1.40 (? fixed
The name of the diff. is wrong spelled, it should be ''Futsuu'' and not ''Fuutsu". Make sure to fix that please My mistake, fixed

• 00:08:753 (13,14) - I'd use kats here, because follow better the piano
• 00:21:726 (12) - Remove the finisher from this note, because there is no cymbals present here. Is ok to add it in a standard diff. but not in a taiko diff.
• 00:10:780 (17) - The 1/1 sounds a bit random to me, I'd move this note 1/2 forward to follow better the vocals in this case
• 01:02:266 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - So much 1/1, you should try deleting some of the notes to make the pattern more ''enjoyable'', really
• 01:13:212 (22) - Move this 1/1 back, to follow better the drums
• 01:15:239 (26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34) - Boring pattern again, try some other variety here
• 01:23:753 (x) - Add a note here please add one at 01:23:955 -
• 01:27:401 (48,49,50) - Use a drumroll instead of these notes
Others all fixed
- Not bad, but boring as well to be a futsuu. Looking the BPM, you could try adding some ddd or kkk (in 1/2 of course), or some dk kd (in 1/2 too, as I suggested you in my mod). If you don't do that, the spread between Futsuu and Muzu is really big.

[Mamo's Muzukashii:]

• 00:12:807 (43) - Useless notes, is not following anything in the music. Remove it please!
• 00:13:922 (x) - Add a note here and make (48) a don to follow properly the drums and make a coherent pattern according to the diff.
• 00:14:428 (50,51,52,53,54,55) - All these notes are unnecesary and they are not following properly the music, believe me. You can simplify this pattern with a drumroll (slider), in addition will follow much better the drums
• 00:15:239 (55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73) - This pattern sounds pretty weird and is not following the music properly in any way. Those kkk's are random for example, so I suggest you to do something like this

• 00:19:394 (76,77) - For a better flow, move (76) 1/4 forward, and transform (77) in a kat
• 00:21:523 (84,85) - Follow much better the music if you remove (84) and then remove the finisher from (85)
• 00:28:212 (108) - Random finisher, remove it please
• 00:34:293 (130,131) - Actually, this 3-plet is bad placed, if you listen properly the music. To follow properly the drums, you will need to move both notes 1/4 back
• 00:40:678 (x) - Add a kat here to follow properly the drums
• 00:42:401 (162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172) - The constant 1/2 just to follow the vocals is not a good thing in taiko. To make the pattern more fitable with a taiko diff, I recommend you to delete (167), and then try a pattern like d d k d k and then a k d k k d.
• 00:47:063 (182,183) - Move these notes 1/4 forward and transform the previous (181) in a don to follow better the drums
• 00:49:496 (191) - Move this 1/2 back, because it'll follow much better the high pitch in the instrumental
• 00:53:144 (209,210,211,212,213,214) - A simple d k d k d k d k is a boring pattern, and it doesn't represent the music really well. So, I recommend you other variety, doing something like d k d k k d
• 00:54:563 (215) - Definetly, this should be a kat :P
• 00:59:023 (231,232,233,234) - Random finishers everywhere :/. Remove all of them in these notes please
• 01:08:246 (x) - Add a don here and make (269) a don too.
• 01:14:428 (292,293,294,295,296) - All of these notes in 1/2 sounds a bit weird, because the sound in 1/4 is really high. Use a drumroll instead of these notes for a better flow then (and it'll help you to avoid the constant 1/2 pattern)
• 01:16:455 (301,302,303,304,305) - k d k k d for a better variety
• 01:18:888 (311,312,313,314,315,316,317) - You could try something like I mentioned above here as well
• 01:21:219 (x) - Add a k here and make (320) a kat too
All fixed
- You focused a lot on vocals to map this and I personally don't like that kind of things in a taiko map, the constant 1/2 bother me and those random big notes too.
Some inconsistencies can be fixed to as well as I mentioned in general in my map. Actually, this needs more work and mods.

