
Aira's stream overlays [Open]

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A i r a

Ps: how many fonts do you want to use?
Me: yes

Hi! I’m back with a new thread, in this case an overlay stream thread.
Well, here we go.

First of all (IMPORTANT)
I’m gonna have a special schedule for this thread, keep in consideration if you want to put a request.

Monday at 12:00 pm (midday) to Tuesday at 11:59 pm.
I’ll gonna take Fridays to made all weekend requests.
Saturday and Sunday are days off for me, so do not make any request in these days please, or I not going to answer your messages, only send me a request in those days above.

Request’s delivery: Monday at 10:00 am GMT-6
delivery it could came before or after each Monday *especially after by*

If you don't respect the rules your requests will be ignored.
Be patient and polite, I take my time to delivery you a good quality work, so don’t pushing me.
Don’t send me MP, I not gonna read it. Don’t spam, seriously don’t.
Don’t do multirequest.
Use my work at least one month, make several overlays it’s not easy and I’d not like to wast time if you not aprecciate my hardwork.
If you like my work, great! if you not, don’t be rude and go to other place, it’s free.

Name: (if you want to put a name, or something instead a name)
Screen resolution:
Game resolution:
Cam: Y / N (if you choose Y, put camera resolution.)
Handcam: Y / N
Currently song/Now playing: Y / N
Chat box: Y / N
[ Alert box: Y / N

yes or no

Donation: yes or no
Sub: yes or no
Goal: yes or no ]

Overlay background link:
(PLEASE HIGH DEFINITION ONLY, or I’m gonna choose for you, but there’s no devolutions)
*I don’t make animated overlays*
(If you want, example: anime, videogame or a character)
(a font that you want to use, an anime render (high definition), a main color focus in the overlay, etc.)

Sample 1. Sophisticated, elegant, dark colors, simple but aesthetic concept.

Sample 2. bright, warm and saturate colors, youthful concept

→ more samples here! ←

Without camera

My overlay <3

Share some love if you want ❤
cancelado , gracias ♥
hey im empty
Edited cause i misread ur conditions, sorry.
Well, if I can read properly, I think I got your conditions. :)
Let me know if you need more info or have questions via discord MrKawaiiKun#8522

Name: Could I get 2 versions? One with "Binchulu" and one with "MrKawaiiKun"
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1440x810
Cam: N
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Alert box: Y / Follower only
Overlay background link: Whatever you can make match the colors of my character.
Theme: Just clean. Use this render please? <3
Extra: Here is a sample of my current overlay. Had it for a year now.
I'm a really big fan of the clean lines indicating the rough area for things rather than boxes.
Also, a clean boxy font, but something less bold than the one in that.
Topic Starter
A i r a
Finished request.

1. Binchulu.

Final Binchulu ver:

Final MrKawaiiKun ver:

I love your previous overlay style so much! Hope you like it and if you want some change send me DM via discord. :) Aira#7429 in the thread I put my discord serv you can also send me a message there.
Font that I use: Big noodle titling
Name: Ryjoku
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: N
Handcam: Y (1280x720)
Currently song/Now playing: N
Chat box: N
Alert box: N
Follower: no
Donation: no
Sub: no
Goal: no
Overlay background link: background
Theme: Make it clean
Extra: I want the game area to be rather big, example. Use colors that fit the background. I want the font you used here for "outuyo" Let handcam be in the lower right corner. I'm going to use this displayer so please make a room for it:
Hi there owo
First of all, if there's something not quite ok with my request, you can find me on Discord: Shiro Loli ღ#4525

Name: Hoaq
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resoluion: same as above
Cam & Handcam: Y - 1280x720
Now playing: Y
Chat box & Alert box: N
Overlay background link: HERE
Theme: Kato Megumi, minimalistic
Extra: can't find a good quality render tho, I'm sad. Main color: light pink
Also I'd like a box for PP Counter. (The new one that comes with osu! Stream Companion, but the background part is cropped, leaving only the pp counter itself. DM me if you don't know about this)
- OniiChan -
Hello ~

Name: Emiya
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: Y / 1280×720
Handcam: N, (my cam will serve either in facecam or handcam :) )
Currently song/Now playing: N
Chat box: Y
[ Alert box: y
Follower: yes
Donation: no
Sub: no
Goal: no ]
Overlay background link: or another image of "Fate"
anime "Fate"
Extra: (only if you can use it :) )
If something’s wrong I’ll change !
Thank you for your work !! :D
Aim Game
G'day :D

Name: WAZje
Screen Resolution: 1920x1080
Game Resolution: 1152x864
Camera: N
Handcam: Y
Currently Playing: Y
Chat Box: Y
Sub: N
Goal: N
Background Link: or any blueish black scenery
Theme: Kimi No Wa/Your Name
Extras: I would like a render found here: (You have to make an account to view in full view, if its too much of a hassle don't worry) :D
I would also like a clean, but fancy font. And with my past overlays i have had a fairly cluttered overlay. For this one i would like to have a cleaner overlay.

