
Experiment: Looking for new <dedicated> players

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A rewrite of the entire thread, I'll keep this brief as I did before.

I'm looking for a couple of new players for an experiment, it will be a play routine where you give 2-3 hours per day for a week and by the end of the week, should be able to S 5 star maps. As you may or may not be able to tell by reading replies, my "training guide" kicked up quite a fuss and pissed off several people. PM me or reply to this thread if interested, if successful, you'll be getting S's in 5 star maps by the end of the week.
Your post looks like you just wanted to show off your new #1 while appearing modest, using the "advice" to justify a new thread.
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FruitTingles wrote:

Your post looks like you just wanted to show off your new #1 while appearing modest, using the "advice" to justify a new thread.
Would you like me to remove the videos? I don't feel as though I am worthy to brag at the skill level I currently reside at.
Those are just there for anyone who doubt that my method will work at all.

EDIT: And just to clarify, #1 is invalid until it has been held for a year or more, thus I do not believe I have bragging rights for it.
Sorry if the post came out looking as though I wanted to brag, I simply want to decrease the amount of spam in #osu and see people actually play.

damiaanzx wrote:

FruitTingles wrote:

Your post looks like you just wanted to show off your new #1 while appearing modest, using the "advice" to justify a new thread.
Would you like me to remove the videos? I don't feel as though I am worthy to brag at the skill level I currently reside at.
Those are just there for anyone who doubt that my method will work at all.

EDIT: And just to clarify, #1 is invalid until it has been held for a year or more, thus I do not believe I have bragging rights for it.
Sorry if the post came out looking as though I wanted to brag, I simply want to decrease the amount of spam in #osu and see people actually play.
Oh no, I just thought of it that way because the advice seemed neglected from being so short compared to your qualifications since you wanted to keep it brief.
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FruitTingles wrote:

Oh no, I just thought of it that way because the advice seemed neglected from being so short compared to your qualifications since you wanted to keep it brief.
I like to keep it brief because brief is best. What else do you want me to add to it? Recommended maps? Play everything and learn how to move in every direction as I said, would cover that. Other than that, I'm unaware of what I could possibly add that would be beneficial rather than just clutter.

damiaanzx wrote:

Within the first week, you should be able to S+ most 5 star maps without mods.
Are you sure you're not promising too much?

thelewa wrote:

damiaanzx wrote:

Within the first week, you should be able to S+ most 5 star maps without mods.
Are you sure you're not promising too much?

nononono we all should play osu! 25/7
I mean wtf ok
You do realize removing backgrounds is cheating right?
It's like you're saying:
Wanna be good at this game?
>You already should be good at it first

Sakura wrote:

You do realize removing backgrounds is cheating right?
I remember peppy saying something about the removal of beatmap elements being considered cheating in the future, but is it now already?
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thelewa wrote:

damiaanzx wrote:

Within the first week, you should be able to S+ most 5 star maps without mods.
Are you sure you're not promising too much?
I don't understand, 5 star maps were never much to begin with. It really depends on what 5 star maps you play, really.
So long as it isn't those approved maps that are the equivalent to general 5 star maps with DT + HR, I fail to see why the average player shouldn't be able to S 5 star maps within the first week.

Sakura wrote:

You do realize removing backgrounds is cheating right?
I only began doing so after I watched Cookiezi. Are you implying that hes a cheater, or was a cheater?
Go make an announcement then. Make sure that you say "Cookiezi was a cheater!"

Milkshake wrote:

nononono we all should play osu! 25/7
I mean wtf ok
Sorry bud, 2 hours a day or less is all I play. I never implied that you have to play 24/7, I only played 3 hours a day for the first week.
I go out everyday also, so I don't see whats up your ass.

Yuugoh wrote:

It's like you're saying:
Wanna be good at this game?
>You already should be good at it first
No. It means you should be able to hold a mouse properly.