[Collab Oni:]

--> Increase the HP Drain Rate by 1 tick, actually the map is not that difficult imo (HP+1) Fixed

• 00:01:253 (4,5,6) - I'd use kdk here instead, because follow much better the piano imo
• 00:12:807 (55,56) - I'd remove these notes, I mean the flow becomes weird with them.. Consider that please
• 00:14:226 (65,66,67,68,69,70,71) - I expected more notes in this pattern, because drums represented that. Try adding notes in 00:14:327 and 00:14:530 to follow better the music and re-arrange a bit the objects in this pattern
• 00:17:266 (84) - Use a don here instead..?
• 00:20:104 (101,104) - Add finishers in these objects
• 00:28:212 (146) - Such a random finisher here, it is not following anything. Remove it please
• 00:28:415 (147) - Hmm.. This note is not following the music really well imo. I think is not a crazy thing removing it.
• 00:36:928 (189) - (^)
• 00:38:854 (x) - Add a don here for a better flow and to follow the music in a good way (?
• 00:47:469 (x) - (^)
• 00:49:496 (255) - Move this note 1/2 back to follow the highest pitch in the instrumental
• 00:50:003 (258,259) - Remove these notes, they are not really necessary, especially (258) is just overmapping
• 01:02:266 (324) - Use a big don instead for a better flow
• 01:19:293 - 01:21:320 - Oh.. man.. Re-arrange this pattern please, is really overmapped :/
• 01:23:347 - 01:28:212 - Same here, some of the notes fit well with the music, but most of them not. Listen properly the music (I suggest in 25% playback) and add the notes over blue ticks when they are necessary.
All fixed
- Not bad, but these overmap issues bother me.. But the rest is generally ok.

Actually, all the taiko diffs. can use more mods, they are not totally ready for rank.
I recommend you to find 3 or 4 more taiko mods before to contact me again.
Popping over this, sorry..
Till then, Good Luck!
hey OniJAM :) here your taiko mods that you requested to me

  • change the OD and HP to be 3, since the rule for OD/HP dosen't exist anymore

    good kantan~

  1. move 00:10:982 (17) - to 00:11:185 - << i moved it to follow the vocal sound
  2. 00:49:090 (75) - change to be don. the pitch sound (vocal sound) becomes lower at that part, and it's more lower than 00:48:685 (74) - :( but, why did you use kat? change it to be don
  3. 00:55:577 (91) - ^
  4. 00:58:009 (97) - move to 00:58:212 - << to follow the vocal sound

  1. 00:21:726 (81) - add finisher here. for the new part of the song starts
  2. 00:34:699 (130) - ^
  3. 00:49:293 (187) - move to00:49:496 - and change to be don << to follow the vocal
  4. 00:54:158 (210) - big kat

  1. 00:20:712 (104) - big kat?
  2. 00:33:888 (170) - don, much better ddddk than kdddk for the stream at 00:33:888 (170,171,172,173,174) -
  3. 00:35:104 (179) - you miss kat at here :(
  4. 00:47:672 (252) - finsiher here
  5. 00:49:293 (257) - move to 00:49:496 - and change it to be don << to follow the vocal sound. same like muzukashii mod
  6. 00:53:955 (283) - don and 00:54:158 (284) - big kat
  7. 00:54:563 (285,288) - don at here. there isn't any reason use kat for low pitch sound :/
  8. 01:09:158 (363) - big kat. you can listen, the three notes at 01:08:753 (362,363,364) - . in middle note at (363) gives higher pitch sound (vocal sound) there. so, that's why i changed it to be kat
  9. 01:21:624 (436) - delete this note if you still use finisher at 01:21:726 (437) - . there's unrankable use finisher at triplets or streams
  10. 01:21:726 (436,438) - big dons. same like the previous part 01:08:753 (362,363,364) -
  11. from 01:26:590 - until 01:28:212 - . btw, it's just a suggestion
goodluck for ranked~!!!! ;)
Topic Starter

mingmichael wrote:

hey OniJAM :) here your taiko mods that you requested to me

  • change the OD and HP to be 3, since the rule for OD/HP dosen't exist anymore

    good kantan~

  1. move 00:10:982 (17) - to 00:11:185 - << i moved it to follow the vocal sound
  2. 00:49:090 (75) - change to be don. the pitch sound (vocal sound) becomes lower at that part, and it's more lower than 00:48:685 (74) - :( but, why did you use kat? change it to be don
  3. 00:55:577 (91) - ^
  4. 00:58:009 (97) - move to 00:58:212 - << to follow the vocal sound

