If you have carefully read the Beatmap Nominator Rules and decided that a Beatmapset needs to be disqualified, these are the steps you need to follow:
If you encounter a modding v1 map that needs to be disqualified, report it to a member of the Nomination Assessment Team.
- Make sure that you are on the beatmap discussion for the correct set.
- Write your disqualification reason into the text field. Make sure that the first line summarises the disqualification as this is what is displayed at the top of the discussion page.
- If the disqualification is linked to a report, also link the respective beatmap discussion post(s).
- Press the "Disqualify" button below the text field (the one that replaces the "Problem" button).
If you encounter a modding v1 map that needs to be disqualified, report it to a member of the Nomination Assessment Team.