I'm enjoying the fact that all of you are ignoring the opening sentence and then getting pissed off. ;)
Your complaints are insignificant and near meaningless, as I really only do want to help new players. I'll say this now, think what you will, but for those who want to play well have to push themselves, at the start at least. Same with everything.

thelewa wrote:

Sakura wrote:

You do realize removing backgrounds is cheating right?
I remember peppy saying something about the removal of beatmap elements being considered cheating in the future, but is it now already?
nope , once osz2 comes peppy will restore every background and then removing them will be considerated cheat
I'm no pro, but here's what I'll add.

If you just started of, I wouldn't recommend going five stars straight away, start with songs you like at 3 or 4 stars first, then once you start getting the hang of everything (gameplay and interface wise) and your interest is aroused (meaning you know this game is for you and you aren't wasting your time), go 5 stars.

Then again, if you are even reading this thread it probably means you know what's going on, so just follow damiaan's advice.

Also one week of 2 hours per day I don't think is enough for 5 star S's, unless you have inborn talent or play the piano or something. Practice is key, you might disappoint a lot of people with promises like this XD.

At least this was the case for me, it took me a month to S my first 5 star diff, and I never touched the chat during my first 2 months of playing. Then again I don't use the keyboard, the learning curve might be shorter with it.

damiaanzx wrote:

I don't understand, 5 star maps were never much to begin with. It really depends on what 5 star maps you play, really.
So long as it isn't those approved maps that are the equivalent to general 5 star maps with DT + HR, I fail to see why the average player shouldn't be able to S 5 star maps within the first week.
Wow, being able to S Insanes after only a week of playing the game is quite an accomplishment. It took me about 6 months to even start playing Insanes :(
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thelewa wrote:

damiaanzx wrote:

I don't understand, 5 star maps were never much to begin with. It really depends on what 5 star maps you play, really.
So long as it isn't those approved maps that are the equivalent to general 5 star maps with DT + HR, I fail to see why the average player shouldn't be able to S 5 star maps within the first week.
Wow, being able to S Insanes after only a week of playing the game is quite an accomplishment. It took me about 6 months to even start playing Insanes :(
Yeah, I kinda fell in love with osu! on first sight.
890 plays - ANANT-GARDE EYES - Angelic Break Beats [beat4you's Beats]

600 of those plays (including retries halfway through) was on the first night, from about 9pm - 3am, and was the 5 star I started on.
After that I just relaxed quite a bit and only played for the couple-few hours a day. My hand was busted.

thelewa wrote:

damiaanzx wrote:

I don't understand, 5 star maps were never much to begin with. It really depends on what 5 star maps you play, really.
So long as it isn't those approved maps that are the equivalent to general 5 star maps with DT + HR, I fail to see why the average player shouldn't be able to S 5 star maps within the first week.
Wow, being able to S Insanes after only a week of playing the game is quite an accomplishment. It took me about 6 months to even start playing Insanes :(
Indeed. For me it was even longer. Damiaanzx's talent level is pretty cool.
And if he can do it, that means that everyone else can do it!

Oh wait it doesn't go like that

Sakura wrote:

You do realize removing backgrounds is cheating right?


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Mukku wrote:

Indeed. For me it was even longer. Damiaanzx's talent level is pretty cool.
Thank you but this isn't about me, and talent has nothing to do with holding a mouse. Anyone can do it if they really want to.

thelewa wrote:

And if he can do it, that means that everyone else can do it!

Oh wait it doesn't go like that
As I said above, if I can do it then anyone can if they really try.

damiaanzx wrote:

I fail to see why the average player shouldn't be able to S 5 star maps within the first week.
not sure if troll :D
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Zisam wrote:

damiaanzx wrote:

I fail to see why the average player shouldn't be able to S 5 star maps within the first week.
not sure if troll :D
Not sure if retarded :D
Read the entire thread, take my advice or get out.
All hail damiaanzx
damiaanzx is peppy's second account.
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This threads on its way to fame.
Ha, ha! The response to this OP was to be expected.

This is why I keep my own ideas and tricks to myself.
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kriers wrote:

Ha, ha! The response to this OP was to be expected.