Thanks in advance :D

[Edits were for things that i forgot to add in]
Topic Starter
A i r a


Ver 1:

Ver 2:

I didn't put a big space for the display so I've to make two versions, but If you don't like final results send me a message.


Overlay is already sent to him via discord!

Name: Kie
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Game resolution: 1920 x 1080
Cam: Y 640 x 480
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Alert box: N
Overlay background link:
Theme: If possible could it be themed around the anime character Kirin Toudou

Thank you so much :)
Name: Neptunia
Screen resolution: 1366x768
Game resolution: 1366x768
Cam: N
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Alert box: Follower only
Overlay background link: Whatever you choose for the theme.
Theme: Neptunia from Hyperdimension
Extra: Please focus on purple in the overlay. ♥
v v
Topic Starter
A i r a
M1nakami Yuki
Name: icecreamez
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: N
Handcam: Y (1280x720)
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Alert box:N
Overlay background link:
Theme: anime:Is the Order a Rabbit? [kafuu chino]
Holy, U made it really quickly and its hella dope, Keep up the good work ^^
Aidan Pyke
Name: Shadow Wolf
Screen resolution: 1920x1200
Game resolution: 1920x1200
Cam: N
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
[ Alert box: N
Follower: Yes
Donation: yes (tip)
Sub: No
Goal: no
Overlay background link:
Theme: Girl from Kimi no na wa
Extra: Could the name be bottom left with the now playing, recent donation and recent follower being at the bottom (middle) then the recent follower and recent donation being on top of the now playing so they all line up to the same length with the now playing being double the other two, also could the text be inside the outlines for the donations, followers and now playing (left sside of them), lastly could the chat box be at the right side then of course the game in top right (sorry for the long message)

Thank you!
Name: Minasagi
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing:N
Chat box: N
[ Alert box: N
Donation: Np
Sub: No
Goal: No
Overlay background link: here
*I don’t make animated overlays*
Theme: anime , please use this render
make the theme like spring . thanks ^^
Name: Cheburelka
Screen resolution: 2560x1080
Game resolution: 2560x1080
Cam: 1280x720
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing:: N
Chat box: Y
Alert box: N
Theme: something solid and not anime
Extra: game at left and cam at right plz and overlay resolution like 2560x1440

thx in advance. love you <3
- Euphoric -
Name: Euphoric
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1600x900
Cam: N
Handcam: Y
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
[ Alert box: Y
Follower: yes
Donation: yes
Sub: yes
Goal: no ]
Overlay background link: Any pastel background
Theme: Cute kittens!
Extra: NIL

Thank you in advance! I admire your work.
Name: Graphit3
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: Y / 1920x1080
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
[ Alert box: y
Follower: yes
Donation: yes
Sub: yes
Goal: yes
Overlay background link: can you pick for me
Theme: anime Re:zero - Emilia
Thank you for your work !! :D
Name: Stoats
Screen resolution: 1366x768
Game resolution: 1366x768
Cam: No
Handcam: Yes
Currently song/Now playing: Yes
Chat box: Yes
[ Alert box: Yes
Follower: Yes
Donation: Yes
Sub: Yes
Goal: no
Overlay background link:
Theme: If you can, make it like the background
Extra: Can you put the handcam at the bottom right and the chat right above it
Thank you for considering my overlay!
Name: Emiru
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Game resolution: 1920 x 1080
Cam: Yes, 1280 x 720 (used as handcam)
Currently song/Now playing: N
Chat box: Y
Alert box: N
Follower: N
Donation: N
Sub: N
Goal: Y
Overlay background link:
Theme: Sora yori mo tooi basho. (no specific character, I don't mind what's in the overlay itself.)
Extra: bright color scheme, thanks!
this is my previous overlay:, can the alignments be somewhat similar? thank you!
Name: GKM
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: No
Handcam: Y
Currently song/Now playing: Y / N
Chat box: Y
Alert box: Y
Follower: no
Donation: no
Sub: no
Goal: no
Overlay background link: Surprise Me (Anything you want)
Theme: raphtalia from rising of the shield hero
lhn in osu
Name: LHN in oSu
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1680x1050
Cam: No
Handcam: Y
Currently song/Now playing: y
Chat box: y
Alert box: N
Follower: N
Donation: N
Sub: no
Goal: no
Overlay background link:
Theme: Clean and beautiful
Extra: surprise me :D
Name: BimCradz
Screen resolution: 1360x768
Game resolution: 1360x768
Cam: N
Handcam : Y
Currently song/Now playing: N
Chat box : N
Alert box: N
Follower: N
Donation: N
Sub: N
Goal: N
Overlay background link: up to you
Theme: Saber (Artoria Pendragon)
Extra: Make it clean and plz if u can, find a good quality Artoria Pendragon render