  1. 00:21:726 (81) - add finisher here. for the new part of the song starts
  2. 00:34:699 (130) - ^
  3. 00:49:293 (187) - move to00:49:496 - and change to be don << to follow the vocal
  4. 00:54:158 (210) - big kat

  1. 00:20:712 (104) - big kat?
  2. 00:33:888 (170) - don, much better ddddk than kdddk for the stream at 00:33:888 (170,171,172,173,174) -
  3. 00:35:104 (179) - you miss kat at here :(
  4. 00:47:672 (252) - finsiher here
  5. 00:49:293 (257) - move to 00:49:496 - and change it to be don << to follow the vocal sound. same like muzukashii mod
  6. 00:53:955 (283) - don and 00:54:158 (284) - big kat
  7. 00:54:563 (285,288) - don at here. there isn't any reason use kat for low pitch sound :/
  8. 01:09:158 (363) - big kat. you can listen, the three notes at 01:08:753 (362,363,364) - . in middle note at (363) gives higher pitch sound (vocal sound) there. so, that's why i changed it to be kat
  9. 01:21:624 (436) - delete this note if you still use finisher at 01:21:726 (437) - . there's unrankable use finisher at triplets or streams
  10. 01:21:726 (436,438) - big dons. same like the previous part 01:08:753 (362,363,364) -
  11. from 01:26:590 - until 01:28:212 - . btw, it's just a suggestion
goodluck for ranked~!!!! ;)
Nearly all fixed :) Thanks for modding~ :D
Dang, 100 SP?! That's a lot, not sure if this really needs more modding. I'll give it a mod so that this can be ranked ASAP :)


00:04:699 (5) - Maybe this could be changed to a k?

00:09:563 (11) - If you're trying to keep it simple then keep it as a k but I'd prefer it to be a d because it fits more.

00:41:185 (41) - ^

00:53:347 (57,58) - ^ except with both notes becoming d


00:09:563 (15) - This seems better as a d in my opinion

00:37:536 (51) - ^

00:44:428 (67) - ^ because it fits the singer's voice more

Mamo's Muzukashii

00:37:942 (142) - Maybe this could be a k?

00:59:631 (229) - Maybe this could be a d for pattern consistency?

All I gotta say. Really nice map :D

Collab Oni

00:01:253 (4,5,6) - (5) feels really unnatural to hit, could you please remove it, since it doesn't seem to fit.

01:26:590 (462,463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470,471,472,473,474,475,476,477,478) - Maybe you could change the stream to this

Really nice mapset here, good luck on getting it ranked ;)

Your request: p/2550334

[ Kantan]

00:10:982 (13) - Move this note to 00:11:185, Kantans rarely use 3/4 beats and only if it fits really good to the song to avoid confusing beginners with different spacings.
00:11:590 (14) - To keep it simple, having this as d would be better. Don't alternate too much in a Kantan. keep it monotonically if possible.
00:11:996 (15,1) - Try to keep a bigger space between note <-> slider or note <-> spinner. if not possible: Have only a spinner. in this meaning: Recommending to delete note (15) and extent he spinner to 00:11:996 .
00:17:469 (5) - Same as before. This time it fits better to the beat, but it becomes too alternately with all these patterns and different placements. Move to 00:17:672 .
00:19:699 (9) - Now this note is rather like an overuse due to current constellation of patterns. Delete it and move these two notes (10,11) to 00:20:509 and 00:20:915 to have more simple patterns again.
00:24:158 and 00:24:563 can be deleted
00:27:401 and 00:27:807 as well.
} If you did so, the upcoming part at 00:34:699 becomes way more emphasized and the diff has become a bit easier as well.
00:28:212 - Might be better to change this to don. After all here is the down beat in the song.
00:41:185 - I prefer more monotonically patterns but in this case having don would be better to keep a consistent pattern.
00:50:104 - This note can be deleted to be able to make the kantan more simple and emphasize the kiai more.
00:54:158 - Might be better to change this to don. After all here is the down beat in the song.
00:55:577 - Move to 00:55:780 due to above reason.
00:58:111 - move to 00:58:212 and dlete note at 00:58:617
01:07:942 (10) - Delete this note. Give beginner some rest moments.
01:10:374 - in my opinion this slider doesn't fit that well, but not an urgent problem.
01:12:604 (15) - move to 01:12:807 and delete note 01:13:212 (16) - .
01:20:915 - Same as above. Delete please.
01:25:577 - Same as before.

