
Error while loading current skin's configuration file

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I tried to edit some thinks in my skin, and see if now it's gonna work... but it didn't. Sooo i'm begging for help.

Name: Your Name

Version: 2
sprite flip horizontally? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
SliderBallFlip: 0
animation? (default is 10)
SliderBallFrames: 10
CursorRotate: 1
CursorExpand: 1
SliderStyle: 2
HitCircleOverlayAboveNumer: 1
//ComboBurstRandom: 1

SongSelectActiveText: 118,178,255
SongSelectInactiveText: 30,69,148
InputOverlayText: 255,255,255

Combo1: 172,172,172
Combo2: 115,82,193

MenuGlow: 0,0,0

SpinnerApproachCircle: 142,229,238
SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0
SliderBorder: 255,255,255

HitCirclePrefix: default
HitCircleOverlap: 3
ScorePrefix: score
ScoreOverlap: 3
Try this instead:

Name: Your Name
Author: Missing_girl

Version: 2.1
SliderBallFlip: 0
SliderBallFrames: 10
CursorRotate: 1
CursorExpand: 1
HitCircleOverlayAboveNumber: 1

SongSelectActiveText: 118, 178, 255
SongSelectInactiveText: 30, 69, 148
InputOverlayText: 255, 255, 255

Combo1: 172, 172, 172
Combo2: 115, 82, 193

MenuGlow: 0, 0, 0

SpinnerApproachCircle: 142, 229, 238
SliderTrackOverride: 0, 0, 0
SliderBorder: 255, 255, 255

HitCirclePrefix: default
HitCircleOverlap: 3
ScorePrefix: score
ScoreOverlap: 3

The issue probably was with some problematic lines, such as "sprite flip horizontally? (0=no, 1=yes)", which are supposed to be comments but aren't (comments are lines that start with //). I deleted those lines and also optimized the code a bit by deleting useless/obsolete commands and spacing out some of the numbers. By the way, if you want to enable thumbnails and get a different star counter on song select, you can change Version to 2.5. I left it on 2.1 since it's pretty much like version 2/2.0 (the one you were using) but slightly better.
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