
How do you change combo burst image?

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Hey so I got a skin, not made by me but made by someone else. Anyways there's no image for a custom combo burst in the skins files so It's just the default osu! anime girl whenever I play. I looked it up and it said to just change the file "comboburst-x.png" with an image of your choosing and it did nothing.

Are there any other methods of changing the combo burst image?
Name your image "comboburst" without -x. and btw max height for comboburst is 768px
EDIT: you can use comboburst-x for different images np:
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KrzywyGrafik wrote:

Name your image "comboburst" without -x. and btw max height for comboburst is 768px
EDIT: you can use comboburst-x for different images np:

Yo thanks! Need to spice up my skin a little
how do i delete my old comboburst image
how am i suppose to change combobursts but i did that then it shows regular bursts
Name your image comboburst.png - delete any filename in your skin folder that has the similar name as mentioned and then don't forget to reload the skin in-game by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S keys altogether.

Billypsahi wrote:

how do i delete my old comboburst image
For deleting old comboburst image - to those who would refer to this thread sometime - replace the image with another image you like to use. If you don't want comboburst images to be shown, you can disable them in the settings.
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