This is why I keep my own ideas and tricks to myself.
I've seen enough of the osu! community to already know that this was going to happen, but when trolls here troll, and they suck at osu!, its quite hilarious. They try to play osu!, they can't play osu!, and thus acquire the occupation of a keyboard warrior :)

damiaanzx wrote:

Mukku wrote:

Indeed. For me it was even longer. Damiaanzx's talent level is pretty cool.
Thank you but this isn't about me, and talent has nothing to do with holding a mouse. Anyone can do it if they really want to.

thelewa wrote:

And if he can do it, that means that everyone else can do it!

Oh wait it doesn't go like that
As I said above, if I can do it then anyone can if they really try.
But you're saying this based on a test group of one person; YOURSELF.

It seems like you made this only to show people how good you are at the game, while trying to belittle yourself to make it seem like you're not trying to show off. You also throw a lot of bullshit statements like how people will be at Cookiezi's former level if they do the things that you do. Do you have some sort of proof of this? Are you at Cookiezi's former level?

So this tutorial thing is in fact bollocks and you only made it to stroke your ego.
everybody knows your tricks kriers
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thelewa wrote:

As I said above, if I can do it then anyone can if they really try.
But you're saying this based on a test group of one person; YOURSELF.

It seems like you made this only to show people how good you are at the game, while trying to belittle yourself to make it seem like you're not trying to show off. You also throw a lot of bullshit statements like how people will be at Cookiezi's former level if they do the things that you do. Do you have some sort of proof of this? Are you at Cookiezi's former level?

So this tutorial thing is in fact bollocks and you only made it to stroke your ego.
Is it wrong to experiment?
Whatever you and the several other people may think, I'll state right now that I care little about my own abilities and do wish for new players to improve, and am willing to rewrite the entire first post if necessary.
It isn't wrong to experiment, but it's wrong to mislead people.

damiaanzx wrote:

kriers wrote:

Ha, ha! The response to this OP was to be expected.

This is why I keep my own ideas and tricks to myself.
I've seen enough of the osu! community to already know that this was going to happen, but when trolls here troll, and they suck at osu!, its quite hilarious. They try to play osu!, they can't play osu!, and thus acquire the occupation of a keyboard warrior :)
I disagree. Keep your advice to friends and people who ask. Mainly the reason why people start trolling is because they never asked you to do anything for them in the first place and it makes you look full of yourself.
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thelewa wrote:

It isn't wrong to experiment, but it's wrong to mislead people.
Give me a dedicated new player, and I'll make them S 5 star maps within the first week.

damiaanzx wrote:

thelewa wrote:

It isn't wrong to experiment, but it's wrong to mislead people.
Give me a dedicated new player, and I'll make them S 5 star maps within the first week.
We take care of our dedicated new players. We would never send them to you.
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kriers wrote:

We take care of our dedicated new players. We would never send them to you.
Right. No one took care of me when I was new, which is why I will take care of the dedicated new players.

damiaanzx wrote:

thelewa wrote:

It isn't wrong to experiment, but it's wrong to mislead people.
Give me a dedicated new player, and I'll make them S 5 star maps within the first week.
Based on what are you saying that you can make a totally new player S most of the 5 star maps in a week? Remember that a test group of one person is NOT ENOUGH proof to just make a guide based on how you train. You might be an exceptional player but that doesn't mean that everyone else is. Everyone is different, and nobody is exactly like you. That is the reason why you should NEVER think that just because you can do something, everyone else can do it too.

You should just rename the thread to: "New and want to participate in an experiment where you train exactly like me?"
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thelewa wrote:

Based on what are you saying that you can make a totally new player S most of the 5 star maps in a week? Remember that a test group of one person is NOT ENOUGH proof to just make a guide based on how you train. You might be an exceptional player but that doesn't mean that everyone else is. Everyone is different, and nobody is exactly like you. That is the reason why you should NEVER think that just because you can do something, everyone else can do it too.

You should just rename the thread to: "New and want to participate in an experiment where you train exactly like me?"
I should too.
Should I find people willing (unlikely, as I don't see people who would make an account and go straight to the forums rather than game), and it being successful, then I believe that you will all reclaim your statements of me posting this thread to fuel my ego.
If your theory hypothesis proves to be true then I will withdraw my statements.