Problem in this Kantan:
- Different spacings
- Many alternately patterns

Kantan is so far okay, not way too hard, but I would still refer to this: t/152263
Please check it for yourself.

[ Futsuu]

00:33:888 (45) - This constellation is problematical. Delete the slider and add at 00:33:888 - don and 00:34:293 - kat instead.
00:37:536 - ddd sounds better here.
00:38:347 - After that change this to kat to keep the high pitch you are mapping to. Seems like you came off.
00:38:753 - Of course, that would mean to move this note to 00:39:158.
00:39:563 - And then making this to don.
00:41:996 - Recommending d here. It is always better to keep it monotonically, also in a Futsuu.
01:10:374 (18) - Same as in Kantan. in my opinion this slider doesn't belong here.
01:25:780 - don to make it easier and...
01:26:388 - ... kat for same effect.

Oh, nice Futsuu we have here.

[ Mamo's Muzukashii]

00:14:428 (51) - Delete this note. The pattern becomes too long.
00:51:523 (197,202) - Delete these two notes. The patterns become now too long for a Muzukashii and reaches the level of an easy Oni.
01:14:428 (289) - Suggesting to shorter the slider to 01:14:834 . Current pattern constellation doesn't look good.
01:21:726 (318) - Prefereable don here. We got too many kats afterwards.
01:22:536 (320) - ^
01:23:347 (323) - ^
01:23:753 (325) - kat due to vocal.
01:24:158 (327) - don, now the pattern is lineal and easier.

Well, the Muzukashii is so far okay mapped, but it is also considered as hard Muzukashii.
There are less rest moments for a player and the patterns are pretty complex. For the next time, please try to keep patterns easy, preferable monotonically with more bigger spaces between patterns.
For more informations, please check the "Muzukashii" section in this guide: t/152263

[ Oni]

00:16:557 (79) - This note is not really needed and rather an overuse here. Also the pattern doesn't fit very well, so please delete this note.
00:20:104 (101,102,103,104) - Why did you change from vocal mapping to beat mapping out of the sudden? Please keep the vocal mapping on such significant parts. After all you mapped it here as well: 00:18:482
00:24:766 (129) - I think a kat fits here better.
00:26:996 (139) - Don't you follow the vocal? If so, a kat would be good here, plus a deletion of the note 00:27:199 (140) - .
00:33:077 and 00:33:381 - Better having dons here as you did it at 00:31:557 for better consistency.
00:36:928 - Too many notes. Try keeping it simple by having shorter pattern constellations. Delete this note.
00:39:969~00:40:780 - Instead of 1/4 patterns which are mapped to the low background sound you could use a slider here for the vocal. Fits better and keeps everything more simple(would mean to delete note 00:40:982 as well for better transition to the next part).
01:09:766 - Previous finishers sounds cool, but this notes feels overused. Without it the player can feel the finisher more.
01:22:739 - ^
01:26:590~end - A slider would fit way better here. Recommending it. Or follow the beat more with dons.

The map was so far pretty okay when considering that you mapped to the vocal. This way of mapping is not very simple, not even for experienced mappers since, the relation to beat<->vocal is hard to keep good. Speaking of that, this was one of the main problems here. It has been mapped to the vocals for a long time but then suddenly it changes to beat mapping without any seeable reason, which leaded to a conflict between patterns. To avoid this next time, try to have a certain beat in your map which is followed by the vocal. That helps really much and makes the work for yourself easier.
Also another problem which is less significant but still important is the overuse of notes here. Please try next time to have less notes and shorter patterns in sections which should carry less notes, e.g. one 1/1 note instead of a 1/3 triplet.