TQ and Good Luck :)
- Name : Mekayumi
- Screen resolution : 1366x768
- Game resolution : 1280x720
- Cam : Yes (did bongo cat cam count ?) 433x249
- Current song : Yes
- Chat box : Yes
- Overlay background :
- Theme: Idk, cute loli ?
- Extra: Can you put the cam on the bottom right please
Thank you =v=
Name: Remiko-
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1440x900
Handcam: Y
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y / N

[ Alert box ]
Follower: yes
Donation: no
Sub: no
Goal: no

Theme: Hana Shirosaki (Wataten!)
Thanks in advance, i really appreciate what you're doing. :)
Name: OoGingy
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: N
Handcam: Y (1280x720)
Currently song/Now playing: y
Chat box: y
Alert box: N
Follower: y
Donation: y
Sub: no
Goal: no
Overlay background link: make it look cool
Theme: Make it clean
Extra:i would like a demon slayer nezuko themed overlay. just with nezuko and a dark purple and light purple theme
Name: stfruen
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: no
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing:: N
Chat box: Y
Alert box: N
Theme: anime and everlasting summer
Hello! Hope you have a great day.

Name: HalfW
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: Y (1280x720)
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Alert box: N
Overlay background link:
Theme: It's fine, don't need to add anything.

Extra: Silvery color, clean and signature-like fonts.

I would like the overlay to be delivered to my discord HalfW#0791. If you need additional info you could ask me through discord too.

Thanks in advance.

Name: reenxx
Screen resolution: 1280x720
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: N
Handcam: Y (1280x720)
Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Alert box: N
Overlay background link:
Theme: Clean
Extra: I will also be using a PP Counter cropped down to size like this:
Name: DJ BJ
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1600x900
Cam: N
Handcam: Y (640x480)
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Alert box: Y
Follower: Y
Donation: Y
Sub: N
Goal: N
Overlay background link:

Thank you in advance!
Name: KurosCloud or Kuro
Screen resolution 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: N
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Follower Goal: Y
Overlay background link:
Extra: Blue, Black and White orientated

Discord: KurosCloud#0911

Much love ♥
Name: Genshev
Screen resolution 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: N
Handcam: Y
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: N
Follower Goal: N
Overlay background link:
Extra: light purple and dark purple oriented

Discord: V a r m a N#6414
Love your work :) I want two versions one with a handcam and one without
Name : moremerlin
Screen Resolution : 1920x1080
Game Resolution : 1920x1080
Cam : N
HandCam : Y
Currently Song : N
ChatBox : N
Alert Box : Latest Follower

ILYtenshi wrote:

Name: KurosCloud or Kuro
Screen resolution 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: N
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Follower Goal: Y
Overlay background link:
Extra: Blue, Black and White orientated

Discord: KurosCloud#0911

Much love ♥

ILYtenshi wrote:

Name: KurosCloud or Kuro
Screen resolution 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: N
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Follower Goal: Y
Overlay background link:
Extra: Blue, Black and White orientated

Discord: KurosCloud#0911

Much love ♥

Is this thing still going on?
If yes, then i will make a request.
Name: ArjixGamer
Screen resolution 1920x1080
Game resolution:

i dont know the exact value but you can use this sample image i took from my obs studio preview screen

Cam: N
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Alert box: N
Overlay background link: backround
Theme: osu!, if you want you can add the osu! mascot
Extra: I would like to see the name ontop of the game window on the overlay
Main color focus

Main color would be a combination of the colors osu uses for the backround in the multiplayer lobbys

Discord: Demiurge#8888
Name: Kyiko
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1920x1080
Cam: Y (I'm not sure what size you used for your sample 1, but that cam size in sample 1 is perfect)
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: N
Chat box: Y
Alert box: Recent follower, sub, donator,
Overlay background link:
Theme: Anime
Extra: I like sample 1, would be great if you could match the colors with my background but if not no problem!
Almond Milk
Name: Almond Milk
Screen resolution:1920x1080
Game resolution:1920x1080
Cam: N
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
Alert box: N
Follower: yes
Donation: no
Sub: no
Goal: no
Overlay background link:
Theme: minimalistic with neutral colors
Extra: main color could be silver or white

My discord is Phrog#2319 just in case

Fukkatsu wrote:

cancelado , gracias ♥
Name: strfuen
Screen resolution:1920 x 1080
Game resolution: 1920 x 1080
Cam: N
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y / N
[ Alert box: N
Follower: no
Donation: no
Sub: no
Goal: no
Overlay background link:

Hi there,

Name: Souli
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Game resolution: 1440x810
Cam: N
Handcam: N
Currently song/Now playing: Y
Chat box: Y
[ Alert box: Y
Follower: yes
Donation: no
Sub: yes
Goal: no
Overlay background link: Something that match to the colors of the character.
Theme: Anime/Character (Rem or Ram)

Discord: SoulSnake12#4427

Thanks in advance <3 :)
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