
My Introduction

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I grew up with Elite Beat Agents during my childhood, then moved onto Rhythm heaven after that. Was super super eccentric to find out there's an entire community and game dedicated to that kinda stuff. Played for a few months, stopped for a long time, then started playing again, might go inactive for months at a time, it's mostly sporadic. My skill is capped at the level of difficulty you'd find in EBA/Ouendan games. If you photoshopped my face onto a generic Korean LOL eSports team, you probably couldn't tell the difference. I'm a casual anime watcher, watch a healthy "dosage" of around 1-3 shows on average per year.

Nice to meet y'all!
Welcome to the game man. Hope you enjoy it. If you ever wanna talk or multi, hit me up. And remember.. You're here forever
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