Well, but still. Map wasn't bad at all, so no worries. Hehe

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

- Not bad, but it is extremely boring (I know it is a kantan but still, really boring diff.). A lot of 4/1 spacings when the BPM is not that high, try adding some notes here and there to avoid that, and you can also try adding some notes over some red ticks as I mentioned in my mod.
Depends. I don't know how the map looked like before, but at current state it is at some parts a bit hard due to unusual patterns. Rather confusing instead of interesting for beginners. So, even if it looks boring to us, it is in most cases better to keep these difficulties easy as possible. That means having monotonically patterns and more spaces are really important here.

Well, that's it. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Dainesl wrote:

Dang, 100 SP?! That's a lot, not sure if this really needs more modding. I'll give it a mod so that this can be ranked ASAP :)


00:04:699 (5) - Maybe this could be changed to a k? I think d fits better here

00:09:563 (11) - If you're trying to keep it simple then keep it as a k but I'd prefer it to be a d because it fits more. I'm sure that 00:09:158 (10,11) - have same tune so they should be the same (k)

00:41:185 (41) - ^ 00:41:185 (36) - here is much higher than 00:37:942 (31,41) - so i think k fits better this place

00:53:347 (57,58) - ^ except with both notes becoming d 00:53:753 (52) - change to d but 00:53:347 (51) - remain k


00:09:563 (15) - This seems better as a d in my opinion the same reason as Kantan

00:37:536 (51) - ^ fixed

00:44:428 (67) - ^ because it fits the singer's voice more fixed

Mamo's Muzukashii

00:37:942 (142) - Maybe this could be a k? nope, d sounds better here and keep good flow

00:59:631 (229) - Maybe this could be a d for pattern consistency? 00:59:631 (226,227) - same tunes here

All I gotta say. Really nice map :D

Collab Oni

00:01:253 (4,5,6) - (5) feels really unnatural to hit, could you please remove it, since it doesn't seem to fit.fixed

01:26:590 (462,463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470,471,472,473,474,475,476,477,478) - Maybe you could change the stream to this change in my way

Really nice mapset here, good luck on getting it ranked ;)
Thanks for modding :D

OnosakiHito wrote:

Your request: p/2550334

[ Kantan]

00:10:982 (13) - Move this note to 00:11:185, Kantans rarely use 3/4 beats and only if it fits really good to the song to avoid confusing beginners with different spacings.
00:11:590 (14) - To keep it simple, having this as d would be better. Don't alternate too much in a Kantan. keep it monotonically if possible.
00:11:996 (15,1) - Try to keep a bigger space between note <-> slider or note <-> spinner. if not possible: Have only a spinner. in this meaning: Recommending to delete note (15) and extent he spinner to 00:11:996 .
00:17:469 (5) - Same as before. This time it fits better to the beat, but it becomes too alternately with all these patterns and different placements. Move to 00:17:672 .
00:19:699 (9) - Now this note is rather like an overuse due to current constellation of patterns. Delete it and move these two notes (10,11) to 00:20:509 and 00:20:915 to have more simple patterns again.
00:24:158 and 00:24:563 can be deleted
00:27:401 and 00:27:807 as well.
} If you did so, the upcoming part at 00:34:699 becomes way more emphasized and the diff has become a bit easier as well.
00:28:212 - Might be better to change this to don. After all here is the down beat in the song.
00:41:185 - I prefer more monotonically patterns but in this case having don would be better to keep a consistent pattern.
00:50:104 - This note can be deleted to be able to make the kantan more simple and emphasize the kiai more.
00:54:158 - Might be better to change this to don. After all here is the down beat in the song.
00:55:577 - Move to 00:55:780 due to above reason.
00:58:111 - move to 00:58:212 and dlete note at 00:58:617
01:07:942 (10) - Delete this note. Give beginner some rest moments.
01:10:374 - in my opinion this slider doesn't fit that well, but not an urgent problem.
01:12:604 (15) - move to 01:12:807 and delete note 01:13:212 (16) - .
01:20:915 - Same as above. Delete please.
01:25:577 - Same as before.