You could've avoided this thing entirely if you'd made your guide different (wouldn't have thrown around silly statements out about the goals that people will reach if they follow your guide). You haven't even reached Cookiezi's former level yet, and you promise people that they will reach his former skill level within 2 years. That's pretty silly.
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thelewa wrote:

If your theory hypothesis proves to be true then I will withdraw my statements.

You could've avoided this thing entirely if you'd made your guide different (wouldn't have thrown around silly statements out about the goals that people will reach if they follow your guide). You haven't even reached Cookiezi's former level yet, and you promise people that they will reach his former skill level within 2 years. That's pretty silly.
Just to clarify, I never promised. I said "should". A 2 year period is a pretty large window.
Considering the progress I AND someone else I know made within one year, the hypothesis stated wouldn't be outlandish.

damiaanzx wrote:

Just to clarify, I never promised. I said "should". A 2 year period is a pretty large window.
Considering the progress I AND someone else I know made within one year, the hypothesis stated wouldn't be outlandish.
Yes, 2 people out of a pretty damn big amount of people.
What i thought when i read through this thread

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tyrael6192 wrote:

What i thought when i read through this thread

Oh shit! A keyboard warrior has appeared. You shouldn't be here, there is an experiment which must be done that doesn't involve you in any way.
you are certainly making yourself look quite good - responding to idiocy with idiocy!

as for the 3 hours a day for a week thing, 21 hours of osu! is more than sufficient for even the most basic of players to achieve an S in something given enough practice. while I commend you for your ah.. attempt? at trying to spread any little pearls of wisdom you may have regarding the game, it is pretty much a fruitless effort. osu! is almost entirely reflex and muscle-memory based - there is little any other rote method can do to help you increase your skill at the game other than playing it yourself.
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Ephemeral wrote:

you are certainly making yourself look quite good - responding to idiocy with idiocy!

as for the 3 hours a day for a week thing, 21 hours of osu! is more than sufficient for even the most basic of players to achieve an S in something given enough practice. while I commend you for your ah.. attempt? at trying to spread any little pearls of wisdom you may have regarding the game, it is pretty much a fruitless effort. osu! is almost entirely reflex and muscle-memory based - there is little any other rote method can do to help you increase your skill at the game other than playing it yourself.
Ah yes, I'll try to ignore any of those comments and prevent myself from foolishly responding from now onwards.
My mistake there.
to be fair as well, holding "training sessions" or other experiments would be best left until you're at something like thelewa's skill level. i am a fairly mediocre mid-tier player and had no problem maintaining a rank close to #1k for a couple of months before I started drowning in staff work. competition is the most fierce around the 300's apparently.
damiaanzx you have to find a new player yourself, thought it'd creep me out if I just joined the game and sneaky dude was offering me S-ing insanes x-D. Dat "experiment" thingy ^_^.
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Krzysiek wrote:

damiaanzx you have to find a new player yourself, thought it'd creep me out if I just joined the game and sneaky dude was offering me S-ing insanes x-D. Dat "experiment" thingy ^_^.
Yeah, a few have come for help but none that are completely fresh.

damiaanzx wrote:

tyrael6192 wrote:

What i thought when i read through this thread

Oh shit! A keyboard warrior has appeared. You shouldn't be here, there is an experiment which must be done that doesn't involve you in any way.
do you know what a keyboard warrior is ._. all i did was just post my initial reaction to the thread
Uh... I'd wanna apply if possible. I'm not a new player, but I'm quite a noob. I think my problem is I only play Medium and Hard maps, I FC and S them, well the Hard ones not always, but still... I never FC'd an Insane map, I don't play them either, so I think that's the main problem, but I'm no pro, tips are welcome.
Coming from a Starcraft background where professional players regularly tutor players to help them get better, I think this is a really good concept for the community. However, like some people mentioned, it ostensibly looks really showy, and my first reaction was to assume that you were showing off. I hope this turns out to be a positive thing for people, though, and perhaps creates more interest.

As an afterthought, though, it would really help your PR if you simply said "I have this rank and PP, and I am offering training sessions to new players who want my help." Making what is essentially a challenge out of it is what is creating the contention here. Your thread doesn't have the " humble feel" of a public service.
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