Problem in this Kantan:
- Different spacings
- Many alternately patterns

Kantan is so far okay, not way too hard, but I would still refer to this: t/152263
Please check it for yourself.

[ Futsuu]

00:33:888 (45) - This constellation is problematical. Delete the slider and add at 00:33:888 - don and 00:34:293 - kat instead.
00:37:536 - ddd sounds better here.
00:38:347 - After that change this to kat to keep the high pitch you are mapping to. Seems like you came off.
00:38:753 - Of course, that would mean to move this note to 00:39:158.
00:39:563 - And then making this to don.
00:41:996 - Recommending d here. It is always better to keep it monotonically, also in a Futsuu.
01:10:374 (18) - Same as in Kantan. in my opinion this slider doesn't belong here.
01:25:780 - don to make it easier and...
01:26:388 - ... kat for same effect.

Oh, nice Futsuu we have here.

[ Mamo's Muzukashii]

00:14:428 (51) - Delete this note. The pattern becomes too long.
00:51:523 (197,202) - Delete these two notes. The patterns become now too long for a Muzukashii and reaches the level of an easy Oni.
01:14:428 (289) - Suggesting to shorter the slider to 01:14:834 . Current pattern constellation doesn't look good.
01:21:726 (318) - Prefereable don here. We got too many kats afterwards.
01:22:536 (320) - ^
01:23:347 (323) - ^
01:23:753 (325) - kat due to vocal.
01:24:158 (327) - don, now the pattern is lineal and easier.

Well, the Muzukashii is so far okay mapped, but it is also considered as hard Muzukashii.
There are less rest moments for a player and the patterns are pretty complex. For the next time, please try to keep patterns easy, preferable monotonically with more bigger spaces between patterns.
For more informations, please check the "Muzukashii" section in this guide: t/152263

[ Oni]

00:16:557 (79) - This note is not really needed and rather an overuse here. Also the pattern doesn't fit very well, so please delete this note.
00:20:104 (101,102,103,104) - Why did you change from vocal mapping to beat mapping out of the sudden? Please keep the vocal mapping on such significant parts. After all you mapped it here as well: 00:18:482
00:24:766 (129) - I think a kat fits here better.
00:26:996 (139) - Don't you follow the vocal? If so, a kat would be good here, plus a deletion of the note 00:27:199 (140) - .
00:33:077 and 00:33:381 - Better having dons here as you did it at 00:31:557 for better consistency.
00:36:928 - Too many notes. Try keeping it simple by having shorter pattern constellations. Delete this note.I delete 00:36:320 - , just like what i have done at 00:23:347 -
00:39:969~00:40:780 - Instead of 1/4 patterns which are mapped to the low background sound you could use a slider here for the vocal. Fits better and keeps everything more simple(would mean to delete note 00:40:982 as well for better transition to the next part).
01:09:766 - Previous finishers sounds cool, but this notes feels overused. Without it the player can feel the finisher more.
01:22:739 - ^
01:26:590~end - A slider would fit way better here. Recommending it. Or follow the beat more with dons.

The map was so far pretty okay when considering that you mapped to the vocal. This way of mapping is not very simple, not even for experienced mappers since, the relation to beat<->vocal is hard to keep good. Speaking of that, this was one of the main problems here. It has been mapped to the vocals for a long time but then suddenly it changes to beat mapping without any seeable reason, which leaded to a conflict between patterns. To avoid this next time, try to have a certain beat in your map which is followed by the vocal. That helps really much and makes the work for yourself easier.
Also another problem which is less significant but still important is the overuse of notes here. Please try next time to have less notes and shorter patterns in sections which should carry less notes, e.g. one 1/1 note instead of a 1/3 triplet.

Well, but still. Map wasn't bad at all, so no worries. Hehe

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

- Not bad, but it is extremely boring (I know it is a kantan but still, really boring diff.). A lot of 4/1 spacings when the BPM is not that high, try adding some notes here and there to avoid that, and you can also try adding some notes over some red ticks as I mentioned in my mod.
Depends. I don't know how the map looked like before, but at current state it is at some parts a bit hard due to unusual patterns. Rather confusing instead of interesting for beginners. So, even if it looks boring to us, it is in most cases better to keep these difficulties easy as possible. That means having monotonically patterns and more spaces are really important here.

Well, that's it. Good luck!
Except one place i pointed out, all fixed :)
Thank you very much Ono ;)
Rank it plz <3
Removed my previous post and added this one :P
Recheck time!


• 00:11:185 (13,14,15) - Prefer to see a k k k pattern here instead, I think fits better with the music.
• 00:16:050 (2,3,4) - Avoid k d k or d k d patterns in 1/1 in this difficulty. Maybe d k k will fits better here
• 00:37:536 (30,31,32) - (^). In this case you can try d d k instead.
• 00:44:023 (40,41,42) - (^). Try k k k here instead
• 00:53:347 (51,52,53) - (^) .
• 00:47:672 (44) - Hmm.. Add a finisher here, will match better the cymbals in the music

- Ono, this looked so much easier before :P. Still, I think this is a good level kantan after to fix those points.

The other diffs. look fine.. Sorry for the huge.
Call me back later (and don't give me kudos in this post)
Topic Starter

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

Removed my previous post and added this one :P
Recheck time!


• 00:11:185 (13,14,15) - Prefer to see a k k k pattern here instead, I think fits better with the music.
• 00:16:050 (2,3,4) - Avoid k d k or d k d patterns in 1/1 in this difficulty. Maybe d k k will fits better here
• 00:37:536 (30,31,32) - (^). In this case you can try d d k instead.
• 00:44:023 (40,41,42) - (^). Try k k k here instead
• 00:53:347 (51,52,53) - (^). changed to d d k instead.
• 00:47:672 (44) - Hmm.. Add a finisher here, will match better the cymbals in the music

- Ono, this looked so much easier before :P. Still, I think this is a good level kantan after to fix those points.

The other diffs. look fine.. Sorry for the huge.
Call me back later (and don't give me kudos in this post)
Others all fixed. Thanks for recheck, mancu :)
Taiko diffs. are in set to me.
So, I'll restore the bubble!
Topic Starter

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

Taiko diffs. are in set to me.
So, I'll restore the bubble!
Thanks mancu :D
Kawayi Rika
Checked via irc ~ fixed forum no video link and added collab in tags.

Mapset looks enough for me ~ here you go <3

Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Checked via irc ~ fixed forum no video link and added collab in tags.

Mapset looks enough for me ~ here you go <3
Rika Kawaii~~ :)

This song are so manyyyy
ANyway, Congratz!!~ :D
Gratz! OniJAM!
omg finally gratz you deserve it :3
Topic Starter
Thanks you all~
Asagi Mutsuki
恭喜~ :)
感覺我都沒幫上甚麼忙 愧對於你了 :(



omg congrats OniJam, you finally got it ranked! :D
Grats ~ :D
Gratz 啪啪啪啪啪
I came across this set entirely by chance. Playing the hardest two diffs, I got a really good first impression of you as a mapper.

My thoughts in general are as follows:

A nice amount of rhythmic interest
Refined patterns which I found mostly readable
Some actual thought about which types of structure were used and where
That really cute heart stream
A seemingly decent encoding of an OP
Clustered spacing at the start, which I didn't like, but what came after it was very nice
A couple of strange jumps which weren't really followed through to my liking.

Good job; feel free to ask me for mods in the future.
Congratz :3/
another dupe woo..
Topic Starter

D33d wrote:

I came across this set entirely by chance. Playing the hardest two diffs, I got a really good first impression of you as a mapper.

My thoughts in general are as follows:

A nice amount of rhythmic interest
Refined patterns which I found mostly readable
Some actual thought about which types of structure were used and where
That really cute heart stream
A seemingly decent encoding of an OP
Clustered spacing at the start, which I didn't like, but what came after it was very nice
A couple of strange jumps which weren't really followed through to my liking.

Good job; feel free to ask me for mods in the future.
Thanks for writing so much~ :) I'll try to do better in future maps
Tachibana Kanade
专门上线祝贺下 :)
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